Whistleblower Requirements Recently Amended to Allow Hearsay


“I will never be so comfortable with a president that I don’t think he or she should be held accountable for wrongdoing. Political lynching via hearsay is a bit Soviet for my tastes, however.”

Whistleblower Requirements Recently Amended to Allow Hearsay

No rules have been changed for who can be a whistle blower. There are better protections for them now, but that has nothing to do with whether the information they present is credible and worthy of investigation. Try something else. That claim just makes you look dumb and whiny.

“I will never be so comfortable with a president that I don’t think he or she should be held accountable for wrongdoing. Political lynching via hearsay is a bit Soviet for my tastes, however.”

Whistleblower Requirements Recently Amended to Allow Hearsay

No rules have been changed for who can be a whistle blower. There are better protections for them now, but that has nothing to do with whether the information they present is credible and worthy of investigation. Try something else. That claim just makes you look dumb and whiny.
Stalin would be proud

“I will never be so comfortable with a president that I don’t think he or she should be held accountable for wrongdoing. Political lynching via hearsay is a bit Soviet for my tastes, however.”

Whistleblower Requirements Recently Amended to Allow Hearsay

No rules have been changed for who can be a whistle blower. There are better protections for them now, but that has nothing to do with whether the information they present is credible and worthy of investigation. Try something else. That claim just makes you look dumb and whiny.
Stalin would be proud

Is that why you started such a dumb thread? Looking for Stalin's approval?
This is very, eerily, similar to the infamous Steele Dossier.

Second hand gossip and innuendo. So there are these dick-heads in Congress pretending that it's credible, because it fits with the current narrative.

I just wait for the day when these ass-holes try to draw up Articles of Impeachment, and it becomes obvious that there is nothing that is actually provable under normal rules. It will be priceless.
This is very, eerily, similar to the infamous Steele Dossier.

Second hand gossip and innuendo. So there are these dick-heads in Congress pretending that it's credible, because it fits with the current narrative.

I just wait for the day when these ass-holes try to draw up Articles of Impeachment, and it becomes obvious that there is nothing that is actually provable under normal rules. It will be priceless.
This is Steele Dossier 2.0

“I will never be so comfortable with a president that I don’t think he or she should be held accountable for wrongdoing. Political lynching via hearsay is a bit Soviet for my tastes, however.”

Whistleblower Requirements Recently Amended to Allow Hearsay
Legal Experts Demolish Lindsey Graham’s ‘Hearsay’ Defense of Trump

Trumps actions are indefensible which is why they're not every defending him, they're just attacking the whistleblower. It's all about public opinion.

“I will never be so comfortable with a president that I don’t think he or she should be held accountable for wrongdoing. Political lynching via hearsay is a bit Soviet for my tastes, however.”

Whistleblower Requirements Recently Amended to Allow Hearsay
Legal Experts Demolish Lindsey Graham’s ‘Hearsay’ Defense of Trump

Trumps actions are indefensible which is why they're not every defending him, they're just attacking the whistleblower. It's all about public opinion.
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“I will never be so comfortable with a president that I don’t think he or she should be held accountable for wrongdoing. Political lynching via hearsay is a bit Soviet for my tastes, however.”

Whistleblower Requirements Recently Amended to Allow Hearsay
Legal Experts Demolish Lindsey Graham’s ‘Hearsay’ Defense of Trump

Trumps actions are indefensible which is why they're not every defending him, they're just attacking the whistleblower. It's all about public opinion.
Your post is rambling-who is not defending whom? And where does public opinion lie? Does it depend on which poll?

“I will never be so comfortable with a president that I don’t think he or she should be held accountable for wrongdoing. Political lynching via hearsay is a bit Soviet for my tastes, however.”

Whistleblower Requirements Recently Amended to Allow Hearsay
Legal Experts Demolish Lindsey Graham’s ‘Hearsay’ Defense of Trump

Trumps actions are indefensible which is why they're not every defending him, they're just attacking the whistleblower. It's all about public opinion.
Your post is rambling-who is not defending whom? And where does public opinion lie? Does it depend on which poll?
Trump supporters arent defending Trump from accusations of asking another country to investigate a political opponent, aka influence an election.

As far as the hearsay argument, the transcript of Trump’s call with the Ukrainian President wasnt hearsay.

Senate rules call for the use of hearsay in impeachment, in that committees hear the testimony and report back to the full Senate.

“I will never be so comfortable with a president that I don’t think he or she should be held accountable for wrongdoing. Political lynching via hearsay is a bit Soviet for my tastes, however.”

Whistleblower Requirements Recently Amended to Allow Hearsay
Legal Experts Demolish Lindsey Graham’s ‘Hearsay’ Defense of Trump

Trumps actions are indefensible which is why they're not every defending him, they're just attacking the whistleblower. It's all about public opinion.
Translation: Impeach Trump for Biden's crimes

“I will never be so comfortable with a president that I don’t think he or she should be held accountable for wrongdoing. Political lynching via hearsay is a bit Soviet for my tastes, however.”

Whistleblower Requirements Recently Amended to Allow Hearsay
Legal Experts Demolish Lindsey Graham’s ‘Hearsay’ Defense of Trump

Trumps actions are indefensible which is why they're not every defending him, they're just attacking the whistleblower. It's all about public opinion.
Your post is rambling-who is not defending whom? And where does public opinion lie? Does it depend on which poll?
Trump supporters arent defending Trump from accusations of asking another country to investigate a political opponent, aka influence an election.

As far as the hearsay argument, the transcript of Trump’s call with the Ukrainian President wasnt hearsay.

Senate rules call for the use of hearsay in impeachment, in that committees hear the testimony and report back to the full Senate.
First, no defending is needed-there is NO crime.-as you say accusations-like Smollett saying he got beat up by Maga hats. Second, hearsay was NEVER used in trials-ask Judge Judy. The law was JUST changed to allow it. But, it is STILL hearsay. Third, you are right, the transcript was not hearsay. I read the whole transcript and there is nothing wrong or unusual in it.
We have the most corrupt gov't money can buy.........................Biden and his son are Swamp Creatures using political influence to get everyone in their family FILTHY RICH...............

They are what is wrong with our Gov't............Whores to the core..............and now a Dem Hack intel guy blows the whistle on Trump from a Conversation that he had NO FIRST HAND KNOWLEDGE OF................So they CHANGE DA RULES..............so their lies...........can't be attacked legally................lol

Traitors each and every dang one of them.

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