Zone1 White Culture holds back white people

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If some Bozo in a CVS cannot stop a crime without the risk of getting sued, then vigilante justice is wide open to litigation.

Who said they can't? You respond to a video of someone going on a violent rampage destroying $10,000 worth of stuff claiming anyone that tries to stop her risks getting sued. I pointed out you're wrong and you respond with some government document about shoplifting, which is not what we're talking about.

The fact of the matter is someone could have absolutely intervened and stopped her. The reason they didn't and why most people don't is because they're afraid for their own safety and getting hurt, not because of some right-wing conspiracy that "Soros District Attorneys" are out to get all of you.
Who said they can't? You respond to a video of someone going on a violent rampage destroying $10,000 worth of stuff claiming anyone that tries to stop her risks getting sued. I pointed out you're wrong and you respond with some government document about shoplifting, which is not what we're talking about.

The fact of the matter is someone could have absolutely intervened and stopped her. The reason they didn't and why most people don't is because they're afraid for their own safety and getting hurt, not because of some right-wing conspiracy that "Soros District Attorneys" are out to get all of you.

Actually you're wrong. If you try to stop the loon. She attacks you. You defend yourself, and yes one of those Soros pricks will most certainly indict you, and let her walk.

It happens every day in Los Angeles, and Oakland.
Who said they can't? You respond to a video of someone going on a violent rampage destroying $10,000 worth of stuff claiming anyone that tries to stop her risks getting sued. I pointed out you're wrong and you respond with some government document about shoplifting, which is not what we're talking about.

The fact of the matter is someone could have absolutely intervened and stopped her. The reason they didn't and why most people don't is because they're afraid for their own safety and getting hurt, not because of some right-wing conspiracy that "Soros District Attorneys" are out to get all of you.
Who said anything about a “Soros Districts Attorney”?

Yeah, someone might get hurt if they try to stop a shoplifter. Shoplifters also can (and do) easily claim they were unjustly injured by your attempt to stop them and sue you for compensation. Even if you aren’t trying to harm them, they might still actually get injured.

This is why many companies have a do-not-intervene policy when it comes to crime. Officially, they say it’s to protect the safety of their employees and customers. But these incidents open several possible avenues for litigation. That’s really what they are trying to avoid. Additionally, employees can (and have) been fired for violating a company’s do-not-interve policy.

In addition to the person who is stopping the incident, the company can (and has) face litigation from the shoplifter or third parties affected by the indecent.

I’m not sure why this is at all a controversial claim.

I also saw numerous articles about people who were suing for being incorrectly accused of shoplifting. Even without a physical altercation, loss prevention efforts can result in litigation.
Who said anything about a “Soros Districts Attorney”?

Yeah, someone might get hurt if they try to stop a shoplifter. Shoplifters also can (and do) easily claim they were unjustly injured by your attempt to stop them and sue you for compensation. Even if you aren’t trying to harm them, they might still actually get injured.

This is why many companies have a do-not-intervene policy when it comes to crime. Officially, they say it’s to protect the safety of their employees and customers. But these incidents open several possible avenues for litigation. That’s really what they are trying to avoid. Additionally, employees can (and have) been fired for violating a company’s do-not-interve policy.

In addition to the person who is stopping the incident, the company can (and has) face litigation from the shoplifter or third parties affected by the indecent.

I’m not sure why this is at all a controversial claim.

All of your examples are of people suing a corporation, not an individual who intervenes, regarding a shoplifting incident and once again, we are NOT talking about shoplifting. With each post trying to justify your excuses you keep moving the goal post.

By the way, the video you were originally commenting on didn't even happen in the United States.
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All of your examples are of people suing a corporation, not an individual who intervenes, regarding a shoplifting incident and once again, we are NOT talking about shoplifting. With each post trying to justify your excuses you keep moving the goal post.

By the way, the video you were originally commenting on didn't even happen in the United States.
We have Good Samaritan laws to protect people who intervene and assist someone who is “injured, ill, in peril, or otherwise incapacitated”. I guess if you could be sued for helping someone who is injured, then it’s obviously a right wing conspiracy to suggest you could get sued stopping some shoplifter or crazy person trashing a store.

Like I said before it boils down to your actions being reasonable and no one getting hurt. We can just disagree that there is some magical blanket immunity protecting you from the accusations of thieves and crazy people.
I don’t know about white culture holding back white people, but man….did you see this (cute!) white boy spring into action to defend a woman from a black guy who was assaulting her?

I don’t know about white culture holding back white people, but man….did you see this (cute!) white boy spring into action to defend a woman from a black guy who was assaulting her?

That guy should be careful. Its possible he is pregnant and doesn’t know it yet. That kind of rough housing would be bad for his unborn child.

I like that he called out the woke “toxic masculinity“ crap.
That guy should be careful. Its possible he is pregnant and doesn’t know it yet. That kind of rough housing would be bad for his unborn child.

I like that he called out the woke “toxic masculinity“ crap.

I liked that he called out the woke crap too. The Dems have set it up so a man needs to be a wuss.

As an aside, this young man is an example of the type of person that the snobby leftists defame as “a moron in flyover country” and a MAGA who is a threat to democracy. (Guarantee you he is not a Biden voter.)
I don’t know about white culture holding back white people, but man….did you see this (cute!) white boy spring into action to defend a woman from a black guy who was assaulting her?

That was awesome!
To be black and conscious in America is to be in a constant state of rage.-James A. Baldwin

You guys make stuff up to be mad about, so don't tell me about angry..
Baldwin rejected the only path forward. I won't judge him but he INCREASED racism by his hateful views on religion.

Whatever you think of him he is NO FREDERICK DOUGLASS. Baldwin was like the man in a troubled marriage who thinks divorce is the answer because at least he will feel better,hell with the wife.

As an aside, this young man is an example of the type of person that the snobby leftists defame as “a moron in flyover country” and a MAGA who is a threat to democracy. (Guarantee you he is not a Biden voter.)
“You go into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing's replaced them. And they fell through the Clinton administration, and the Bush administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate, and they have not. And it's not surprising then they get bitter, and they cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.” - Obama

“You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump's supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. (Laughter/applause) Right? (Laughter/applause) They're racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic – you name it. And unfortunately, there are people like that. And he has lifted them up.” -
Pantsuit Nation

“We got a real clear picture of what they all value," Biden said. "Every Republican's voted for it. Look at what they value and look at their budget and what they're proposing. Romney wants to let the - he said in the first hundred days he's going to let the big banks once again write their own rules, 'unchain Wall Street.' They're going to put y'all back in chains." - Biden

There is no shortage of this retarded theater. The stuff Biden gets away with saying is really wild. Can you imagine if Trump compared black people to Hispanics and said “unlike black people, Hispanics are diverse in their thoughts”…. ffs

It’s fear porn for the dimwitted and there is no shortage of them.
Oh boy….


Why are both the ”males“ on this book people who present as men? Seriously, chances are if two men had a baby, one would be trying to pass as a man and the other presenting as a woman. And they have two white guys on this book? Where is the “diversity” when it’s actually called for? This book cover is like a woke Freudian slip.
Why are both the ”males“ on this book people who present as men? Seriously, chances are if two men had a baby, one would be trying to pass as a man and the other presenting as a woman. And they have two white guys on this book? Where is the “diversity” when it’s actually called for? This book cover is like a woke Freudian slip.
A male with a uterus is a woman.
A male with a uterus is a woman.
I cannot believe how transphobic you are. Trust the science, Lisa.

“Uterus transplants are already a reality. What does it mean for transgender women getting pregnant?”

It means these mentally ill fruitcakes will soon be able to abort their butt children.

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