While We Murder Full Term Babies

Only COMPLETE MORONS would want to kill off the baby in the 3rd trimester...at that point they can be born early and still live a grand full life....

Riddle me this..........why the SAM HELL CAN'T THEY MAKE UP THEIR MINDS by this time frame...............hmmmm........or they just freaking stupid.....
It’s pure evil. The Left are a bunch of Ted Bundy’s running around loose.
I have no problem telling these bunch of liberal ASSHOLES what I think of them on this subject.............If they don't like it............well they can kiss my ass...........

It's DISPICABLE.................
You're 1 sick, weird "Unsustainable" parroting Agenda 21 advocate.

Tell the truth, you eat babies, huh?

Naw, they don't have any nutritional value.

I was just pointing out that the bible has as many bad verses as good ones.

Here's why we need contraception and yes, abortion. For most of human history, we had an infant mortality rate of 50%+ and an average life expectancy of 50 for those who didn't. Now most of the world has gotten infant mortality down to less than 1% and we all live into our 80's... Something has to give.

We don't have enough resources to sustain 20 billion people. And trust me, if we start resorting to cannibalism, the rich will put you on the menu.

Try putting it in context...
You’re a typical shallow minded fool

I do put it in context. Yahweh was a savage tribal war god who looked out for his own people (unless bad things happened, and then it was because they were sinning), but fuck over those tribes that worshipped other savage war gods.

I wonder who's killed more: God or Communists like JoeB131?
JoeB isn't worth a single bit of bandwidth
You're 1 sick, weird "Unsustainable" parroting Agenda 21 advocate.

Tell the truth, you eat babies, huh?

Naw, they don't have any nutritional value.

I was just pointing out that the bible has as many bad verses as good ones.

Here's why we need contraception and yes, abortion. For most of human history, we had an infant mortality rate of 50%+ and an average life expectancy of 50 for those who didn't. Now most of the world has gotten infant mortality down to less than 1% and we all live into our 80's... Something has to give.

We don't have enough resources to sustain 20 billion people. And trust me, if we start resorting to cannibalism, the rich will put you on the menu.

Try putting it in context...
You’re a typical shallow minded fool

I do put it in context. Yahweh was a savage tribal war god who looked out for his own people (unless bad things happened, and then it was because they were sinning), but fuck over those tribes that worshipped other savage war gods.

I wonder who's killed more: God or Communists like JoeB131?
I doubt there was even close to 262 million around for Noah’s flood. Joes commies get the award.
Only COMPLETE MORONS would want to kill off the baby in the 3rd trimester...at that point they can be born early and still live a grand full life....

Riddle me this..........why the SAM HELL CAN'T THEY MAKE UP THEIR MINDS by this time frame...............hmmmm........or they just freaking stupid.....

Um, nobody is aborting pregnancies in the ninth month unless something has gone horribly, horribly wrong. It's why there are only three doctors in the whole country who perform these late procedures... because they are very rare.

I wonder who's killed more: God or Communists like JoeB131?

Add in all aborted babies worldwide..my money would be on the JoeB types.

God hasn't wiped anyone out in centuries.

God never wiped out anyone, ever. He was too busy "not existing".

His followers, though. Those fucks murdered millions of people. Probably more than the Communists ever did.
I doubt there was even close to 262 million around for Noah’s flood. Joes commies get the award.

Commies didn't kill that many, and the flood didn't happen.

You get that when you have a civil war or a famine, it doesn't have an idealogy, right?

Are you going to hold Christianity/Capitalism accountable for the Bengal Famine in 1942 that killed 3 million people?

Churchill's response: "Has Ghandi starved yet?"
Americans aren't having enough babies to repopulate: CDC

The Left will tell you the world is overpopulated. Total hogwash. They live in their cities and never get out. The fact is every human on earth could move into Texas and still give every family a quarter acre elbow room.

Why would a woman carry a fetus to term for nine months and then order its death? Think! Dammit!
Ask the thousands of women who found and went to Dr Gosnell, dumbass.
You're 1 sick, weird "Unsustainable" parroting Agenda 21 advocate.

Tell the truth, you eat babies, huh?

Naw, they don't have any nutritional value.

I was just pointing out that the bible has as many bad verses as good ones.

Here's why we need contraception and yes, abortion. For most of human history, we had an infant mortality rate of 50%+ and an average life expectancy of 50 for those who didn't. Now most of the world has gotten infant mortality down to less than 1% and we all live into our 80's... Something has to give.

We don't have enough resources to sustain 20 billion people. And trust me, if we start resorting to cannibalism, the rich will put you on the menu.

Try putting it in context...
You’re a typical shallow minded fool

I do put it in context. Yahweh was a savage tribal war god who looked out for his own people (unless bad things happened, and then it was because they were sinning), but fuck over those tribes that worshipped other savage war gods.

I wonder who's killed more: God or Communists like JoeB131?
I doubt there was even close to 262 million around for Noah’s flood. Joes commies get the award.

Does that include abortions in the US and China?
You're 1 sick, weird "Unsustainable" parroting Agenda 21 advocate.

Tell the truth, you eat babies, huh?

Naw, they don't have any nutritional value.

I was just pointing out that the bible has as many bad verses as good ones.

Here's why we need contraception and yes, abortion. For most of human history, we had an infant mortality rate of 50%+ and an average life expectancy of 50 for those who didn't. Now most of the world has gotten infant mortality down to less than 1% and we all live into our 80's... Something has to give.

We don't have enough resources to sustain 20 billion people. And trust me, if we start resorting to cannibalism, the rich will put you on the menu.

Try putting it in context...
You’re a typical shallow minded fool

I do put it in context. Yahweh was a savage tribal war god who looked out for his own people (unless bad things happened, and then it was because they were sinning), but fuck over those tribes that worshipped other savage war gods.

I wonder who's killed more: God or Communists like JoeB131?
I doubt there was even close to 262 million around for Noah’s flood. Joes commies get the award.
Don’t worry there are more examples of God’s murderous rage with his inventions.
I doubt there was even close to 262 million around for Noah’s flood. Joes commies get the award.

Commies didn't kill that many, and the flood didn't happen.

You get that when you have a civil war or a famine, it doesn't have an idealogy, right?

Are you going to hold Christianity/Capitalism accountable for the Bengal Famine in 1942 that killed 3 million people?

Churchill's response: "Has Ghandi starved yet?"
Mr theologian thinks Bengal was a Christian nation. Go look up how many millions died in the civil war Ghandi started, Dufus.

And Dufus denies the facts of communism. I’ve walked thru the mountains of bones piled up in the killing fields. Maybe you should get out of your tiny inner city apartment and explore reality.

You're 1 sick, weird "Unsustainable" parroting Agenda 21 advocate.

Tell the truth, you eat babies, huh?

Naw, they don't have any nutritional value.

I was just pointing out that the bible has as many bad verses as good ones.

Here's why we need contraception and yes, abortion. For most of human history, we had an infant mortality rate of 50%+ and an average life expectancy of 50 for those who didn't. Now most of the world has gotten infant mortality down to less than 1% and we all live into our 80's... Something has to give.

We don't have enough resources to sustain 20 billion people. And trust me, if we start resorting to cannibalism, the rich will put you on the menu.

Try putting it in context...
You’re a typical shallow minded fool

I do put it in context. Yahweh was a savage tribal war god who looked out for his own people (unless bad things happened, and then it was because they were sinning), but fuck over those tribes that worshipped other savage war gods.

I wonder who's killed more: God or Communists like JoeB131?
I doubt there was even close to 262 million around for Noah’s flood. Joes commies get the award.

Does that include abortions in the US and China?
Nope. The forced abortions by the Chinese is another one.
The Left will tell you the world is overpopulated. Total hogwash. They live in their cities and never get out. The fact is every human on earth could move into Texas and still give every family a quarter acre elbow room.

The space taken up by each person isn't the problem. It's the amount of resources each person consumes. It takes about an 0.5 Acre of land to feed one person, and that's the diet that most of the world consumes, which is barely subsistence. If everyone ate like Americans, we'd need three planets, as a American requires 1.2 Acres of farmland to grow his food.

Now, doing the simple math, we currently have 7 billion people on the planet, and we have 3.8Billion acres of arable farmland. (The rest is swamps, forests, mountains, deserts, where there isn't any food grown). In the long run, this isn't sustainable. .

Wouldn't you performing a retroactive abortion on yourself help with the problem you say exists? You support abortion. Stand up, be a man, and do the right thing for your planet.
The Left will tell you the world is overpopulated. Total hogwash. They live in their cities and never get out. The fact is every human on earth could move into Texas and still give every family a quarter acre elbow room.

The space taken up by each person isn't the problem. It's the amount of resources each person consumes. It takes about an 0.5 Acre of land to feed one person, and that's the diet that most of the world consumes, which is barely subsistence. If everyone ate like Americans, we'd need three planets, as a American requires 1.2 Acres of farmland to grow his food.

Now, doing the simple math, we currently have 7 billion people on the planet, and we have 3.8Billion acres of arable farmland. (The rest is swamps, forests, mountains, deserts, where there isn't any food grown). In the long run, this isn't sustainable. .

Wouldn't you performing a retroactive abortion on yourself help with the problem you say exists? You support abortion. Stand up, be a man, and do the right thing for your planet.
His kind live in tiny inner city apartments, never travels, and thinks the entire planet is like his bubble world.
The Left will tell you the world is overpopulated. Total hogwash. They live in their cities and never get out. The fact is every human on earth could move into Texas and still give every family a quarter acre elbow room.

The space taken up by each person isn't the problem. It's the amount of resources each person consumes. It takes about an 0.5 Acre of land to feed one person, and that's the diet that most of the world consumes, which is barely subsistence. If everyone ate like Americans, we'd need three planets, as a American requires 1.2 Acres of farmland to grow his food.

Now, doing the simple math, we currently have 7 billion people on the planet, and we have 3.8Billion acres of arable farmland. (The rest is swamps, forests, mountains, deserts, where there isn't any food grown). In the long run, this isn't sustainable. .

Wouldn't you performing a retroactive abortion on yourself help with the problem you say exists? You support abortion. Stand up, be a man, and do the right thing for your planet.
His kind live in tiny inner city apartments, never travels, and thinks the entire planet is like his bubble world.

They complain about the high rent but want everyone else to live like them.
Americans aren't having enough babies to repopulate: CDC

The Left will tell you the world is overpopulated. Total hogwash. They live in their cities and never get out. The fact is every human on earth could move into Texas and still give every family a quarter acre elbow room.

That some BIG MAGA type texAss Spew,.

Texas is 268,581 sq. mi. With 28M peoples inside the borders.

Shanghai, China (a City) 2,448 sq mi 24 million people

texAss 268,581 sq. mi. / Shanghai, China (a City) 2,448 sq mi = Only 110 Shanghai, China (a City) with 24 million people will fit in Anal texAss

24 Million x 110 = 2,640,000,000 that be 2.6 Billion people What about the other 5 Billion?

Are they stacked on top with Quater acre air space?
And how do they get around with no roads? What about texAss cattle drives? No land to hump steers in the wild?
268,581 sq miles of Texas
640 acres/sq mi
172,044,800 acres in Texas

172,044,800 acres
7,500,000,000 number people in world
.023 acres per person

.023 acres per person
4 average family size
.092 acres per family

Just under a tenth of an acre per every family in the world fitting inside Texas.

Baz says they promised there would be no math in this thread.
New Cities in more optimum locations. State Corps of Engineers can pioneer the way!
Over 15,000 late term abortions are committed each year! The great majority of these abortions are done to healthy babies and healthy mothers.

Facts not in evidence. nobody has a third trimester abortion unless something has gone wrong.
Please stop lying.

Only liars are the religious assholes who try to impose their bronze age superstitions on the rest of us.

Here's a quote from a former employee of George Tiller, Luhra Tivis:

I witnessed evidence of the brutal, cold blooded murder of over 600 viable, healthy babies at seven, eight and nine months gestation. A very, very few of these babies, less than 2%, were handicapped … I thought I was pro-choice and I was glad to be working in an abortion clinic. I thought I was helping provide a noble service to women in crisis. … I was instructed to falsify the age of the babies in medical records. I was required to lie to the mothers over the phone, as they scheduled their appointments, and to tell them that they were not ‘too far along’ Then I had to note, in the records that Dr. Tiller’s needle had successfully pierced the walls of the baby’s heart, injecting the poison what brought death

Third-trimester abortion in America: 'Healthy babies at seven, eight and nine months gestation' - Live Action News

But don't let facts interfere with your fanatical devotion to infanticide.

Why do you lie to serve Murder Inc. (Planned Parenthood)?

Lila Rose: NY Abortion Law Is 'Cash Cow' for 'Abortion Industry'
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While We Murder Full Term Babies

Murders get to live the life of Riley in some comfy five star prison.

And we have to pay for them!


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