While we're at it, Palestinians really did get kicked out of their homes to create Israel in 1948


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
It is a myth that it was just empty desert and mean Arabs just don't want Jews to have a home. The miracle is it is still on wikipedia.

"In 1948, more than 700,000 Palestinian Arabs – about half of prewar Palestine's Arab population – fled from their homes or were expelled by Zionist militias,[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8] during the 1948 Palestine war.[9] The exodus was a central component of the fracturing, dispossession and displacement of Palestinian society, known as the Nakba,[10][11] in which between 400 and 600 Palestinian villages were destroyed, village wells were poisoned in a biological warfare programme and properties were looted to prevent Palestinian refugees from returning,[12][13] and other sites subject to Hebraization of Palestinian place names,[14] and also refers to the wider period of war itself and the subsequent oppression up to the present day"


Tel Aviv was called Jaffa before 1948. How many Americans giving billions in foreign aid to Israel even know that?

Tel Aviv - Wikipedia

The walled city of Jaffa was the only urban centre in the general area where now Tel Aviv is located in early modern times. Jaffa was an important port city in the region for millennia. Archaeological evidence shows signs of human settlement there starting in roughly 7,500 BC

Jaffa pre 1948


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It is a myth that it was just empty desert and mean Arabs just don't want Jews to have a home. The miracle is it is still on wikipedia.

"In 1948, more than 700,000 Palestinian Arabs – about half of prewar Palestine's Arab population – fled from their homes or were expelled by Zionist militias,[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8] during the 1948 Palestine war.[9] The exodus was a central component of the fracturing, dispossession and displacement of Palestinian society, known as the Nakba,[10][11] in which between 400 and 600 Palestinian villages were destroyed, village wells were poisoned in a biological warfare programme and properties were looted to prevent Palestinian refugees from returning,[12][13] and other sites subject to Hebraization of Palestinian place names,[14] and also refers to the wider period of war itself and the subsequent oppression up to the present day"

View attachment 843986
1937, there was an offer of partition for two states. The Jews said yes, the Arabs said no.

The UN wanted to partition, again, in 1947 what was left of the Mandate for Palestine into an Arab and a Jewish State.

The Jews said yes. The Arab leaders said no.
After that, Arabs started attacking Jews.

May 1948, after the British left the Mandate, Israel declared Independence.

The next day SEVEN Arab states attacked Israel. Israel survived.

All Jews were expelled from Judea, Samaria and the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem by the Jordanian Army.

Arab leaders told the Arabs in the South to leave and they would destroy Israel and they would return in 2 weeks.

The Arabs lost.

Most Arabs moved out of their homes being told by their Arab leaders.

Those who fought the Jews and Israel were expelled from Israel.

The Arabs in the North, Haifa, etc, were asked to stay by Israel. They stayed.

Those who listened to the Arab leaders lost.

Those who listened to Israel, stayed in their homes.

That is the history of the area in 1947-48-49.
It is a lie that there was ever a cohesive nation of Palestine or that the people living in Israel before the UN gave them the land were a nation. They were refugees from other Arab nations who knew what kind of people they were and kicked them out.
It is a myth that it was just empty desert and mean Arabs just don't want Jews to have a home. The miracle is it is still on wikipedia.

"In 1948, more than 700,000 Palestinian Arabs – about half of prewar Palestine's Arab population – fled from their homes or were expelled by Zionist militias,[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8] during the 1948 Palestine war.[9] The exodus was a central component of the fracturing, dispossession and displacement of Palestinian society, known as the Nakba,[10][11] in which between 400 and 600 Palestinian villages were destroyed, village wells were poisoned in a biological warfare programme and properties were looted to prevent Palestinian refugees from returning,[12][13] and other sites subject to Hebraization of Palestinian place names,[14] and also refers to the wider period of war itself and the subsequent oppression up to the present day"

View attachment 843986
BTW, try to find a history of the time which is not totally biased towards the Palestinians, who by the way, did not call themselves Palestinians.

Arafat took the name after the Jews did not want it, and with the help of Moscow, created the Palestinian Nationality in 1964.

History. Very important.
It is a lie that there was ever a cohesive nation of Palestine or that the people living in Israel before the UN gave them the land were a nation. They were refugees from other Arab nations who knew what kind of people they were and kicked them out.
The refugees from Arab nations only happened in 1950-51.
Iraq and others decided they could destroy Israel economically if they let all Jews leave.

Gratefully they failed miserably at it.
The paragraph at the top of this thread, "...bears all the earmarks of..." Islamic propaganda. Obviously, descriptions of what happened differ greatly, depending on who is providing the information. It is difficult to accept the proposition that several generations of people remain "refugees" some seventy-five years after the event that they claim exiled them. There are a dozen or more countries in the region, all of which have similar cultures and ethnicities to the so-called "Palestinians," and yet they remain out in the figurative desert, homeless.

At some point you have to grow up and be an adult.
1937, there was an offer of partition for two states. The Jews said yes, the Arabs said no.

The UN wanted to partition, again, in 1947 what was left of the Mandate for Palestine into an Arab and a Jewish State.

The Jews said yes. The Arab leaders said no.
After that, Arabs started attacking Jews.

May 1948, after the British left the Mandate, Israel declared Independence.

The next day SEVEN Arab states attacked Israel. Israel survived.

All Jews were expelled from Judea, Samaria and the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem by the Jordanian Army.

Arab leaders told the Arabs in the South to leave and they would destroy Israel and they would return in 2 weeks.

The Arabs lost.

Most Arabs moved out of their homes being told by their Arab leaders.

Those who fought the Jews and Israel were expelled from Israel.

The Arabs in the North, Haifa, etc, were asked to stay by Israel. They stayed.

Those who listened to the Arab leaders lost.

Those who listened to Israel, stayed in their homes.

That is the history of the area in 1947-48-49.
I posted that the partition plan was voted on by the UN in 1947 and it won 33-13. That the M.E still has not made peace and come to terms with this almost 80 years later would shock the original UN supporters.

Israel is a state that is here to stay. Accept this and stop living in the past, it doesn't help anyone.
I posted that the partition plan was voted on by the UN in 1947 and it won 33-13. That the M.E still has not made peace and come to terms with this almost 80 years later would shock the original UN supporters.

Israel is a state that is here to stay. Accept this and stop living in the past, it doesn't help anyone.

It is so small one terrorist nuke could turn it into an ashtray.
The Brits fucked-up everything they touched after WW-2 in their Empire death spiral.
Yep, the Brits fucked up the world. All the problems in Palestine go right back to the Brits. Shit, we had to kick their asses out!!
The Balfour Declaration and the Mandate for Palestine have nothing to do with how many migrant Arabs moved into the region called Palestine by the Romans after the Jewish temple destruction.

Arabs are not indigenous of the land of Israel, just as Europeans are not indigenous of the Americas no matter how many centuries they arrived there.

The issue was the Jewish people having a right to rebuild their nation on their ancestral homeland which was not going to expel or disposes anyone.

The Arabs, with their Islamic mentality, a few clans anyway, did not want the Jews to be sovereign over Muslims. It had always been the other way around for 1400 years.

The Jews earned the Mandate for Palestine.
Lost 78% of it in 1922 with Britain giving that 78% to the Foreign Arabs Hashemites.
The Hashemites expelled all Jews from TranJordan in 1925. Then from Judea and Samaria and the Jewish Quarter in Jerusalem in 1948.

Foreigners, not those living in the region called Palestine, were taking most of the Mandate.
And Arabs who migrated in the 11th century decided they were not going to allow the Jews to rebuild their nation.

Nothing to do with the number of Jews or Arabs on the land, but this nonsense keeps being brought up.
1937, there was an offer of partition for two states. The Jews said yes, the Arabs said no.

The UN wanted to partition, again, in 1947 what was left of the Mandate for Palestine into an Arab and a Jewish State.

The Jews said yes. The Arab leaders said no.
After that, Arabs started attacking Jews.

May 1948, after the British left the Mandate, Israel declared Independence.

The next day SEVEN Arab states attacked Israel. Israel survived.

All Jews were expelled from Judea, Samaria and the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem by the Jordanian Army.

Arab leaders told the Arabs in the South to leave and they would destroy Israel and they would return in 2 weeks.

The Arabs lost.

Most Arabs moved out of their homes being told by their Arab leaders.

Those who fought the Jews and Israel were expelled from Israel.

The Arabs in the North, Haifa, etc, were asked to stay by Israel. They stayed.

Those who listened to the Arab leaders lost.

Those who listened to Israel, stayed in their homes.

That is the history of the area in 1947-48-49.
So, your point is that the Palestinians refused to give up half their lands because the British told them to?

How dare they? Who do they think they were? American colonists to dare to refuse the demands of the mighty British empire?

The nerve of these blasted Palestinians, amIright?
It is a myth that it was just empty desert and mean Arabs just don't want Jews to have a home. The miracle is it is still on wikipedia.

"In 1948, more than 700,000 Palestinian Arabs – about half of prewar Palestine's Arab population – fled from their homes or were expelled by Zionist militias,[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8] during the 1948 Palestine war.[9] The exodus was a central component of the fracturing, dispossession and displacement of Palestinian society, known as the Nakba,[10][11] in which between 400 and 600 Palestinian villages were destroyed, village wells were poisoned in a biological warfare programme and properties were looted to prevent Palestinian refugees from returning,[12][13] and other sites subject to Hebraization of Palestinian place names,[14] and also refers to the wider period of war itself and the subsequent oppression up to the present day"

View attachment 844007

Tel Aviv was called Jaffa before 1948. How many Americans giving billions in foreign aid to Israel even know that?

Jaffa pre 1948
Most of the Palestinians got out of the way so that the Arab nations opposing Israel could exterminate the Jews. Some joined with the militants and those were the ones expelled by the Israelis. Those who stayed put in Israel were not only allowed to stay but were made citizens with some restrictions--if the Jews ever allow themselves to become outnumbered by the Arabs in their own country Israel will be gone quickly.

Those who fled or fought against the Israelis and were expelled demanded to return to their former homes and were legitimately denied. I cannot find any justification for Israel having a responsibility to accommodate people who wanted the Jews erased from the Earth.
The Balfour Declaration and the Mandate for Palestine have nothing to do with how many migrant Arabs moved into the region called Palestine by the Romans after the Jewish temple destruction.

Arabs are not indigenous of the land of Israel, just as Europeans are not indigenous of the Americas no matter how many centuries they arrived there.

The issue was the Jewish people having a right to rebuild their nation on their ancestral homeland which was not going to expel or disposes anyone.

The Arabs, with their Islamic mentality, a few clans anyway, did not want the Jews to be sovereign over Muslims. It had always been the other way around for 1400 years.

The Jews earned the Mandate for Palestine.
Lost 78% of it in 1922 with Britain giving that 78% to the Foreign Arabs Hashemites.
The Hashemites expelled all Jews from TranJordan in 1925. Then from Judea and Samaria and the Jewish Quarter in Jerusalem in 1948.

Foreigners, not those living in the region called Palestine, were taking most of the Mandate.
And Arabs who migrated in the 11th century decided they were not going to allow the Jews to rebuild their nation.

Nothing to do with the number of Jews or Arabs on the land, but this nonsense keeps being brought up.
So, the Jewish people who were expelled from the Middle East a thousand years ago have every right but the people who live there for a thousand years have no right? That's your point?

So, if the American Indians who were expelled by us, a mere 300 years ago, were to come back, you would gladly give up the land, eh?
So, your point is that the Palestinians refused to give up half their lands because the British told them to?

How dare they? Who do they think they were? American colonists to dare to refuse the demands of the mighty British empire?

The nerve of these blasted Palestinians, amIright?
The land did not belong to the Palestinians.
It had been the Ottoman Empire, and Arabs were not called Palestinians. No one was.

Those who owned any land sold some to the Jews. Like the swamps which became Tel Aviv.

No American colonists. You are definitely using the Palestinian playbook where Jews are European colonialists set up by the US.

How and when did the US get involved in this after WWI? Nothing to do with the US.

You do not know or care to know the history, that is fine.

Yeah, the nerve of Muslims to tell Jews that they cannot be sovereign over any part of their ancient Jewish homeland ! That it all belongs to Islam.
The land did not belong to the Palestinians.
It had been the Ottoman Empire, and Arabs were not called Palestinians. No one was.

Those who owned any land sold some to the Jews. Like the swamps which became Tel Aviv.

No American colonists. You are definitely using the Palestinian playbook where Jews are European colonialists set up by the US.

How and when did the US get involved in this after WWI? Nothing to do with the US.

You do not know or care to know the history, that is fine.

Yeah, the nerve of Muslims to tell Jews that they cannot be sovereign over any part of their ancient Jewish homeland ! That it all belongs to Islam.
The land belonged to whoever lived there when the Jewish people were kicked out.

Look, I get it. The Jewish people have been discriminated against. They have undergone pogrom after pogrom culminating with the mother of all pogroms - The Haloucust.

What happened to the Jewish people was terrible. And yet... two wrongs do not make a right.

Just because the Jewish people have no home, they just cannot take someone else's land because they lived there a thousand years ago and their God told them to.

And, I do care about history. This is history. You guys want to just whitewash Palestinians suffering and only focus on the Jewish people. Sorry, history tells a different tale. Those are the facts.

You may have a problem with the Muslims demanding sovereignty of that land but so do they. They have a problem with the Jews demanding sovereignty over the same land. Hence this war.
So, the Jewish people who were expelled from the Middle East a thousand years ago have every right but the people who live there for a thousand years have no right? That's your point?

So, if the American Indians who were expelled by us, a mere 300 years ago, were to come back, you would gladly give up the land, eh?
More ignorance and false comparisons.

Spoken like a colonialist who would never give back any land to their indigenous owners if your life depended on it.

Especially if it is to Jews or First Nations of any other part of the world.

Jews are First Nation of the Land of Israel.

Arabs are First Nations of Arabia. But Arabs do not have to worry about their Peninsula being invaded and conquered. But who knows what the future may bring.

Arabs colonized outside of Arabia into the rest of Asia and North Africa and Spain.

But the Jews are not allowed to take back any part of their ancient homeland. Legally.

Jews did not invade with weapons and kill the Arabs and others on the land. They bought land and worked on it, and built infrastructure. Arabs worked for them in jobs created by Jews.

Arabs still work with Jews, and for Jews to this day. Those are the ones who know that Jews are the indigenous people of the land and have every right to live on it in peace with them.
The land did not belong to the Palestinians.
It had been the Ottoman Empire, and Arabs were not called Palestinians. No one was.

Those who owned any land sold some to the Jews. Like the swamps which became Tel Aviv.

No American colonists. You are definitely using the Palestinian playbook where Jews are European colonialists set up by the US.

How and when did the US get involved in this after WWI? Nothing to do with the US.

You do not know or care to know the history, that is fine.

Yeah, the nerve of Muslims to tell Jews that they cannot be sovereign over any part of their ancient Jewish homeland ! That it all belongs to Islam.

Tel Aviv was called Jaffa before 1948. How many Americans giving billions in foreign aid to Israel even know that?

Tel Aviv - Wikipedia

The walled city of Jaffa was the only urban centre in the general area where now Tel Aviv is located in early modern times. Jaffa was an important port city in the region for millennia. Archaeological evidence shows signs of human settlement there starting in roughly 7,500 BC

Jaffa pre 1948

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