While you are distracted by the NSA allegations....

We don't need E-Verify, we need to secure the border. And you folks really think a piddly fence will stop them from breaking our laws? My solution, though barbarous and inhumane as it seems, is to:

1. Shoot on sight. Don't ask me to think of the children, their parents put them in a perilous lifestyle when the crossed our border illegally.

2. Or more humanely, electrify the fence.

Forget a fence. Time to build a WALL...wall off Mexico. Make it 15' high, top it with 10' of razor wire humming with 50,000 volts at 100 amps, surround it with a 100-yard no-man's land covered my machine guns on motion detectors and liberally sown with anti-personnel land mines. Anyone crossing should be machine gunned and left to rot.

There was a time when I would give food and water to more than 50 a week. When I left there, it was down to fewer than 10 in a season. Against the wishes of Kyl and McCain, the border is "sealed", most of it is "walled off", there are more boots on the ground and Obama deports more than any prez in the past.

If there were still that many illegals coming across, machine guns would not work. McCain tried putting Border Patrol agents in look-outs all over the area. The Sonora Desert is what is called "semi-tropical" because of the high rain fall. You could hide a herd of elephants from Border Patrol and the look out towers were abandoned.

Another of McCain's follies (designed to get him re-elected) were night vision helicopters. We used to watch the evening news and see the eerie green images of coyotes trotting across the desert floor. Once in a while, they would actually see illegals but it didn't matter. By the time BP got there, the illegals were long gone. The helicopters are sitting at the enormous graveyard that's part of Davis-Monthan AFB in Tucson.

You need to get some help with your hysteria and ignorance.

And, get your blood pressure checked.
The helicopters should have mounted miniguns...and used them as needed. Make crossing the border almost impossible and almost invariably fatal, and the invasion stops.

If you aided illegals in any way, you are part of the problem.
You are about to turn over your rights in an effort to put the hurt on illegal immigrants.
“This is a sea change in how employment operates,” he says. “For the first time, you will need affirmative permission from the government in order to work. That’s completely new.”

E-verify is supposed to stop undocumented employment. It could also harm legal workers.

I predict that the usual suspects will embrace this bit of big brother.

It's a two way street, really. Sure, I know that people in places like California and the American southwest feel overrun, and yes, I have heard all the arguments about schools etc. The reality is that if we didn't have the undocumented aliens some of our entitlement programs like Social Security would become very weak. They pay in huge amounts of Federal and FICA taxes, but can't file a return or draw benefits. They often use fake SS numbers and the government gladly accepts the money. The point being, we know where they are. It would not take extraordinary measures to get them gone IF the government wanted them gone, which it doesn't. I think this will not harm native born Americans as they have that birth certificate or other registration through the Consulate if they were born overseas to diplomats or military families, etc. It will not catch those who already work for cash which some do. But reality is that most do not work for cash. The employers can't afford that. That business expense for salaries is a big deduction that the larger employers just can't afford to lose. And to report that expense and then on audit be unable to support it with documentation would be lethal to a business in our tax structure. So, if a SS card merely resembles a SS card they accept it, pay the money to the government via payroll taxes and never hear a word about it.

This will be a considerable problem for the larger more lucrative businesses, more so than for the lone or cash basis day laborers, but will be a considerable problem for larger commercial enterprises. I think, that now, after Obamacare has hit them in the gut, this may actually take a lot of them under.

Whether the undocumented immigrant is guilty of a criminal offense really depends on how they entered the country, and that is food for another thread. Just being here without papers does not make one a criminal, and even when it does the crime is only a misdemeanor. And this is more of an effort to help the immigrant than the American business.

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Thanks for a conservative viewpoint on immigration.

But you didn't really address the problem inherent with e-verify.
You are about to turn over your rights in an effort to put the hurt on illegal immigrants.
“This is a sea change in how employment operates,” he says. “For the first time, you will need affirmative permission from the government in order to work. That’s completely new.”

E-verify is supposed to stop undocumented employment. It could also harm legal workers.

I predict that the usual suspects will embrace this bit of big brother.

Then I take it that we can count on you to help fight this bill? Anyone not wanting this bill to become law needs to pick up the phone and start calling senators and congressmen/women. They can go to NumbersUsa or Grassfire and send free faxes. In this 1000 page behemoth there are plenty of reasons for citizens of all political stripes to defeat this bill.
The southern border is secure and illegals coming across is very low. The only consistent traffic now is drug runners and gun buyers - all headed for the gun shows. (*WINK*WINK*)

The same can't be said about our other borders but even so, I'm against the R push to take more freedom away from Americans.

yea it sure is.....:eusa_eh:
You are about to turn over your rights in an effort to put the hurt on illegal immigrants.
“This is a sea change in how employment operates,” he says. “For the first time, you will need affirmative permission from the government in order to work. That’s completely new.”

E-verify is supposed to stop undocumented employment. It could also harm legal workers.

I predict that the usual suspects will embrace this bit of big brother.

Then I take it that we can count on you to help fight this bill? Anyone not wanting this bill to become law needs to pick up the phone and start calling senators and congressmen/women. They can go to NumbersUsa or Grassfire and send free faxes. In this 1000 page behemoth there are plenty of reasons for citizens of all political stripes to defeat this bill.
Yes, I am good at calling the congress critters though I sure for different reasons than you.
You are about to turn over your rights in an effort to put the hurt on illegal immigrants.

E-verify is supposed to stop undocumented employment. It could also harm legal workers.

I predict that the usual suspects will embrace this bit of big brother.

Then I take it that we can count on you to help fight this bill? Anyone not wanting this bill to become law needs to pick up the phone and start calling senators and congressmen/women. They can go to NumbersUsa or Grassfire and send free faxes. In this 1000 page behemoth there are plenty of reasons for citizens of all political stripes to defeat this bill.
Yes, I am good at calling the congress critters though I sure for different reasons than you.

True enough, but it this case it would seem we're both looking for the same end result..the retirement of this bill.
Thanks for a conservative viewpoint on immigration.

But you didn't really address the problem inherent with e-verify.

I don't really think my views on immigration are necessarily 'conservative.' But then I think for myself due to my work and education. There are facets to most things that manage to both serve, but also to injure both sides.

As to the e-verify itself, well, what is there to say about a government process. It will be just like every many other government processes, involved, expensive, and largely ineffective. For every 'checking' mechanism that exists, there are multiple ways around them. I suspect this will prove to be no different.
You are about to turn over your rights in an effort to put the hurt on illegal immigrants.

E-verify is supposed to stop undocumented employment. It could also harm legal workers.

I predict that the usual suspects will embrace this bit of big brother.

A lot of folks want to stop them brown people at any cost

Nope,we just want them to follow the Law like everyone has to.

That makes you a racist (in Libturd Land)!
Thanks for a conservative viewpoint on immigration.

But you didn't really address the problem inherent with e-verify.

What I find funny as hell is you think the feds can't adequately perform the e-verify system but you have full faith that they can adequately perform background checks for firearms purchases. I'm smelling hypocrisy here.
NSA allegations? You do know that everyone has admitted that they are true, don't you?

You are about to turn over your rights in an effort to put the hurt on illegal immigrants.
“This is a sea change in how employment operates,” he says. “For the first time, you will need affirmative permission from the government in order to work. That’s completely new.”
E-verify is supposed to stop undocumented employment. It could also harm legal workers.

I predict that the usual suspects will embrace this bit of big brother.

Why hide opposition to E-Verify behind a false flag?
Thanks for a conservative viewpoint on immigration.

But you didn't really address the problem inherent with e-verify.

What I find funny as hell is you think the feds can't adequately perform the e-verify system but you have full faith that they can adequately perform background checks for firearms purchases. I'm smelling hypocrisy here.
Where did I ever say that?
While my personal take on e-verify isn't formed yet, I remember going for working papers so I could work as a janitor in HS. In those days our attitude to government was different than today. Cars girls and Nam (draft) were the only things on our mind. But I agree with Ravi that the NSA issue is another distraction. A headline in Google news today was about Chrysler freezing pensions. I'd make a bet not one of our representatives who have fabulous pensions and benefits will discuss this bit of modern American corporate greed? Hate to go off topic but lots of distractions. Remember it was all about jobs last election. Ask yourself who wants e-verify and why? I'm a bit hard pressed to see if it solves anything. There are laws already and people can find ways around the laws. That's a bit cynical but no one wants to fund a government large enough to manage all the disparate items of a modern society. Imagine for a moment if tax law were done fairly?

And illegal immigrants are not all from the south of America - another distracting element with a bit of xenophobia (racism) added - many fly in, drive in and then stay. Anyone have a fence that covers that.

And another way-back item is information years ago was simple, now it is everywhere and just about everything we do can be monitored. And as an IT manager dealing with SSN has always been complicated. Right now the internet knows by whereabouts. Darn, typewriter and cabin in the forest is the only escape from the modern world.
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