'Whistleblower: Secret Society Held Off-Site Meetings'


Another thread.

I closed that one.

You just can't close them all fast enough.

Well at least you know how to use e-mail, that's something I reckon.

Yes. If only there weren't so many clowns like yourself who have no better purpose in life than frantically reloading Breitbart and GP, waiting for some new bullshit to start a thread about.

Another thread.

I closed that one.

You just can't close them all fast enough.

Well at least you know how to use e-mail, that's something I reckon.

Yes. If only there weren't so many clowns like yourself who have no better purpose in life than frantically reloading Breitbart and GP, waiting for some new bullshit to start a thread about.
GOP Lawmakers: FBI Officials Peter Strzok and Lisa Page Texted About 'Secret Society' After Election

Wow. Three threads within two minutes. You guys are on your game tonight.

Did new talking points just go out?
It's getting harder and harder to deny reality, isn't it, snowflake?!


The reality that Russian troll farmers are pushing the false narrative that the FBI is corrupt so that when Mueller charges Trump the base can claim it’s the “deep state”.

This propaganda campaign by Trump and the Russians against the FBI and the Justice Department simply will not work. Since Trump can’t stop the investigation the Russian government is attempting to aid Trump by lying about the people investigating him.

Another thread.

I closed that one.

You just can't close them all fast enough.

Well at least you know how to use e-mail, that's something I reckon.

Yes. If only there weren't so many clowns like yourself who have no better purpose in life than frantically reloading Breitbart and GP, waiting for some new bullshit to start a thread about.

They seem to be following the old Steve Martin song lyric "Be obsequious, purple and clairvoyant" --- except they got stuck on Thing One.
"An FBI informant has apparently informed Congress that a secret society at the FBI was holding secret meetings off-site after the election of Donald Trump.

On Special Report with Bret Baier Tuesday evening, Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.) called it "corruption of the highest levels of the FBI."

"That secret society — we have an informant that's talking about a group that were holding secret meetings off-site," Johnson said. "There is so much smoke here

The Obama administration's treason is being revealed...the 'Witch Hunters' now find themselves the HUNTED!

Sen. Ron Johnson: FBI Informant Says 'Secret Society' Held Secret Meetings Off-Site
Your source is "pjmedia". LMAO!
The corruption in the FBI and their secret state, lies, deceit, collusion, is all coming out. The truth will come out.
"An FBI informant has apparently informed Congress that a secret society at the FBI was holding secret meetings off-site after the election of Donald Trump.

On Special Report with Bret Baier Tuesday evening, Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.) called it "corruption of the highest levels of the FBI."

"That secret society — we have an informant that's talking about a group that were holding secret meetings off-site," Johnson said. "There is so much smoke here

The Obama administration's treason is being revealed...the 'Witch Hunters' now find themselves the HUNTED!

Sen. Ron Johnson: FBI Informant Says 'Secret Society' Held Secret Meetings Off-Site

You people are really cracked pots. Maybe they held joint meetings with the Deep State. Get James Bond on the case.
What scum these Barry Soetoro / Hillary Rotten Clinton are... LOCK THEM UP!

An FBI informant has apparently informed Congress that a secret society at the FBI was holding secret meetings off-site after the election of Donald Trump.

On Special Report with Bret Baier Tuesday evening, Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.) called it "corruption of the highest levels of the FBI."

Sen. Ron Johnson: FBI Informant Says 'Secret Society' Held Secret Meetings Off-Site

Try taking your brain out of the blind trust. You looney tunes are the ones who need to be locked up so you don't hurt anyone including yourself.
"An FBI informant has apparently informed Congress that a secret society at the FBI was holding secret meetings off-site after the election of Donald Trump.

On Special Report with Bret Baier Tuesday evening, Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.) called it "corruption of the highest levels of the FBI."

"That secret society — we have an informant that's talking about a group that were holding secret meetings off-site," Johnson said. "There is so much smoke here

The Obama administration's treason is being revealed...the 'Witch Hunters' now find themselves the HUNTED!

Sen. Ron Johnson: FBI Informant Says 'Secret Society' Held Secret Meetings Off-Site

You people are really cracked pots. Maybe they held joint meetings with the Deep State. Get James Bond on the case.

The FBI is the crackpot full of corruption. The truth is coming out.

Wow. Three threads within two minutes. You guys are on your game tonight.

Did new talking points just go out?
It's getting harder and harder to deny reality, isn't it, snowflake?!


The reality that Russian troll farmers are pushing the false narrative that the FBI is corrupt so that when Mueller charges Trump the base can claim it’s the “deep state”.

This propaganda campaign by Trump and the Russians against the FBI and the Justice Department simply will not work. Since Trump can’t stop the investigation the Russian government is attempting to aid Trump by lying about the people investigating him.
You freaks are fixated on 'Russia and Trump' when there is no 'Russia and Trump'.

A year+ later and you can not prove there is a 'Russia and Trump'.

There is a Russia and Hillary/Bill:
- $145 million from KGB Bank to Hillary
-$500k per speech from KGB Bank to Bill
- $12 million from Hillary to a Brit Spy who paid Russians for Propaganda she illegally used in a US election
- She voted to give Russians 20% of US Uranium
- When Bill could not meet with Russian Nuclear Commission Reps he met with Putin

There is a 'Russia and The Podestas'
- The Podesta Firm worked for the Russians
- John was given thousands of unreported shares of Russian stocks
- The board members of John's company primarily consisted of prominent Russian businessmen who had direct connections to the Kremlin and to Putin
- Fat Tony Podesta worked for BOTH the KGB Bank AND THE RUSSIAN SPY AGENY ... that supposedly hacked the DNC

There is a Russia & Mueller/Holder/Obama
- In 2009 they hid evidence of Russian crimes of bribery, extortion, intimidation, etc - part of their effort to acquire Uranium One - until after the sale went through

There is a Russia & Comey/Lynch/Obama
- Beginning in 2014 -2016 these 3 hid Russian crimes of attempting to hack Sr members of Congress, of running PsyOps missions thru social media (getting loyal little snowflakes like yourself to organize and march for them), and they paid leftist groups like BLM and Antifa to spread racisl division and violence.

Existing evidence proves ALL of this.

On the flip side, Democrats do not even have evidence against Trump to prove a crime was ever committed warranting an investigation.

STRZOK even tokd his little chippie he believed there is no 'there there', nothing to be found regarding the false Russia-Trump accusation.

Much like Obama's/ the FBI's little treasonous 'Secret Society', rabid snowlakes like yourself have become traitors and threats to our country / democracy because your rabid partisanship has been elevated above loyalty to COUNTRY to the point you refuse to accept election results and side with proven felons, conspirators, and traitors ... for the good of the party or to an individual (Obama, Hillary, etc...)
The issue is whether or not Hussaine should testify. Would bringing that POS Hussaine Obama to justice more likely to cause black to riots vs the Deep State (mostly ZOG) framing the President we elected causing intelligent, well armed American citizens to take action. It would actually result in real easy urban renewal if the Deep State wants to go that route. Or as butthurt blacks say, "gentrification." Code word for fixing up shit holes.
Last edited:


Wow. Three threads within two minutes. You guys are on your game tonight.

Did new talking points just go out?
It's getting harder and harder to deny reality, isn't it, snowflake?!


The reality that Russian troll farmers are pushing the false narrative that the FBI is corrupt so that when Mueller charges Trump the base can claim it’s the “deep state”.

This propaganda campaign by Trump and the Russians against the FBI and the Justice Department simply will not work. Since Trump can’t stop the investigation the Russian government is attempting to aid Trump by lying about the people investigating him.
You freaks are fixated on 'Russia and Trump' when there is no 'Russia and Trump'.

what's even worse is they don't see they're being played and played hard. "the right" has been saying for a long time the good old boys club was breaking laws left and right and it was justified by any means necessary.

to be blunt, i don't give a shit about left or right. i want all sides including each and every one of us to fall under the same laws. period. if i go to jail for it, so does everyone else. the president may get a few breaks on speeding tickets and the like but if breaking laws like many feel obama and company has, they've got to come to justice or what is the point of justice?

is obama and "being right" more important than being accountable to the same "justice"? it would seem so. if it turns out trump colluded and did ANYTHING illegal to get elected, put in in a reopened but not updated alcatraz and tell this he spends the rest of his life here. so does hillary, obama, and a bulk of the fbi and others. we're getting bits and pieces and now the left will simply say "fake news" "making stuff up"

maybe. that is all to common AND accepted these days. the acceptance is just an enabler on a social level. but what if not? for those hard core on the left - *what if"?

what if obama did do all this spying? hillary and the FBI collusion? the left has already declared collusion illegal and hang trump a thousand times a day so *if* it is in fact as illegal as they feel, apply that same standard, the one w/o mercy or care, to the crimes first, worry about who later. "WHAT IF" they did it? what if the evidence shows that obama and the fbi colluded to take down an elected official and lied to us all the whole time?

what then, in this "what if"? will the left accept it and get behind restoring law and order into the country or will their hate for trump and being wrong force continued bad behavior by us all?

there is no russia trump more than secret meetings and phone calls from russian lawyers that now appear to have been let in this country illegally. does "any means necessary" include breaking the law to satisfy an emotion? remember, you're not getting away with something, you're setting a precedence. if this is deemed ok, it WILL come back to you much like the nuke option and "no president in his final year can appoint a judge" did.

no side "gets away with it" - they only open up the other side to doing more to keep up.

so what if all this FBI collusion is true - will the left come to their senses? and sure, what if trump did collude illegally? alcatraz him - already said it.

and what if it was trump that did all that you're hearing obama and company did - would you let trump slide or swear to your own god that you GOT HIM this time?

what if?

Wow. Three threads within two minutes. You guys are on your game tonight.

Did new talking points just go out?
It's getting harder and harder to deny reality, isn't it, snowflake?!


The reality that Russian troll farmers are pushing the false narrative that the FBI is corrupt so that when Mueller charges Trump the base can claim it’s the “deep state”.

This propaganda campaign by Trump and the Russians against the FBI and the Justice Department simply will not work. Since Trump can’t stop the investigation the Russian government is attempting to aid Trump by lying about the people investigating him.
You freaks are fixated on 'Russia and Trump' when there is no 'Russia and Trump'.

A year+ later and you can not prove there is a 'Russia and Trump'.

There is a Russia and Hillary/Bill:
- $145 million from KGB Bank to Hillary
-$500k per speech from KGB Bank to Bill
- $12 million from Hillary to a Brit Spy who paid Russians for Propaganda she illegally used in a US election
- She voted to give Russians 20% of US Uranium
- When Bill could not meet with Russian Nuclear Commission Reps he met with Putin

There is a 'Russia and The Podestas'
- The Podesta Firm worked for the Russians
- John was given thousands of unreported shares of Russian stocks
- The board members of John's company primarily consisted of prominent Russian businessmen who had direct connections to the Kremlin and to Putin
- Fat Tony Podesta worked for BOTH the KGB Bank AND THE RUSSIAN SPY AGENY ... that supposedly hacked the DNC

There is a Russia & Mueller/Holder/Obama
- In 2009 they hid evidence of Russian crimes of bribery, extortion, intimidation, etc - part of their effort to acquire Uranium One - until after the sale went through

There is a Russia & Comey/Lynch/Obama
- Beginning in 2014 -2016 these 3 hid Russian crimes of attempting to hack Sr members of Congress, of running PsyOps missions thru social media (getting loyal little snowflakes like yourself to organize and march for them), and they paid leftist groups like BLM and Antifa to spread racisl division and violence.

Existing evidence proves ALL of this.

On the flip side, Democrats do not even have evidence against Trump to prove a crime was ever committed warranting an investigation.

STRZOK even tokd his little chippie he believed there is no 'there there', nothing to be found regarding the false Russia-Trump accusation.

Much like Obama's/ the FBI's little treasonous 'Secret Society', rabid snowlakes like yourself have become traitors and threats to our country / democracy because your rabid partisanship has been elevated above loyalty to COUNTRY to the point you refuse to accept election results and side with proven felons, conspirators, and traitors ... for the good of the party or to an individual (Obama, Hillary, etc...)
as for the rest of your post - 1 more "what if"

what if trump and his clan did all this? still ok? if not, then it's not ok for anyone.


Another thread.

I closed that one.

You just can't close them all fast enough.

Well at least you know how to use e-mail, that's something I reckon.

Yes. If only there weren't so many clowns like yourself who have no better purpose in life than frantically reloading Breitbart and GP, waiting for some new bullshit to start a thread about.
yea cause starting political threads in a political forum is bad, mkay. :)
as for the rest of your post - 1 more "what if"

what if trump and his clan did all this? still ok? if not, then it's not ok for anyone.


Since we are playing "what if" games and the thread is a grand conspiracy thread....

What if all this is a ploy to destroy the faith of the citizens in the very institutions that are supposed to be protecting them from evil doers?

We have already gotten to the point where a certain percent of the population does not trust our electoral process or the media, if an enemy can add law enforcement to that, just imagine how easy we will be to take down a few more notches.
"An FBI informant has apparently informed Congress that a secret society at the FBI was holding secret meetings off-site after the election of Donald Trump.

On Special Report with Bret Baier Tuesday evening, Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.) called it "corruption of the highest levels of the FBI."

"That secret society — we have an informant that's talking about a group that were holding secret meetings off-site," Johnson said. "There is so much smoke here

The Obama administration's treason is being revealed...the 'Witch Hunters' now find themselves the HUNTED!

Sen. Ron Johnson: FBI Informant Says 'Secret Society' Held Secret Meetings Off-Site

Indeed. And Joseph McCarthy had a list of Commies who had taken over our government. It seems Republicans have been weak-minded, delusional conspiracy theorists since time began. Even five year old children roll their eyes when they hear this crap.

But good job "supporting law enforcement." Bwahahahaaaaaa
"An FBI informant has apparently informed Congress that a secret society at the FBI was holding secret meetings off-site after the election of Donald Trump.

On Special Report with Bret Baier Tuesday evening, Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.) called it "corruption of the highest levels of the FBI."

"That secret society — we have an informant that's talking about a group that were holding secret meetings off-site," Johnson said. "There is so much smoke here

The Obama administration's treason is being revealed...the 'Witch Hunters' now find themselves the HUNTED!

Sen. Ron Johnson: FBI Informant Says 'Secret Society' Held Secret Meetings Off-Site

Indeed. And Joseph McCarthy had a list of Commies who had taken over our government. It seems Republicans have been weak-minded, delusional conspiracy theorists since time began. Even five year old children roll their eyes when they hear this crap.

But good job "supporting law enforcement." Bwahahahaaaaaa
that's because most liberals act like 5 year olds not getting their way.

need some youtube videos? we got lots after trump got elected. butthurt scales globally shattered.

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