Whistle blower documents released...

I don't recall of ever hearing of a whistleblower report based purely on hearsay.

ADDED: I need to say my comment is solely based upon the source link story.

Well that is kind of the thing... to be a whistle blower... don't you have to be a witness to something?
How is a whistle blower a person who isn't the one who witnessed it, but hears something from someone?
A whistleblower is someone whose employment would be harmed by bringing forth information he/she possesses. How the information was acquired doesn't enter into it. Accuracy of information the whistleblower offers is investigated and assessed by the IG. I would think the more relevant interest is whether or not the information is accurate. Putting the focus on how the whistleblower came to know the information is mostly helpful if the response is going to focus on assassinating the character of the whistleblower.
I don't recall of ever hearing of a whistleblower report based purely on hearsay.

ADDED: I need to say my comment is solely based upon the source link story.

Well that is kind of the thing... to be a whistle blower... don't you have to be a witness to something?
How is a whistle blower a person who isn't the one who witnessed it, but hears something from someone?

Seems to me that both the witness and those who hear something can be credible, and if so both require due diligence & suggests an investigation is warranted.
I'm not interested in attacking the whistleblower, assassinating a persons reputation is irresponsible. I'm just questioning the content and should be investigated to determine if there is more than just hearsay statements. That is if you ever want to bring any possible criminal charges.
A whistleblower is someone whose employment would be harmed by bringing forth information he/she possesses. How the information was acquired doesn't enter into it. Accuracy of information the whistleblower offers is investigated and assessed by the IG. I would think the more relevant interest is whether or not the information is accurate. Putting the focus on how the whistleblower came to know the information is mostly helpful if the response is going to focus on assassinating the character of the whistleblower.
How the information is acquired does factor into how reliable the information is and whether the information should be used as probable cause for further investigation. We don't want congress starting major investigation based on rumors (hearsay).
A whistleblower is someone whose employment would be harmed by bringing forth information he/she possesses. How the information was acquired doesn't enter into it. Accuracy of information the whistleblower offers is investigated and assessed by the IG. I would think the more relevant interest is whether or not the information is accurate. Putting the focus on how the whistleblower came to know the information is mostly helpful if the response is going to focus on assassinating the character of the whistleblower.
How the information is acquired does factor into how reliable the information is and whether the information should be used as probable cause for further investigation. We don't want congress starting major investigation based on rumors (hearsay).

In the context of a whistleblower complaint, that's not accurate. An IG assesses the reliability of the information before forwarding it in the manner(s) required. That happens before Congress is alerted.
I highly suspect Democrat operatives in collusion with House Democrats wrote the report for the whistle blower. Also those Democratic operatives worked with left wing Fake Media to hype a phony scandal..
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I highly suspect Democrat operatives in collusion with House Democrats wrote the report for the whistle blower. Also those Democratic operatives worked with left wing Fake Media to hype a phony scandal..
And I suppose the Trump-Appointed Inspector General was fooled by a man he found "credible" and a matter he found "urgent" after Two weeks of checking the story.

You're a Partisan Idiot. A typical 80 IQ Trumper.
You're too stupid to be voting/sabotaging our country


I'm just raising the possibilities for further and necessary investigations. I certainly don't trust Democrats and if you're stupid enough to, that's on you.

Why are you so enraged abu bu. . do you really feel that threatened by further investigations?..:itsok:
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I don't recall of ever hearing of a whistleblower report based purely on hearsay.

ADDED: I need to say my comment is solely based upon the source link story.

Well that is kind of the thing... to be a whistle blower... don't you have to be a witness to something?
How is a whistle blower a person who isn't the one who witnessed it, but hears something from someone?

Seems to me that both the witness and those who hear something can be credible, and if so both require due diligence & suggests an investigation is warranted.
An investigation of what?
Whistleblower Complaint Has Been Released and It’s Another Nothingburger.

I’ve never seen the Democrats and the MSM — but I repeat myself — suffer a week of so many self-owns.

Then again, it’s only Thursday!
After all, the transcript of the reported phone call to Ukraine only agreed Trump pressed a foreign country to dig dirt on an election opponent.
No. It was a perfect call. The President of Ukraine brought it up and with our mutual cooperation treaty, Trump assured our cooperation in rooting out this corruption, and looked forward to his.

Getting to the bottom of CrowdStrike has the Left's navel puckered, cause the whole witch hunt fraud rested on the claim that Russia hacked the DNC when actually CrowdStrike, and Clinton Contractor, paid by the same firm that paid for the Dossier, is the only support for that claim and it's run by an anti-Putin nut that blames Putin for everything.

Why did the Democrats refuse to allow the FBI to examine the DNC Servers and what in the holy hell are the DNC servers doing in the Ukraine, and you are damn right Barr and the US Attornies examining the illegal spying on Trump will examine that server if Ukraine produces it.

NYTimes 'Outs' Ukraine-Call "Whistleblower" He's As CIA Spy Planted in the White House to Illegally Spy On Trump.

"How many ways from Sunday are we?"


as one former CIA officer noted very specifically:

The way this complaint was written suggested the author had a lot of help. I know from my work on the House Intel Commitee staff that many whistleblowers go directly to the intel oversight committees. Did this whistleblower first meet with House Intel committee members?

My view is that this whistleblower complaint is too convenient and too perfect to come from a typical whistleblower. Were other IC officers involved? Where outside groups opposed to the president involved?

This complaint will further damage IC relations with the White House for many years to come because IC officers appear to be politicizing presidential phone calls with foreign officials and their access to the president and his activities in the White House.

Worst of all, this IC officer -- and probably others -- have blatantly crossed the line into policy.


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