White Christians, you do realize that without abortion


VIP Member
Oct 5, 2016
There would be a ton more non white people in this world, and a ton more non Christians?

All I want is a little consistency. If you are against abortion, then you are not just against it for white people or Christians. You are against it for everyone. Which means there would be a lot more people unlike you.
You see it that way because you think everyone thinks like you. If the situation were reversed, you would be cheering white abortion (even if you were opposed to abortion), but white Christians care about ALL human life, not just their own.
Which means there would be a lot more people unlike you.

There are no people unlike us. We're all human. Alike. Sacred.

Genesis 1:27 (NKJV)

So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.
You see it that way because you think everyone thinks like you. If the situation were reversed, you would be cheering white abortion (even if you were opposed to abortion), but white Christians care about ALL human life, not just their own.

I kind of think ALL Christians think that way...and Jews and Muslims and....

well hey...:dunno:
You see it that way because you think everyone thinks like you. If the situation were reversed, you would be cheering white abortion (even if you were opposed to abortion), but white Christians care about ALL human life, not just their own.

Shoots Speeders, who says he is a white Christian, all reasonable evidence to the contrary, doesn't care about black, brown, Asian or Jewish lives, in the slightest, so that is completely untrue.

He's not the only one.
You see it that way because you think everyone thinks like you. If the situation were reversed, you would be cheering white abortion (even if you were opposed to abortion), but white Christians care about ALL human life, not just their own.

Shoots Speeders, who says he is a white Christian, all reasonable evidence to the contrary, doesn't care about black, brown, Asian or Jewish lives, in the slightest, so that is completely untrue.

He's not the only one.
Bullshit. You don't know what's in his head or heart. You're judging someone based on your own prejudice and assumptions. You don't like him so you in your eyes, he's evil, and guilty of every bad thing you can think of. You're no better than the thing you hate.
When you run out of fresh water and food, will you realize the world can not sustain such a huge population?
Nature made us far more expendable and childbirth far more problematic.

Our extinction will be assured and sooner rather than later.

We have far too many unwanted children and children with special needs that need love. Unwanted and unloved children become a burden on society in many ways.

A child should be wanted not just an accident or result of rape. Parents should be fully prepared to care for the child not milk society to care of it instead.

Some women really should not be a parent or risk too much to try and carry a child themselves. Some have too many children and cannot full give them each what they need.

God/creator/nature did not intend for even potential life to survive in animals or mankind. We consume eggs and young animals for out survival, so do other animals for their's. Some will even eat their own young.

So many animals are going extinct because of the spread of humanity and over population will do the same for us.

Women since recorded time and likely well before have know the herbs and foods to induce miscarriage. Even without clinical invasive abortions, they will not stop in the US or around the world.

Religious objections only apply to those who believe in that particular faith. Now a person can walk into any pharmacy any buy over the counter pills to terminate in the first trimester.

For health reason a pregnancy can be terminated if the life of a woman is at risk. Every doctor and ER will save the life if the woman first not a fetus that has yet to be born.

Women have options later in life to adopt or get surrogate, even to have eggs transplanted. Fertility clinics might produce a dozen embryos but only one or two will be allowed to survive to term.

A woman's body is her own and she should be ready to share her body for a child or have the right not to if she feels that is a better choice for her at that time.

If you know, there are foods in any garden or grocery store that will terminate a pregnancy. Natures abundance, god's medical chest, accessible to any woman.

Each woman has to decide for herself what is best for her life. Other's should mind their own business.
If they could find a genetic marker for gay, for sure, Republicans would allow abortion. After all, gays are at the top of every GOP top ten hate list:

1. Gays
2. Muslims
3. Blacks
4. Hispanics
5. Liberals
6. Jews
7. Women's rights
8. Sick and disabled
9. College professors
10. Scientists
If they could find a genetic marker for gay, for sure, Republicans would allow abortion. After all, gays are at the top of every GOP top ten hate list:

1. Gays
2. Muslims
3. Blacks
4. Hispanics
5. Liberals
6. Jews
7. Women's rights
8. Sick and disabled
9. College professors
10. Scientists

If they could find a genetic marker for gay, for sure, Republicans would allow abortion. After all, gays are at the top of every GOP top ten hate list:

1. Gays
2. Muslims
3. Blacks
4. Hispanics
5. Liberals
6. Jews
7. Women's rights
8. Sick and disabled
9. College professors
10. Scientists

You seriously that ignorant?
If they could find a genetic marker for gay, for sure, Republicans would allow abortion. After all, gays are at the top of every GOP top ten hate list:

1. Gays
2. Muslims
3. Blacks
4. Hispanics
5. Liberals
6. Jews
7. Women's rights
8. Sick and disabled
9. College professors
10. Scientists

You seriously that ignorant?
If they could find a genetic marker for gay, for sure, Republicans would allow abortion. After all, gays are at the top of every GOP top ten hate list:

1. Gays
2. Muslims
3. Blacks
4. Hispanics
5. Liberals
6. Jews
7. Women's rights
8. Sick and disabled
9. College professors
10. Scientists

You realize women's rights aren't people, right?
If they could find a genetic marker for gay, for sure, Republicans would allow abortion. After all, gays are at the top of every GOP top ten hate list:

1. Gays
2. Muslims
3. Blacks
4. Hispanics
5. Liberals
6. Jews
7. Women's rights
8. Sick and disabled
9. College professors
10. Scientists

You seriously that ignorant?

It's dean, what do you expect?
There would be a ton more non white people in this world, and a ton more non Christians?

All I want is a little consistency. If you are against abortion, then you are not just against it for white people or Christians. You are against it for everyone. Which means there would be a lot more people unlike you.

What the fuck does religion have to do with it?
When you run out of fresh water and food, will you realize the world can not sustain such a huge population?
Nature made us far more expendable and childbirth far more problematic.

Our extinction will be assured and sooner rather than later.

We have far too many unwanted children and children with special needs that need love. Unwanted and unloved children become a burden on society in many ways.

A child should be wanted not just an accident or result of rape. Parents should be fully prepared to care for the child not milk society to care of it instead.

Some women really should not be a parent or risk too much to try and carry a child themselves. Some have too many children and cannot full give them each what they need.

God/creator/nature did not intend for even potential life to survive in animals or mankind. We consume eggs and young animals for out survival, so do other animals for their's. Some will even eat their own young.

So many animals are going extinct because of the spread of humanity and over population will do the same for us.

Women since recorded time and likely well before have know the herbs and foods to induce miscarriage. Even without clinical invasive abortions, they will not stop in the US or around the world.

Religious objections only apply to those who believe in that particular faith. Now a person can walk into any pharmacy any buy over the counter pills to terminate in the first trimester.

For health reason a pregnancy can be terminated if the life of a woman is at risk. Every doctor and ER will save the life if the woman first not a fetus that has yet to be born.

Women have options later in life to adopt or get surrogate, even to have eggs transplanted. Fertility clinics might produce a dozen embryos but only one or two will be allowed to survive to term.

A woman's body is her own and she should be ready to share her body for a child or have the right not to if she feels that is a better choice for her at that time.

If you know, there are foods in any garden or grocery store that will terminate a pregnancy. Natures abundance, god's medical chest, accessible to any woman.

Each woman has to decide for herself what is best for her life. Other's should mind their own business.

Are there any other human beings you are comfortable with denying rights and personhood to, to help reduce the world's population even more?

Or is your prejudice and bigotry only limited to those in the womb?

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