White guilt: THE ONLY reason Obama was elected

So much butthurt here from the eternal sore-losers of the right.

That's one reason why you lose elections, righties. Nobody wants to be associated with a pack of bitter delusional mewling sissies like you all.
the son-of-a-bitch promised that pie in the sky and too many dupes fell for it, plus 98.7% of blacks voted for him believing he would lift the chains of slavery, then we had the white guilt folks who wanted to avoid the "RACIST" title that is thrown around so much so, that it has no negative impact on Conservative people who have strong Constitutional convictions. :up:

so there ya are..., how we got this worthless racist pile of muslime dog shit, fools, idiots, racists and America hating commies. :up:

What a bunch of horse shit!!! You don't know the reason why "98.7%" of Black people voted for Obama. I don't even think that your percentage is accurate; for the last 40 years Blacks people have voted democrat by a huge majority . Gallup polling estimated that John Kerry received 93% of the black vote in 2004, and Al Gore received 95% in 2000. Obama 95% 2008, Obama 93% 2012.

Voting is PRIVATE, a white person could say that they voted for Obama while actually voting for McCain or Romney. That "white guilt" is a bunch of crap.

The funniest thing with you is your avatar and your statement about "fighting Liberal values", that "Article Two" IS a Liberal value ...........................Thanks for the laugh!
Voting is NOT private. Only the actual name of the voter is kept out of public view. All other aspects of voting stats are open to public scrutiny.

"So far, it’s true that who you vote for is private (to the public, at least) but whether you vote or not isn’t."
So much butthurt here from the eternal sore-losers of the right.

That's one reason why you lose elections, righties. Nobody wants to be associated with a pack of bitter delusional mewling sissies like you all.

"what difference, at this point, does it make" speaking of bitter, delusional, mewling.

"ah aint no ways tarred" speaking of pandering

"corpseman" speaking of stupid
Rich Mormon Pubs fight for even lower taxes ON THEMSELVES, to screw workers, the non-rich, and the environment, chumps...

do you have electrodes attached to your head that cause you to pump out this kind of shit? You are very very close to being the next on the infamous list of Redfish ignores.

Very close.
So much butthurt here from the eternal sore-losers of the right.

That's one reason why you lose elections, righties. Nobody wants to be associated with a pack of bitter delusional mewling sissies like you all.

bitter and delusional, thats the left. They bitch about everyone elses success.

for example i didnt see any right wing election challenges to obamas wins.....the left challenged bush both times under bullshit.........and bitterness
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There is no such thing as "White Guilt." It is a pejorative stereotype fabricated by the Racist Right to attack Liberals with. It exists only in the sick perverted minds of the Racist Right.

Black liberals invented the term "white guilt".
Bullshit! It is the CON$ervoFascist's sanitized version of "****** lover."

oh so liberal guilt doesnt exist....lol i love the left, they amuse me

that explains reparations, affirmative action and all the other liberal guilt programs
Black liberals invented the term "white guilt".
Bullshit! It is the CON$ervoFascist's sanitized version of "****** lover."

oh so liberal guilt doesnt exist....lol i love the left, they amuse me

that explains reparations, affirmative action and all the other liberal guilt programs
White Guilt exists only in the sick perverted minds of the Racist Right.They project their own well deserved guilt on the Left.
Rich Mormon Pubs fight for even lower taxes ON THEMSELVES, to screw workers, the non-rich, and the environment, chumps...

do you have electrodes attached to your head that cause you to pump out this kind of shit? You are very very close to being the next on the infamous list of Redfish ignores.

Very close.

You seem to forget Franco has told us in addition to his two master's degrees HE has an IQ of 145!

So you must not forget that when he types out his unsubstantiated rants.
Bullshit! It is the CON$ervoFascist's sanitized version of "****** lover."

oh so liberal guilt doesnt exist....lol i love the left, they amuse me

that explains reparations, affirmative action and all the other liberal guilt programs
White Guilt exists only in the sick perverted minds of the Racist Right.They project their own well deserved guilt on the Left.
White guilt flourishes in minds like yours. Your frustration lays in you inability to make others feel that way, and your inability to do so forces you to conclude that who ever doesn't share your pathology must be sick and perverted.

Guilt is an emotion and a personal thing. As such you are of course free to feel it, but to insist others feel it too will only feed your aggravation and pathology.
Bullshit! It is the CON$ervoFascist's sanitized version of "****** lover."

oh so liberal guilt doesnt exist....lol i love the left, they amuse me

that explains reparations, affirmative action and all the other liberal guilt programs
White Guilt exists only in the sick perverted minds of the Racist Right.They project their own well deserved guilt on the Left.

Let me understand this...
If as you say "White Guilt" exists ONLY in the Racist right.. then it exists right?
If it exists you are proving my point that the ONLY reason a majority of WHITE voters voted for Obama was there WERE NO OTHER reasons!
Obama had NOT ONE executive experience where he hired people. Approved projects. Approved budgets.
Obama's foreign policy experience? He lived in various countries.
Since there were NO valid positive reasons to elect Obama i.e. experiences, proven expertise, etc. white people that voted for Obama did so because for them NOT to vote for him meant it was because he was black.
Remember HE raised the black issue first when he said:

"They’re going to try to make you afraid.
They’re going to try to make you afraid of me.
He’s young
and inexperienced
and he’s got a funny name.
And did I mention he’s black?
Obama at Florida fund-raiser says GOP will go after him because he is black. Pool report. - Lynn Sweet
NOT ONE GOP politician who ever ran against Obama said "you shouldn't vote for him because he's black!"

Talk about an election death wish!

That's why I guess most uninformed white voters voted for Obama. Since they NEVER heard Obama's GOP opponent say "he's black" don't vote"..
the only reason they voted for him WAS because he was black!
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white guilt, black pride, lies, and a biased media elected obama.

McCain would have been no better

Romney would have been a very good president.

If Hillary wins in 2016 the USA is over.

Again, guy, I'm not struggling working three jobs because of what Obama did.

I'm doing it because Bush crashed the economy.

No, your working 3 jobs because Obama hasn't done what he said he would do.

Not entirely. Obama was elected because he convinced those yearning for acceptance, that their excuse for failure was not of a personal nature, but that of being victims of income inequality.

The evil 1% are far as you need to look for an excuse to hang your failures on. Moreover, it's time to spread the wealth.

Look at everything wrong in society today and somehow Obama has his support behind it

Obama is the poster boy for losers at all levels


Really? That is not what I saw in the elections. And I voted for Obama, twice. White, upper middle class income, craftsman, 70 at present, still working full time, and also taking classes at a university. Now how does that fit your stereotype?:lol:
oh so liberal guilt doesnt exist....lol i love the left, they amuse me

that explains reparations, affirmative action and all the other liberal guilt programs
White Guilt exists only in the sick perverted minds of the Racist Right.They project their own well deserved guilt on the Left.

Let me understand this...
If as you say "White Guilt" exists ONLY in the Racist right.. then it exists right?
If it exists you are proving my point that the ONLY reason a majority of WHITE voters voted for Obama was there WERE NO OTHER reasons!
The Right did not vote for Obama and a majority of white voters did NOT vote for Obama.

You are a perfect example of a No-Information voter.

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