White college fraternity in Oklahoma shut down for overt racism

They are done.

Negative reinforcement doesn't work. You don't reward bad behaviour. You ignore it, not acklnowledge it.
They are done.

Ya, and now you have however many fratboys pissed as hell at the school to say nothing of blacks. That's SO much better than letting them rant and rave in private.
It is unclear to me how this information came out in public...someone was on that bus who may have become upset took video and passed the video on to others who publicized it ...
This was a private fraternity bus ride. Not some public campus demonstration. Much as I dislike the chant and attitude, it was in the final analysis a private affair. The law protects even the most vile and disgusting hate speech as KKK rallies show. But no one's proposing we deny KKK permits to march and demonstrate in public. So why the double-standard when things done in private come to light?

There's the arguement their conduct violated whatever student code of behaviour binds them, but beyond that, if in fact such behaviour violated such a policy, they shouldn't be expelled, booted out of their frat, or anything else.

Racism exists, but you're not going to mitigate it or make it go away with punitive actions like this. If anything you're only making it worse.

If the fraternity is a private club they can conduct their racist business on their own, somewhere else, with no affiliation to the university.
I guess a bus isn't private enough for you. Think it would be better if they did it in a cave in Tora Bora?

I'm pretty sure the fraternity is officially sanctioned by the university, therefore the rules and regulations of that university apply to all fraternity activities.

Yep, they were wrong. It was also wrong for looters to steal in Ferguson. It was also wrong to stand up in the US House of representatives and put your hands up in the air in solidarity over a lie and falsely accuse white cops all over the country of racism. It is also wrong for gangs of blacks to target whites on the street or in stores, shopping malls, and movie theaters for racist attacks. Or Eric Holder calling us cowards and racists.

I think whites are just plain fed up with the Bullshit.
Thinking of it another way (while going potty, do some of my best thinking in there hehe)

Closing down a racist fraternity makes about as much sense for combating racism as banning the weapons used in the latest mass killing spree does to prevent another mass killing spree.
That doesn't even begin to make any kind of sense at all.

Sounds like a personal problem. Maybe you should read more books.
Books won't help you stop being an apologist for racism.

Not apologising for it so much as not supporting methods which wont work to fight it. I only support winning strategies, not feel-good ones like dismantling the frat, or banning the guns used in the latest shooting spree.

Racist fraternities and guns? You really seem to be straining for an equivalency. Feel good methods? No, real consequences are the exact opposite of feel good methods.
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Oklahoma students protest fraternity s racist video

Now, if my son were in that video I dont think I'd be very proud of him. But dont people have the right to say things? Even things that are offensive to others? Do you think they ought to be kicked out of school just for some hijinks?
You have a right to say anything you want

You also have a right to face the consequences
So Russians under the old Soviet system had a right to free speech as long as they accepted they would be sent to the gulag.
Lib logic at its best.


Can't pick a more bizarre hyperbole?
Translation: I can't really refute that so I'll try to mock it instead.

If you are sanctioned for merely expressing an opinion then there is no freedom of speech.

The Rabbi is foaming at the mouth again

Freedom of speech has never meant that there are no consequences for what you say
This was a private fraternity bus ride. Not some public campus demonstration. Much as I dislike the chant and attitude, it was in the final analysis a private affair. The law protects even the most vile and disgusting hate speech as KKK rallies show. But no one's proposing we deny KKK permits to march and demonstrate in public. So why the double-standard when things done in private come to light?

There's the arguement their conduct violated whatever student code of behaviour binds them, but beyond that, if in fact such behaviour violated such a policy, they shouldn't be expelled, booted out of their frat, or anything else.

Racism exists, but you're not going to mitigate it or make it go away with punitive actions like this. If anything you're only making it worse.

If the fraternity is a private club they can conduct their racist business on their own, somewhere else, with no affiliation to the university.
I guess a bus isn't private enough for you. Think it would be better if they did it in a cave in Tora Bora?

I'm pretty sure the fraternity is officially sanctioned by the university, therefore the rules and regulations of that university apply to all fraternity activities.

Yep, they were wrong. It was also wrong for looters to steal in Ferguson. It was also wrong to stand up in the US House of representatives and put your hands up in the air in solidarity over a lie and falsely accuse white cops all over the country of racism. It is also wrong for gangs of blacks to target whites on the street or in stores, shopping malls, and movie theaters for racist attacks. Or Eric Holder calling us cowards and racists.

I think whites are just plain fed up with the Bullshit.
None of which has anything to do with anything.
The response of the college and the Frat's National President is fully warranted and welcome.
No one is attempting to ban free speech, responsible parties are merely meeting their fiduciary responsibility in appropriately applying the response to the student's exercise of free speech.

Yup, and what do you think was the cause of all of this?
This was a private fraternity bus ride. Not some public campus demonstration. Much as I dislike the chant and attitude, it was in the final analysis a private affair. The law protects even the most vile and disgusting hate speech as KKK rallies show. But no one's proposing we deny KKK permits to march and demonstrate in public. So why the double-standard when things done in private come to light?

There's the arguement their conduct violated whatever student code of behaviour binds them, but beyond that, if in fact such behaviour violated such a policy, they shouldn't be expelled, booted out of their frat, or anything else.

Racism exists, but you're not going to mitigate it or make it go away with punitive actions like this. If anything you're only making it worse.

If the fraternity is a private club they can conduct their racist business on their own, somewhere else, with no affiliation to the university.
I guess a bus isn't private enough for you. Think it would be better if they did it in a cave in Tora Bora?

I'm pretty sure the fraternity is officially sanctioned by the university, therefore the rules and regulations of that university apply to all fraternity activities.

Yep, they were wrong. It was also wrong for looters to steal in Ferguson. It was also wrong to stand up in the US House of representatives and put your hands up in the air in solidarity over a lie and falsely accuse white cops all over the country of racism. It is also wrong for gangs of blacks to target whites on the street or in stores, shopping malls, and movie theaters for racist attacks. Or Eric Holder calling us cowards and racists.

I think whites are just plain fed up with the Bullshit.
None of which has anything to do with anything.
It has everything to do with it, and know it.
They are done.

Negative reinforcement doesn't work. You don't reward bad behaviour. You ignore it, not acklnowledge it.
They are done.

Ya, and now you have however many fratboys pissed as hell at the school to say nothing of blacks. That's SO much better than letting them rant and rave in private.
It is unclear to me how this information came out in public...someone was on that bus who may have become upset took video and passed the video on to others who publicized it ...

Presumedly a guest of one of the frat members. Wouldn't think an actual member woulda made something the frat they volunteered to join does behind closed doors public. A guest might.
Oklahoma students protest fraternity s racist video

Now, if my son were in that video I dont think I'd be very proud of him. But dont people have the right to say things? Even things that are offensive to others? Do you think they ought to be kicked out of school just for some hijinks?
You have a right to say anything you want

You also have a right to face the consequences
So Russians under the old Soviet system had a right to free speech as long as they accepted they would be sent to the gulag.
Lib logic at its best.


Can't pick a more bizarre hyperbole?
Translation: I can't really refute that so I'll try to mock it instead.

If you are sanctioned for merely expressing an opinion then there is no freedom of speech.

They have a code of conduct they are expected to live up when representing their fraternity.

The fraternity does not believe in the values they voiced about discrimination and lynching.

News - Media Statements - Fraternity Leadership Closes Chapter at University of Oklahoma - Sigma Alpha Epsilon

NORMAN, OK – Sigma Alpha Epsilon’s national headquarters has closed its Oklahoma Kappa chapter at the University of Oklahoma following the discovery of a video that contains racist and hateful language as a chant. In addition, all of the members have been suspended, and those members who are responsible for or involved in the incident will face having their membership privileges revoked permanently.

We apologize for the unacceptable and racist behavior of the individuals in the video, and we are disgusted that any member would act in such a way. Furthermore, we are embarrassed by this video and offer our empathy not only to anyone outside the organization who is offended but also to our brothers who come from a wide range of backgrounds, cultures and ethnicities. Our leadership acted swiftly to the video and closed the chapter within hours of learning about it. Preliminary findings from our investigation validated the involvement of chapter members from the University of Oklahoma in the video.

This type of racist behavior will not be tolerated and is not consistent with the values and morals of our fraternity. We have more than 15,000 collegiate members across the nation, and this incident should not reflect on other brothers because this type of hateful action is not what Sigma Alpha Epsilon stands for. This is absolutely not who we are. Sigma Alpha Epsilon is not a racist, sexist or bigoted fraternity. Not only have we provided education and training on these and other issues, we are working to make sure that discussions and awareness on these and other topics is at the forefront of our membership experience.

The recording showed Sigma Alpha Epsilon members on a bus, singing a highly derogatory, racist chant that also included a phrase about lynching and saying no black people would ever be admitted. OU senior Samuel Iroanya says the video is just a glimpse of the discrimination that sometimes occurs on campus.

Oklahoma University Fraternity Closed After Racist Chant Video Posted NPR
If the fraternity is a private club they can conduct their racist business on their own, somewhere else, with no affiliation to the university.
I guess a bus isn't private enough for you. Think it would be better if they did it in a cave in Tora Bora?

I'm pretty sure the fraternity is officially sanctioned by the university, therefore the rules and regulations of that university apply to all fraternity activities.

Yep, they were wrong. It was also wrong for looters to steal in Ferguson. It was also wrong to stand up in the US House of representatives and put your hands up in the air in solidarity over a lie and falsely accuse white cops all over the country of racism. It is also wrong for gangs of blacks to target whites on the street or in stores, shopping malls, and movie theaters for racist attacks. Or Eric Holder calling us cowards and racists.

I think whites are just plain fed up with the Bullshit.
None of which has anything to do with anything.
It has everything to do with it, and know it.

Oh I see, tell me Spock, with your inscrutable logic, what do those racist perceptions of yours have to do with this incident?
This was a private fraternity bus ride. Not some public campus demonstration. Much as I dislike the chant and attitude, it was in the final analysis a private affair. The law protects even the most vile and disgusting hate speech as KKK rallies show. But no one's proposing we deny KKK permits to march and demonstrate in public. So why the double-standard when things done in private come to light?

There's the arguement their conduct violated whatever student code of behaviour binds them, but beyond that, if in fact such behaviour violated such a policy, they shouldn't be expelled, booted out of their frat, or anything else.

Racism exists, but you're not going to mitigate it or make it go away with punitive actions like this. If anything you're only making it worse.

Ignore it and it will go away. That's just plain stupid, and no one believes it.
If you are sanctioned for merely expressing an opinion then there is no freedom of speech.

It depends on who is doing the sanctioning. If it's the free market, then suck it up and take responsibility for the shit you spew out of your cockhole, mmkay. :thup:
This was a private fraternity bus ride. Not some public campus demonstration. Much as I dislike the chant and attitude, it was in the final analysis a private affair. The law protects even the most vile and disgusting hate speech as KKK rallies show. But no one's proposing we deny KKK permits to march and demonstrate in public. So why the double-standard when things done in private come to light?

There's the arguement their conduct violated whatever student code of behaviour binds them, but beyond that, if in fact such behaviour violated such a policy, they shouldn't be expelled, booted out of their frat, or anything else.

Racism exists, but you're not going to mitigate it or make it go away with punitive actions like this. If anything you're only making it worse.

Ignore it and it will go away. That's just plain stupid, and no one believes it.

Unfortunately for you I didn't say ignore it. That your feeble mind can't grasp things I consider mundane is your problem.
The Rabbi is foaming at the mouth again

Freedom of speech has never meant that there are no consequences for what you say


I'm sure The Ribeye was all worked up in a lather when Shirley Sherrod's right to free speech was infringed upon and she lost her job. :doubt:
They are done.

Negative reinforcement doesn't work. You don't reward bad behaviour. You ignore it, not acklnowledge it.
They are done.

Ya, and now you have however many fratboys pissed as hell at the school to say nothing of blacks. That's SO much better than letting them rant and rave in private.
It is unclear to me how this information came out in public...someone was on that bus who may have become upset took video and passed the video on to others who publicized it ...

Presumedly a guest of one of the frat members. Wouldn't think an actual member woulda made something the frat they volunteered to join does behind closed doors public. A guest might.
I wouldn't want to be that guy after this went viral.

But this is really what Obama and his paid race-baiters wanted. They couldn't find enough real examples of racism in America so they literally created them out of nothing. I'm sure they would have loved it to be a white middle-aged Tea Party Republican who likes shooting blacks. But until they can cause some crazy cracker to go nuts they'll settle for a bunch of stupid college kids that probably would have voted for Obama in the 2008 election if they had been old enough.

This is Hope & Change at work.
Oklahoma students protest fraternity s racist video

Now, if my son were in that video I dont think I'd be very proud of him. But dont people have the right to say things? Even things that are offensive to others? Do you think they ought to be kicked out of school just for some hijinks?
You have a right to say anything you want

You also have a right to face the consequences
So Russians under the old Soviet system had a right to free speech as long as they accepted they would be sent to the gulag.
Lib logic at its best.


Can't pick a more bizarre hyperbole?
That our :up: The Rabbi.

Anyway, those racist kids are out of their little frat house now.
This was a private fraternity bus ride. Not some public campus demonstration. Much as I dislike the chant and attitude, it was in the final analysis a private affair. The law protects even the most vile and disgusting hate speech as KKK rallies show. But no one's proposing we deny KKK permits to march and demonstrate in public. So why the double-standard when things done in private come to light?

There's the arguement their conduct violated whatever student code of behaviour binds them, but beyond that, if in fact such behaviour violated such a policy, they shouldn't be expelled, booted out of their frat, or anything else.

Racism exists, but you're not going to mitigate it or make it go away with punitive actions like this. If anything you're only making it worse.

Ignore it and it will go away. That's just plain stupid, and no one believes it.

Unfortunately for you I didn't say ignore it. That your feeble mind can't grasp things I consider mundane is your problem.

My apologies then, I beg your pardon. Please feel free to elaborate on your comprehensive plan for dealing with racism.
Negative reinforcement doesn't work. You don't reward bad behaviour. You ignore it, not acklnowledge it.
They are done.

Ya, and now you have however many fratboys pissed as hell at the school to say nothing of blacks. That's SO much better than letting them rant and rave in private.
It is unclear to me how this information came out in public...someone was on that bus who may have become upset took video and passed the video on to others who publicized it ...

Presumedly a guest of one of the frat members. Wouldn't think an actual member woulda made something the frat they volunteered to join does behind closed doors public. A guest might.
I wouldn't want to be that guy after this went viral.

But this is really what Obama and his paid race-baiters wanted. They couldn't find enough real examples of racism in America so they literally created them out of nothing. I'm sure they would have loved it to be a white middle-aged Tea Party Republican who likes shooting blacks. But until they can cause some crazy cracker to go nuts they'll settle for a bunch of stupid college kids that probably would have voted for Obama in the 2008 election if they had been old enough.

This is Hope & Change at work.
Just one thing on your mind all the time, huh.
I guess a bus isn't private enough for you. Think it would be better if they did it in a cave in Tora Bora?

I'm pretty sure the fraternity is officially sanctioned by the university, therefore the rules and regulations of that university apply to all fraternity activities.

Yep, they were wrong. It was also wrong for looters to steal in Ferguson. It was also wrong to stand up in the US House of representatives and put your hands up in the air in solidarity over a lie and falsely accuse white cops all over the country of racism. It is also wrong for gangs of blacks to target whites on the street or in stores, shopping malls, and movie theaters for racist attacks. Or Eric Holder calling us cowards and racists.

I think whites are just plain fed up with the Bullshit.
None of which has anything to do with anything.
It has everything to do with it, and know it.

Oh I see, tell me Spock, with your inscrutable logic, what do those racist perceptions of yours have to do with this incident?

I'm just trying to give you some wisdom. Not my fault you have to go around with blinders on to maintain your uninformed opinions.
Oklahoma students protest fraternity s racist video

Now, if my son were in that video I dont think I'd be very proud of him. But dont people have the right to say things? Even things that are offensive to others? Do you think they ought to be kicked out of school just for some hijinks?
You have a right to say anything you want

You also have a right to face the consequences
So Russians under the old Soviet system had a right to free speech as long as they accepted they would be sent to the gulag.
Lib logic at its best.


Can't pick a more bizarre hyperbole?
That our :up: The Rabbi.

Anyway, those racist kids are out of their little frat house now.

They have learned a valuable life lesson....actions have consequences

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