Whining List

5-7 patients is a ton when you are doing more than just passing meds
Yes, but my point is that nursing school prepares students for acute care and nearly acute care only. When new grads start in LTC that mindset often only helps them to crash and burn.

It’s especially an outdated teaching method now, since inpatient acute care is shrinking in favor of outpatient care and long term care/subacute rehab
Sometimes all complaining about working conditions does is add to the already negative working environment.

That is sort of funny as that is what my wife's management keeps telling them instead of fixing anything
That is sort of funny as that is what my wife's management keeps telling them instead of fixing anything
I’ll speak up for myself when necessary. I’ve interrupted management’s endless meetings when us floor nurses get dumped with three admissions at once and demand help. Their little meetings can wait.

But endlessly bitching in little clusters like groups of hens accomplishes nothing while
there’s call lights going off and confused old ladies who need to pee are about to fall and break a hip.

Sometimes I want to tell them that if they spent less time complaining and more time working maybe things would run smoother
No. Dickens is tedious and Great Expectations was utterly without merit. It literally had no point. I much preferred Titus, John Locke, and Lucifer's Hammer which I read at the same time.
Whether or not you personally like a piece of literature is no barometer for whether or not it has merit
Whether or not you personally like a piece of literature is no barometer for whether or not it has merit
Of course it is. I HAVE SPOKEN! Hands for anyone who thought Great expectations was good? Bueller? Anyone? 😂
Of course it is. I HAVE SPOKEN! Hands for anyone who thought Great expectations was good? Bueller? Anyone? 😂
Good? Great is more correct. His cutting observations of Victorian England literally informed people's world views forever. His use of language was the best since Shakespeare.
Who could help but root for Pip...even as he acted the pretentious ass?

Anyway, Dickons is a classic for a reason.

I recommend Neil Stephenson...puts Pornelle to shame.
Good? Great is more correct. His cutting observations of Victorian England literally informed people's world views forever. His use of language was the best since Shakespeare.
Who could help but root for Pip...even as he acted the pretentious ass?

Anyway, Dickons is a classic for a reason.

I recommend Neil Stephenson...puts Pornelle to shame.
Well... You're just wrong.🤪
A close friend (English teacher) had the principal state that it wasn't the job of English teachers to teach literature.

That is all laid out in the class and curriculum.

If it is an English Language Class, then no. That is not their job.

If it is a Literature class, then it very much is their job.
No. Dickens is tedious

Most of his "books" were actually serial novels. They were published one chapter at a time over a period of months or years. And as such authors were paid per word, that tended to cause a lot of bloat and repetition in the stories. It was also done that way both to recap what had happened before, and to help readers catch up if they had missed a chapter.

And he was hardly alone in that. The writings of Dumas, Stevens, Kipling, and a great many others in the 19th and early 20th century have the same issue.
Some of the stories are truly sad.

shooter drills, gang fights, no reading of novels because it wouldn't help the English standardized test, a lot of special ed stories.
The problem is the students. Many of them simply have no interest in learning, and decide to "have fun" by disrupting everyone else's class time.
Imagine not being able to handle an ever increasing patient to nurse ratio all while having less techs and being required to do more care, on top of staffing shortages that just make the problem worse.

Bunch of snowflakes.
There is a reason so many nurses burn out quickly. (Suicide and drug use is also far from unusual.)
I can’t speak for hospital nursing, but long term care nursing has always been short staffed and always will be. Having 30 patients to pass meds to on day shift is considered a Tuesday.

These young new grad girls just need to stick it out long enough to learn the residents, learn the routine and learn how to manage their time. They give up to quick and quit.

It doesn’t help that nursing school only teaches the acute care side of nursing, where nurses get 5-7 patients at most. The schools pretty much set them up for failure
Wife's best friend is a nurse. She had a nursing home staffer brought in a while back. It seems the woman was working 18-hour days, and coping with lack of sleep by taking a fistful of amphetamines.
So having empathy for those one serves makes one a weak non conforming player now?


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