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Thanks everybody, for standing up for me, but Count didn't know. I say it so often, I sometimes think I overly talk about it. I'll take this as a hint that I don't overly whine about it. :D

You should switch companies.
See if they have a Beneficial where you live, they are a good company. Or you could see if the state will pay for an IP.

Switch companies? Hell, this is a prime example of universal, government run healthcare.


Dude, this what I do for a living. I also live in the same state as her, I think I might know what I am talking about. What is your freakin deal?
o shut the hell up ...i didnt imply they didnt...seeing as my mother still gets tricare or whatever from the military...i am simply saying we have examples of government run health care and why arent military bitching about their health care ran by the government????

has nothing to do with paying up front etc..simply an example of an existing system of care...

fuckwad....i bet you are the fat old elvis lol
You should switch companies.
See if they have a Beneficial where you live, they are a good company. Or you could see if the state will pay for an IP.

Switch companies? Hell, this is a prime example of universal, government run healthcare.


Dude, this what I do for a living. I also live in the same state as her, I think I might know what I am talking about. What is your freakin deal?[/QUOTE]

he is just chanting the party line....dont fret it will change soon....the party line is ever moving....
o shut the hell up ...i didnt imply they didnt...seeing as my mother still gets tricare or whatever from the military...i am simply saying we have examples of government run health care and why arent military bitching about their health care ran by the government????

has nothing to do with paying up front etc..simply an example of an existing system of care...

fuckwad....i bet you are the fat old elvis lol

I'm trying to be the fitter elvis, sweetie.
You should switch companies.
See if they have a Beneficial where you live, they are a good company. Or you could see if the state will pay for an IP.

Switch companies? Hell, this is a prime example of universal, government run healthcare.


Dude, this what I do for a living. I also live in the same state as her, I think I might know what I am talking about. What is your freakin deal?

That you're stupid?:confused:
oooooo are you claiming to be objective now? really?

there is no real solution to the problem of adults needing 24/7 care...you can either warehouse them...or simply battle the system. her son is at the stage where he is physically strong and has control issues....a bad combo for anyone...but for someone who cant communicate their needs....a horrible situation in the making...so you warehouse or sedate...

people love the gentle giant myth...about handicap kids being loving and gentle..that is not always the case...as anyone working with the handicap will tell you...
oooooo are you claiming to be objective now? really?

there is no real solution to the problem of adults needing 24/7 care...you can either warehouse them...or simply battle the system. her son is at the stage where he is physically strong and has control issues....a bad combo for anyone...but for someone who cant communicate their needs....a horrible situation in the making...so you warehouse or sedate...

people love the gentle giant myth...about handicap kids being loving and gentle..that is not always the case...as anyone working with the handicap will tell you...

I have NO problem with providing care for her son, nor anyone that NEEDS it. I have a problem with the bureaucracy created around her son at my expense that STILL can't seem to care for him but gets paid any-damned-way. Yet another failed Dem social program. I have a problem with people being allowed to scam that very same social program but it basically took an act of Congress for my spouse to get disability when she has paid into the fucking system all her fucking life and actually needs it.

More money will be spent enlarging government and creating a nightmare than will actually EVER go into taking care of people and yeah, I got a BIG problem with that.
oooooo are you claiming to be objective now? really?

there is no real solution to the problem of adults needing 24/7 care...you can either warehouse them...or simply battle the system. her son is at the stage where he is physically strong and has control issues....a bad combo for anyone...but for someone who cant communicate their needs....a horrible situation in the making...so you warehouse or sedate...

people love the gentle giant myth...about handicap kids being loving and gentle..that is not always the case...as anyone working with the handicap will tell you...

I have NO problem with providing care for her son, nor anyone that NEEDS it. I have a problem with the bureaucracy created around her son at my expense that STILL can't seem to care for him but gets paid any-damned-way. Yet another failed Dem social program. I have a problem with people being allowed to scam that very same social program but it basically took an act of Congress for my spouse to get disability when she has paid into the fucking system all her fucking life and actually needs it.

More money will be spent enlarging government and creating a nightmare than will actually EVER go into taking care of people and yeah, I got a BIG problem with that.

i would say this program was established before obama...i would be interested to see how it has been handled from one administration to another....

perhaps if we as citizens stopped falling for the red herring of things changing when we elect different parties we would see that the government has become a living breathing creature that wants to survive ...and grow...if you look at what is happening in this country as one huge social trend and dont put on blinders that only see partisan afflication...then you will see...neither party is different...the partisan mal is simply a distraction to keep people from realizing that both parties are simply fucking them under the name of 'government'....had mccain been elected we would still have the poor economy...and higher rates of spending...those of you who think that the republican party or the democratic party give a flying fuck about the common man are the ones who are sheep....sheep are just stupid...dont matter what party they belong to...stupidity crosses party lines.
oooooo are you claiming to be objective now? really?

there is no real solution to the problem of adults needing 24/7 care...you can either warehouse them...or simply battle the system. her son is at the stage where he is physically strong and has control issues....a bad combo for anyone...but for someone who cant communicate their needs....a horrible situation in the making...so you warehouse or sedate...

people love the gentle giant myth...about handicap kids being loving and gentle..that is not always the case...as anyone working with the handicap will tell you...

I have NO problem with providing care for her son, nor anyone that NEEDS it. I have a problem with the bureaucracy created around her son at my expense that STILL can't seem to care for him but gets paid any-damned-way. Yet another failed Dem social program. I have a problem with people being allowed to scam that very same social program but it basically took an act of Congress for my spouse to get disability when she has paid into the fucking system all her fucking life and actually needs it.

More money will be spent enlarging government and creating a nightmare than will actually EVER go into taking care of people and yeah, I got a BIG problem with that.

i would say this program was established before obama...i would be interested to see how it has been handled from one administration to another....

perhaps if we as citizens stopped falling for the red herring of things changing when we elect different parties we would see that the government has become a living breathing creature that wants to survive ...and grow...if you look at what is happening in this country as one huge social trend and dont put on blinders that only see partisan afflication...then you will see...neither party is different...the partisan mal is simply a distraction to keep people from realizing that both parties are simply fucking them under the name of 'government'....had mccain been elected we would still have the poor economy...and higher rates of spending...those of you who think that the republican party or the democratic party give a flying fuck about the common man are the ones who are sheep....sheep are just stupid...dont matter what party they belong to...stupidity crosses party lines.

I don't care how it's handled from one administration to the other. Poorly works for both and/or all of the above. It's a bureaucratic nightmare and our tax dollars employ those bureaucrats to not give a fuck.

You speak of red herrings then throw an ad hominem attack on McCain into the fray. I wouldn't vote for that doddering old fool and his concubine anymore than I would vote for an unqualified idiot like Obama. McCain would have fucked this up just as bad.

It isn't about parties. It's about BOTH parties that make up the government which creates the bureaucracy that has its noses in every facet of our lives, like it or not. How'd you like to be raided by the DEA, bones? How do you feel about some shill in DC deciding you can't smoke pot? But you CAN get drunk in a bar and drive a one tone weapon 70 mph down the freeway going home?

I completely empathize with Sheila. Those who actually need the support don't get it while you stand in line and watch some lame fuck buy beer with food stamps while our elected officials spend millions for months debating steroids in MLB.

Is THAT we're supposed to be about?
i am tossing the fact that either party....would have to make radical changes etc to help the economy etc...as for government waste..that is so encouraged...i am always amazed by that fact...many states have cut their budgets by simply ferretting out 'out dated programs' ...program that at one time served a purpose but are not needed now..but are simply funded every year...you know how government contracts work...all that last minute spending....so you spend the allotted funds so you get that or more the next budget year...

government is not set up to save money...never has been...you can see that daily...just go by a state road work project...the old sad joke...5 men watching ...1 man working...why is that? how do you prune the deadwood?
i am tossing the fact that either party....would have to make radical changes etc to help the economy etc...as for government waste..that is so encouraged...i am always amazed by that fact...many states have cut their budgets by simply ferretting out 'out dated programs' ...program that at one time served a purpose but are not needed now..but are simply funded every year...you know how government contracts work...all that last minute spending....so you spend the allotted funds so you get that or more the next budget year...

government is not set up to save money...never has been...you can see that daily...just go by a state road work project...the old sad joke...5 men watching ...1 man working...why is that? how do you prune the deadwood?

BOTH parties perpetuate themselves and rely on sheep who believe their rhetoric to keep them in office.

I was stationed in DC during the 90s. You don't need to tell me about fraud, waste and abuse. DC is a shining example of nothing but. Self-perpetuating bureaucrats living like fat cats and we pay for it.
bingo bango...let me tell you about total fucking waste...this damn census thing....i trained for the first job...trained 6 days...worked 8 days...so out of 14 days...it was nearly 50% training...now get this....they call me for another job...i got to do more training...i opted out of one days training....and trained for 3 days....so far...in the past 2 weeks i have worked 5 hours.

the first gig was quality control of the enumerators...i would go out and check their work....now that sounds simple right? it wasnt..they do not want these things to fail...many times i would go out...i would see the problem but the assigned checks would not reveal the problem...i would leave notes explaining that i see the problem...i realize the problem..i understood the problem...but the problem would not be discovered nor corrected by the actions they were asking me to take...and i got a rude call telling me that the notes were not needed...the maps are totally fucked up..due to the use of the hhc hand helds....they appeared many times to be uploading and were not...so whole sections of housing was left off the maps..i looked forward to using the gps hhc hand helds...but guess what they trashed them.....i think they cost about 3 grand each and i have no idea how many were ordered...but they trashed them all and we are using paper and #2 pencils...you cannot make this mal up....we are using paper and pencils.

oooooo and get this ...if on my duties i encounter massive fraud or crime...say child abuse or drugs...or illegals...i am not allowed to share any of this with any other agency. so basically if i walked up on your porch and you are raping the kidlet...i cant tell...wtf? we were told we could not have police escorts...cause that would give the police probable cause blah blah blah

if people realized what they are doing with this census...they are simply paying with the 'payroll' figures....doesnt impact the employment stats but does impact payroll stats...

and get this...if you are unlucky...you may be visited by about 6 different census workers....*evil laugh* and you talk about pissy moods....
o shut the hell up ...i didnt imply they didnt...seeing as my mother still gets tricare or whatever from the military...i am simply saying we have examples of government run health care and why arent military bitching about their health care ran by the government????

has nothing to do with paying up front etc..simply an example of an existing system of care...

fuckwad....i bet you are the fat old elvis lol

Quoting part of your comments, bones: "why aren't military bitching about their health care ran by the government????

I can speak on this with a bit of authority because I worked as a Hospital Corpsman in the Navy for 20 years. Let me give you a bit of history... When I first went into the Navy back in 1969, obtained training and was stationed at Bethesda retirees of any branch of the military, and dependents were given excellent medical trreatment from all of the Naval Hospitals, clinics or just about anywhere else that the military offered medical treatment. We were taught that retirees and dependents deserved the best care that could possibly be given and that they were all supposed to be treated with a high degree of respect. They received the same care as active duty military members received and the scope and depth of that treatment was very broad. Now, fast forward to the care that is afforded to retirees and dependents. It is very much different. To begin with, many Naval Hospitals that once had open door policies for treating retirees and dependents now do not make appointments available to them in the various medical clinics but insist that they use Tri-Care. Tri-Care comes in many forms and some of the Tri-Care programs are free and others you must pay a monthly fee for. Medical treatment that was once available for free now has cost associated with it and not all services are approved under the Tri-Care system. Before this change, any medical care that the military treatment facilities offered was free except if you were admitted into the hospital as a retiree or a dependent there was a daily charge and that was minimal. With Tri-Care you must meet yearly deductables and there are co-pays involved. Most civilian doctors accept Tri-Care but many do not. Keeping track of the benefits and medical bills that have been paid for by Tri-Care is a very big hastle. I disagree when people say that retired military and military dependents receive the same level of care as they used to receive in the past. It simply is not so. Now, what does all of this really mean? To me, it means the government is welching on their promise to provide excellent medical care to military retirees and dependents. Every year this promise is walked away from more and more and there is a huge distance in what once was provided and what is provided now.
do yall just miss the entire point of my post about the military already having a government ran health care?


*pondering a real cheap shot at the mods*

** deciding not to pus it this am**

ps: i like my men with some mean....only a dog wants a bone...o that is suppose to be meat...but hell i like some mean too so i wont edit it

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