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Whining in the House. Perhaps they'd like a little cheese?

The Dems were a strong minority.

While the Republicans rode roughshod over the dems from time to time, they fractured and so the majority was weak. The Dems almost always voted en bloc and presented a united front.

Now the question is: How will the republicans act over the course of two years. IF they form square and present a united front, the majority will be too slim to do any good unless a perfect party line vote takes place.

All good points pegwinn, and ones I agree with.

I believe the Republicans can do just what you suggest, and they will be called to task for it, by both the MSM, and the Congress.

The Dems were a strong minority, but with a weak stomach, hopefully, the Republicans will set a better example.

We'll see.:eusa_think:
He attacked Chimpy because Chimpy conveniently "forgot" to fund the legislation in the budgets he signed after the bill was passed. Or did you conveniently "forget" that little detail?

Hey Greg,
Are you going to do something about this asshole's constant name calling of our President? It's one thing for him to make a complete dick of himself but I think your new guidlines should cover his total disrespect for the President of the United States. Shouldn't the sophmoric name calling bring him at least a warning.

Bully, beside that dimwit gump and that psycho psycho, you are easily the biggest ass on this board, the three of you couldn't get a clue if it was thrown on top of you. Asshole!
Hey Greg,
Are you going to do something about this asshole's constant name calling of our President? It's one thing for him to make a complete dick of himself but I think your new guidlines should cover his total disrespect for the President of the United States. Shouldn't the sophmoric name calling bring him at least a warning.

Bully, beside that dimwit gump and that psycho psycho, you are easily the biggest ass on this board, the three of you couldn't get a clue if it was thrown on top of you. Asshole!

Am I the only one who sees the irony of this post? A not-to-bright baggage handler whining about name calling, while doing so himself? Too funny.

Where does is say on the messageboard politicians deserve respect, Shitty? You going to offer the same respect to Billary, Teddy, or Nacey baby?

...and stop whining...
Am I the only one who sees the irony of this post? A not-to-bright baggage handler whining about name calling, while doing so himself? Too funny.

Where does is say on the messageboard politicians deserve respect, Shitty? You going to offer the same respect to Billary, Teddy, or Nacey baby?

...and stop whining...

Hey Gump,

You never really answered the question about what you do for a living. You're not ashamed to admit that you collect that welfare check each month are you? I have no doubt that a feable jerk like you couldn't possibly keep up with kids less than half his age throwing luggage around..... I can and I'm not ashamed of it at all. Then again I'm not some pussy wanna be lib sitting behind a Compaq keyboard playing adult on a messageboard. Come on out to the airport, let's see you stack 200 oversized bags going to Lima on a 757........ whimp.
Hey Gump,

You never really answered the question about what you do for a living. You're not ashamed to admit that you collect that welfare check each month are you? I have no doubt that a feable jerk like you couldn't possibly keep up with kids less than half his age throwing luggage around..... I can and I'm not ashamed of it at all. Then again I'm not some pussy wanna be lib sitting behind a Compaq keyboard playing adult on a messageboard. Come on out to the airport, let's see you stack 200 oversized bags going to Lima on a 757........ whimp.

Maybe what he does is just none of your business. :eusa_doh:

I do think it's clear, though, that he keeps handing you your arse on a plate. ;)
Even before officially becoming the minority in Congress, Republicans are already whining about having their "rights" respected...

<blockquote>Thirty-one-year-old Rep. Patrick McHenry (R-N.C.) is not a large man, standing perhaps 5 feet 3 inches tall in thick soles. But he packed a whole lot of chutzpah when he walked into the House TV gallery yesterday to demand that the new Democratic majority give the new Republican minority all the rights that Republicans had denied Democrats for years.

"The bill we offer today, the minority bill of rights, is crafted based on the exact text that then-Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi submitted in 2004 to then-Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert," declared McHenry, with 10 Republican colleagues arrayed around him. "We're submitting this minority bill of rights, which will ensure that all sides are protected, that fairness and openness is in fact granted by the new majority." - The Washington Post</blockquote>

What Representative McHenry neglected to mention was that the Republican majority utterly ignored this request by the Democrats, while blocking Democrat attempts to bring some measure of sanity back to the halls of Congress.

During the years of their majority rule, the Republican leadership showed nothing but contempt for the rights of the Democratic Congressional minority. Representative McHenry, apparently, has no sense of irony with regards to the hypocrisy of his stance. House Majority Leader Pelosi has stated that she will conduct the House with a civility which was absent during the recent years of Republican one party rule. We should take her at her word until she proves otherwise.

HA HA HA !!! THat's SO pathetic! For years the Republcans have done everything they can to help ensure that the minority party has essentially NO power - now they are begging for the opposite! HA HA HA!

How does it feel righties? You're at our mercy now! In the House, especially, any power you do have will be at our leisure. About the only power you folks have in the House is the ability to prevent the overriding of a Bush veto.
Maybe what he does is just none of your business. :eusa_doh:

I do think it's clear, though, that he keeps handing you your arse on a plate. ;)

How very predictable, the welfare boy gets his attorney(with a very little a) alter ego to answer for him, I'm really starting to believe that like Sybil, Gump-Bully-Psycho-Jillian are one imbecile. Pathetic in an entertaining way.
Hey Greg,
Are you going to do something about this asshole's constant name calling of our President?

S'matter? You only believe in free speech if it agrees with you? I think the whole point of the First Amendment is we get to say whatever we feel like about any imbecile who finds himself in office. It was part of the bargain when they signed the Constitution.

I figure Shrub doesn't need you, greg or anyone else to protect him from mean names.

As for "our president"... yeah... for another couple of years.... a little over 700 days or so by my calculations.

By the by, shall I go back and find every thread where any of you lovely souls called our President William Jefferson Clinton names? Didn't bother y'all then. So I'd try to keep it under control if I were you. I hear lithium works wonders.
Hey Gump,

You never really answered the question about what you do for a living. You're not ashamed to admit that you collect that welfare check each month are you? I have no doubt that a feable jerk like you couldn't possibly keep up with kids less than half his age throwing luggage around..... I can and I'm not ashamed of it at all. Then again I'm not some pussy wanna be lib sitting behind a Compaq keyboard playing adult on a messageboard. Come on out to the airport, let's see you stack 200 oversized bags going to Lima on a 757........ whimp.

Why are you so interested in what I do for a living? Stacking 200 bags sounds like a breeze. And I'm not the one who comes off as if he has a tonne of regrets in his life. You call me a pussy? The guy who often has an Afghan hound as an avatar??? LOL....there are only two types of dogs I can think of that are worse than an Afghan as far as wimp factor goes and that's a chihuahua or a poodle - but I wouldn't be surprised if you had them on your back up drive...
How very predictable, the welfare boy gets his attorney(with a very little a) alter ego to answer for him, I'm really starting to believe that like Sybil, Gump-Bully-Psycho-Jillian are one imbecile. Pathetic in an entertaining way.

How predictable - Shitty whining yet AGAIN...:rofl:
Why are you so interested in what I do for a living? Stacking 200 bags sounds like a breeze. And I'm not the one who comes off as if he has a tonne of regrets in his life. You call me a pussy? The guy who often has an Afghan hound as an avatar??? LOL....there are only two types of dogs I can think of that are worse than an Afghan as far as wimp factor goes and that's a chihuahua or a poodle - but I wouldn't be surprised if you had them on your back up drive...

Let me guess, the welfare boy has a big badass Rot to make up for his lack of ability to get it up...typical. You obviously know nothing about dogs, especially the incredible Afghan Hound.

200 bags to Lima, Peru averaging about 60 pounds each, some over 100. Stacking inside a cargo bin that isn't tall enough to stand in and all within a thirty minute turnaround in the rain..... yea sure it's a breeze, bring your faggot limey ass out to the airport and show me what a badass you are.

What regrets does the welfare boy imagine I have with my life? I certainly won't accept a government handout like you obviously do...... it's the 5th, have any money left?
Maybe what this place needs is a brawl room. Then whenever folks wanna escalate the one upmanship of "I'm stupider than you" the thread can go there. OR the mods could do like I do at my board. When folks get too stupid I threatened to edit thier posts and replace them with pix of the care bears.
Maybe what this place needs is a brawl room. Then whenever folks wanna escalate the one upmanship of "I'm stupider than you" the thread can go there. OR the mods could do like I do at my board. When folks get too stupid I threatened to edit thier posts and replace them with pix of the care bears.
I like the care bears! What do you say, Greg? ;)
What you are missing here is that the Executive branch insists on acting as if the Legislative branch is nothing but a rubber-stamp for every misguided policy emanating from the Oval Office. And when it won't do that, he essentially writes his own legislation in the form of his signing statements. You have to have the SEPARATE and EQUAL branches of government adhering to their constitutionally delineated roles for your assumption to be valid.

The Democrats in New Jersey did this exact same thing. Remember the Judicial system telling the Legislature to change the law? About Civil Unions? I know you will argue that they say that the Legislature was just misinterpreting the law and all that jazz. Makes me laugh hysterically that Republicans see it one way, and Democrats see it another. I don't mean the politicians either. I mean the American people. I think that the politicians in Washington are representing the people that voted for them SUPERBLY. Don't complain about the politicians. In reality they are just an extension of the people. I think these politicians are living that up to that better today than any other time in our country. Everybody breaks the "laws". The Republicans and the Democrats. If you are think it's only one party then you really shouldn't be allowed to vote. I totally mean that. If someone is so ignorant that they believe their party is 100% moral then you need to seek therapy for denial. You took my post as a direct opening to talk about PRESIDENT BUSH. My post wasn't about him. You truly have a obsession with the man. Is some of these things that the PRESIDENT has done against our "rights"? Like wire tapping? Let's look at it. What will he gain from this? Leads on terrorist right? Yes he didn't get a judge to sign a warrant saying it was OK, which would have happened. Not one judge would have turned this down. Let's just cut out the middle man. I have no problem with that. I wouldn't have a problem if Bill Clinton did it either. The policies you say that the President is breaking are ones that in NO WAY benefit him, or his party. It's about tracking terrorist. You personally seem more concerned about the rights of the terrorist than many other "groups" in America. I bet you love the judge that told a lady in Colorado http://www.thedenverchannel.com/news/10336501/detail.html. that her and her husband aren't aloud to smoke in their own home. It bothers their neighbors. BOO HOO. No problems with that. Yeah..But you Liberals are perfect. You are so humanitarian and moral. Please. Seek therapy now. Same goes for anyone who believes that the Conservatives aren't a little nuts too. I am a Republican, and Conservative by all accounts, however I am not a radical conservative. Not by any stretch. I am also awake enough to know that they want to abuse power also. They all do. One reason I joined this board was for discussions on politics; However most the time it's just someone that wants to bash a politician. Yeah....From reading these post not many of us would act any differently in office. :eusa_wall: ...I just had to vent.
Maybe what this place needs is a brawl room. Then whenever folks wanna escalate the one upmanship of "I'm stupider than you" the thread can go there. OR the mods could do like I do at my board. When folks get too stupid I threatened to edit thier posts and replace them with pix of the care bears.

The "Care Bears"!?! Ouch.
Maybe what this place needs is a brawl room. Then whenever folks wanna escalate the one upmanship of "I'm stupider than you" the thread can go there. OR the mods could do like I do at my board. When folks get too stupid I threatened to edit thier posts and replace them with pix of the care bears.

Care bears would certainly fit with the new 90s look of the board.... mauve and teal with green tinted taupe...... I feel like I am posting on Miami Vice. A color wheel that shows complimentary colors might be helpful. Dark Turquois, where is that puking smiley.

The logo looks good for clip art.
Care bears would certainly fit with the new 90s look of the board.... mauve and teal with green tinted taupe...... I feel like I am posting on Miami Vice. A color wheel that shows complimentary colors might be helpful. Dark Turquois, where is that puking smiley.

The logo looks good for clip art.

I must concur about the care bears, not the rest! :

The point some are missing here is that the issues being brought to a vote in the House, ethics reform which passed today and is but a limited first step...Implementing the recommendations of the 9/11 Commission...raising the minimum wage...cutting interest on student loans...allowing the government to negotiate with pharmaceutical companies for lower drug prices for Medicare patients...broadening stem cell research and pay as you go...all of these issues were brought before the GOP controlled Congress, if they actually made it to the floor for debate. By refusing to bring these issues to the floor, or burdening them with poison pill amendments, the GOP has made its views on the matters clear. They want nothing to do with them. But they aren't the majority anymore, so Speaker Pelosi and the Democratic leadership are brining them to the floor for a straight up or down vote. That's what Chimpy and the GOP leadership in Congress always insisted on for their pet pieces of legislation and earmarks that did nothing for the average citizen and helped line the pockets of their industry backers.
The point some are missing here is that the issues being brought to a vote in the House, ethics reform which passed today and is but a limited first step...Implementing the recommendations of the 9/11 Commission...raising the minimum wage...cutting interest on student loans...allowing the government to negotiate with pharmaceutical companies for lower drug prices for Medicare patients...broadening stem cell research and pay as you go...all of these issues were brought before the GOP controlled Congress, if they actually made it to the floor for debate. By refusing to bring these issues to the floor, or burdening them with poison pill amendments, the GOP has made its views on the matters clear. They want nothing to do with them. But they aren't the majority anymore, so Speaker Pelosi and the Democratic leadership are brining them to the floor for a straight up or down vote. That's what Chimpy and the GOP leadership in Congress always insisted on for their pet pieces of legislation and earmarks that did nothing for the average citizen and helped line the pockets of their industry backers.

What right does the government have to tell private business how much to pay the ridiculously few people that actually work for a minimum wage? Point that passage out in the Constitution please Buulypsychogumpjilli.

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