'Whistleblower: Secret Society Held Off-Site Meetings'

The other part of this that I struggle with is that if all this is true it shows a level of gross incompetence that kills the very idea of some grand conspiracy and "deep state" that has been going on for decades.
Clarification, please - emphasis on the 'that has been going on for decades', right, or the idea of a 'Deep State' at all...?

Either or. I am not one given to CTs, I will always be a skeptic of such things till the proof is too much to ignore.

For a deep state to exist it would have to be cultivated over decades, not years. It would take decades to get the right people into the right position with the right amount of power to do any good.
Secret Societies aren't just 'Crazy Conspiracy Theory.' They're Conspiracy Fact.

If we know about them, then they are really not secret, are they?

Do you believe there is an illuminati pulling strings since the dawn of time? That the founding fathers were all a part of it?

Do you watch National Treasure and the Da Vinci Code and think they are documentaries?
Do you believe there is an illuminati pulling strings since the dawn of time?
I think the Clintons were / are the closest thing ... until now ... that we have had to a 'Secret Society', a political mafia ... and all of it just got lit up like a movie theater marquee.
Report: Missing FBI Text Messages Include Threats of Violence Against Trump

"A number of the 50,000 missing FBI text messages contain threats of physical violence aimed at President Trump, according to a new report.

...a high level FBI agent called on the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to launch an investigation into the FBI and the Justice Department specifically concentrated on the threatening messages.

This is dangerous territory and all FBI text messages and personal phones should be examined,” the FBI official said. “It would reveal some frightening conversations.”

The source said that many of the messages merely discussed harming Trump politically, but that some “go deeper” and that, “This is much larger than just texts between two FBI agents.”

During an appearance on CNN, counterterrorism analyst and former CIA agent Philip Mudd
said on air “the government’s gonna kill” Donald Trump because he disrespected the deep state."

If true and can be proved, these individuals / those involved must be rounded up, indicted, charged, convicted, and imprisoned.

(GITMO should not be taken off the table...)

Report: Missing FBI Text Messages Include Threats of Violence Against Trump
Remember this right wing classic? Report: Obama born in Kenya. Obama radical Christian AND a radical Muslim. Obama sending black army into Texas to take over the State (because I guess Texas ain't already a State), and to rape all the white women.

Give me a break. Conservative delusion and outright lies define them as the infantile party who believes any conspiracy made up by any nut bag...especially nut bag Russian bots.
Do you believe there is an illuminati pulling strings since the dawn of time?
I think the Clintons were / are the closest thing ... until now ... that we have had to a 'Secret Society', a political mafia ... and all of it just got lit up like a movie theater marquee.

The Clinton's are an interesting case study. They came from nothing and had no good reason to even be tied to any Secret Society. Yet such a society at times seems to be the best explanation for their rise to power.

If you are a believer in the NWO/Illuminati have you ever read about the ties between Frederick Trump and John D Rockefeller. They have ties going back to the old west and the late 1800's. I will try and find it again but I once read a CT paper on the ties and how it is the NWO that is pulling Trump's strings and have all along. It ties in the Saudi princes that bailed him out of his bankruptcies for no apparent reason.

I am not saying it is true, but it was a good read and they made a pretty good case.
Remember this right wing classic? Report: Obama born in Kenya.
'Right Wing'? Debunked, snowflake! This was floated by Hillary's 2008 election campaign when Obozo came out of nowhere to spoil her 1st 'It's My Turn' Presidential run.

FAIL! :p
Remember this right wing classic? Report: Obama born in Kenya.
'Right Wing'? Debunked, snowflake! This was floated by Hillary's 2008 election campaign when Obozo came out of nowhere to spoil her 1st 'It's My Turn' Presidential run.

FAIL! :p

Hillary did not start it. Andy Martin of the great state of Illinois did.
Remember this right wing classic? Report: Obama born in Kenya.
'Right Wing'? Debunked, snowflake! This was floated by Hillary's 2008 election campaign when Obozo came out of nowhere to spoil her 1st 'It's My Turn' Presidential run.

FAIL! :p

Hillary did not start it. Andy Martin of the great state of Illinois did.
More fake RW conspiracies. In the meantime Trump's people are going to jail. lmao
Remember this right wing classic? Report: Obama born in Kenya.
'Right Wing'? Debunked, snowflake! This was floated by Hillary's 2008 election campaign when Obozo came out of nowhere to spoil her 1st 'It's My Turn' Presidential run.

FAIL! :p

Hillary did not start it. Andy Martin of the great state of Illinois did.
More fake RW conspiracies. In the meantime Trump's people are going to jail. lmao

Which part of what I said is a "RW conspiracy"?
Remember this right wing classic? Report: Obama born in Kenya.
'Right Wing'? Debunked, snowflake! This was floated by Hillary's 2008 election campaign when Obozo came out of nowhere to spoil her 1st 'It's My Turn' Presidential run.

FAIL! :p

Hillary did not start it. Andy Martin of the great state of Illinois did.
More fake RW conspiracies. In the meantime Trump's people are going to jail. lmao

Which part of what I said is a "RW conspiracy"?
You didn't. I did. lol
The IG reportedly found many of the texts during his review of the Mueller Investigation / Counsel, and they were turned over to the FBI...now suddenly, after all this comes to light - and ONLY after this stuff comes to light - the FBI suffers a 'glitch' and loses 5 months of texts covering the time all this was going on....

I for one do not believe in 'coincidences', and enough experience with the federal govt tells you when documents 'disappear' after a scandal is exposed it almost always means 'cover-up'. Anyone who believes different is WILLFULLY ignorant.

Not only are bed wetters willfully and deliberately ignorant, they endeavor to make everyone else as ignorant. The efforts moonbats make to silence and shut down sources of facts and intelligence that undermine the democrooks party are reminiscent of 1920's Germany. Not only can they not tolerate being exposed to truth, they attempt to make sure other people can not access it. There is nothing redeeming about these parasites. They must be defeated at all costs.

Evidence suggests a massive scandal is brewing at the FBI

"During the financial crisis, the federal government bailed out banks it declared “too big to fail.” Fearing their bankruptcy might trigger economic Armageddon, the feds propped them up with taxpayer cash.

Something similar is happening now at the FBI, with the Washington wagons circling the agency to protect it from charges of corruption. This time, the appropriate tag line is “too big to believe.”

Yet each day brings credible reports suggesting there is a massive scandal involving the top ranks of America’s premier law enforcement agency. The reports, which feature talk among agents of a “secret society” and suddenly missing text messages, point to the existence both of a cabal dedicated to defeating Donald Trump in 2016 and of a plan to let Hillary Clinton skate free in the classified email probe.

If either one is true — and I believe both probably are — it would mean FBI leaders betrayed the nation by abusing their powers in a bid to pick the president.

More support for this view involves
the FBI’s use of the Russian dossier on Trump that was paid for by the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee.

It is almost certain that the FBI used the dossier to get FISA court warrants to spy on Trump associates, meaning it used the opposition research of the party in power to convince a court to let it spy on the candidate of the other party — likely without telling the court of the dossier’s political link."

Michael Goodwin: Evidence suggests a massive scandal is brewing at the FBI
"Even worse, there is growing reason to believe someone in President Barack Obama’s administration turned over classified information about Trump to the Clinton campaign."

"As one former federal prosecutor put it, “It doesn’t get worse than that.” That prosecutor, Joseph diGenova, believes Trump was correct when he claimed Obama aides wiretapped his phones at Trump Tower."

Surprise, surprise.....

"After he (Nunes) accused the FBI of stonewalling in turning over records, the bureau relented, at least partially.

The result was clear evidence of bias against Trump by officials charged with investigating him and Clinton. Those same agents appear to have acted on that bias to tilt the election to Clinton.

In one text message, an agent suggests that Attorney General Loretta Lynch knew while the investigation was still going on that the FBI would not recommend charges against Clinton.

How could she know unless the fix was in?"

The more that gets released / exposed the more evident it is that the Obama administration was 'all in' to commit treason and get rid of Trump.

My guess is that it was .... to protect Hillary before the election...and to protect Obama's Legacy AFTER she lost the election.

Hillary did not start it. Andy Martin of the great state of Illinois did.

2 Clinton supporters in ’08 reportedly shared Obama ‘birther’ story

...but hey, if you say so....

And where did it come from for them to share? Even your link supports the idea they did not start it

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Maybe not.....but it sure is funny as hell that the Left is pointing fingers when their own 2-Time Presidential Candidate Loser became desperate enough in 2008 to consider pushing the 'Birther' story to prevent Barry from beating her.

The Obama Administration’s ‘Brazen Plot To Exonerate Hillary Clinton’ Starting To Leak Out, According To Former Fed Prosecutor

"A former federal prosecutor says the truth is starting to seep out about the Obama Administration’s “brazen plot to exonerate Hillary Clinton” and “frame an incoming president with a false Russian conspiracy,” according to an exclusive interview with The Daily Caller News Foundation.

Joe diGenova, a former federal prosecutor, connects the dots on former Obama administration Justice Department and FBI officials who may have “violated the law, perhaps committed crimes” to politicize law enforcement and surveillance against political opponents.

He says former FBI Director James Comey conducted a fake criminal investigation of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as they “followed none of the regular rules, gave her every break in the book, immunized all kinds of people, allowed the destruction of evidence, with no grand jury, no subpoenas, no search warrants. That’s not an investigation. That’s a Potemkin village. It’s a farce.”
What scum these Barry Soetoro / Hillary Rotten Clinton are... LOCK THEM UP!

An FBI informant has apparently informed Congress that a secret society at the FBI was holding secret meetings off-site after the election of Donald Trump.

On Special Report with Bret Baier Tuesday evening, Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.) called it "corruption of the highest levels of the FBI."

Sen. Ron Johnson: FBI Informant Says 'Secret Society' Held Secret Meetings Off-Site

Try taking your brain out of the blind trust. You looney tunes are the ones who need to be locked up so you don't hurt anyone including yourself.

Triggered. ^ :cuckoo:

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