'Whistleblower: Secret Society Held Off-Site Meetings'

If this had been a Republican president the Press would be apoplectic, CNN would being running News Alerts 24/7 and Hollywood would have already made 6 movies about it.
"An FBI informant has apparently informed Congress that a secret society at the FBI was holding secret meetings off-site after the election of Donald Trump.

On Special Report with Bret Baier Tuesday evening, Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.) called it "corruption of the highest levels of the FBI."

"That secret society — we have an informant that's talking about a group that were holding secret meetings off-site," Johnson said. "There is so much smoke here

The Obama administration's treason is being revealed...the 'Witch Hunters' now find themselves the HUNTED!

Sen. Ron Johnson: FBI Informant Says 'Secret Society' Held Secret Meetings Off-Site

You people are really cracked pots. Maybe they held joint meetings with the Deep State. Get James Bond on the case.

The FBI is the crackpot full of corruption. The truth is coming out.

The truth is coming out. You people are pondscum willing to create any conspiracy theory to protect Trump. You people need to be locked up in a rubber room somewhere.

Wrong. The FBI was running its own renegade operation. Its time for the corruption to come to light.
Face it dude, you got busted when you lied about serving 30 years in the military. Just admit you lied and move on. it is all good!
Dude, I'm still serving...

Have you f*ing morons ever heard of the Guard, Reserve, Contractors, GS Employees?

Do you know you can serve in the Guard / Reserve for years, go Active Duty for years...and can go back into the Guard / Reserve...that you can continue to serve forward / anywhere as Contractors / GS employees?

You morons smugly spout your ignorant opinions as if they were FACT when the truth is you have no f*nig clue what you're talking about.


If you are a contractor you are not serving in the military, you are working for them.
Hey goofball, I served for years (12) and am still in the reserves now. But YOU seem to be attacking REPUBLICAN war heroes (Mueller) just like your Putin loving, draft dodging, hero attacked McCains service and Gold Star families. On behalf of all of us who have served you are a disgrace. lmao

So you are now serving part time, I am happy for you. We loved you weekend warriors when I was in, you were so easy to make fun of.

I do find it pretty damn funny that you are attacking me for being a Trump guy while the right wing zealots are calling me a liberal in the same thread. That is what happens to those of us who do not fall into one of the two boxes like the rest of you.

I did not attack Mueller, I attacked the investigation as a waste of time and money, much as the Starr investigation was also. It is not Mueller I have an issue with, just what he is being paid to do.
Mueller betrayed his country / failed to do his job, and now he is part of the 'Secret Society' trying to overthrown the legally elected President of the United States. Trying to wrap the American flag around him is like trying to wrap a Jewish flag around Hitler.

Mueller has not betrayed anyone Captain Unamerican. He is doing what he was tasked to do. Take your horseshit and smoke it.
The truth is coming out. You people are pondscum willing to create any conspiracy theory to protect Trump. You people need to be locked up in a rubber room somewhere.
Oh, stop, BB!

Explain something....how can the FBI have in their possession 15,000 pieces of evidence proving to be violations of both the FOIA and the Federal Records Act, evidence of criminally mishandling classified - such as allowing a MAID who has no security clearance to have access to TOP SECRET information that, if released according to President Obama himself, would cause grave damage to our national security....and the FBI, after citing Gross negligence and admitting the person being investigated committed crimes...how could the FBI refuse to recommend that person for Indictment based on all of the existing evidence.

Pull your head out of the sand, drop the talking points, put on your 'objective' glasses, and read that paragraph one more time.....

THIS is PROVEN to be what happened. HOW can you say the FBI is not corrupt?

If all of that is too complicated, answer this one question:

According to the FOIA and Federal Records Act, Hillary Clinton was required to turn over all official documents, texts, and e-mails...and she did not....according to both the FBI and State Department. THAT IS A CRIME.

So HOW can Democrats / snowflakes still say Hillary broke no laws? How can you say the FBI / Obama administration did not protect her...especially when evidence now shows Comey and Lynch had made the decision to exonerate Hillary before the investigation was over?

FBI found extensive evidence Hillary emails violated federal records laws

State Dept IG Finds Hillary Clinton Violated Government Records Act and Refused to Speak to Investigators

Report: FBI Found Evidence That Clinton Violated Federal Records Act

The FBI made that recommendation and just because you don't agree with it does not make it wrong. There is prosecutorial discretion and I can well understand his reasons for not wanting to get involved. The evidence shows that Comey was putting down his thoughts on paper based on what they knew at the time. There is no evidence that any agent was pressured to go easy on Clinton.

I will say it. The FBI is not corrupt. Republicans need a whipping boy to protect Trump so they attack the FBI and DOJ. Pretty pathetic and un-American.
"An FBI informant has apparently informed Congress that a secret society at the FBI was holding secret meetings off-site after the election of Donald Trump.

On Special Report with Bret Baier Tuesday evening, Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.) called it "corruption of the highest levels of the FBI."

"That secret society — we have an informant that's talking about a group that were holding secret meetings off-site," Johnson said. "There is so much smoke here

The Obama administration's treason is being revealed...the 'Witch Hunters' now find themselves the HUNTED!

Sen. Ron Johnson: FBI Informant Says 'Secret Society' Held Secret Meetings Off-Site

You people are really cracked pots. Maybe they held joint meetings with the Deep State. Get James Bond on the case.

The FBI is the crackpot full of corruption. The truth is coming out.

The truth is coming out. You people are pondscum willing to create any conspiracy theory to protect Trump. You people need to be locked up in a rubber room somewhere.

Wrong. The FBI was running its own renegade operation. Its time for the corruption to come to light.

The only corruption that is going on is how Trump supporters attack the men and women of law enforcement to protect Trump. You people are slimy bastards and you are the ones who need to be jailed.
Just for fun, I e-mailed Nancy Pelosi to see if she wanted to join the illuminati.

She answered, "Do you have good French benefits?"


shall we laugh here?
or cry?

what is it

you know....

I chose to laugh.

I believe in these secret societies. I believe there really are powerful elitist types who dance around camp fires naked worshiping Satan thinking that they can control the world. I believe this only because people are really that stupid.

As Albert Einstein once aptly said, he was not sure that the universe was infinite, but remained convinced that human stupidity was.
This sounds strangely like a CLINTON after hours Cocktail Party.
"An FBI informant has apparently informed Congress that a secret society at the FBI was holding secret meetings off-site after the election of Donald Trump.

On Special Report with Bret Baier Tuesday evening, Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.) called it "corruption of the highest levels of the FBI."

"That secret society — we have an informant that's talking about a group that were holding secret meetings off-site," Johnson said. "There is so much smoke here

The Obama administration's treason is being revealed...the 'Witch Hunters' now find themselves the HUNTED!

Sen. Ron Johnson: FBI Informant Says 'Secret Society' Held Secret Meetings Off-Site

DEEP STATE!!!!:420::bsflag::dance:
So you are saying that there is no 'Deep State', just evidence of massive Obama administration FBI, DOJ corruption and crime....

I could agree with that.

Shadow Government!

Another thread.

I closed that one.

You just can't close them all fast enough.

Well at least you know how to use e-mail, that's something I reckon.

Yes. If only there weren't so many clowns like yourself who have no better purpose in life than frantically reloading Breitbart and GP, waiting for some new bullshit to start a thread about.

Speaking of clowns



Now, now. There's no need to troll the thread just because you're butthurt.

Another thread.

I closed that one.

You just can't close them all fast enough.

Well at least you know how to use e-mail, that's something I reckon.

Yes. If only there weren't so many clowns like yourself who have no better purpose in life than frantically reloading Breitbart and GP, waiting for some new bullshit to start a thread about.

Speaking of clowns



Now, now. There's no need to troll the thread just because you're butthurt.

I'm not butt hurt...

I'm happy happy happy......

Thanks to President Donald J. Trump...

Another thread.

I closed that one.

You just can't close them all fast enough.

Well at least you know how to use e-mail, that's something I reckon.

Yes. If only there weren't so many clowns like yourself who have no better purpose in life than frantically reloading Breitbart and GP, waiting for some new bullshit to start a thread about.

Speaking of clowns



Now, now. There's no need to troll the thread just because you're butthurt.

I'm not butt hurt...

I'm happy happy happy......

Thanks to President Donald J. Trump...

I feel kind of bad for you. That your happiness is tied to the president seems a bad way to go through life.

Wow. Three threads within two minutes. You guys are on your game tonight.

Did new talking points just go out?
It's getting harder and harder to deny reality, isn't it, snowflake?!


The reality that Russian troll farmers are pushing the false narrative that the FBI is corrupt so that when Mueller charges Trump the base can claim it’s the “deep state”.

This propaganda campaign by Trump and the Russians against the FBI and the Justice Department simply will not work. Since Trump can’t stop the investigation the Russian government is attempting to aid Trump by lying about the people investigating him.

Hey Gargoyle,

Trump could fire muller anytime he wants.

Answer me this..

Did the Russian troll farmers make up the text messages

between “stroking it” and his girlfriend?

I rest my case and you are full of crap.
"An FBI informant has apparently informed Congress that a secret society at the FBI was holding secret meetings off-site after the election of Donald Trump.

On Special Report with Bret Baier Tuesday evening, Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.) called it "corruption of the highest levels of the FBI."

"That secret society — we have an informant that's talking about a group that were holding secret meetings off-site," Johnson said. "There is so much smoke here

The Obama administration's treason is being revealed...the 'Witch Hunters' now find themselves the HUNTED!

Sen. Ron Johnson: FBI Informant Says 'Secret Society' Held Secret Meetings Off-Site

You people are really cracked pots. Maybe they held joint meetings with the Deep State. Get James Bond on the case.

The FBI is the crackpot full of corruption. The truth is coming out.

The truth is coming out. You people are pondscum willing to create any conspiracy theory to protect Trump. You people need to be locked up in a rubber room somewhere.

Wrong. The FBI was running its own renegade operation. Its time for the corruption to come to light.

The only corruption that is going on is how Trump supporters attack the men and women of law enforcement to protect Trump. You people are slimy bastards and you are the ones who need to be jailed.

Wrong again. You're simply caught up in your emotions with no factual basis.

Wow. Three threads within two minutes. You guys are on your game tonight.

Did new talking points just go out?
It's getting harder and harder to deny reality, isn't it, snowflake?!


The reality that Russian troll farmers are pushing the false narrative that the FBI is corrupt so that when Mueller charges Trump the base can claim it’s the “deep state”.

This propaganda campaign by Trump and the Russians against the FBI and the Justice Department simply will not work. Since Trump can’t stop the investigation the Russian government is attempting to aid Trump by lying about the people investigating him.

Hey Gargoyle,

Trump could fire muller anytime he wants.

Answer me this..

Did the Russian troll farmers make up the text messages

between “stroking it” and his girlfriend?

I rest my case and you are full of crap.

wow must be a shill the fact she is so desperate she is trying to convince us the FBI is not corrupt.:haha:

next thing she will say is politicians dont get special treatment and get away with crimes everyday WE got to jail for.COMEDY GOLD.:lmao::haha:
You just can't close them all fast enough.

Well at least you know how to use e-mail, that's something I reckon.

Yes. If only there weren't so many clowns like yourself who have no better purpose in life than frantically reloading Breitbart and GP, waiting for some new bullshit to start a thread about.

Speaking of clowns



Now, now. There's no need to troll the thread just because you're butthurt.

I'm not butt hurt...

I'm happy happy happy......

Thanks to President Donald J. Trump...

I feel kind of bad for you. That your happiness is tied to the president seems a bad way to go through life.

No need to feel bad for me Gargoyle…

I have a blessed life.

I have in fact made it to the top of the mountain..

President Donald J. Trump smacking you

liberals around like rag dolls is just more nirvana for me…..

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