'Whistleblower: Secret Society Held Off-Site Meetings'

Hey law enforcement "failed" because they proved rwnj's were outright lying about Uranium One. Give me a break. "I will not accept any law enforcement agency who says after investigation that Dem is innocent. Likewise when they prove the GOP is guilty I will not accept it. Why? I do not support law enforcement or out government. I only accept the musings of millionaire talking heads and foreign law enforcement agencies," said all of the raving right-wing lunatics and their buddies, commie bots. Bwahahaaaaaaaaaaa

I love how conservatives can only use cartoons and Reality TV quotes. lmao. I'm surprised you don't post the pictures you colored in with your red crayon. lmao
then it's a damn good thing something like occupy democrats would never put up a misleading meme, huh?
Good response. "I know you are but what am I?" The infantilism of the right continues. lmao
Report: Missing FBI Text Messages Include Threats of Violence Against Trump

"A number of the 50,000 missing FBI text messages contain threats of physical violence aimed at President Trump, according to a new report.

...a high level FBI agent called on the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to launch an investigation into the FBI and the Justice Department specifically concentrated on the threatening messages.

This is dangerous territory and all FBI text messages and personal phones should be examined,” the FBI official said. “It would reveal some frightening conversations.”

The source said that many of the messages merely discussed harming Trump politically, but that some “go deeper” and that, “This is much larger than just texts between two FBI agents.”

During an appearance on CNN, counterterrorism analyst and former CIA agent Philip Mudd
said on air “the government’s gonna kill” Donald Trump because he disrespected the deep state."

If true and can be proved, these individuals / those involved must be rounded up, indicted, charged, convicted, and imprisoned.

(GITMO should not be taken off the table...)

Report: Missing FBI Text Messages Include Threats of Violence Against Trump
The truth is coming out. You people are pondscum willing to create any conspiracy theory to protect Trump. You people need to be locked up in a rubber room somewhere.
Oh, stop, BB!

Explain something....how can the FBI have in their possession 15,000 pieces of evidence proving to be violations of both the FOIA and the Federal Records Act, evidence of criminally mishandling classified - such as allowing a MAID who has no security clearance to have access to TOP SECRET information that, if released according to President Obama himself, would cause grave damage to our national security....and the FBI, after citing Gross negligence and admitting the person being investigated committed crimes...how could the FBI refuse to recommend that person for Indictment based on all of the existing evidence.

Pull your head out of the sand, drop the talking points, put on your 'objective' glasses, and read that paragraph one more time.....

THIS is PROVEN to be what happened. HOW can you say the FBI is not corrupt?

If all of that is too complicated, answer this one question:

According to the FOIA and Federal Records Act, Hillary Clinton was required to turn over all official documents, texts, and e-mails...and she did not....according to both the FBI and State Department. THAT IS A CRIME.

So HOW can Democrats / snowflakes still say Hillary broke no laws? How can you say the FBI / Obama administration did not protect her...especially when evidence now shows Comey and Lynch had made the decision to exonerate Hillary before the investigation was over?

FBI found extensive evidence Hillary emails violated federal records laws

State Dept IG Finds Hillary Clinton Violated Government Records Act and Refused to Speak to Investigators

Report: FBI Found Evidence That Clinton Violated Federal Records Act

"The FBI is corrupt." Direct quote from Putin and the war cry for the traitorous right. But, but, but we support law enforcement. So f'n hilarious!
We do support law enforcement, unless they let guilty people free and try to frame innocent ones.......I guess you're ok with that, we are not.
Sounds like every criminal I have ever seen. "I (we're) not guilty...law enforcement framed me." Did you learn that in prison or did your mommy teach it to you?
Are you 10?
Have you seen the messages of Peter Strozk?
Trump is the president whether you like it or not.

what proof do you have of Russian collusion?
It's obvious there was a plan to get Trump. The Obama Administration got the ball rolling when he ordered surveillance on Trump during the campaign. Now we're hearing about 'Secret Societies' within the FBI?

I've been telling folks for years that this kind of awful stuff isn't just 'Crazy Conspiracy Theory.' There are very dark forces at work in your Government. The 'Deep State' has clearly set out to destroy Donald Trump. Anyone with common sense can see that.
Deep State / Liberal Media 'Go Dark' on FBI Text Scandal / 'Secret Society' Cover-Up

ABC, NBC, CBS ignore and downplay missing Strzok-Page texts

'President Donald Trump, Republican lawmakers and political watchdogs are furious that the FBI failed to preserve five months of text messages between FBI agents Lisa Page and Peter Strzok – but the news divisions at CBS, NBC and ABC have largely ignored the story.

The story was completely ignored on Monday’s evening newscasts despite details emerging with plenty of time to be included -- and Tuesday wasn’t much better.

“Where the networks wanted to censor the revelations, Fox News Channel’s ‘Special Report’ covered them in detail,” Newsbusters’ Nicholas Fondacaro wrote. “Instead of reporting on the FBI, ABC’s ‘World News Tonight’ gushed about the Super Bowl, ‘CBS Evening News’ reported that Minnie Mouse got her own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, and ‘NBC Nightly News’ fawned over yet another royal wedding in the U.K.”

ABC News still had not even mentioned the story as of Tuesday night when it was skipped on “World News Tonight,” according to the
Media Research Center.

CBS spent three minutes covering the story on Tuesday morning’s edition of “CBS This Morning,” but coverage was reduced to just 36 seconds by the time “CBS Evening News” aired later in the day, according to the MRC.'

Liberal Media / Democrats Be like:



When are you going to stop posting this bullcrap that has been dis-proven time and time and time again?
When you snowflakes actually offer any evidence to back up your claims, as I have, instead of your OPINIONS.
then it's a damn good thing something like occupy democrats would never put up a misleading meme, huh?

That bed wetter was too stupid to justify any other response. If I ever feel charitable enough to acknowledge it's existence again, I doubt I will use anything more than another meme.

Except there is no "misleading" meme I would use. That imbecile seriously does need to smash the dense ignorance between it's ears with a large caliber weapon.

Report: Missing FBI Text Messages Include Threats of Violence Against Trump

"A number of the 50,000 missing FBI text messages contain threats of physical violence aimed at President Trump, according to a new report.

...a high level FBI agent called on the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to launch an investigation into the FBI and the Justice Department specifically concentrated on the threatening messages.

This is dangerous territory and all FBI text messages and personal phones should be examined,” the FBI official said. “It would reveal some frightening conversations.”

The source said that many of the messages merely discussed harming Trump politically, but that some “go deeper” and that, “This is much larger than just texts between two FBI agents.”

During an appearance on CNN, counterterrorism analyst and former CIA agent Philip Mudd
said on air “the government’s gonna kill” Donald Trump because he disrespected the deep state."

If true and can be proved, these individuals / those involved must be rounded up, indicted, charged, convicted, and imprisoned.

(GITMO should not be taken off the table...)

Report: Missing FBI Text Messages Include Threats of Violence Against Trump

You know there are not 50,000 missing text message, right? 50,000 is the number of total text messages over the course of time, not the number that is missing.

And if they are missing, how does your source know that some of them threaten violence against Trump? If they know what is on them, then they cannot be missing.

Wow. Three threads within two minutes. You guys are on your game tonight.

Did new talking points just go out?
It's getting harder and harder to deny reality, isn't it, snowflake?!


The reality that Russian troll farmers are pushing the false narrative that the FBI is corrupt so that when Mueller charges Trump the base can claim it’s the “deep state”.

This propaganda campaign by Trump and the Russians against the FBI and the Justice Department simply will not work. Since Trump can’t stop the investigation the Russian government is attempting to aid Trump by lying about the people investigating him.
Trump sure doesn't want to be questioned..lol..
The FBI has received nothing from Congress..Dream on trying to detail the investigation..lol

Sent from my XT1575 using USMessageBoard.com mobile app
And if they are missing, how does your source know that some of them threaten violence against Trump? If they know what is on them, then they cannot be missing.
The IG reportedly found many of the texts during his review of the Mueller Investigation / Counsel, and they were turned over to the FBI...now suddenly, after all this comes to light - and ONLY after this stuff comes to light - the FBI suffers a 'glitch' and loses 5 months of texts covering the time all this was going on....

I for one do not believe in 'coincidences', and enough experience with the federal govt tells you when documents 'disappear' after a scandal is exposed it almost always means 'cover-up'. Anyone who believes different is WILLFULLY ignorant.
And if they are missing, how does your source know that some of them threaten violence against Trump? If they know what is on them, then they cannot be missing.
The IG reportedly found many of the texts during his review of the Mueller Investigation / Counsel, and they were turned over to the FBI...now suddenly, after all this comes to light - and ONLY after this stuff comes to light - the FBI suffers a 'glitch' and loses 5 months of texts covering the time all this was going on....

I for one do not believe in 'coincidences', and enough experience with the federal govt tells you when documents 'disappear' after a scandal is exposed it almost always means 'cover-up'. Anyone who believes different is WILLFULLY ignorant.

I agree 100% that they did not just "lose" them. Clearly they were "moved" by design. We are told that the NSA has copies of every text ever sent, I wonder if they will lose them as well.
Deep State / Liberal Media 'Go Dark' on FBI Text Scandal / 'Secret Society' Cover-Up

ABC, NBC, CBS ignore and downplay missing Strzok-Page texts

'President Donald Trump, Republican lawmakers and political watchdogs are furious that the FBI failed to preserve five months of text messages between FBI agents Lisa Page and Peter Strzok – but the news divisions at CBS, NBC and ABC have largely ignored the story.

The story was completely ignored on Monday’s evening newscasts despite details emerging with plenty of time to be included -- and Tuesday wasn’t much better.

“Where the networks wanted to censor the revelations, Fox News Channel’s ‘Special Report’ covered them in detail,” Newsbusters’ Nicholas Fondacaro wrote. “Instead of reporting on the FBI, ABC’s ‘World News Tonight’ gushed about the Super Bowl, ‘CBS Evening News’ reported that Minnie Mouse got her own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, and ‘NBC Nightly News’ fawned over yet another royal wedding in the U.K.”

ABC News still had not even mentioned the story as of Tuesday night when it was skipped on “World News Tonight,” according to the
Media Research Center.

CBS spent three minutes covering the story on Tuesday morning’s edition of “CBS This Morning,” but coverage was reduced to just 36 seconds by the time “CBS Evening News” aired later in the day, according to the MRC.'

Liberal Media / Democrats Be like:

View attachment 173211

View attachment 173212


'If Media Covered Missing FBI Texts, It Would 'Invalidate' Their Trump-Russia Narrative'

"Isn't it funny how certain sides of political aisle, they usually have things that go missing to their benefit: the IRS scandal, Hillary's emails, now these text messages?" Lahren said. "I'm sorry, something stinks here."

“If the media reported on missing anti-Trump texts it would invalidate everything they’ve talked about for the last year, and they don’t want to look silly”
@TomiLahren pic.twitter.com/a2ty7ASRwB

Tomi Lahren: If Media Covered Missing FBI Texts, It Would 'Invalidate' Their Trump-Russia Narrative
The other part of this that I struggle with is that if all this is true it shows a level of gross incompetence that kills the very idea of some grand conspiracy and "deep state" that has been going on for decades.
The other part of this that I struggle with is that if all this is true it shows a level of gross incompetence that kills the very idea of some grand conspiracy and "deep state" that has been going on for decades.
Clarification, please - emphasis on the 'that has been going on for decades', right, or the idea of a 'Deep State' at all...?
'Sen. Johnson told Bret Baier that these texts prove evidence of “corruption at the highest levels of the FBI.” The the senator dropped a bombshell about the secret society:

“That secret society, we have an informant that’s talking about a group that was holding secret meetings offsite.”

Baier replied, “Secret meetings offsite at the Justice Department? You have an informant on that?”

Johnson said “Yes.”

It is Mueller's, Comey's, McCabe's, Strzok's, Lycn's, and Barry's turn to get very nervous......

What A GOP Senator Just Said About FBI 'Secret' Societies Caused Bret Baier To Stop His Show
"An FBI informant has apparently informed Congress that a secret society at the FBI was holding secret meetings off-site after the election of Donald Trump.

On Special Report with Bret Baier Tuesday evening, Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.) called it "corruption of the highest levels of the FBI."

"That secret society — we have an informant that's talking about a group that were holding secret meetings off-site," Johnson said. "There is so much smoke here

The Obama administration's treason is being revealed...the 'Witch Hunters' now find themselves the HUNTED!

Sen. Ron Johnson: FBI Informant Says 'Secret Society' Held Secret Meetings Off-Site

DEEP STATE!!!!:420::bsflag::dance:
POLL: 49 Percent Want New Special Prosector To Investigate FBI Handling Of Clinton-Trump Cases

"Nearly half of respondents in a recent Rasmussen poll believe a special prosector should be named to look into the FBI’s handling of investigations into the former Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and President Donald Trump.

“49% of Likely U.S. Voters believe a special prosecutor should be named to investigate whether senior FBI officials handled the investigation of Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump in a legal and unbiased fashion,” Rasmussen
found, adding “thirty-one percent (31%) disagree, but a sizable 19% are not sure.”

...which is why the Liberal Media has 'Gone Dark' on the FBI scandal - The FBI is slab-dab in the center of both the Hillary Server and Trump Investigation scandals...and the evidence against them is damning.
"An FBI informant has apparently informed Congress that a secret society at the FBI was holding secret meetings off-site after the election of Donald Trump.

On Special Report with Bret Baier Tuesday evening, Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.) called it "corruption of the highest levels of the FBI."

"That secret society — we have an informant that's talking about a group that were holding secret meetings off-site," Johnson said. "There is so much smoke here

The Obama administration's treason is being revealed...the 'Witch Hunters' now find themselves the HUNTED!

Sen. Ron Johnson: FBI Informant Says 'Secret Society' Held Secret Meetings Off-Site

DEEP STATE!!!!:420::bsflag::dance:
So you are saying that there is no 'Deep State', just evidence of massive Obama administration FBI, DOJ corruption and crime....

I could agree with that.

Wow. Three threads within two minutes. You guys are on your game tonight.

Did new talking points just go out?
It's getting harder and harder to deny reality, isn't it, snowflake?!


The reality that Russian troll farmers are pushing the false narrative that the FBI is corrupt so that when Mueller charges Trump the base can claim it’s the “deep state”.

This propaganda campaign by Trump and the Russians against the FBI and the Justice Department simply will not work. Since Trump can’t stop the investigation the Russian government is attempting to aid Trump by lying about the people investigating him.
Trump sure doesn't want to be questioned..lol..
The FBI has received nothing from Congress..Dream on trying to detail the investigation..lol

Sent from my XT1575 using USMessageBoard.com mobile app
who does?

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