Whiny Bitches!!! Very Un-American!!!


Gold Member
Feb 8, 2015
"Some Democrats May Skip It, but Netanyahu Speech Is Still a Hot Ticket"

Yo, dozens of Un-American House Democrats are planning to skip Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to Congress on March 3, and they’re hoping their absence will send a strong signal.

One of those Democrats is Rep. John Yarmuth of Kentucky. Vote him out, and the rest of the Un-American Socialist!

Yarmuth, who is Jewish, told CQ Roll Call he was disturbed by the GOP leadership’s decision to invite the foreign leader to speak two weeks before the Israeli elections and in the midst of tense negotiations to disarm Iran, without consulting their Democratic counterparts — or the White House. Plus the Radical Jews here in the States will pull there money if we go see him, I`m stuck, I can`t go!

“I think, early on, none of us wanted to make a big deal out of it. Just, you know, if we didn’t go, we didn’t go. It wasn’t like we were going to organize a boycott,” Yarmuth said.”But it became clear that attendance would be taken, and you were either gonna be noticed or not by your absence. So I thought I’d get out in front of it.”

Yarmuth’s constituents will be aware of his decision, along with Jewish donors and pro-Israel advocates closely watching how staunch supporters of Israel reconcile their allegiance to the nation with their protest of the politics surrounding the invitation.


Netanyahu (Tom Williams/CQ Roll Call File Photo)

In fact, he said he has a meeting with delegates from the American Israel Public Affairs Committee scheduled for the same time as Netanyahu’s address, and Yarmuth said he figured he’d watch the address with those delegates in his Capitol Hill office. Can we say liar?

But when the cameras cut away from Netanyahu at the dais and pan across the House floor, they aren’t likely to catch many empty seats, which would have been the starkest symbol of discontent. Because there are many "True Americans" who want to see a Real Leader!

It is a longstanding practice for congressional aides — even pages — to sit on the floor alongside lawmakers during any potentially ill-attended joint sessions of Congress to “make it look good for whoever’s speaking,” according to Rep. Steve Cohen, D-Tenn., another Jewish representative who said he would not “be a potted plant” for Netanyahu’s address.

“There are more Republican staffers than there are Democrats,” said Rep. RaĂșl M. Grijalva, D-Ariz., a co-chairman of the Congressional Progressive Caucus who won’t attend the address next week. “I’m sure they’ll fill the seats.” Yes brainless, there are plenty of Real Americans who will see a Real Man talk!!!

There are also the guests of members of Congress who populate the visitors’ galleries that hover above the House floor. Yarmuth recalled traveling to Israel in 2011, shortly after the last Netanyahu address on Capitol Hill, where Israeli men and women he encountered were thoroughly bewildered by the wild applause for their relatively unpopular prime minister. Yes, very unpopular, that is why he got re-elected?

“I said, ‘Well, all the AIPAC people were all in the gallery,’ Yarmuth chuckled. “That’s the kind of circus that surrounds all this.” The real circus is the un-American Socialist in Congress!!!

Plenty of outsiders — from lobbyists to constituents — are eager to see Netanyahu speak; an aide for Speaker John A. Boehner told CQ Roll Call that at least 350 requests are being fielded by the Ohio Republican’s office.

“I don’t expect many empty seats on the floor,” the aide said. “This is a big draw.” Yes, Bibi is a big draw!!!

But the fact that many Jewish, progressive and African-American Democrats are protesting the speech has set off something of a frenzy for extra tickets (each member gets at least one to give to a constituent or other guest). Oh yes, they will load the overhead seats with radicals yelling disgusting words at Bibi!

A House Democratic aide said the lawmaker she works for has fielded multiple calls from colleagues asking whether the member is attending and, if not, if that ticket is available.

Rep. Alan Lowenthal, D-Calif., said his friend on the other side of the aisle, Michigan Republican Rep. Dan Benishek, has inquired about his guest pass. Some are American and some aren`t!

Lowenthal, who is Jewish, is struggling over whether to attend, saying he has talked a number of fellow Jewish members of the House Democratic Caucus — and a few of his Jewish golfing companions — and is still undecided. I need my re-election money from the "Radical Jews" here in the States, but I would like to see a Real Leader!

Regardless, Benishek can’t have his extra ticket — Lowenthal said he’s saving it for a guest. A Radical Socialist Pig!

Rep. G. K. Butterfield, D-N.C., the chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus, said he won’t be going to the speech, and also said his constituents aren’t paying much attention to the optics on Capitol Hill. We Blacks stick together, you know, Obama being half Black and all that!

“I have a low-income district,” he said. “They care about jobs and economic opportunity.” But I really do nothing for them, my constituents, I just need to make sure I get my re-election Radical Jew Money!

One Jewish constituent, however, had expressed interested in attending the speech, and Butterfield bestowed his guest ticket upon that person. Well, listen here, is I alright? One of my Radical Rich Jew donators wants my ticket, I better give it to him, or I`s lose my money!

“I’m using my ticket productively,” Butterfield told CQ Roll Call. “Just count me out on this one.” I`m a "Black Socialist" in hiding!

Boehner, who orchestrated the invitation to Netanyahu along with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., dismissed criticism at a news conference Thursday that the speech would undercut negotiations to disarm Iran and provide Netanyahu with a bully pulpit at a sensitive time. Yes, the Left-wing Media will be there in full force to twist words the outstanding Leader says!

“I’m glad most of my colleagues, Democrats and Republicans, will be there to hear what he has to say,” Elite Boehner said.


Sounds like a lot of people exercising their freedom of speech, right to assemble and/or to boycott or protest something to make a statement as well.

Sounds very American to me!
Sounds like a lot of people exercising their freedom of speech, right to assemble and/or to boycott or protest something to make a statement as well.

Sounds very American to me!

Yo, your avatar looks like the sign of Allah?

1stRambo Please provide a link to your source article and only quote an excerpt of it, not the entire article. Thanks, Taz.
Sounds like a lot of people exercising their freedom of speech, right to assemble and/or to boycott or protest something to make a statement as well.

Sounds very American to me!

Yo, your avatar looks like the sign of Allah?


the image comes from the Code of Ethics for Government Service

I believe in upholding Constitutional laws and ethics equally for
all citizens, govt at all levels, corporate entities including media and parties, etc.
Similar to the Golden Rule that we should all live by the standards we wish to enforce.

P.S. If you've "Got To Pee" so badly, why don't you just go already.
Don't want you to have an accident. This message board can wait.

GTS Got To Sleep...Good Night!
Last edited:
Sounds like a lot of people exercising their freedom of speech, right to assemble and/or to boycott or protest something to make a statement as well.

Sounds very American to me!
What will members learn by skipping the speech? Yeah, nothing. Is Bibi really soooo offensive and Democrats soooo sensitive they cannot bear to sit and listen to him for 45 minutes? What are they afraid of?
"Some Democrats May Skip It, but Netanyahu Speech Is Still a Hot Ticket"
No real American listens to a little Jewish Nazi bitch. You'll need fresh underpants of course.

Wow, you are showing your true colors. While I do agree with you on certain things, calling a Jew a Nazi just shows how little understanding you actually have of history. Maybe you should go back to school.
"Some Democrats May Skip It, but Netanyahu Speech Is Still a Hot Ticket"
No real American listens to a little Jewish Nazi bitch. You'll need fresh underpants of course.

Wow, you are showing your true colors. While I do agree with you on certain things, calling a Jew a Nazi just shows how little understanding you actually have of history. Maybe you should go back to school.
I think he was thinking about Obama being a muslim nazi.

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