'Whistleblower: Secret Society Held Off-Site Meetings'

"An FBI informant has apparently informed Congress that a secret society at the FBI was holding secret meetings off-site after the election of Donald Trump.

On Special Report with Bret Baier Tuesday evening, Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.) called it "corruption of the highest levels of the FBI."

"That secret society — we have an informant that's talking about a group that were holding secret meetings off-site," Johnson said. "There is so much smoke here

The Obama administration's treason is being revealed...the 'Witch Hunters' now find themselves the HUNTED!

Sen. Ron Johnson: FBI Informant Says 'Secret Society' Held Secret Meetings Off-Site

Indeed. And Joseph McCarthy had a list of Commies who had taken over our government. It seems Republicans have been weak-minded, delusional conspiracy theorists since time began. Even five year old children roll their eyes when they hear this crap.

But good job "supporting law enforcement." Bwahahahaaaaaa
that's because most liberals act like 5 year olds not getting their way.

need some youtube videos? we got lots after trump got elected. butthurt scales globally shattered.

Sure. Will you post the YouTube video of spaceships invading Earth or a video of Bigfoot and Batboy having a child? derp. So very, very, gullible. Bwahahaaaaaaa
"An FBI informant has apparently informed Congress that a secret society at the FBI was holding secret meetings off-site after the election of Donald Trump.

On Special Report with Bret Baier Tuesday evening, Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.) called it "corruption of the highest levels of the FBI."

"That secret society — we have an informant that's talking about a group that were holding secret meetings off-site," Johnson said. "There is so much smoke here

The Obama administration's treason is being revealed...the 'Witch Hunters' now find themselves the HUNTED!

Sen. Ron Johnson: FBI Informant Says 'Secret Society' Held Secret Meetings Off-Site

Indeed. And Joseph McCarthy had a list of Commies who had taken over our government. It seems Republicans have been weak-minded, delusional conspiracy theorists since time began. Even five year old children roll their eyes when they hear this crap.

But good job "supporting law enforcement." Bwahahahaaaaaa
that's because most liberals act like 5 year olds not getting their way.

need some youtube videos? we got lots after trump got elected. butthurt scales globally shattered.

Sure. Will you post the YouTube video of spaceships invading Earth or a video of Bigfoot and Batboy having a child? derp. So very, very, gullible. Bwahahaaaaaaa
what does any of your new twist have to do with liberals acting like 5 year olds not getting their way and screaming at the sky?

so very - stupid.

have a day.
"An FBI informant has apparently informed Congress that a secret society at the FBI was holding secret meetings off-site after the election of Donald Trump.

On Special Report with Bret Baier Tuesday evening, Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.) called it "corruption of the highest levels of the FBI."

"That secret society — we have an informant that's talking about a group that were holding secret meetings off-site," Johnson said. "There is so much smoke here

The Obama administration's treason is being revealed...the 'Witch Hunters' now find themselves the HUNTED!

Sen. Ron Johnson: FBI Informant Says 'Secret Society' Held Secret Meetings Off-Site

Indeed. And Joseph McCarthy had a list of Commies who had taken over our government. It seems Republicans have been weak-minded, delusional conspiracy theorists since time began. Even five year old children roll their eyes when they hear this crap.

But good job "supporting law enforcement." Bwahahahaaaaaa
that's because most liberals act like 5 year olds not getting their way.

need some youtube videos? we got lots after trump got elected. butthurt scales globally shattered.

Sure. Will you post the YouTube video of spaceships invading Earth or a video of Bigfoot and Batboy having a child? derp. So very, very, gullible. Bwahahaaaaaaa
what does any of your new twist have to do with liberals acting like 5 year olds not getting their way and screaming at the sky?

so very - stupid.

have a day.

Screaming at the sky is far better than accusing right-wing law enforcement officials of performing a "witch hunt" on their ow party members. Oh wait, two of those members have been indicted and two ADMITTED guilt. How many under Obama? None. Your delusion regarding ACTUAL treason is amazing...yet expected. derp
what if trump and his clan did all this? still ok? if not, then it's not ok for anyone.

WHAT IF Mueller, Democrats, You produced ANY shred of evidence to support your claims against Trump rather than rage in your butt-hurt and false accusations? The Left has not been able to produce one bit of evidence to show a crime was even committed warranting an investigation, let alone showing Trump had anything to do with such a crime.

Now OBJECTIVELY contrast / compare that to the Left....

EVIDENCE shows Mueller, Holder, and Obama hid evidence of Russia's intent to purchase Uranium One and all the crimes they committed towards that end.

EVIDENCE shows Comey and Obama hid the fact that Russians were trying to hack Senior Politicians in Washington, that they were using social media to run PsyOps, and that they were paying Liberal groups to spread racial division and violence. It also shows Obama was not making any of it a big deal because he was trying to get Putin's approval to go into Syria.

EVIDENCE shows Hillary broke numerous laws during her server scandal, that she violated election law by using the dossier she got from a foreign agent in a US election, that she violated campaign finance law by using DNC money intended for other candidates on her own campaign, that the primaries were rigged, that she cheated in debates...

EVIDENCE shows John Podesta, not Donald Trump, accepted thousands of unreported shares of Russian stocks, that his company - not Donald Trump's - worked directly for the Russians, that his board of directors for his company - not Trump / Trump's company - consisted of prominent Russian businessmen who had direct connections to the Kremlin and to Putin, and that Tony Podesta worked for the KGB Bank AND THE RUSSIAN SPY AGENCY that supposedly hacked the DNC.

EVIDENCE shows the FBI wrote Hillary's exoneration letter before the investigation was over, that they modified the language in the last report, protecting Hillary from indictment by eliminating their correct conclusion that Hillary was guilty of 'Gross Negligence', that they protected Huma Abedin and Mills from indictment / prosecution.

EVICENCE shows Lynch and Bill Clinton lied to the American people about their meeting, how it was a SCHEDULED / coordinated meeting, and that Lynch 'knew' Hillary would not be charged for her obvious crimes before the investigation was over.

EVIDENCE now shows that the FBI / DOJ created their own 'Secret Society' that met off site starting the day after the election, that they opined they did not think Trump would win but that they had an 'Insurance Policy' to use against him if he did.

EVIDENCE shows both Comey's and McCabe's wives took money from the Clintons, which should have meant they separated themselves from any part in the Hillary investigations.


Continued snowflake denial is beyond ludicrous.

And snowflakes attempt to minimize / discount / distract from all of that by claiming the indictment of 2 men for tax evasion dating back before Obama was elected President, that the indictment of 2 others for 'Lying to the FBI' which has no connection to nor provides any evidence of crimes committed by Trump is somehow more critical than exposed Espionage, Gross Negligence, Obstruction, Illegal spying, sedition, and even treason.

AGAIN, this is partisan-induced INSANITY / Delusional / Denial / etc... Allowing such vile, complete hatred to cloud one's vision / judgment / objectivity to this point, again, beyond ludicrous.

Dude, I have been WAITING for any evidence that Trump committed any illegal act with the Russians in an effort to defeat Hillary Clinton...because as soon as it was proven I was going to be on the bandwagon to Impeach him. My allegiance is to this country, as I have served 30 years in the military and continue to do so. It does not being to any man, any woman, any politician, and certainly not to any party. But the TRUTH is, the Left has not been able to produce any evidence at all.
'Whistleblower: Secret Society Held Off-Site Meetings'


Insane, loser nonsense.
Dude, I have been WAITING for any evidence that Trump committed any illegal act with the Russians in an effort to defeat Hillary Clinton...because as soon as it was proven I was going to be on the bandwagon to Impeach him. My allegiance is to this country, as I have served 30 years in the military and continue to do so. It does not being to any man, any woman, any politician, and certainly not to any party. But the TRUTH is, the Left has not been able to produce any evidence at all.

Holy cow, you are Flag Officer! Cool. How many stars do you have? Can you give us a hint as to which command you are over?
Holy cow, you are Flag Officer! Cool. How many stars do you have? Can you give us a hint as to which command you are over?
You just can't help putting your complete and utter ignorance on display, can you?!

You are the living example of what John Wayne said: 'Life is hard. It's harder if you're STUPID!"
"An FBI informant has apparently informed Congress that a secret society at the FBI was holding secret meetings off-site after the election of Donald Trump.

On Special Report with Bret Baier Tuesday evening, Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.) called it "corruption of the highest levels of the FBI."

"That secret society — we have an informant that's talking about a group that were holding secret meetings off-site," Johnson said. "There is so much smoke here

The Obama administration's treason is being revealed...the 'Witch Hunters' now find themselves the HUNTED!

Sen. Ron Johnson: FBI Informant Says 'Secret Society' Held Secret Meetings Off-Site

Indeed. And Joseph McCarthy had a list of Commies who had taken over our government. It seems Republicans have been weak-minded, delusional conspiracy theorists since time began. Even five year old children roll their eyes when they hear this crap.

But good job "supporting law enforcement." Bwahahahaaaaaa
that's because most liberals act like 5 year olds not getting their way.

need some youtube videos? we got lots after trump got elected. butthurt scales globally shattered.

Sure. Will you post the YouTube video of spaceships invading Earth or a video of Bigfoot and Batboy having a child? derp. So very, very, gullible. Bwahahaaaaaaa
what does any of your new twist have to do with liberals acting like 5 year olds not getting their way and screaming at the sky?

so very - stupid.

have a day.

Screaming at the sky is far better than accusing right-wing law enforcement officials of performing a "witch hunt" on their ow party members. Oh wait, two of those members have been indicted and two ADMITTED guilt. How many under Obama? None. Your delusion regarding ACTUAL treason is amazing...yet expected. derp
no one over 12 uses "derp" anymore.

recess is over son. get back to your geography lessons.
Holy cow, you are Flag Officer! Cool. How many stars do you have? Can you give us a hint as to which command you are over?
You just can't help putting your complete and utter ignorance on display, can you?!

You are the living example of what John Wayne said: 'Life is hard. It's harder if you're STUPID!"

If you are serving more than 30 years then you are either a flag officer or maybe the 1 in a 1000 E9s that get to stay that long.

Perhaps you should do a little more research before you make shit up online. Some of us have actually served and know bullshit when we see it.
Holy cow, you are Flag Officer! Cool. How many stars do you have? Can you give us a hint as to which command you are over?
You just can't help putting your complete and utter ignorance on display, can you?!

You are the living example of what John Wayne said: 'Life is hard. It's harder if you're STUPID!"

If you are serving more than 30 years then you are either a flag officer or maybe the 1 in a 1000 E9s that get to stay that long.

Perhaps you should do a little more research before you make shit up online. Some of us have actually served and know bullshit when we see it.
I will not disparage your supposed military service; however, as usual, your thinking process gets stuck somewhere in the middle and can't process all the data. You are thinking in the narrow confines of your 'ignorant' box. I continue to serve....how about you?

Again, you just can't help putting your complete and utter ignorance on display, can you?! You truly are the living example of what John Wayne said: 'Life is hard. It's harder if you're STUPID!"
This proves his point, sock.
"An FBI informant has apparently informed Congress that a secret society at the FBI was holding secret meetings off-site after the election of Donald Trump.

On Special Report with Bret Baier Tuesday evening, Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.) called it "corruption of the highest levels of the FBI."

"That secret society — we have an informant that's talking about a group that were holding secret meetings off-site," Johnson said. "There is so much smoke here

The Obama administration's treason is being revealed...the 'Witch Hunters' now find themselves the HUNTED!

Sen. Ron Johnson: FBI Informant Says 'Secret Society' Held Secret Meetings Off-Site

Indeed. And Joseph McCarthy had a list of Commies who had taken over our government. It seems Republicans have been weak-minded, delusional conspiracy theorists since time began. Even five year old children roll their eyes when they hear this crap.

But good job "supporting law enforcement." Bwahahahaaaaaa
that's because most liberals act like 5 year olds not getting their way.

need some youtube videos? we got lots after trump got elected. butthurt scales globally shattered.

Sure. Will you post the YouTube video of spaceships invading Earth or a video of Bigfoot and Batboy having a child? derp. So very, very, gullible. Bwahahaaaaaaa
He’s a sock, as well.
Indeed. And Joseph McCarthy had a list of Commies who had taken over our government. It seems Republicans have been weak-minded, delusional conspiracy theorists since time began. Even five year old children roll their eyes when they hear this crap.

But good job "supporting law enforcement." Bwahahahaaaaaa
that's because most liberals act like 5 year olds not getting their way.

need some youtube videos? we got lots after trump got elected. butthurt scales globally shattered.

Sure. Will you post the YouTube video of spaceships invading Earth or a video of Bigfoot and Batboy having a child? derp. So very, very, gullible. Bwahahaaaaaaa
what does any of your new twist have to do with liberals acting like 5 year olds not getting their way and screaming at the sky?

so very - stupid.

have a day.

Screaming at the sky is far better than accusing right-wing law enforcement officials of performing a "witch hunt" on their ow party members. Oh wait, two of those members have been indicted and two ADMITTED guilt. How many under Obama? None. Your delusion regarding ACTUAL treason is amazing...yet expected. derp
no one over 12 uses "derp" anymore.

recess is over son. get back to your geography lessons.
'Whistleblower: Secret Society Held Off-Site Meetings'


Insane, loser nonsense.

Well at least they know not to use e-mail and tweeter anymore.

Lessons learned........or are they?

Just how stupid are they?
He’s a sock, as well.
that's because most liberals act like 5 year olds not getting their way.

need some youtube videos? we got lots after trump got elected. butthurt scales globally shattered.

Sure. Will you post the YouTube video of spaceships invading Earth or a video of Bigfoot and Batboy having a child? derp. So very, very, gullible. Bwahahaaaaaaa
what does any of your new twist have to do with liberals acting like 5 year olds not getting their way and screaming at the sky?

so very - stupid.

have a day.

Screaming at the sky is far better than accusing right-wing law enforcement officials of performing a "witch hunt" on their ow party members. Oh wait, two of those members have been indicted and two ADMITTED guilt. How many under Obama? None. Your delusion regarding ACTUAL treason is amazing...yet expected. derp
no one over 12 uses "derp" anymore.

recess is over son. get back to your geography lessons.
and ignore. got no time for people just lippin.
Holy cow, you are Flag Officer! Cool. How many stars do you have? Can you give us a hint as to which command you are over?
You just can't help putting your complete and utter ignorance on display, can you?!

You are the living example of what John Wayne said: 'Life is hard. It's harder if you're STUPID!"

If you are serving more than 30 years then you are either a flag officer or maybe the 1 in a 1000 E9s that get to stay that long.

Perhaps you should do a little more research before you make shit up online. Some of us have actually served and know bullshit when we see it.
I will not disparage your supposed military service; however, as usual, your thinking process gets stuck somewhere in the middle and can't process all the data. You are thinking in the narrow confines of your 'ignorant' box. I continue to serve....how about you?

Again, you just can't help putting your complete and utter ignorance on display, can you?! You truly are the living example of what John Wayne said: 'Life is hard. It's harder if you're STUPID!"

Face it dude, you got busted when you lied about serving 30 years in the military. Just admit you lied and move on. it is all good!
Holy cow, you are Flag Officer! Cool. How many stars do you have? Can you give us a hint as to which command you are over?
You just can't help putting your complete and utter ignorance on display, can you?!

You are the living example of what John Wayne said: 'Life is hard. It's harder if you're STUPID!"

If you are serving more than 30 years then you are either a flag officer or maybe the 1 in a 1000 E9s that get to stay that long.

Perhaps you should do a little more research before you make shit up online. Some of us have actually served and know bullshit when we see it.
I will not disparage your supposed military service; however, as usual, your thinking process gets stuck somewhere in the middle and can't process all the data. You are thinking in the narrow confines of your 'ignorant' box. I continue to serve....how about you?

Again, you just can't help putting your complete and utter ignorance on display, can you?! You truly are the living example of what John Wayne said: 'Life is hard. It's harder if you're STUPID!"

Face it dude, you got busted when you lied about serving 30 years in the military. Just admit you lied and move on. it is all good!
Dude, I'm still serving...

Have you f*ing morons ever heard of the Guard, Reserve, Contractors, GS Employees?

Do you know you can serve in the Guard / Reserve for years, go Active Duty for years...and can go back into the Guard / Reserve...that you can continue to serve forward / anywhere as Contractors / GS employees?

You morons smugly spout your ignorant opinions as if they were FACT when the truth is you have no f*nig clue what you're talking about.

Indeed. And Joseph McCarthy had a list of Commies who had taken over our government. It seems Republicans have been weak-minded, delusional conspiracy theorists since time began. Even five year old children roll their eyes when they hear this crap.

But good job "supporting law enforcement." Bwahahahaaaaaa
that's because most liberals act like 5 year olds not getting their way.

need some youtube videos? we got lots after trump got elected. butthurt scales globally shattered.

Sure. Will you post the YouTube video of spaceships invading Earth or a video of Bigfoot and Batboy having a child? derp. So very, very, gullible. Bwahahaaaaaaa
what does any of your new twist have to do with liberals acting like 5 year olds not getting their way and screaming at the sky?

so very - stupid.

have a day.

Screaming at the sky is far better than accusing right-wing law enforcement officials of performing a "witch hunt" on their ow party members. Oh wait, two of those members have been indicted and two ADMITTED guilt. How many under Obama? None. Your delusion regarding ACTUAL treason is amazing...yet expected. derp
no one over 12 uses "derp" anymore.

recess is over son. get back to your geography lessons.
No one uses Derp? That's hilarious coming from people who still use "libtard" and repeat known nonsense from sites like "Infowars" whose glorious leader admitted in court under oath that everything g he says is a lie simply meant to influence idiots to give him cash. But I'm sure you bought the fake gold Fox was selling idiots for years. DERP
He’s a sock, as well.
Sure. Will you post the YouTube video of spaceships invading Earth or a video of Bigfoot and Batboy having a child? derp. So very, very, gullible. Bwahahaaaaaaa
what does any of your new twist have to do with liberals acting like 5 year olds not getting their way and screaming at the sky?

so very - stupid.

have a day.

Screaming at the sky is far better than accusing right-wing law enforcement officials of performing a "witch hunt" on their ow party members. Oh wait, two of those members have been indicted and two ADMITTED guilt. How many under Obama? None. Your delusion regarding ACTUAL treason is amazing...yet expected. derp
no one over 12 uses "derp" anymore.

recess is over son. get back to your geography lessons.
and ignore. got no time for people just lippin.
We know. You only have time for commie dictators and "newsmen" who tell you milk cartons are turning your kids gay. Bwahahhaaaaaaaaaaa
Holy cow, you are Flag Officer! Cool. How many stars do you have? Can you give us a hint as to which command you are over?
You just can't help putting your complete and utter ignorance on display, can you?!

You are the living example of what John Wayne said: 'Life is hard. It's harder if you're STUPID!"

If you are serving more than 30 years then you are either a flag officer or maybe the 1 in a 1000 E9s that get to stay that long.

Perhaps you should do a little more research before you make shit up online. Some of us have actually served and know bullshit when we see it.
I will not disparage your supposed military service; however, as usual, your thinking process gets stuck somewhere in the middle and can't process all the data. You are thinking in the narrow confines of your 'ignorant' box. I continue to serve....how about you?

Again, you just can't help putting your complete and utter ignorance on display, can you?! You truly are the living example of what John Wayne said: 'Life is hard. It's harder if you're STUPID!"

Face it dude, you got busted when you lied about serving 30 years in the military. Just admit you lied and move on. it is all good!
face it, dude. when you go calling people out as lairs based on so little information, it makes you look like a...what are those words again???

oh yea.

that's because most liberals act like 5 year olds not getting their way.

need some youtube videos? we got lots after trump got elected. butthurt scales globally shattered.

Sure. Will you post the YouTube video of spaceships invading Earth or a video of Bigfoot and Batboy having a child? derp. So very, very, gullible. Bwahahaaaaaaa
what does any of your new twist have to do with liberals acting like 5 year olds not getting their way and screaming at the sky?

so very - stupid.

have a day.

Screaming at the sky is far better than accusing right-wing law enforcement officials of performing a "witch hunt" on their ow party members. Oh wait, two of those members have been indicted and two ADMITTED guilt. How many under Obama? None. Your delusion regarding ACTUAL treason is amazing...yet expected. derp
no one over 12 uses "derp" anymore.

recess is over son. get back to your geography lessons.
No one uses Derp? That's hilarious coming from people who still use "libtard" and repeat known nonsense from sites like "Infowars" whose glorious leader admitted in court under oath that everything g he says is a lie simply meant to influence idiots to give him cash. But I'm sure you bought the fake gold Fox was selling idiots for years. DERP
tell you what spanky, show me where i called someone a libtard. :) you see - i'm talking TO YOU son, not some strawman out there i'm out to get today.

you act 12, i'll notice. end of story. you wanna think i talk that same way - show me.

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