'Whistleblower: Secret Society Held Off-Site Meetings'

Holy cow, you are Flag Officer! Cool. How many stars do you have? Can you give us a hint as to which command you are over?
You just can't help putting your complete and utter ignorance on display, can you?!

You are the living example of what John Wayne said: 'Life is hard. It's harder if you're STUPID!"

If you are serving more than 30 years then you are either a flag officer or maybe the 1 in a 1000 E9s that get to stay that long.

Perhaps you should do a little more research before you make shit up online. Some of us have actually served and know bullshit when we see it.
I will not disparage your supposed military service; however, as usual, your thinking process gets stuck somewhere in the middle and can't process all the data. You are thinking in the narrow confines of your 'ignorant' box. I continue to serve....how about you?

Again, you just can't help putting your complete and utter ignorance on display, can you?! You truly are the living example of what John Wayne said: 'Life is hard. It's harder if you're STUPID!"

Face it dude, you got busted when you lied about serving 30 years in the military. Just admit you lied and move on. it is all good!
face it, dude. when you go calling people out as lairs based on so little information, it makes you look like a...what are those words again???

oh yea.

But when YOU do it, the same doesn't apply to you? Sorry little girl but I'm making fun of your own behavior for the previous eight years while now attacking our institutions to prop up Putin. "I bet you have a commie flag hanging up in your garage."
Holy cow, you are Flag Officer! Cool. How many stars do you have? Can you give us a hint as to which command you are over?
You just can't help putting your complete and utter ignorance on display, can you?!

You are the living example of what John Wayne said: 'Life is hard. It's harder if you're STUPID!"

If you are serving more than 30 years then you are either a flag officer or maybe the 1 in a 1000 E9s that get to stay that long.

Perhaps you should do a little more research before you make shit up online. Some of us have actually served and know bullshit when we see it.
I will not disparage your supposed military service; however, as usual, your thinking process gets stuck somewhere in the middle and can't process all the data. You are thinking in the narrow confines of your 'ignorant' box. I continue to serve....how about you?

Again, you just can't help putting your complete and utter ignorance on display, can you?! You truly are the living example of what John Wayne said: 'Life is hard. It's harder if you're STUPID!"

Face it dude, you got busted when you lied about serving 30 years in the military. Just admit you lied and move on. it is all good!
Dude, I'm still serving...

Have you f*ing morons ever heard of the Guard, Reserve, Contractors, GS Employees?

Do you know you can serve in the Guard / Reserve for years, go Active Duty for years...and can go back into the Guard / Reserve...that you can continue to serve forward / anywhere as Contractors / GS employees?

You morons smugly spout your ignorant opinions as if they were FACT when the truth is you have no f*nig clue what you're talking about.


If you are a contractor you are not serving in the military, you are working for them.
Sure. Will you post the YouTube video of spaceships invading Earth or a video of Bigfoot and Batboy having a child? derp. So very, very, gullible. Bwahahaaaaaaa
what does any of your new twist have to do with liberals acting like 5 year olds not getting their way and screaming at the sky?

so very - stupid.

have a day.

Screaming at the sky is far better than accusing right-wing law enforcement officials of performing a "witch hunt" on their ow party members. Oh wait, two of those members have been indicted and two ADMITTED guilt. How many under Obama? None. Your delusion regarding ACTUAL treason is amazing...yet expected. derp
no one over 12 uses "derp" anymore.

recess is over son. get back to your geography lessons.
No one uses Derp? That's hilarious coming from people who still use "libtard" and repeat known nonsense from sites like "Infowars" whose glorious leader admitted in court under oath that everything g he says is a lie simply meant to influence idiots to give him cash. But I'm sure you bought the fake gold Fox was selling idiots for years. DERP
tell you what spanky, show me where i called someone a libtard. :) you see - i'm talking TO YOU son, not some strawman out there i'm out to get today.

you act 12, i'll notice. end of story. you wanna think i talk that same way - show me.
I can show you where you called someone "Spanky." Whoops it looks like someone has thin, skin like a snowflake. LMAO. Oh wait, suddenly being not "PC" is making a right winger cry? Grow up. Believing anti-American conspiracies is playing right into your glorious leaders hands. lmao
Holy cow, you are Flag Officer! Cool. How many stars do you have? Can you give us a hint as to which command you are over?
You just can't help putting your complete and utter ignorance on display, can you?!

You are the living example of what John Wayne said: 'Life is hard. It's harder if you're STUPID!"

If you are serving more than 30 years then you are either a flag officer or maybe the 1 in a 1000 E9s that get to stay that long.

Perhaps you should do a little more research before you make shit up online. Some of us have actually served and know bullshit when we see it.
I will not disparage your supposed military service; however, as usual, your thinking process gets stuck somewhere in the middle and can't process all the data. You are thinking in the narrow confines of your 'ignorant' box. I continue to serve....how about you?

Again, you just can't help putting your complete and utter ignorance on display, can you?! You truly are the living example of what John Wayne said: 'Life is hard. It's harder if you're STUPID!"

Face it dude, you got busted when you lied about serving 30 years in the military. Just admit you lied and move on. it is all good!
face it, dude. when you go calling people out as lairs based on so little information, it makes you look like a...what are those words again???

oh yea.


I just go by the words that people use. That is all we have on this board since nobody knows anyone else. Words have meaning, get over it.
Holy cow, you are Flag Officer! Cool. How many stars do you have? Can you give us a hint as to which command you are over?
You just can't help putting your complete and utter ignorance on display, can you?!

You are the living example of what John Wayne said: 'Life is hard. It's harder if you're STUPID!"

If you are serving more than 30 years then you are either a flag officer or maybe the 1 in a 1000 E9s that get to stay that long.

Perhaps you should do a little more research before you make shit up online. Some of us have actually served and know bullshit when we see it.
I will not disparage your supposed military service; however, as usual, your thinking process gets stuck somewhere in the middle and can't process all the data. You are thinking in the narrow confines of your 'ignorant' box. I continue to serve....how about you?

Again, you just can't help putting your complete and utter ignorance on display, can you?! You truly are the living example of what John Wayne said: 'Life is hard. It's harder if you're STUPID!"

Face it dude, you got busted when you lied about serving 30 years in the military. Just admit you lied and move on. it is all good!
face it, dude. when you go calling people out as lairs based on so little information, it makes you look like a...what are those words again???

oh yea.


Face it, dude, I back up everything I post with evidence while snowflakes run around defending proven criminals and traitors, making accusations without ever having the evidence to back it up. You are ruled by partisan emotion / hatred.

As I said, I would be the 1st person to demand Trump be Impeached if the Democrats could ever produce any evidence ...which they CAN'T. They have provided a ton of evidence incriminating themselves, though, evidence snowflakes want to ignore by continuing to keep their collective heads up the criminal Democrats' asses.

Continuing to attack me personally just makes you look like an emotional asshole. Try using facts, evidence, links, etc...when you can find any.
You just can't help putting your complete and utter ignorance on display, can you?!

You are the living example of what John Wayne said: 'Life is hard. It's harder if you're STUPID!"

If you are serving more than 30 years then you are either a flag officer or maybe the 1 in a 1000 E9s that get to stay that long.

Perhaps you should do a little more research before you make shit up online. Some of us have actually served and know bullshit when we see it.
I will not disparage your supposed military service; however, as usual, your thinking process gets stuck somewhere in the middle and can't process all the data. You are thinking in the narrow confines of your 'ignorant' box. I continue to serve....how about you?

Again, you just can't help putting your complete and utter ignorance on display, can you?! You truly are the living example of what John Wayne said: 'Life is hard. It's harder if you're STUPID!"

Face it dude, you got busted when you lied about serving 30 years in the military. Just admit you lied and move on. it is all good!
Dude, I'm still serving...

Have you f*ing morons ever heard of the Guard, Reserve, Contractors, GS Employees?

Do you know you can serve in the Guard / Reserve for years, go Active Duty for years...and can go back into the Guard / Reserve...that you can continue to serve forward / anywhere as Contractors / GS employees?

You morons smugly spout your ignorant opinions as if they were FACT when the truth is you have no f*nig clue what you're talking about.


If you are a contractor you are not serving in the military, you are working for them.
Hey goofball, I served for years (12) and am still in the reserves now. But YOU seem to be attacking REPUBLICAN war heroes (Mueller) just like your Putin loving, draft dodging, hero attacked McCains service and Gold Star families. On behalf of all of us who have served you are a disgrace. lmao
You just can't help putting your complete and utter ignorance on display, can you?!

You are the living example of what John Wayne said: 'Life is hard. It's harder if you're STUPID!"

If you are serving more than 30 years then you are either a flag officer or maybe the 1 in a 1000 E9s that get to stay that long.

Perhaps you should do a little more research before you make shit up online. Some of us have actually served and know bullshit when we see it.
I will not disparage your supposed military service; however, as usual, your thinking process gets stuck somewhere in the middle and can't process all the data. You are thinking in the narrow confines of your 'ignorant' box. I continue to serve....how about you?

Again, you just can't help putting your complete and utter ignorance on display, can you?! You truly are the living example of what John Wayne said: 'Life is hard. It's harder if you're STUPID!"

Face it dude, you got busted when you lied about serving 30 years in the military. Just admit you lied and move on. it is all good!
face it, dude. when you go calling people out as lairs based on so little information, it makes you look like a...what are those words again???

oh yea.


Face it, dude, I back up everything I post with evidence while snowflakes run around defending proven criminals and traitors, making accusations without ever having the evidence to back it up. You are ruled by partisan emotion / hatred.

As I said, I would be the 1st person to demand Trump be Impeached if the Democrats could ever produce any evidence ...which they CAN'T. They have provided a ton of evidence incriminating themselves, though, evidence snowflakes want to ignore by continuing to keep their collective heads up the criminal Democrats' asses.

Continuing to attack me personally just makes you look like an emotional asshole. Try using facts, evidence, links, etc...when you can find any.
"Evidence?" Sorry, bro. Just because some talking head says something that is not evidence. But then again I'm sure you also believe Trump provided evidence Obama was born in Kenya. Bwahahaaaaaaaa
If you are serving more than 30 years then you are either a flag officer or maybe the 1 in a 1000 E9s that get to stay that long.

Perhaps you should do a little more research before you make shit up online. Some of us have actually served and know bullshit when we see it.
I will not disparage your supposed military service; however, as usual, your thinking process gets stuck somewhere in the middle and can't process all the data. You are thinking in the narrow confines of your 'ignorant' box. I continue to serve....how about you?

Again, you just can't help putting your complete and utter ignorance on display, can you?! You truly are the living example of what John Wayne said: 'Life is hard. It's harder if you're STUPID!"

Face it dude, you got busted when you lied about serving 30 years in the military. Just admit you lied and move on. it is all good!
Dude, I'm still serving...

Have you f*ing morons ever heard of the Guard, Reserve, Contractors, GS Employees?

Do you know you can serve in the Guard / Reserve for years, go Active Duty for years...and can go back into the Guard / Reserve...that you can continue to serve forward / anywhere as Contractors / GS employees?

You morons smugly spout your ignorant opinions as if they were FACT when the truth is you have no f*nig clue what you're talking about.


If you are a contractor you are not serving in the military, you are working for them.
Hey goofball, I served for years (12) and am still in the reserves now. But YOU seem to be attacking REPUBLICAN war heroes (Mueller) just like your Putin loving, draft dodging, hero attacked McCains service and Gold Star families. On behalf of all of us who have served you are a disgrace. lmao

So you are now serving part time, I am happy for you. We loved you weekend warriors when I was in, you were so easy to make fun of.

I do find it pretty damn funny that you are attacking me for being a Trump guy while the right wing zealots are calling me a liberal in the same thread. That is what happens to those of us who do not fall into one of the two boxes like the rest of you.

I did not attack Mueller, I attacked the investigation as a waste of time and money, much as the Starr investigation was also. It is not Mueller I have an issue with, just what he is being paid to do.
I love this board. The only board I have been on where I can get called both a Liberal and a Trump worshper in the same fuckign thread.

One cannot make this shit up! :banana:
If you are a contractor you are not serving in the military, you are working for them.

Military members serve their country, putting themselves in harm's way, and get paid to do it. Guard, Reserve, Contractors, and GS employees serve their country, put their lives on the line serving in some nasty places alongside the active duty military...and no matter what 'uniform' you are wearing, if you're doing the same exact job - at least to me - you're still SERVING your country. I am not doing what I am doing for the company / person who signs my paycheck. I still do it to serve my country, right alongside my brethren I spent over / my 1st 20+ years fighting alongside.

Of course snowflakes who continually defend proven criminals and traitors wouldn't understand where I am coming form.....
I will not disparage your supposed military service; however, as usual, your thinking process gets stuck somewhere in the middle and can't process all the data. You are thinking in the narrow confines of your 'ignorant' box. I continue to serve....how about you?

Again, you just can't help putting your complete and utter ignorance on display, can you?! You truly are the living example of what John Wayne said: 'Life is hard. It's harder if you're STUPID!"

Face it dude, you got busted when you lied about serving 30 years in the military. Just admit you lied and move on. it is all good!
Dude, I'm still serving...

Have you f*ing morons ever heard of the Guard, Reserve, Contractors, GS Employees?

Do you know you can serve in the Guard / Reserve for years, go Active Duty for years...and can go back into the Guard / Reserve...that you can continue to serve forward / anywhere as Contractors / GS employees?

You morons smugly spout your ignorant opinions as if they were FACT when the truth is you have no f*nig clue what you're talking about.


If you are a contractor you are not serving in the military, you are working for them.
Hey goofball, I served for years (12) and am still in the reserves now. But YOU seem to be attacking REPUBLICAN war heroes (Mueller) just like your Putin loving, draft dodging, hero attacked McCains service and Gold Star families. On behalf of all of us who have served you are a disgrace. lmao

So you are now serving part time, I am happy for you. We loved you weekend warriors when I was in, you were so easy to make fun of.

I do find it pretty damn funny that you are attacking me for being a Trump guy while the right wing zealots are calling me a liberal in the same thread. That is what happens to those of us who do not fall into one of the two boxes like the rest of you.

I did not attack Mueller, I attacked the investigation as a waste of time and money, much as the Starr investigation was also. It is not Mueller I have an issue with, just what he is being paid to do.
And Bengahazi? Was that a waste of time? It seems since four people have already been indicted or found guilty regarding this Russian attack on America it ain't a waste. But I get it. You served, just not for this country. Bwahahaaaaaaaaa
I will not disparage your supposed military service; however, as usual, your thinking process gets stuck somewhere in the middle and can't process all the data. You are thinking in the narrow confines of your 'ignorant' box. I continue to serve....how about you?

Again, you just can't help putting your complete and utter ignorance on display, can you?! You truly are the living example of what John Wayne said: 'Life is hard. It's harder if you're STUPID!"

Face it dude, you got busted when you lied about serving 30 years in the military. Just admit you lied and move on. it is all good!
Dude, I'm still serving...

Have you f*ing morons ever heard of the Guard, Reserve, Contractors, GS Employees?

Do you know you can serve in the Guard / Reserve for years, go Active Duty for years...and can go back into the Guard / Reserve...that you can continue to serve forward / anywhere as Contractors / GS employees?

You morons smugly spout your ignorant opinions as if they were FACT when the truth is you have no f*nig clue what you're talking about.


If you are a contractor you are not serving in the military, you are working for them.
Hey goofball, I served for years (12) and am still in the reserves now. But YOU seem to be attacking REPUBLICAN war heroes (Mueller) just like your Putin loving, draft dodging, hero attacked McCains service and Gold Star families. On behalf of all of us who have served you are a disgrace. lmao

So you are now serving part time, I am happy for you. We loved you weekend warriors when I was in, you were so easy to make fun of.

I do find it pretty damn funny that you are attacking me for being a Trump guy while the right wing zealots are calling me a liberal in the same thread. That is what happens to those of us who do not fall into one of the two boxes like the rest of you.

I did not attack Mueller, I attacked the investigation as a waste of time and money, much as the Starr investigation was also. It is not Mueller I have an issue with, just what he is being paid to do.
Mueller betrayed his country / failed to do his job, and now he is part of the 'Secret Society' trying to overthrown the legally elected President of the United States. Trying to wrap the American flag around him is like trying to wrap a Jewish flag around Hitler.
"Evidence?" Sorry, bro. Just because some talking head says something that is not evidence.
Agreed, which is why that is not the kind of evidence I am referring to, not the type of evidence that currently exists against the Democrats.
You just can't help putting your complete and utter ignorance on display, can you?!

You are the living example of what John Wayne said: 'Life is hard. It's harder if you're STUPID!"

If you are serving more than 30 years then you are either a flag officer or maybe the 1 in a 1000 E9s that get to stay that long.

Perhaps you should do a little more research before you make shit up online. Some of us have actually served and know bullshit when we see it.
I will not disparage your supposed military service; however, as usual, your thinking process gets stuck somewhere in the middle and can't process all the data. You are thinking in the narrow confines of your 'ignorant' box. I continue to serve....how about you?

Again, you just can't help putting your complete and utter ignorance on display, can you?! You truly are the living example of what John Wayne said: 'Life is hard. It's harder if you're STUPID!"

Face it dude, you got busted when you lied about serving 30 years in the military. Just admit you lied and move on. it is all good!
face it, dude. when you go calling people out as lairs based on so little information, it makes you look like a...what are those words again???

oh yea.


I just go by the words that people use. That is all we have on this board since nobody knows anyone else. Words have meaning, get over it.
yea, you partisan hack. :)
Face it dude, you got busted when you lied about serving 30 years in the military. Just admit you lied and move on. it is all good!
Dude, I'm still serving...

Have you f*ing morons ever heard of the Guard, Reserve, Contractors, GS Employees?

Do you know you can serve in the Guard / Reserve for years, go Active Duty for years...and can go back into the Guard / Reserve...that you can continue to serve forward / anywhere as Contractors / GS employees?

You morons smugly spout your ignorant opinions as if they were FACT when the truth is you have no f*nig clue what you're talking about.


If you are a contractor you are not serving in the military, you are working for them.
Hey goofball, I served for years (12) and am still in the reserves now. But YOU seem to be attacking REPUBLICAN war heroes (Mueller) just like your Putin loving, draft dodging, hero attacked McCains service and Gold Star families. On behalf of all of us who have served you are a disgrace. lmao

So you are now serving part time, I am happy for you. We loved you weekend warriors when I was in, you were so easy to make fun of.

I do find it pretty damn funny that you are attacking me for being a Trump guy while the right wing zealots are calling me a liberal in the same thread. That is what happens to those of us who do not fall into one of the two boxes like the rest of you.

I did not attack Mueller, I attacked the investigation as a waste of time and money, much as the Starr investigation was also. It is not Mueller I have an issue with, just what he is being paid to do.
Mueller betrayed his country / failed to do his job, and now he is part of the 'Secret Society' trying to overthrown the legally elected President of the United States. Trying to wrap the American flag around him is like trying to wrap a Jewish flag around Hitler.

Mueller failed his country by taking a bullet in Vietnam? Funny most of us would say Trump failed his country by claiming his "heel hurt" to avoid serving in that war 5 times....and of course those who support him fail this country by supporting Putin while trashing Gold Star Families and heroes like Joh McCain.
You just can't help putting your complete and utter ignorance on display, can you?!

You are the living example of what John Wayne said: 'Life is hard. It's harder if you're STUPID!"

If you are serving more than 30 years then you are either a flag officer or maybe the 1 in a 1000 E9s that get to stay that long.

Perhaps you should do a little more research before you make shit up online. Some of us have actually served and know bullshit when we see it.
I will not disparage your supposed military service; however, as usual, your thinking process gets stuck somewhere in the middle and can't process all the data. You are thinking in the narrow confines of your 'ignorant' box. I continue to serve....how about you?

Again, you just can't help putting your complete and utter ignorance on display, can you?! You truly are the living example of what John Wayne said: 'Life is hard. It's harder if you're STUPID!"

Face it dude, you got busted when you lied about serving 30 years in the military. Just admit you lied and move on. it is all good!
face it, dude. when you go calling people out as lairs based on so little information, it makes you look like a...what are those words again???

oh yea.


Face it, dude, I back up everything I post with evidence while snowflakes run around defending proven criminals and traitors, making accusations without ever having the evidence to back it up. You are ruled by partisan emotion / hatred.

As I said, I would be the 1st person to demand Trump be Impeached if the Democrats could ever produce any evidence ...which they CAN'T. They have provided a ton of evidence incriminating themselves, though, evidence snowflakes want to ignore by continuing to keep their collective heads up the criminal Democrats' asses.

Continuing to attack me personally just makes you look like an emotional asshole. Try using facts, evidence, links, etc...when you can find any.
you do realize i'm bagging on gator - right?
If you are serving more than 30 years then you are either a flag officer or maybe the 1 in a 1000 E9s that get to stay that long.

Perhaps you should do a little more research before you make shit up online. Some of us have actually served and know bullshit when we see it.
I will not disparage your supposed military service; however, as usual, your thinking process gets stuck somewhere in the middle and can't process all the data. You are thinking in the narrow confines of your 'ignorant' box. I continue to serve....how about you?

Again, you just can't help putting your complete and utter ignorance on display, can you?! You truly are the living example of what John Wayne said: 'Life is hard. It's harder if you're STUPID!"

Face it dude, you got busted when you lied about serving 30 years in the military. Just admit you lied and move on. it is all good!
face it, dude. when you go calling people out as lairs based on so little information, it makes you look like a...what are those words again???

oh yea.


Face it, dude, I back up everything I post with evidence while snowflakes run around defending proven criminals and traitors, making accusations without ever having the evidence to back it up. You are ruled by partisan emotion / hatred.

As I said, I would be the 1st person to demand Trump be Impeached if the Democrats could ever produce any evidence ...which they CAN'T. They have provided a ton of evidence incriminating themselves, though, evidence snowflakes want to ignore by continuing to keep their collective heads up the criminal Democrats' asses.

Continuing to attack me personally just makes you look like an emotional asshole. Try using facts, evidence, links, etc...when you can find any.
you do realize i'm bagging on gator - right?
No. Sorry. These threads sometimes get confusing (as to who is addressing whom).
If you are a contractor you are not serving in the military, you are working for them.

Military members serve their country, putting themselves in harm's way, and get paid to do it. Guard, Reserve, Contractors, and GS employees serve their country, put their lives on the line serving in some nasty places alongside the active duty military...and no matter what 'uniform' you are wearing, if you're doing the same exact job - at least to me - you're still SERVING your country. I am not doing what I am doing for the company / person who signs my paycheck. I still do it to serve my country, right alongside my brethren I spent over / my 1st 20+ years fighting alongside.

Of course snowflakes who continually defend proven criminals and traitors wouldn't understand where I am coming form.....

You know, you are correct, that is still serving the country, as are you.

I apologize for my personal attack on you and your service.

Sometimes my fingers work faster than my brain and then my pride will not allow me to admit it.

I was wrong and I am sincerely sorry for disparaging you and your service to this country.

Though I will add I do not think I have defended anyone.
If you are serving more than 30 years then you are either a flag officer or maybe the 1 in a 1000 E9s that get to stay that long.

Perhaps you should do a little more research before you make shit up online. Some of us have actually served and know bullshit when we see it.
I will not disparage your supposed military service; however, as usual, your thinking process gets stuck somewhere in the middle and can't process all the data. You are thinking in the narrow confines of your 'ignorant' box. I continue to serve....how about you?

Again, you just can't help putting your complete and utter ignorance on display, can you?! You truly are the living example of what John Wayne said: 'Life is hard. It's harder if you're STUPID!"

Face it dude, you got busted when you lied about serving 30 years in the military. Just admit you lied and move on. it is all good!
face it, dude. when you go calling people out as lairs based on so little information, it makes you look like a...what are those words again???

oh yea.


Face it, dude, I back up everything I post with evidence while snowflakes run around defending proven criminals and traitors, making accusations without ever having the evidence to back it up. You are ruled by partisan emotion / hatred.

As I said, I would be the 1st person to demand Trump be Impeached if the Democrats could ever produce any evidence ...which they CAN'T. They have provided a ton of evidence incriminating themselves, though, evidence snowflakes want to ignore by continuing to keep their collective heads up the criminal Democrats' asses.

Continuing to attack me personally just makes you look like an emotional asshole. Try using facts, evidence, links, etc...when you can find any.
you do realize i'm bagging on gator - right?

Everyone is bagging on me! I am both a Trump worshipers and a Liberal in the same thread! Life is good when that happens!
Dude, I'm still serving...

Have you f*ing morons ever heard of the Guard, Reserve, Contractors, GS Employees?

Do you know you can serve in the Guard / Reserve for years, go Active Duty for years...and can go back into the Guard / Reserve...that you can continue to serve forward / anywhere as Contractors / GS employees?

You morons smugly spout your ignorant opinions as if they were FACT when the truth is you have no f*nig clue what you're talking about.


If you are a contractor you are not serving in the military, you are working for them.
Hey goofball, I served for years (12) and am still in the reserves now. But YOU seem to be attacking REPUBLICAN war heroes (Mueller) just like your Putin loving, draft dodging, hero attacked McCains service and Gold Star families. On behalf of all of us who have served you are a disgrace. lmao

So you are now serving part time, I am happy for you. We loved you weekend warriors when I was in, you were so easy to make fun of.

I do find it pretty damn funny that you are attacking me for being a Trump guy while the right wing zealots are calling me a liberal in the same thread. That is what happens to those of us who do not fall into one of the two boxes like the rest of you.

I did not attack Mueller, I attacked the investigation as a waste of time and money, much as the Starr investigation was also. It is not Mueller I have an issue with, just what he is being paid to do.
Mueller betrayed his country / failed to do his job, and now he is part of the 'Secret Society' trying to overthrown the legally elected President of the United States. Trying to wrap the American flag around him is like trying to wrap a Jewish flag around Hitler.

Mueller failed his country by taking a bullet in Vietnam? Funny most of us would say Trump failed his country by claiming his "heel hurt" to avoid serving in that war 5 times....and of course those who support him fail this country by supporting Putin while trashing Gold Star Families and heroes like Joh McCain.
Mueller failed / betrayed his country in 2009, as evidence shows, by hiding Russian crimes of bribery / buying politicians, extortion, intimidation, violence, etc in their pursuit of buying Uranium One.

Both US AG Eric Holder and Sect of State Hillary Clinton were aware of these, too, as they were members of the Committee responsible for approving or denying the sale of uranium One to the Russians....and they never shared this information to the Committee. All three kept is secret until after the deal was done. Obama knew, as well, and despite knowing he signed off on it after the Committee approved the sale.

Snowflakes demonstrate they can not think for themselves by proving they don't think / ask questions beyond what their liberal media feeds them. They don't think about things like:



That leads right back to that pathetic comment Obama made to Romney in their debate, going for a funny one-liner rather than seriously considering what a threat Russia was. RUSSIA has been and continues to be our enemy...and anyone who thought selling them 20% of our uranium was a f*ing idiot.

Snowflakes have argued that it was ok to do so because they could not take it out of the country.

- 1st, what sense does that make, even if they could not take t out of the country, why would you sell our enemies 20% of the US uranium supply?

- 2nd, 'the Russians can't take it out of the country' - HOW DID THAT F*ING WORK OUT? It is now in their hands. Obama himself signed the document allowing the uranium to be transported to Canada, out of our control, where it was then transferred into Europe and Russian hands.

Mueller, Holder, Hillary, and Obama hid the Russian crimes. Liberals were stupid enough to help / allow the Russians buy Uranium One / acquire 20% of our supply of uranium. Obama made it possible for the uranium to leave the country and be shipped to the Russians.

either the Obama administration worked / colluded with the Russians to make this all happen while Barry was trying to get Putin's permission to invade Syria, or there were a lot of incompetent F*-Ups made in 2009 by this administration / the FBI.

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