'Whistleblower: Secret Society Held Off-Site Meetings'


Wow. Three threads within two minutes. You guys are on your game tonight.

Did new talking points just go out?

Talking points and parrots are part of the leftist agenda you're familiar with.

In the rest of the political world facts come out. I realize you're not concerned with facts, just protecting your criminal masters.
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You know, you are correct, that is still serving the country, as are you.
I apologize for my personal attack on you and your service.
Sometimes my fingers work faster than my brain and then my pride will not allow me to admit it.
I was wrong and I am sincerely sorry for disparaging you and your service to this country.
Though I will add I do not think I have defended anyone.

Thank you for your apology. Serving is the only thing I wanted to do my entire life from a very young age. My family on both sides have always served - all of them. I took after my 'crazy' uncle - one of the 'elite' - who was not only patriotic but sometimes an adrenaline-junky - any time, anywhere, anything that needed to be done...that still needs to be done. Time ... or fate .. will eventually catch up to me, but not 'today'. :p

God, Country, Family... Nowhere in there is there room for 'Party' or 'Politician'. I'm one of those suckers who still fights for all the cornball reasons, many of which seem extremely elusive these days...'The whisper of Rome' (movie Gladiator)

I wish sometimes people would think more before firing off posts, ensuring 'partisan' does not take over. I admit that I am guilty of this at times, too, and for that I apologize.
If you are serving more than 30 years then you are either a flag officer or maybe the 1 in a 1000 E9s that get to stay that long.

Perhaps you should do a little more research before you make shit up online. Some of us have actually served and know bullshit when we see it.
I will not disparage your supposed military service; however, as usual, your thinking process gets stuck somewhere in the middle and can't process all the data. You are thinking in the narrow confines of your 'ignorant' box. I continue to serve....how about you?

Again, you just can't help putting your complete and utter ignorance on display, can you?! You truly are the living example of what John Wayne said: 'Life is hard. It's harder if you're STUPID!"

Face it dude, you got busted when you lied about serving 30 years in the military. Just admit you lied and move on. it is all good!
face it, dude. when you go calling people out as lairs based on so little information, it makes you look like a...what are those words again???

oh yea.


Face it, dude, I back up everything I post with evidence while snowflakes run around defending proven criminals and traitors, making accusations without ever having the evidence to back it up. You are ruled by partisan emotion / hatred.

As I said, I would be the 1st person to demand Trump be Impeached if the Democrats could ever produce any evidence ...which they CAN'T. They have provided a ton of evidence incriminating themselves, though, evidence snowflakes want to ignore by continuing to keep their collective heads up the criminal Democrats' asses.

Continuing to attack me personally just makes you look like an emotional asshole. Try using facts, evidence, links, etc...when you can find any.
you do realize i'm bagging on gator - right?
Sorry...my bad! I apologize.
I will not disparage your supposed military service; however, as usual, your thinking process gets stuck somewhere in the middle and can't process all the data. You are thinking in the narrow confines of your 'ignorant' box. I continue to serve....how about you?

Again, you just can't help putting your complete and utter ignorance on display, can you?! You truly are the living example of what John Wayne said: 'Life is hard. It's harder if you're STUPID!"

Face it dude, you got busted when you lied about serving 30 years in the military. Just admit you lied and move on. it is all good!
face it, dude. when you go calling people out as lairs based on so little information, it makes you look like a...what are those words again???

oh yea.


Face it, dude, I back up everything I post with evidence while snowflakes run around defending proven criminals and traitors, making accusations without ever having the evidence to back it up. You are ruled by partisan emotion / hatred.

As I said, I would be the 1st person to demand Trump be Impeached if the Democrats could ever produce any evidence ...which they CAN'T. They have provided a ton of evidence incriminating themselves, though, evidence snowflakes want to ignore by continuing to keep their collective heads up the criminal Democrats' asses.

Continuing to attack me personally just makes you look like an emotional asshole. Try using facts, evidence, links, etc...when you can find any.
you do realize i'm bagging on gator - right?
Sorry...my bad! I apologize.
all good - it gets confusing in here. no harm, no foul.
Obama did a lot of damage in only 8 years, now you are seeing the underlying layer of lawless corruption. When you plant that many bad apples throughout government it rots from the inside out.
If you are a contractor you are not serving in the military, you are working for them.
Hey goofball, I served for years (12) and am still in the reserves now. But YOU seem to be attacking REPUBLICAN war heroes (Mueller) just like your Putin loving, draft dodging, hero attacked McCains service and Gold Star families. On behalf of all of us who have served you are a disgrace. lmao

So you are now serving part time, I am happy for you. We loved you weekend warriors when I was in, you were so easy to make fun of.

I do find it pretty damn funny that you are attacking me for being a Trump guy while the right wing zealots are calling me a liberal in the same thread. That is what happens to those of us who do not fall into one of the two boxes like the rest of you.

I did not attack Mueller, I attacked the investigation as a waste of time and money, much as the Starr investigation was also. It is not Mueller I have an issue with, just what he is being paid to do.
Mueller betrayed his country / failed to do his job, and now he is part of the 'Secret Society' trying to overthrown the legally elected President of the United States. Trying to wrap the American flag around him is like trying to wrap a Jewish flag around Hitler.

Mueller failed his country by taking a bullet in Vietnam? Funny most of us would say Trump failed his country by claiming his "heel hurt" to avoid serving in that war 5 times....and of course those who support him fail this country by supporting Putin while trashing Gold Star Families and heroes like Joh McCain.
Mueller failed / betrayed his country in 2009, as evidence shows, by hiding Russian crimes of bribery / buying politicians, extortion, intimidation, violence, etc in their pursuit of buying Uranium One.

Both US AG Eric Holder and Sect of State Hillary Clinton were aware of these, too, as they were members of the Committee responsible for approving or denying the sale of uranium One to the Russians....and they never shared this information to the Committee. All three kept is secret until after the deal was done. Obama knew, as well, and despite knowing he signed off on it after the Committee approved the sale.

Snowflakes demonstrate they can not think for themselves by proving they don't think / ask questions beyond what their liberal media feeds them. They don't think about things like:



That leads right back to that pathetic comment Obama made to Romney in their debate, going for a funny one-liner rather than seriously considering what a threat Russia was. RUSSIA has been and continues to be our enemy...and anyone who thought selling them 20% of our uranium was a f*ing idiot.

Snowflakes have argued that it was ok to do so because they could not take it out of the country.

- 1st, what sense does that make, even if they could not take t out of the country, why would you sell our enemies 20% of the US uranium supply?

- 2nd, 'the Russians can't take it out of the country' - HOW DID THAT F*ING WORK OUT? It is now in their hands. Obama himself signed the document allowing the uranium to be transported to Canada, out of our control, where it was then transferred into Europe and Russian hands.

Mueller, Holder, Hillary, and Obama hid the Russian crimes. Liberals were stupid enough to help / allow the Russians buy Uranium One / acquire 20% of our supply of uranium. Obama made it possible for the uranium to leave the country and be shipped to the Russians.

either the Obama administration worked / colluded with the Russians to make this all happen while Barry was trying to get Putin's permission to invade Syria, or there were a lot of incompetent F*-Ups made in 2009 by this administration / the FBI.

Hey law enforcement "failed" because they proved rwnj's were outright lying about Uranium One. Give me a break. "I will not accept any law enforcement agency who says after investigation that Dem is innocent. Likewise when they prove the GOP is guilty I will not accept it. Why? I do not support law enforcement or out government. I only accept the musings of millionaire talking heads and foreign law enforcement agencies," said all of the raving right-wing lunatics and their buddies, commie bots. Bwahahaaaaaaaaaaa
"An FBI informant has apparently informed Congress that a secret society at the FBI was holding secret meetings off-site after the election of Donald Trump.

On Special Report with Bret Baier Tuesday evening, Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.) called it "corruption of the highest levels of the FBI."

"That secret society — we have an informant that's talking about a group that were holding secret meetings off-site," Johnson said. "There is so much smoke here

The Obama administration's treason is being revealed...the 'Witch Hunters' now find themselves the HUNTED!

Sen. Ron Johnson: FBI Informant Says 'Secret Society' Held Secret Meetings Off-Site

You people are really cracked pots. Maybe they held joint meetings with the Deep State. Get James Bond on the case.

The FBI is the crackpot full of corruption. The truth is coming out.

The truth is coming out. You people are pondscum willing to create any conspiracy theory to protect Trump. You people need to be locked up in a rubber room somewhere.
Yes. If only there weren't so many clowns like yourself who have no better purpose in life than frantically reloading Breitbart and GP, waiting for some new bullshit to start a thread about.

Right, because right wing hacks are so inferior to bed wetting liberals who relentlessly cut and paste media matters drivel about Trump/Russia fairy tales.

I started to assume you're just trying to marginalize information that confirms democrooks are treasonous sociopaths, but you're above that...

Hey law enforcement "failed" because they proved rwnj's were outright lying about Uranium One. Give me a break. "I will not accept any law enforcement agency who says after investigation that Dem is innocent. Likewise when they prove the GOP is guilty I will not accept it. Why? I do not support law enforcement or out government. I only accept the musings of millionaire talking heads and foreign law enforcement agencies," said all of the raving right-wing lunatics and their buddies, commie bots. Bwahahaaaaaaaaaaa

The truth is coming out. You people are pondscum willing to create any conspiracy theory to protect Trump. You people need to be locked up in a rubber room somewhere.
Oh, stop, BB!

Explain something....how can the FBI have in their possession 15,000 pieces of evidence proving to be violations of both the FOIA and the Federal Records Act, evidence of criminally mishandling classified - such as allowing a MAID who has no security clearance to have access to TOP SECRET information that, if released according to President Obama himself, would cause grave damage to our national security....and the FBI, after citing Gross negligence and admitting the person being investigated committed crimes...how could the FBI refuse to recommend that person for Indictment based on all of the existing evidence.

Pull your head out of the sand, drop the talking points, put on your 'objective' glasses, and read that paragraph one more time.....

THIS is PROVEN to be what happened. HOW can you say the FBI is not corrupt?

If all of that is too complicated, answer this one question:

According to the FOIA and Federal Records Act, Hillary Clinton was required to turn over all official documents, texts, and e-mails...and she did not....according to both the FBI and State Department. THAT IS A CRIME.

So HOW can Democrats / snowflakes still say Hillary broke no laws? How can you say the FBI / Obama administration did not protect her...especially when evidence now shows Comey and Lynch had made the decision to exonerate Hillary before the investigation was over?

FBI found extensive evidence Hillary emails violated federal records laws

State Dept IG Finds Hillary Clinton Violated Government Records Act and Refused to Speak to Investigators

Report: FBI Found Evidence That Clinton Violated Federal Records Act
Hey law enforcement "failed" because they proved rwnj's were outright lying about Uranium One. Give me a break. "I will not accept any law enforcement agency who says after investigation that Dem is innocent. Likewise when they prove the GOP is guilty I will not accept it. Why? I do not support law enforcement or out government. I only accept the musings of millionaire talking heads and foreign law enforcement agencies," said all of the raving right-wing lunatics and their buddies, commie bots. Bwahahaaaaaaaaaaa

I love how conservatives can only use cartoons and Reality TV quotes. lmao. I'm surprised you don't post the pictures you colored in with your red crayon. lmao
The truth is coming out. You people are pondscum willing to create any conspiracy theory to protect Trump. You people need to be locked up in a rubber room somewhere.
Oh, stop, BB!

Explain something....how can the FBI have in their possession 15,000 pieces of evidence proving to be violations of both the FOIA and the Federal Records Act, evidence of criminally mishandling classified - such as allowing a MAID who has no security clearance to have access to TOP SECRET information that, if released according to President Obama himself, would cause grave damage to our national security....and the FBI, after citing Gross negligence and admitting the person being investigated committed crimes...how could the FBI refuse to recommend that person for Indictment based on all of the existing evidence.

Pull your head out of the sand, drop the talking points, put on your 'objective' glasses, and read that paragraph one more time.....

THIS is PROVEN to be what happened. HOW can you say the FBI is not corrupt?

If all of that is too complicated, answer this one question:

According to the FOIA and Federal Records Act, Hillary Clinton was required to turn over all official documents, texts, and e-mails...and she did not....according to both the FBI and State Department. THAT IS A CRIME.

So HOW can Democrats / snowflakes still say Hillary broke no laws? How can you say the FBI / Obama administration did not protect her...especially when evidence now shows Comey and Lynch had made the decision to exonerate Hillary before the investigation was over?

FBI found extensive evidence Hillary emails violated federal records laws

State Dept IG Finds Hillary Clinton Violated Government Records Act and Refused to Speak to Investigators

Report: FBI Found Evidence That Clinton Violated Federal Records Act

"The FBI is corrupt." Direct quote from Putin and the war cry for the traitorous right. But, but, but we support law enforcement. So f'n hilarious!
The truth is coming out. You people are pondscum willing to create any conspiracy theory to protect Trump. You people need to be locked up in a rubber room somewhere.
Oh, stop, BB!

Explain something....how can the FBI have in their possession 15,000 pieces of evidence proving to be violations of both the FOIA and the Federal Records Act, evidence of criminally mishandling classified - such as allowing a MAID who has no security clearance to have access to TOP SECRET information that, if released according to President Obama himself, would cause grave damage to our national security....and the FBI, after citing Gross negligence and admitting the person being investigated committed crimes...how could the FBI refuse to recommend that person for Indictment based on all of the existing evidence.

Pull your head out of the sand, drop the talking points, put on your 'objective' glasses, and read that paragraph one more time.....

THIS is PROVEN to be what happened. HOW can you say the FBI is not corrupt?

If all of that is too complicated, answer this one question:

According to the FOIA and Federal Records Act, Hillary Clinton was required to turn over all official documents, texts, and e-mails...and she did not....according to both the FBI and State Department. THAT IS A CRIME.

So HOW can Democrats / snowflakes still say Hillary broke no laws? How can you say the FBI / Obama administration did not protect her...especially when evidence now shows Comey and Lynch had made the decision to exonerate Hillary before the investigation was over?

FBI found extensive evidence Hillary emails violated federal records laws

State Dept IG Finds Hillary Clinton Violated Government Records Act and Refused to Speak to Investigators

Report: FBI Found Evidence That Clinton Violated Federal Records Act

"The FBI is corrupt." Direct quote from Putin and the war cry for the traitorous right. But, but, but we support law enforcement. So f'n hilarious!
We do support law enforcement, unless they let guilty people free and try to frame innocent ones.......I guess you're ok with that, we are not.
Hey law enforcement "failed" because they proved rwnj's were outright lying about Uranium One. Give me a break. "I will not accept any law enforcement agency who says after investigation that Dem is innocent. Likewise when they prove the GOP is guilty I will not accept it. Why? I do not support law enforcement or out government. I only accept the musings of millionaire talking heads and foreign law enforcement agencies," said all of the raving right-wing lunatics and their buddies, commie bots. Bwahahaaaaaaaaaaa

I love how conservatives can only use cartoons and Reality TV quotes. lmao. I'm surprised you don't post the pictures you colored in with your red crayon. lmao
then it's a damn good thing something like occupy democrats would never put up a misleading meme, huh?
"The FBI is corrupt." Direct quote from Putin and the war cry for the traitorous right.

How about that...Putin can see the obvious, too.....so why can't snowflakes? :p
Once again quoting and supporting Putin over the US. The GOP/conservatives just continue to ADMIT their treason proudly. lmao
well doing it via txt messages and illegal mail servers the fbi was doing so they had to be different.

Wow. Three threads within two minutes. You guys are on your game tonight.

Did new talking points just go out?
It's getting harder and harder to deny reality, isn't it, snowflake?!


The reality that Russian troll farmers are pushing the false narrative that the FBI is corrupt so that when Mueller charges Trump the base can claim it’s the “deep state”.

This propaganda campaign by Trump and the Russians against the FBI and the Justice Department simply will not work. Since Trump can’t stop the investigation the Russian government is attempting to aid Trump by lying about the people investigating him.
You freaks are fixated on 'Russia and Trump' when there is no 'Russia and Trump'.

A year+ later and you can not prove there is a 'Russia and Trump'.

There is a Russia and Hillary/Bill:
- $145 million from KGB Bank to Hillary
-$500k per speech from KGB Bank to Bill
- $12 million from Hillary to a Brit Spy who paid Russians for Propaganda she illegally used in a US election
- She voted to give Russians 20% of US Uranium
- When Bill could not meet with Russian Nuclear Commission Reps he met with Putin

There is a 'Russia and The Podestas'
- The Podesta Firm worked for the Russians
- John was given thousands of unreported shares of Russian stocks
- The board members of John's company primarily consisted of prominent Russian businessmen who had direct connections to the Kremlin and to Putin
- Fat Tony Podesta worked for BOTH the KGB Bank AND THE RUSSIAN SPY AGENY ... that supposedly hacked the DNC

There is a Russia & Mueller/Holder/Obama
- In 2009 they hid evidence of Russian crimes of bribery, extortion, intimidation, etc - part of their effort to acquire Uranium One - until after the sale went through

There is a Russia & Comey/Lynch/Obama
- Beginning in 2014 -2016 these 3 hid Russian crimes of attempting to hack Sr members of Congress, of running PsyOps missions thru social media (getting loyal little snowflakes like yourself to organize and march for them), and they paid leftist groups like BLM and Antifa to spread racisl division and violence.

Existing evidence proves ALL of this.

On the flip side, Democrats do not even have evidence against Trump to prove a crime was ever committed warranting an investigation.

STRZOK even tokd his little chippie he believed there is no 'there there', nothing to be found regarding the false Russia-Trump accusation.

Much like Obama's/ the FBI's little treasonous 'Secret Society', rabid snowlakes like yourself have become traitors and threats to our country / democracy because your rabid partisanship has been elevated above loyalty to COUNTRY to the point you refuse to accept election results and side with proven felons, conspirators, and traitors ... for the good of the party or to an individual (Obama, Hillary, etc...)
When are you going to stop posting this bullcrap that has been dis-proven time and time and time again?

Who pays you Easy65? Whose pawn are you?
The truth is coming out. You people are pondscum willing to create any conspiracy theory to protect Trump. You people need to be locked up in a rubber room somewhere.
Oh, stop, BB!

Explain something....how can the FBI have in their possession 15,000 pieces of evidence proving to be violations of both the FOIA and the Federal Records Act, evidence of criminally mishandling classified - such as allowing a MAID who has no security clearance to have access to TOP SECRET information that, if released according to President Obama himself, would cause grave damage to our national security....and the FBI, after citing Gross negligence and admitting the person being investigated committed crimes...how could the FBI refuse to recommend that person for Indictment based on all of the existing evidence.

Pull your head out of the sand, drop the talking points, put on your 'objective' glasses, and read that paragraph one more time.....

THIS is PROVEN to be what happened. HOW can you say the FBI is not corrupt?

If all of that is too complicated, answer this one question:

According to the FOIA and Federal Records Act, Hillary Clinton was required to turn over all official documents, texts, and e-mails...and she did not....according to both the FBI and State Department. THAT IS A CRIME.

So HOW can Democrats / snowflakes still say Hillary broke no laws? How can you say the FBI / Obama administration did not protect her...especially when evidence now shows Comey and Lynch had made the decision to exonerate Hillary before the investigation was over?

FBI found extensive evidence Hillary emails violated federal records laws

State Dept IG Finds Hillary Clinton Violated Government Records Act and Refused to Speak to Investigators

Report: FBI Found Evidence That Clinton Violated Federal Records Act

"The FBI is corrupt." Direct quote from Putin and the war cry for the traitorous right. But, but, but we support law enforcement. So f'n hilarious!
We do support law enforcement, unless they let guilty people free and try to frame innocent ones.......I guess you're ok with that, we are not.
Sounds like every criminal I have ever seen. "I (we're) not guilty...law enforcement framed me." Did you learn that in prison or did your mommy teach it to you?

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