Whistle blower documents released...

Fuk m
CNN has been trying to impeach Trump since before he won.
Mommy never read you "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" ? They have zero credibility.

It's true or not true. Did your mommy tell you to kill the messenger?

Cooper is so deep state they have to make fake memes to cover for the fact that he is actually CIA.

You must be right. This is all FOX has on it.

Trump official says lawyers had Ukraine call transcript moved to secure system
Considering that Stalin murdered tens of millions of Russians on the sly during WWII when nobody was looking, many of the deaths were because the Russians sent spies out to the country where farmers were raising crops for Russia, but were a little mouthy, particularly in the Ukraine realm. So anal were these spies, they would break down locked doors, find hidden grains and foodstuffs the women tried to keep out of sight, and burn them outside unless they felt like just burning the entire house down. Their work was legend in the Ukraine, and even though a lot of those who survived were small children, they remembered how their parents died, how the family lost its property through expropriation by the Soviet Socialists, who answered only to the Kremlin in Moscow, headed by Lenin. That has to be a bigger footshoot than the entire American Civil War was barely 90 years before the farmer-starvation project was started by Russia against the Ukranians who were skilled farmers and food providers for their nation. Like the Venezuelans who are currently standing in line for hours at the stores for their allotted amount of food, the Russian people went through two city-block long lines, waiting to buy a small sack of oranges at the store, hoping they'd get some before the line was closed down. Scurvy is a vitamin-deficent disease, and if they didn't get their citrus fix, their families could succumb to this heinous disease that leaves a person weak or dead. Scurvy symptoms and outcomes, mild, medium, and longterm here: Scurvy: Symptoms, Risk Factors, Treatment, Recovery, and More

I hope some of you who are supporting socialists will read the long term symptoms of Vitamin C deprivation that leads to the lesser known outcomes of this insidious disease called scurvy. You do not want long lines at the store. It's just that simple, and socialists have this habit of ignoring the needs of the masses because it profits them to ignore mass needs. :cranky:
Seems to me the socialists don't give a damn about the rule of law if it doesn't just line their pockets full of gold. Just an impression.
Nothing to do with socialism. This is about saving the Constitution.

The Dems moving left is another complex issue of its own.
I'm assuming that you are aware that the current Speaker of the House was a card-carrying Communist Party member prior to her becoming a member of the Democrat Party, a fact which has conveniently been buried for years and conveniently "forgotten."
Seems to me the socialists don't give a damn about the rule of law if it doesn't just line their pockets full of gold. Just an impression.
Nothing to do with socialism. This is about saving the Constitution.

The Dems moving left is another complex issue of its own.
I'm assuming that you are aware that the current Speaker of the House was a card-carrying Communist Party member prior to her becoming a member of the Democrat Party, a fact which has conveniently been buried for years and conveniently "forgotten."
Like John Brennan. No, but I know that she's been on the House Intelligence Committee forever ( since before 9/11).
Seems to me the socialists don't give a damn about the rule of law if it doesn't just line their pockets full of gold. Just an impression.
Nothing to do with socialism. This is about saving the Constitution.

The Dems moving left is another complex issue of its own.
YES. To Hell with the Elites.

“It’s time for the president to build a big, beautiful door in the wall of propaganda that papers over the actions of America’s ruling class. And make the Democrats pay for it.”​
I highly suspect Democrat operatives in collusion with House Democrats wrote the report for the whistle blower. Also those Democratic operatives worked with left wing Fake Media to hype a phony scandal..
Who signed it?

I don't know who the blower is?
Probably someone in the Central Intelligence Agency, some think. I don't know why, but I thought it was against the Constitution to spy on the Executive Branch by hostile partisans in other branches of government. This Pelosi Congress stinks to high heaven. I think she is showing paranoia at this point, along with Schiff's bug eyes and the overbearing Rep. Nadler who oozes sleaze out of his lying mouth.
Maybe not the constitution but most certainly against the law. Anyone who has ever held any kind of a security clerance can tell you that much.
I'm assuming that you are aware that the current Speaker of the House was a card-carrying Communist Party member prior to her becoming a member of the Democrat Party, a fact which has conveniently been buried for years and conveniently "forgotten."
Seems to me the socialists don't give a damn about the rule of law if it doesn't just line their pockets full of gold. Just an impression.
Nothing to do with socialism. This is about saving the Constitution.

The Dems moving left is another complex issue of its own.
YES. To Hell with the Elites.

“It’s time for the president to build a big, beautiful door in the wall of propaganda that papers over the actions of America’s ruling class. And make the Democrats pay for it.”​
Don't blame me . I voted for Perot in 92 and Nader in 96. They would have never deregulated Wall Street , signed NAFTA or allowed a media monopoly.
That the CIA planted a spy in the White House to illegally spy on The President of The United States.

CIA has lots of covers .
Yes, but Trump and Barr are ripping the covers off this corrupt illegal spying by an Out of Control Deep State. The CIA plants spies in the campaign, spies in the White House and then run this scam that exposed both the spies and the Deep Biden Family Corruption and they seem completely unaware that is a problem! Well, they are about to learn!

QUESTION ASKED AND (POSSIBLY) ANSWERED: Who is responsible for the impeachment circus?

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