White guilt: THE ONLY reason Obama was elected

The fools the republicans nominated were the reason Obama won.

Not once, but twice.

Not fools. Just poor candidates.
Both Mc Cain and Romney are old guard RINO's approved by the establishment republicans.....
THEY are the problem.
And the main problem these people have is they stupidly get stuck in the quagmire of social issues. It is at that point democrats can pounce, create a narrative and tie up their opponent for weeks trying to crawl out from under the nonsense.
No, the next viable GOP candidate for POTUS will be a socially moderate fiscally conservative who has the balls to shunt aside the single issue Christian Rightist ( read anti abortion) voter.
Let's face it, Church people scare the crap out of most main stream conservatives and gin up hatred among moderates. Liberals, would never vote against their 'jersey', the "D". They are not the target demographic.
The fools the republicans nominated were the reason Obama won.

Not once, but twice.

Actually, Obama won because we are racist. If a white man, with the same qualifications as Obama had run, he would of got steamrolled. But since Obama is black, we turned the other way and voted for him so we wouldn't appear racist.

Same reason we wont impeach him, that's because we're racist

Are you trying to be sarcastic? Like you're not racist but you're saying that you are as a joke, right? Because the retarded Confederate flag in your signature screams, "I'm not racist!"

You lost. Get over it.
No...The entire country lost....
And YOU are the racist because you voted for Obama based on his skin color.
White guilt: THE ONLY reason Obama was elected
Yeah, I felt guilty that I voted for Ralph Nader, and allowed that piece of shit Shrub to destroy U.S. credibility with his lies that fooled the whole world into following that asshole into Iraq. I felt guilty for allowing the last three con presidents to rack up $12 trillion on the national debt. I felt guilty that Shrub destroyed not only the U.S. economy, but also the global economy, which allowed Wall Street bankers to rip off trillions of dollars from retirement accounts of millions of people. I felt guilty that the Iraq invasion killed a million innocent Iraqi civilians. I felt guilty that the Iraq war wasted $5 trillion, and 5,000 American troops died, and another 50,000 came home without arms and legs.

But I don't feel guilty that I voted for Obama, which has been big dildo up the asses of all the cons. In fact, I love it.

You have not the ability to allow or disallow. Your view of self importance smacks of arrogance.
You compounded with your feelings of guilt by voting for a person who to this day is unvetted.
You would have been one of the people fired from their job based on the Obama/Biden sticker on your bumper. because it is people like you who've enabled the wrath of destruction Obama has brought upon this nation.
There is no such thing as "White Guilt." It is a pejorative stereotype fabricated by the Racist Right to attack Liberals with. It exists only in the sick perverted minds of the Racist Right.
the son-of-a-bitch promised that pie in the sky and too many dupes fell for it, plus 98.7% of blacks voted for him believing he would lift the chains of slavery, then we had the white guilt folks who wanted to avoid the "RACIST" title that is thrown around so much so, that it has no negative impact on Conservative people who have strong Constitutional convictions. :up:

so there ya are..., how we got this worthless racist pile of muslime dog shit, fools, idiots, racists and America hating commies. :up:

What a bunch of horse shit!!! You don't know the reason why "98.7%" of Black people voted for Obama. I don't even think that your percentage is accurate; for the last 40 years Blacks people have voted democrat by a huge majority . Gallup polling estimated that John Kerry received 93% of the black vote in 2004, and Al Gore received 95% in 2000. Obama 95% 2008, Obama 93% 2012.

Voting is PRIVATE, a white person could say that they voted for Obama while actually voting for McCain or Romney. That "white guilt" is a bunch of crap.

The funniest thing with you is your avatar and your statement about "fighting Liberal values", that "Article Two" IS a Liberal value ...........................Thanks for the laugh!
white guilt, black pride, lies, and a biased media elected obama.

McCain would have been no better

Romney would have been a very good president.

If Hillary wins in 2016 the USA is over.

How about the fact that he simply ran a better and more effective campaign than either Romney or McCain? That's the real truth.
White guilt: THE ONLY reason Obama was elected
Yeah, I felt guilty that I voted for Ralph Nader, and allowed that piece of shit Shrub to destroy U.S. credibility with his lies that fooled the whole world into following that asshole into Iraq. I felt guilty for allowing the last three con presidents to rack up $12 trillion on the national debt. I felt guilty that Shrub destroyed not only the U.S. economy, but also the global economy, which allowed Wall Street bankers to rip off trillions of dollars from retirement accounts of millions of people. I felt guilty that the Iraq invasion killed a million innocent Iraqi civilians. I felt guilty that the Iraq war wasted $5 trillion, and 5,000 American troops died, and another 50,000 came home without arms and legs.

But I don't feel guilty that I voted for Obama, which has been big dildo up the asses of all the cons. In fact, I love it.

You're too stupid to be involved in this conversation, so go away!

Hangover just used an open choke shotgun approach to spewing lib talking points.
There is no such thing as "White Guilt." It is a pejorative stereotype fabricated by the Racist Right to attack Liberals with. It exists only in the sick perverted minds of the Racist Right.

It's white guilt. I call it insulated whitie because I live in a town full of them. You must look both ways before you mouth the word (black). African-American is spoken loudly and proudly. That means you're an enlightened insulated whitie.
White guilt: THE ONLY reason Obama was elected
You and others on the partisan right really need to get over 2012, as you clearly have no idea how pathetic and ridiculous this makes you sound.

No, we're not going to "get over it"...That is precisely what you libs want. Is for the country to just forget about it and remain compliant to the lib agenda.
Not happening. The crescendo is going to grow louder as this November approaches. God willing, we will make Obama into the lamest of lame duck presidents. His agenda MUST be stopped before it is too late.
Most people voted for Obama because he was supposed to "change" everything that Bush fucked up. Most people voted for Obama again in 2012 because the alternative was a rich piece of shit in magic underwear who thinks that Jesus walked across the Atlantic to preach to Native Americans.

Most people voted for Obama because they were mentally anesthesized by a powerfully pervasive and continuos bombardment from the Liberal socio-facist media machine, which laid all the compounded fuck ups of the Clinton era at the feet of George W. And portrayed a foreign born pot smoking homosexual african [Not African American- just African] as the Messiah with all his hollow "Hopey -Changey" horse shit.

Hey you Liberal Progressive useful idiots
Hows that "Hopey-Changey" shit working for you -you friggin Morons
Poor voter turn-out and a lack of will among us and candidates nominated him and then elected him. What else?

That would be the reason he got reelected in 2012. Three millin fewer republican votes for Romney than for Mc Cain.
Those 3 million would have put Romney in the White House.
And to be brutally honest, I'm not entirely confident we'd be much better off save for the absence of Obamacare.
There are a number of other issues on which Romney could have been a rank amateur, but that is for another thread on another day
Have hater dupes ever heard of POLICY? If they had, they'd know their megarich heroes are SCREWING them...idiots. See sig.

Democrats are good for laughs
They abound in assinine gaffes
They do as the please
and perpetuate sleaze
Cause they own all the Media Staffs
the son-of-a-bitch promised that pie in the sky and too many dupes fell for it, plus 98.7% of blacks voted for him believing he would lift the chains of slavery, then we had the white guilt folks who wanted to avoid the "RACIST" title that is thrown around so much so, that it has no negative impact on Conservative people who have strong Constitutional convictions. :up:

so there ya are..., how we got this worthless racist pile of muslime dog shit, fools, idiots, racists and America hating commies. :up:

What a bunch of horse shit!!! You don't know the reason why "98.7%" of Black people voted for Obama. I don't even think that your percentage is accurate; for the last 40 years Blacks people have voted democrat by a huge majority . Gallup polling estimated that John Kerry received 93% of the black vote in 2004, and Al Gore received 95% in 2000. Obama 95% 2008, Obama 93% 2012.

Voting is PRIVATE, a white person could say that they voted for Obama while actually voting for McCain or Romney. That "white guilt" is a bunch of crap.

The funniest thing with you is your avatar and your statement about "fighting Liberal values", that "Article Two" IS a Liberal value ...........................Thanks for the laugh!
Voting is NOT private. Only the actual name of the voter is kept out of public view. All other aspects of voting stats are open to public scrutiny.
Again, the partisan right needs to stop whining about 2008 and 2012 and examine their failures that resulted in both election losses.

Of course, it’s understandable they’ll not like what they see when they view themselves objectively, which is likely why republicans have given up on such efforts, and have placed their heads back in the sand.

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