Whistle Blower Outted -- It is a Brennen era operative....

Just find the individuals who changed the whistle-blower rules to allow hearsay...This has been planned out & set up for months!

Democrats would be grasping at straws if they hadn't banned them.

The whistleblower rules were in place since May 24, 2018.

Trump called Zelensky on July 25, 2019.

The recent complain was received in Aug. 12, 2019.

That's one heck of a crystal ball these guys are consulting, changing rules so far in advance, more than a year before Trump extorted Zelensky, and almost a year before the latter was even elected. And you are so very perspicacious to bring this to our attention. Pure genius.
worth repeating....

the form was printed in May of 2018, a year and 3 months before the whistleblower reported it in Aug of 2019

:lol: yeah, one heck of crystal ball....!!!!!

You'd think these right wingers would know better by now to not believe their sources without checking them....

plus the IG weighed in with a tweet, saying the whistle blower gave them BOTH first hand and second hand info, and his investigators corroborated the second hand info.

You just look dumber by the day. There was NO first hand information since the LEAKER, not whistleblower was NOT present. There has been NO corroboration of any of your lies. You just look completely desperate as this whole thing is blowing up in your face. Again.
Aww, it's so adorable watching rightards run with talking points.

Those aren't talking points, those are flat out falsehoods.
Those aren't talking points. They are facts. You don't need talking points when truth is on your side.
A CIA analyst just stopped short of naming the whistle-blower who he described as a LEAKER not a protected whistle-blower. He also went on to explain that the form and requirement for first hand knowledge were removed specifically for this leaker in an attempt to give him/her cover and make it so they can not be investigated. He went on to state that this individual was a deep state operative with direct connections to John Brennen and Obama. Laura Ingraham stopped him short of naming the individual that he clearly had the name of...

The Attempted Coup De'Taut is ongoing. The deep state is trying every trick in the book to get Trump! This is blatant treason and it needs to be taken out...

These people are brazen and criminals!
That's "coup de etat"

It is a coup! ^^^

The President tweeting just now!

and he is ABSOLUTELY right :clap2:

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 2h2 hours ago

As I learn more and more each day, I am coming to the conclusion that what is taking place is not an impeachment, it is a COUP, intended to take away the Power of the....
....People, their VOTE, their Freedoms, their Second Amendment, Religion, Military, Border Wall, and their God-given rights as a Citizen of The United States of America!
Inciting violence, yet more reason to impeach him. The sooner the better.
Truth is the only thing necessary to make leftwingers get violent.
Democrats Smoking an exploding cigar

Democrats have opened Pandora's box by taking up the subject of election influence coming from Ukraine.

Democrats seized on a perfectly legal conversation between President Trump and Ukraine's President Zelensky, leaked by a Deep State Spy embedded in the White House to someone claiming the status of whistleblower as the basis for their public impeachment hoax. It is a hoax for three reasons:

  1. Because no actual impeachment committee has been established, as that would require their vulnerable members from districts Trump carried in 2016 to take an actual position on a dodgy impeachment enterprise.
  2. Because Trump said nothing wrong in his conversation. They expected him to keep the text of the call secret, but his transparency foiled their efforts to mischaracterize it.
  3. Because they know that Democrats enlisted help from Ukraine in 2016, so this impugning of Trump is yet another case of Democrats accusing Republicans of doing what they have done. And they are terrified of this coming out.
As it so happens, one of the key figures in the 2016 Democrat effort to influence the election with help from a foreign government has the entertaining name of Chalupa:

The chairmen of two Senate committees are insisting that the Department of Justice come clean about Democratic Party efforts to solicit Ukrainian interference in the 2016 election. Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, first alerted the department about the meddling in July of 2017 so it could be investigated, but under Rod Rosenstein's leadership and the direction of special counsel Robert Mueller, the inquiries of the then-Senate Judiciary chairman were ignored.

In a Sept. 27 letter, Grassley and Senate Homeland Security Chairman Ron Johnson, R-Wisc., demand the Justice Department look into the "brazen efforts by the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton campaign to use the government of Ukraine for the express purpose of finding negative information on then-candidate Trump in order to undermine his campaign."

The senators also want to know why Alexandra Chalupa, the daughter of Ukrainian immigrants and longtime Democratic operative, has not been required to file paperwork as a registered foreign agent of Ukraine. "Aside from the apparent evidence of collusion between the DNC, Clinton campaign, and Ukrainian government, Chalupa's actions implicate the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA)," Grassley wrote in 2017. "Chalupa's actions appear to show that she was simultaneously working on behalf of a foreign government, Ukraine, and on behalf of the DNC and Clinton campaign, in an effort to influence not only the U.S voting population but U.S. government officials."

In their letter sent this week, Grassley and Johnson ask why DOJ still has not required her to register as a foreign agent of Ukraine.

Recall that a FARA violation was the weapon used against General Flynn to attempt to coerce cooperation that would implicate the Trump campaign. While FARA violations were rarely prosecuted vigorously in the past, Dirty Bob Mueller has legitimized that tactic. Ms. Chalupa can be pressured to sing like a bird about who sent her to Ukraine.
When facts are inconvenient, attack the messenger.

When defense of Trump is untenable, change the story.

Next we'll hear the whistleblower is a 'low I.Q. individual'.

The playbook is a bit dog eared at this point of the dumpster fire called the Trump administration.
What facts? So far, all we've heard from Dims is lies.
Well we've read the White House memo of the phone call and it's damning

Sure, listening to you clowns it's the end of the world every 20 minutes.
Then justify the phone call. Tell us how it was in the best interest of the nation. It benefits the 2020 re-election campaign, but how does it benefit our nation?
Investigating Democrat crooks is always a benefit to the nation.
Extorting a campaign benefit from a foreign leader is not investigation. It is extortion. And illegal.
What facts? So far, all we've heard from Dims is lies.
Well we've read the White House memo of the phone call and it's damning

Sure, listening to you clowns it's the end of the world every 20 minutes.
Then justify the phone call. Tell us how it was in the best interest of the nation. It benefits the 2020 re-election campaign, but how does it benefit our nation?
Investigating Democrat crooks is always a benefit to the nation.
Extorting a campaign benefit from a foreign leader is not investigation. It is extortion. And illegal.
It didn't happen, shit for brains.
What facts? So far, all we've heard from Dims is lies.
Well we've read the White House memo of the phone call and it's damning

Sure, listening to you clowns it's the end of the world every 20 minutes.
Then justify the phone call. Tell us how it was in the best interest of the nation. It benefits the 2020 re-election campaign, but how does it benefit our nation?
Investigating Democrat crooks is always a benefit to the nation.
Extorting a campaign benefit from a foreign leader is not investigation. It is extortion. And illegal.

Yep....except when a democrat does it...dumbass.
Because no actual impeachment committee has been established, as that would require their vulnerable members from districts Trump carried in 2016 to take an actual position on a dodgy impeachment enterprise.

the 7 congressmen in vulnerable districts are the ones who wrote the op ed, that the Inquiry must be officially started

Because Trump said nothing wrong in his conversation. They expected him to keep the text of the call secret, but his transparency foiled their efforts to mischaracterize it.
The call summary appeared pretty damning to me and a heck of a lot of other citizens, especially with the back drop of the congress passed money allotted for the Ukraine;s National Defense against Russia, had been held back by Trump...

Because they know that Democrats enlisted help from Ukraine in 2016, so this impugning of Trump is yet another case of Democrats accusing Republicans of doing what they have done. And they are terrified of this coming out.
The DNC nor Clinton campaign enlisted the help of the Ukraine.

A handful of Ukrainians did NOT want Trump to be elected because they knew how close and friendly Trump was with Putin and Russia... they knew how crooked Manafort was and his criminal dealings with getting the Russian Puppet President elected that was later kicked out and sent to Russia, so they dropped the already public files they had on Manafort in to the American market...
What facts? So far, all we've heard from Dims is lies.
Well we've read the White House memo of the phone call and it's damning

Sure, listening to you clowns it's the end of the world every 20 minutes.
Then justify the phone call. Tell us how it was in the best interest of the nation. It benefits the 2020 re-election campaign, but how does it benefit our nation?
Investigating Democrat crooks is always a benefit to the nation.
Extorting a campaign benefit from a foreign leader is not investigation. It is extortion. And illegal.
The Transcript does not support your ridiculous claim.
The whistleblower rules were in place since May 24, 2018.

Trump called Zelensky on July 25, 2019.

The recent complain was received in Aug. 12, 2019.

That's one heck of a crystal ball these guys are consulting, changing rules so far in advance, more than a year before Trump extorted Zelensky, and almost a year before the latter was even elected. And you are so very perspicacious to bring this to our attention. Pure genius.
worth repeating....

the form was printed in May of 2018, a year and 3 months before the whistleblower reported it in Aug of 2019

:lol: yeah, one heck of crystal ball....!!!!!

You'd think these right wingers would know better by now to not believe their sources without checking them....

plus the IG weighed in with a tweet, saying the whistle blower gave them BOTH first hand and second hand info, and his investigators corroborated the second hand info.

You just look dumber by the day. There was NO first hand information since the LEAKER, not whistleblower was NOT present. There has been NO corroboration of any of your lies. You just look completely desperate as this whole thing is blowing up in your face. Again.
Aww, it's so adorable watching rightards run with talking points.

Those aren't talking points, those are flat out falsehoods.
Those aren't talking points. They are facts. You don't need talking points when truth is on your side.
When you have such strong feelings about truth how can you support the lying pos trump? It doesn't add up
Because no actual impeachment committee has been established, as that would require their vulnerable members from districts Trump carried in 2016 to take an actual position on a dodgy impeachment enterprise.

the 7 congressmen in vulnerable districts are the ones who wrote the op ed, that the Inquiry must be officially started...
The Seven? You have THIRTY SIX Democrats representing Trump Districts and another 8 in even districts. If this blows up on you, and attempting impeachment without clear courtroom quality evidence of actual serious crimes is going to blow up on you. There simply is no doubt about it. You can twist and misconstrue and smear in a Fake News Story, but you can't pull that crap in a real trial. But hey, if you guys can't be convinced of reason, then we have a trial in the US Senate.

Utah 4 R+13 Democratic
Minnesota 7 R+12 Democratic
South Carolina 1 R+10 Democratic
Oklahoma 5 R+10 Democratic
Georgia 6 R+8 Democratic
Texas 7 R+7 Democratic
Virginia 7 R+6 Democratic
New York 22 R+6 Democratic
New Mexico 2 R+6 Democratic
Texas 32 R+5 Democratic
Illinois 14 R+5 Democratic
Michigan 11 R+4 Democratic
Michigan 8 R+4 Democratic
Kansas 3 R+4 Democratic
California 48 R+4 Democratic
Virginia 2 R+3 Democratic
Pennsylvania 17 R+3 Democratic
New York 11 R+3 Democratic
New Jersey 11 R+3 Democratic
New Jersey 7 R+3 Democratic
New Jersey 5 R+3 Democratic
California 45 R+3 Democratic
New York 19 R+2 Democratic
New Jersey 3 R+2 Democratic
New Hampshire 1 R+2 Democratic
Nevada 3 R+2 Democratic
Minnesota 2 R+2 Democratic
Maine 2 R+2 Democratic
Illinois 6 R+2 Democratic
Arizona 1 R+2 Democratic
Pennsylvania 8 R+1 Democratic
New York 18 R+1 Democratic
New Jersey 2 R+1 Democratic
Iowa 3 R+1 Democratic
California 49 R+1 Democratic
Arizona 2 R+1 Democratic

Because Trump said nothing wrong in his conversation. They expected him to keep the text of the call secret, but his transparency foiled their efforts to mischaracterize it.
The call summary appeared pretty damning to me and a heck of a lot of other citizens, especially with the back drop of the congress passed money allotted for the Ukraine;s National Defense against Russia, had been held back by Trump...
Trump never mentioned it, the Ukraine President was unaware it was even being withheld while the Trump Administration completed their corruption review. How much fun do you think it is going to be to simultaneously argue before the US Senate that, First, Quid Pro Quo Joe was Right to threaten to withhold $1B because of Ukrainian corruption, but that Trump deserves to be impeached for temporarily withholding less than half that amount while they checked Ukraine for corruption, when Ukraine didn't even know the money was being held up?
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Well we've read the White House memo of the phone call and it's damning

Sure, listening to you clowns it's the end of the world every 20 minutes.
Then justify the phone call. Tell us how it was in the best interest of the nation. It benefits the 2020 re-election campaign, but how does it benefit our nation?
Investigating Democrat crooks is always a benefit to the nation.
Extorting a campaign benefit from a foreign leader is not investigation. It is extortion. And illegal.
It didn't happen, shit for brains.
Trump told us it did!
Well we've read the White House memo of the phone call and it's damning

Sure, listening to you clowns it's the end of the world every 20 minutes.
Then justify the phone call. Tell us how it was in the best interest of the nation. It benefits the 2020 re-election campaign, but how does it benefit our nation?
Investigating Democrat crooks is always a benefit to the nation.
Extorting a campaign benefit from a foreign leader is not investigation. It is extortion. And illegal.

Yep....except when a democrat does it...dumbass.
That never happened!
Sure, listening to you clowns it's the end of the world every 20 minutes.
Then justify the phone call. Tell us how it was in the best interest of the nation. It benefits the 2020 re-election campaign, but how does it benefit our nation?
Investigating Democrat crooks is always a benefit to the nation.
Extorting a campaign benefit from a foreign leader is not investigation. It is extortion. And illegal.
It didn't happen, shit for brains.
Trump told us it did!
I thought every word Trump speaks is a lie.
The DNC nor Clinton campaign enlisted the help of the Ukraine.
This is an outright LIE!

The FBI and the State Department IG's just vindicated my position.

Schiff knew 2 weeks before the whistle blower lie was released. He participated in its manufacture. He directed the leaker as to what attorney to get. Schiff is a primary actor in the Coup attempt..

This thing is now blowing up like an atom bomb...
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Asking someone to do something good for you is not extortion.
It is when you withhold the military aid they need to defend themselves against a Russian invasion.

It is when you use the power of the Presidency to get a foreign power to help your election possibilities

Using tax payer money to help YOU...is a problem
Just find the individuals who changed the whistle-blower rules to allow hearsay...This has been planned out & set up for months!

Democrats would be grasping at straws if they hadn't banned them.

The whistleblower rules were in place since May 24, 2018.

Trump called Zelensky on July 25, 2019.

The recent complain was received in Aug. 12, 2019.

That's one heck of a crystal ball these guys are consulting, changing rules so far in advance, more than a year before Trump extorted Zelensky, and almost a year before the latter was even elected. And you are so very perspicacious to bring this to our attention. Pure genius.
worth repeating....

the form was printed in May of 2018, a year and 3 months before the whistleblower reported it in Aug of 2019

:lol: yeah, one heck of crystal ball....!!!!!

You'd think these right wingers would know better by now to not believe their sources without checking them....

plus the IG weighed in with a tweet, saying the whistle blower gave them BOTH first hand and second hand info, and his investigators corroborated the second hand info.

You just look dumber by the day. There was NO first hand information since the LEAKER, not whistleblower was NOT present. There has been NO corroboration of any of your lies. You just look completely desperate as this whole thing is blowing up in your face. Again.
Aww, it's so adorable watching rightards run with talking points.

Aww, it's just pathetic watching a little yellow coward have to eat his own crap. You and your idiot fellow cowards must be the only people on the planet who think getting a lot of money through quid pro quo like Biden and his cokehead son did does not enrich you. Then again you are a laughingstock......


You utterly failed to demonstrate quid pro quo.

Well we've read the White House memo of the phone call and it's damning

Sure, listening to you clowns it's the end of the world every 20 minutes.
Then justify the phone call. Tell us how it was in the best interest of the nation. It benefits the 2020 re-election campaign, but how does it benefit our nation?
Investigating Democrat crooks is always a benefit to the nation.
Extorting a campaign benefit from a foreign leader is not investigation. It is extortion. And illegal.
The Transcript does not support your ridiculous claim.
Sure it does. Zelensky asked for military aid and Trump asked for a favor -- investigate Biden, a candidate running in the 2020 election.

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