White-hating racists get Stormfront booted off the internet ! FIRST AMENMENT IS DEAD

I think he was referring to you with this part....

"A nation can survive its fools ..."

I'm certain he was talking about people like you - the ones who advocate treason just because some judge dressed in a robe like a lady declared something "legal."
If you don't like our legal system, too bad. You're always welcome to try another country which is more in tune with your craziness.

And so are you. I support the Constitution as originally written and intended.
You're demented. No one cares about your interpretation of the Constitution.

Nor do I care about YOUR interpretation of the Constitution or the laws of this country. If you didn't care, you wouldn't be following me around like a dog in heat replying to me six times a day on average. You must care. Otherwise you wouldn't be trying to have a bromance with me when we're not going to agree.

You keep accusing people of following you around. Get a grip. We are continuing a discussion. Maybe on other sites people post once and quit. Not here.
And why isn't it you following us around?
So you support letting judges repeal laws even though the constitution says "all legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a congress of the united states.".
That same Constitution also empowers a Judicial branch with judicial power over the laws of the United States.
Why are white racists usually represented by low intellect individuals like shooterspeeds?

The people that can oppose your from a purely academic point of view are locked out.
I see. So its a conspiracy that only the retarded whites are left to represent the white racists point of view? Well at least you admit the OP is a retard.

I never met the OP. Bear in mind, he is busting my chops for even participating here. He thinks I'm advocating not fighting back.
Thats because you both are retarded.
Why are the nut jobs at those white supremacy or nationalist groups so paranoid and insecure? They all seem to be obsessed with fear about when their daughters, sisters, moms and girl friends will stick a black dick into one or both of their orifices.

Nut jobs??? You talk trash like that in public? If you did in this neighborhood, the nice men in white suits would help you into the van.
No, they wouldn't.

I've dealt with people like you all my life. You realize that you're wrong. That is why you're on the Internet, under a board name, and not talking that trash in public venues where you would be held accountable for such outrageous statements.
I argued politics on Friday. Instead of countering my arguments they send me im's telling me they're going to kill me. They report me to Facebook and try to get me banned. And they use my Facebook history to call my employer and try to get me fired.

I'll argue anonymously on this forum without shame.
We can create an internet 2.0 using a different DNS system. Call it THE free speech zone. It'd be low population for a while, but you know how lefties work, they must always have a cause so eventually there will be nothing allowed to be spoken about on internet 1.0 and the honest folk would start seeking refuge from the fascists [upgrading to 2.0].
How would you do that since you dont own any pathways? You would need to connect via some medium.

The pathway's are not physical so no one "owns" them nor needs to install them per say. Each computer/server (and these days, TV's, phones, security systems, etc.) on the planet technically has it's own unique accessible IP that could theoretically be accessed from anywhere in the world (were it not for IT security systems to prevent it.) However folks tend to not like recalling a string of numbers to find a certain site (computer/server) like say Bing anyway. The current "internet" system was created to help give meaning to the long string of numbers that addresses each computer/server. Lets have an old fashioned telephone analogy to help explain simplistically:

TLDR version - access to the internet is a tiered system, kind of like a phone book. The top tier (run by ICANN and IANA) are like a "global" phone book, individual countries can have a version, cities have a version (those are your domain name registrars or second highest tier), even a single building could have a small phone book (that would be a host or first tier, individual offices would be like the bottom tier) - because regardless of what is printed in the phone book at hand, they're all still connected together and able to call other office buildings, cities, states, and countries. All are connected together and thus able to connect to each other (save IT security software) - to example, if you turned on your remote desktop services and gave me your computers IP number, I could log into your computer and use it as though I were sitting at your desk. IT folks use that function to remotely repair computer issues these days, but that inter-connectivity is the real foundation of networks, which the internet is basically just a global network, that creates the internet we have today.

Ultimately IANA and ICANN are essentially massive global phone books [at the top tier] which manage [gateways] where your "phone call" ends up, they use words [domain names] instead of numbers [IP addresses] to make life easier for users. (Usmessageboard.com instead of their IP address [lowest tier], which is actually routed to godaddy's "local phone book" registry [next tier], that they have submitted to [IANA & ICANN] the "global phone book" [top tier].)

So basically, to make an internet 2.0 you create a new IANA/ICANN - it uses the same "unownable" network interconnectivity as internet 1.0, only the global phone book changes (the gateways basically.) The tech and "infrastructure" of "internet 2.0" exists and is in use all over the world right now. Global banks and big businesses have global private networks that run on the internet at the lower two tiers and require special software to gain access to their seperate internet network, (just one of many - Aryaka Builds a Global Private Network for SD-WAN ), but as it's all software driven rather than "hard wired," internet 2.0 creation at the top tier is practically as simple as installing a software that accesses internet 2.0's new top tier registry and parsing gateways to internet 2.0, in fact you could theoretically parse for both internet 1.0 and internet 2.0 simultaneously.

More in depth:

The Host is one of the only physical parts of the internet, it is a computer or server that physically exists - in my analogy it is akin to an office building.

The IP is another quasi physical part, which is the actual string of numbers of that computer/server, except that probably 90% of the sites we visit are virtual [or VPN "Virtual Private Network"] so they're not individual computers, but rather a specific location on the hosts computer/server - in my analogy we can say that the VPN's are individual offices within the office building.

It gets a bit tricky here; DNS is a bit of a misnomer, you'll hear it called "Domain Name System," "Domain Name Server," "Domain Name Software," and the like but the term is actually a bit of an appropriated catch all phrase for all the various software's that make up the internet as we know it (its part of the "pathways" as you put it) but it's an all-encompassing term more akin to saying "Accounting" which includes different bits like accounts receivable, accounts payable, etc. etc. (DNS is actually just a software program that gives any computer/server plugged into the internet the ability to bring guests onto their computer/server [aka become a host location].)

If we dig deeper into the encompassing term DNS we find things like; NS ("Name Server" or sometimes "Name Space") which is a kind of miniature domain name registration database for each individual hosts computer/server network - this would be like a directory screen within the office building lobby that tells you who is in each individual office. (*Note there are many registers out there; USMB uses GoDaddy, I use Tucows, Stormfront used Network Solutions, for example.)

In the grander, and yet more simplistic, scope of my telephone analogy, the DNS is both the telephone line's and the telephone book, and the NS is akin to individual pages in a phone book. Each "page" being an individual server/computer [registered server] and all of them connected to each other through the phone network [aka the internet.] When you type in a domain name [UsMessageBoard.com for example] it basically looks up that "business name" in the "phone book" and automatically inputs the "phone number" [IP address] from the phone book [Internet DNS.]

Just as a city can create an individual phone book for "local" businesses, yet still be able to call other cities and countries, and anyone with the hardware & software can plug into the phone network. The internet is much the same, a new computer/server (using DNS software) can create and register a new NS and send their "phone number list" to the "global phone book" (previously managed by government monitored/restricted IANA [traditionaly Europe] and ICANN [traditionally America] but now free market.)

For an entirely new internet 2.0 one just needs to create a new database equivalent to IANA [Europe] & ICANN [America] (which is essentially akin to making a new "global" phone book.) No new cables need to be run to do it, it's just a change of whom the specific number sets get routed through. The "pathway" is not a physical thing that one company, or even a few companies, can own because it consists of millions, perhaps trillions, of individual computers/servers connected together through thousands or millions of networks - which these days can even connect through the air (wireless) so there's not really anything to have ownership of, even considering any physical cabling that may or may not be in use.

Could also create a 2.0 through ISPs [internet service providers] they are the only real "owners" of any tangible physical connectivity to the internet network but anyone can start an ISP and any customers can pay them for access - the ISPs are akin to the old school operator who plugs their individual network of "phones" [their internet user customers] into the global telephone system at large [the internet.] Thus, instructing (or creating) an ISP to connect up to a different "internet network top tier registry" (internet 2.0's global phone book) is as nearly easy as printing out a new phone book (create a new top tier registry database) because the phone numbers (IP addresses) all exist and are accessible regardless of where the operator (ISP) plugs into the telephone system (internet).
Your brain must be addled. The pathways are physical. Dont embarrass yourself. I do this for a living. Do you really believe that the ip packets that are transmitted around the world dont travel on a physical medium? What are you going do? Have everyone on your internet use bluetooth? You do realize that has a limitation of only 40ft right? Youre going to need an awful lot or repeaters.

That little cable that connects to your modem? Its physical. You own it. Same thing with the cabling from that little connection in the wall to the outside of your home. However after that pathway changes depending on your access. Same with the ownership. The internet is made up of physical connections. It wouldnt even exist without the physical aspects because there would be nothing to send the electrical impulse on.

How DS1 and DS3 Bandwidth Are Related

You say you do this for a living, then you play stupid? Funny.

A massive web of thousands of ISPs (usually cable or telephone, but there's satellite now too) own the "cable" from your house connects to, and it's the ISP that connects their privately owned data cables into the other ISPs privately owned data cables; and creates the infrastructure of the internet at large, however, the "internet" is /not/ those cables. The internet is a network of public networks. It's usage and access is more akin to software outside each individual host computer/server who chooses to run "cable" and plug into the internet so folks can "call" them (via the same ISPs typically.) No new cable is needed to run an internet 2.0.

To fit that concept into my analogy - The ISP is like the landlord of the office building and I'm an individual business in said office building; I "rent" space [bandwidth] from the ISP [on their cables.] If I want to create a private global network with another "office building" anywhere in the world I would not have to lay new cables; it would use the existing cables. The only part that changes is the non-physical shit, the "software" side of it. If I were to connect to your personal computer that creates a new "network," if more people connect to me or to you, and more people connect to those people etc, you have an "internet."

In fact, just to hammer home your foolishness on the subject; Stormfront did exactly what I've laid out, they de facto created an internet 2.0 and accessed their forum server using the existing internet 'cables' but completely bypassing the Network Solutions registrar [top tier or "global phone book" of my analogy] by changing some "software" on their computer.


See: Stormfront members bypass domain seizure to access banned neo-Nazi forums

"A handful of longtime Stormfront users – registered members of what watchdogs have labeled one of the internet’s most infamous hate sites – have circumvented the practically unprecedented domain seizure and are continuing to post on its forums, registrar be damned.

Network Solutions, Stormfront’s domain registrar, booted the website from its address last Friday, Aug. 25, effectively displacing it from its URL of 22 years, Stormfront.org, and locking out its owner and administrator, 64-year-old Florida resident and former Ku Klux Klan leader Don Black.

But through formats like radio broadcasts and other white nationalists forums, Stormfront users taken to sharing instructions enabling fellow members to still access their online stomping grounds by slightly modifying a file on their computers.

“There is a way to get there because our servers are still up,” Mr. Black told listeners during Friday’s broadcast of Stormfront Radio, adding: “It involves putting one line in your ‘host’ file.”


See also: Yes, Virginia, You Can Still Access Stormfront: Here’s How

On Windows, Mac, or Linux computers, all you need to do is edit your hosts file. Just add this line, standing all alone by itself, to the existing hosts file with Notepad or a similar text editor: stormfront.org www.stormfront.org

As an alternative, you can also use this (but don’t use both at the same time): stormfront.org www.stormfront.org


The above is exactly what the registrar's like Network Solutions, Tucows, Godaddy, etc. do, they host and manage a huge text file that redirects domain names to their respective IP addresses (or in my analogy the business name to their phone number) Internet 2.0 would simply require someone to host a similar text file and let people access [query] it.
Its obvious you dont realize that even the satellite companies have a network that connects by physical means to the internet. I didnt bother reading the rest of your post except the end because its so obvious you dont know what you are talking about. Its funny you listed how to edit a Linux/Unix host file. The IP that its pointing at is a physical piece of hardware eventually.only reachable by physical means. That little work around you listed doesnt circumvent the internet. Its used only for local resolution. It tells that computer in order to reach the URL of stormfront that it needs to point to that new IP. it cant control what routers will do with the traffic on the internet. If the organizations that own those means cuts them off they cant do anything. You cant even exist on the internet without the permission of IANA who ultimately gives out public IP addresses even though its now delegated to ARIN. Where do you think stormfront gets its IP address from? You dont just get to make up your IP address. Its assigned. :laugh:

Have at you and continue to think you're smart when you're in the wrong :)
How would you do that since you dont own any pathways? You would need to connect via some medium.

The pathway's are not physical so no one "owns" them nor needs to install them per say. Each computer/server (and these days, TV's, phones, security systems, etc.) on the planet technically has it's own unique accessible IP that could theoretically be accessed from anywhere in the world (were it not for IT security systems to prevent it.) However folks tend to not like recalling a string of numbers to find a certain site (computer/server) like say Bing anyway. The current "internet" system was created to help give meaning to the long string of numbers that addresses each computer/server. Lets have an old fashioned telephone analogy to help explain simplistically:

TLDR version - access to the internet is a tiered system, kind of like a phone book. The top tier (run by ICANN and IANA) are like a "global" phone book, individual countries can have a version, cities have a version (those are your domain name registrars or second highest tier), even a single building could have a small phone book (that would be a host or first tier, individual offices would be like the bottom tier) - because regardless of what is printed in the phone book at hand, they're all still connected together and able to call other office buildings, cities, states, and countries. All are connected together and thus able to connect to each other (save IT security software) - to example, if you turned on your remote desktop services and gave me your computers IP number, I could log into your computer and use it as though I were sitting at your desk. IT folks use that function to remotely repair computer issues these days, but that inter-connectivity is the real foundation of networks, which the internet is basically just a global network, that creates the internet we have today.

Ultimately IANA and ICANN are essentially massive global phone books [at the top tier] which manage [gateways] where your "phone call" ends up, they use words [domain names] instead of numbers [IP addresses] to make life easier for users. (Usmessageboard.com instead of their IP address [lowest tier], which is actually routed to godaddy's "local phone book" registry [next tier], that they have submitted to [IANA & ICANN] the "global phone book" [top tier].)

So basically, to make an internet 2.0 you create a new IANA/ICANN - it uses the same "unownable" network interconnectivity as internet 1.0, only the global phone book changes (the gateways basically.) The tech and "infrastructure" of "internet 2.0" exists and is in use all over the world right now. Global banks and big businesses have global private networks that run on the internet at the lower two tiers and require special software to gain access to their seperate internet network, (just one of many - Aryaka Builds a Global Private Network for SD-WAN ), but as it's all software driven rather than "hard wired," internet 2.0 creation at the top tier is practically as simple as installing a software that accesses internet 2.0's new top tier registry and parsing gateways to internet 2.0, in fact you could theoretically parse for both internet 1.0 and internet 2.0 simultaneously.

More in depth:

The Host is one of the only physical parts of the internet, it is a computer or server that physically exists - in my analogy it is akin to an office building.

The IP is another quasi physical part, which is the actual string of numbers of that computer/server, except that probably 90% of the sites we visit are virtual [or VPN "Virtual Private Network"] so they're not individual computers, but rather a specific location on the hosts computer/server - in my analogy we can say that the VPN's are individual offices within the office building.

It gets a bit tricky here; DNS is a bit of a misnomer, you'll hear it called "Domain Name System," "Domain Name Server," "Domain Name Software," and the like but the term is actually a bit of an appropriated catch all phrase for all the various software's that make up the internet as we know it (its part of the "pathways" as you put it) but it's an all-encompassing term more akin to saying "Accounting" which includes different bits like accounts receivable, accounts payable, etc. etc. (DNS is actually just a software program that gives any computer/server plugged into the internet the ability to bring guests onto their computer/server [aka become a host location].)

If we dig deeper into the encompassing term DNS we find things like; NS ("Name Server" or sometimes "Name Space") which is a kind of miniature domain name registration database for each individual hosts computer/server network - this would be like a directory screen within the office building lobby that tells you who is in each individual office. (*Note there are many registers out there; USMB uses GoDaddy, I use Tucows, Stormfront used Network Solutions, for example.)

In the grander, and yet more simplistic, scope of my telephone analogy, the DNS is both the telephone line's and the telephone book, and the NS is akin to individual pages in a phone book. Each "page" being an individual server/computer [registered server] and all of them connected to each other through the phone network [aka the internet.] When you type in a domain name [UsMessageBoard.com for example] it basically looks up that "business name" in the "phone book" and automatically inputs the "phone number" [IP address] from the phone book [Internet DNS.]

Just as a city can create an individual phone book for "local" businesses, yet still be able to call other cities and countries, and anyone with the hardware & software can plug into the phone network. The internet is much the same, a new computer/server (using DNS software) can create and register a new NS and send their "phone number list" to the "global phone book" (previously managed by government monitored/restricted IANA [traditionaly Europe] and ICANN [traditionally America] but now free market.)

For an entirely new internet 2.0 one just needs to create a new database equivalent to IANA [Europe] & ICANN [America] (which is essentially akin to making a new "global" phone book.) No new cables need to be run to do it, it's just a change of whom the specific number sets get routed through. The "pathway" is not a physical thing that one company, or even a few companies, can own because it consists of millions, perhaps trillions, of individual computers/servers connected together through thousands or millions of networks - which these days can even connect through the air (wireless) so there's not really anything to have ownership of, even considering any physical cabling that may or may not be in use.

Could also create a 2.0 through ISPs [internet service providers] they are the only real "owners" of any tangible physical connectivity to the internet network but anyone can start an ISP and any customers can pay them for access - the ISPs are akin to the old school operator who plugs their individual network of "phones" [their internet user customers] into the global telephone system at large [the internet.] Thus, instructing (or creating) an ISP to connect up to a different "internet network top tier registry" (internet 2.0's global phone book) is as nearly easy as printing out a new phone book (create a new top tier registry database) because the phone numbers (IP addresses) all exist and are accessible regardless of where the operator (ISP) plugs into the telephone system (internet).
Your brain must be addled. The pathways are physical. Dont embarrass yourself. I do this for a living. Do you really believe that the ip packets that are transmitted around the world dont travel on a physical medium? What are you going do? Have everyone on your internet use bluetooth? You do realize that has a limitation of only 40ft right? Youre going to need an awful lot or repeaters.

That little cable that connects to your modem? Its physical. You own it. Same thing with the cabling from that little connection in the wall to the outside of your home. However after that pathway changes depending on your access. Same with the ownership. The internet is made up of physical connections. It wouldnt even exist without the physical aspects because there would be nothing to send the electrical impulse on.

How DS1 and DS3 Bandwidth Are Related

You say you do this for a living, then you play stupid? Funny.

A massive web of thousands of ISPs (usually cable or telephone, but there's satellite now too) own the "cable" from your house connects to, and it's the ISP that connects their privately owned data cables into the other ISPs privately owned data cables; and creates the infrastructure of the internet at large, however, the "internet" is /not/ those cables. The internet is a network of public networks. It's usage and access is more akin to software outside each individual host computer/server who chooses to run "cable" and plug into the internet so folks can "call" them (via the same ISPs typically.) No new cable is needed to run an internet 2.0.

To fit that concept into my analogy - The ISP is like the landlord of the office building and I'm an individual business in said office building; I "rent" space [bandwidth] from the ISP [on their cables.] If I want to create a private global network with another "office building" anywhere in the world I would not have to lay new cables; it would use the existing cables. The only part that changes is the non-physical shit, the "software" side of it. If I were to connect to your personal computer that creates a new "network," if more people connect to me or to you, and more people connect to those people etc, you have an "internet."

In fact, just to hammer home your foolishness on the subject; Stormfront did exactly what I've laid out, they de facto created an internet 2.0 and accessed their forum server using the existing internet 'cables' but completely bypassing the Network Solutions registrar [top tier or "global phone book" of my analogy] by changing some "software" on their computer.


See: Stormfront members bypass domain seizure to access banned neo-Nazi forums

"A handful of longtime Stormfront users – registered members of what watchdogs have labeled one of the internet’s most infamous hate sites – have circumvented the practically unprecedented domain seizure and are continuing to post on its forums, registrar be damned.

Network Solutions, Stormfront’s domain registrar, booted the website from its address last Friday, Aug. 25, effectively displacing it from its URL of 22 years, Stormfront.org, and locking out its owner and administrator, 64-year-old Florida resident and former Ku Klux Klan leader Don Black.

But through formats like radio broadcasts and other white nationalists forums, Stormfront users taken to sharing instructions enabling fellow members to still access their online stomping grounds by slightly modifying a file on their computers.

“There is a way to get there because our servers are still up,” Mr. Black told listeners during Friday’s broadcast of Stormfront Radio, adding: “It involves putting one line in your ‘host’ file.”


See also: Yes, Virginia, You Can Still Access Stormfront: Here’s How

On Windows, Mac, or Linux computers, all you need to do is edit your hosts file. Just add this line, standing all alone by itself, to the existing hosts file with Notepad or a similar text editor: stormfront.org www.stormfront.org

As an alternative, you can also use this (but don’t use both at the same time): stormfront.org www.stormfront.org


The above is exactly what the registrar's like Network Solutions, Tucows, Godaddy, etc. do, they host and manage a huge text file that redirects domain names to their respective IP addresses (or in my analogy the business name to their phone number) Internet 2.0 would simply require someone to host a similar text file and let people access [query] it.
Its obvious you dont realize that even the satellite companies have a network that connects by physical means to the internet. I didnt bother reading the rest of your post except the end because its so obvious you dont know what you are talking about. Its funny you listed how to edit a Linux/Unix host file. The IP that its pointing at is a physical piece of hardware eventually.only reachable by physical means. That little work around you listed doesnt circumvent the internet. Its used only for local resolution. It tells that computer in order to reach the URL of stormfront that it needs to point to that new IP. it cant control what routers will do with the traffic on the internet. If the organizations that own those means cuts them off they cant do anything. You cant even exist on the internet without the permission of IANA who ultimately gives out public IP addresses even though its now delegated to ARIN. Where do you think stormfront gets its IP address from? You dont just get to make up your IP address. Its assigned. :laugh:

Have at you and continue to think you're smart when you're in the wrong :)
i think I'll trust my 20 plus years in the Network engineering and VoIP Collaboration field over your obvious lack of knowledge on the subject.
The pathway's are not physical so no one "owns" them nor needs to install them per say. Each computer/server (and these days, TV's, phones, security systems, etc.) on the planet technically has it's own unique accessible IP that could theoretically be accessed from anywhere in the world (were it not for IT security systems to prevent it.) However folks tend to not like recalling a string of numbers to find a certain site (computer/server) like say Bing anyway. The current "internet" system was created to help give meaning to the long string of numbers that addresses each computer/server. Lets have an old fashioned telephone analogy to help explain simplistically:

TLDR version - access to the internet is a tiered system, kind of like a phone book. The top tier (run by ICANN and IANA) are like a "global" phone book, individual countries can have a version, cities have a version (those are your domain name registrars or second highest tier), even a single building could have a small phone book (that would be a host or first tier, individual offices would be like the bottom tier) - because regardless of what is printed in the phone book at hand, they're all still connected together and able to call other office buildings, cities, states, and countries. All are connected together and thus able to connect to each other (save IT security software) - to example, if you turned on your remote desktop services and gave me your computers IP number, I could log into your computer and use it as though I were sitting at your desk. IT folks use that function to remotely repair computer issues these days, but that inter-connectivity is the real foundation of networks, which the internet is basically just a global network, that creates the internet we have today.

Ultimately IANA and ICANN are essentially massive global phone books [at the top tier] which manage [gateways] where your "phone call" ends up, they use words [domain names] instead of numbers [IP addresses] to make life easier for users. (Usmessageboard.com instead of their IP address [lowest tier], which is actually routed to godaddy's "local phone book" registry [next tier], that they have submitted to [IANA & ICANN] the "global phone book" [top tier].)

So basically, to make an internet 2.0 you create a new IANA/ICANN - it uses the same "unownable" network interconnectivity as internet 1.0, only the global phone book changes (the gateways basically.) The tech and "infrastructure" of "internet 2.0" exists and is in use all over the world right now. Global banks and big businesses have global private networks that run on the internet at the lower two tiers and require special software to gain access to their seperate internet network, (just one of many - Aryaka Builds a Global Private Network for SD-WAN ), but as it's all software driven rather than "hard wired," internet 2.0 creation at the top tier is practically as simple as installing a software that accesses internet 2.0's new top tier registry and parsing gateways to internet 2.0, in fact you could theoretically parse for both internet 1.0 and internet 2.0 simultaneously.

More in depth:

The Host is one of the only physical parts of the internet, it is a computer or server that physically exists - in my analogy it is akin to an office building.

The IP is another quasi physical part, which is the actual string of numbers of that computer/server, except that probably 90% of the sites we visit are virtual [or VPN "Virtual Private Network"] so they're not individual computers, but rather a specific location on the hosts computer/server - in my analogy we can say that the VPN's are individual offices within the office building.

It gets a bit tricky here; DNS is a bit of a misnomer, you'll hear it called "Domain Name System," "Domain Name Server," "Domain Name Software," and the like but the term is actually a bit of an appropriated catch all phrase for all the various software's that make up the internet as we know it (its part of the "pathways" as you put it) but it's an all-encompassing term more akin to saying "Accounting" which includes different bits like accounts receivable, accounts payable, etc. etc. (DNS is actually just a software program that gives any computer/server plugged into the internet the ability to bring guests onto their computer/server [aka become a host location].)

If we dig deeper into the encompassing term DNS we find things like; NS ("Name Server" or sometimes "Name Space") which is a kind of miniature domain name registration database for each individual hosts computer/server network - this would be like a directory screen within the office building lobby that tells you who is in each individual office. (*Note there are many registers out there; USMB uses GoDaddy, I use Tucows, Stormfront used Network Solutions, for example.)

In the grander, and yet more simplistic, scope of my telephone analogy, the DNS is both the telephone line's and the telephone book, and the NS is akin to individual pages in a phone book. Each "page" being an individual server/computer [registered server] and all of them connected to each other through the phone network [aka the internet.] When you type in a domain name [UsMessageBoard.com for example] it basically looks up that "business name" in the "phone book" and automatically inputs the "phone number" [IP address] from the phone book [Internet DNS.]

Just as a city can create an individual phone book for "local" businesses, yet still be able to call other cities and countries, and anyone with the hardware & software can plug into the phone network. The internet is much the same, a new computer/server (using DNS software) can create and register a new NS and send their "phone number list" to the "global phone book" (previously managed by government monitored/restricted IANA [traditionaly Europe] and ICANN [traditionally America] but now free market.)

For an entirely new internet 2.0 one just needs to create a new database equivalent to IANA [Europe] & ICANN [America] (which is essentially akin to making a new "global" phone book.) No new cables need to be run to do it, it's just a change of whom the specific number sets get routed through. The "pathway" is not a physical thing that one company, or even a few companies, can own because it consists of millions, perhaps trillions, of individual computers/servers connected together through thousands or millions of networks - which these days can even connect through the air (wireless) so there's not really anything to have ownership of, even considering any physical cabling that may or may not be in use.

Could also create a 2.0 through ISPs [internet service providers] they are the only real "owners" of any tangible physical connectivity to the internet network but anyone can start an ISP and any customers can pay them for access - the ISPs are akin to the old school operator who plugs their individual network of "phones" [their internet user customers] into the global telephone system at large [the internet.] Thus, instructing (or creating) an ISP to connect up to a different "internet network top tier registry" (internet 2.0's global phone book) is as nearly easy as printing out a new phone book (create a new top tier registry database) because the phone numbers (IP addresses) all exist and are accessible regardless of where the operator (ISP) plugs into the telephone system (internet).
Your brain must be addled. The pathways are physical. Dont embarrass yourself. I do this for a living. Do you really believe that the ip packets that are transmitted around the world dont travel on a physical medium? What are you going do? Have everyone on your internet use bluetooth? You do realize that has a limitation of only 40ft right? Youre going to need an awful lot or repeaters.

That little cable that connects to your modem? Its physical. You own it. Same thing with the cabling from that little connection in the wall to the outside of your home. However after that pathway changes depending on your access. Same with the ownership. The internet is made up of physical connections. It wouldnt even exist without the physical aspects because there would be nothing to send the electrical impulse on.

How DS1 and DS3 Bandwidth Are Related

You say you do this for a living, then you play stupid? Funny.

A massive web of thousands of ISPs (usually cable or telephone, but there's satellite now too) own the "cable" from your house connects to, and it's the ISP that connects their privately owned data cables into the other ISPs privately owned data cables; and creates the infrastructure of the internet at large, however, the "internet" is /not/ those cables. The internet is a network of public networks. It's usage and access is more akin to software outside each individual host computer/server who chooses to run "cable" and plug into the internet so folks can "call" them (via the same ISPs typically.) No new cable is needed to run an internet 2.0.

To fit that concept into my analogy - The ISP is like the landlord of the office building and I'm an individual business in said office building; I "rent" space [bandwidth] from the ISP [on their cables.] If I want to create a private global network with another "office building" anywhere in the world I would not have to lay new cables; it would use the existing cables. The only part that changes is the non-physical shit, the "software" side of it. If I were to connect to your personal computer that creates a new "network," if more people connect to me or to you, and more people connect to those people etc, you have an "internet."

In fact, just to hammer home your foolishness on the subject; Stormfront did exactly what I've laid out, they de facto created an internet 2.0 and accessed their forum server using the existing internet 'cables' but completely bypassing the Network Solutions registrar [top tier or "global phone book" of my analogy] by changing some "software" on their computer.


See: Stormfront members bypass domain seizure to access banned neo-Nazi forums

"A handful of longtime Stormfront users – registered members of what watchdogs have labeled one of the internet’s most infamous hate sites – have circumvented the practically unprecedented domain seizure and are continuing to post on its forums, registrar be damned.

Network Solutions, Stormfront’s domain registrar, booted the website from its address last Friday, Aug. 25, effectively displacing it from its URL of 22 years, Stormfront.org, and locking out its owner and administrator, 64-year-old Florida resident and former Ku Klux Klan leader Don Black.

But through formats like radio broadcasts and other white nationalists forums, Stormfront users taken to sharing instructions enabling fellow members to still access their online stomping grounds by slightly modifying a file on their computers.

“There is a way to get there because our servers are still up,” Mr. Black told listeners during Friday’s broadcast of Stormfront Radio, adding: “It involves putting one line in your ‘host’ file.”


See also: Yes, Virginia, You Can Still Access Stormfront: Here’s How

On Windows, Mac, or Linux computers, all you need to do is edit your hosts file. Just add this line, standing all alone by itself, to the existing hosts file with Notepad or a similar text editor: stormfront.org www.stormfront.org

As an alternative, you can also use this (but don’t use both at the same time): stormfront.org www.stormfront.org


The above is exactly what the registrar's like Network Solutions, Tucows, Godaddy, etc. do, they host and manage a huge text file that redirects domain names to their respective IP addresses (or in my analogy the business name to their phone number) Internet 2.0 would simply require someone to host a similar text file and let people access [query] it.
Its obvious you dont realize that even the satellite companies have a network that connects by physical means to the internet. I didnt bother reading the rest of your post except the end because its so obvious you dont know what you are talking about. Its funny you listed how to edit a Linux/Unix host file. The IP that its pointing at is a physical piece of hardware eventually.only reachable by physical means. That little work around you listed doesnt circumvent the internet. Its used only for local resolution. It tells that computer in order to reach the URL of stormfront that it needs to point to that new IP. it cant control what routers will do with the traffic on the internet. If the organizations that own those means cuts them off they cant do anything. You cant even exist on the internet without the permission of IANA who ultimately gives out public IP addresses even though its now delegated to ARIN. Where do you think stormfront gets its IP address from? You dont just get to make up your IP address. Its assigned. :laugh:

Have at you and continue to think you're smart when you're in the wrong :)
i think I'll trust my 20 plus years in the Network engineering and VoIP Collaboration field over your obvious lack of knowledge on the subject.

I've got a few years on ya pup. I built my first public network server before the internet really even existed. You're wrapped up in your little world of cables and routers at the bottom "private" tier (aka network engineering and creating private LANS), and not listening to what I'm telling you about the non-physical side being what actually directs the flow of traffic on the internet itself. Look around the internet and you'll save yourself the embarrassment. I mean seriously, you just used video phone calls as a "knowledge reference" for how the internet works son... Please. The network engineer part is slightly more impressive sounding at least. Either way, your job experience has little to nothing to do with the resolution of domain names on the internet; and if you actually have such experience under your belt you damn well know it. Still, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt because I do so enjoy geeking out with a fellow computer nerd, even if the nerd in question is attempting to bullshit a crowd.

Perhaps missed the day(s) where they taught about the function of the hosts file and it's automated replacement [for the internet] by the DNS system in the 80s. Here's a quick refresher course (relevance emphasis added):

hosts (file) - Wikipedia - "The computer file hosts is an operating system file that maps hostnames to IP addresses. It is a plain text file. Originally a file named HOSTS.TXT was manually maintained and made available via file sharing by Stanford Research Institute for the ARPANET membership, containing the hostnames and address of hosts as contributed for inclusion by member organizations. The Domain Name System, first described in 1983 and implemented in 1984, automated the publication process and provided instantaneous and dynamic hostname resolution in the rapidly growing network. In modern operating systems, the hosts file remains an alternative name resolution mechanism, configurable often as part of facilities such as the Name Service Switch as either the primary method or as a fallback method."

Hostname - Wikipedia - "In computer networking, a hostname (archaically nodename) is a label that is assigned to a device connected to a computer network and that is used to identify the device in various forms of electronic communication, such as the World Wide Web. Hostnames may be simple names consisting of a single word or phrase, or they may be structured."

IP address - Wikipedia - "An Internet Protocol address (IP address) is a numerical label assigned to each device connected to a computer network that uses the Internet Protocol for communication. An IP address serves two principal functions: host or network interface identification and location addressing."

DNS Name Resolution - "DNS name resolution is nothing but resolving host names, such as www.nixcraft.com, to their corresponding IP addresses. DNS works as the “phone book” for the Internet by translating hostname into IP address or vise versa. Most DNS server stores following information:

a) Hostname and their IP address
b) List of mail server and their IP address for given domain name
c) Anti spam configuration and much more.

Without DNS name resolution, nothing will work on the Internet. Nobody likes to remember IP address, so DNS is foundation of many Internet services such as web, proxy, email and so on."

Domain Name System (DNS) - "The DNS enables domain names to stay constant while the underlying network topology and IP addresses change. This provides stability at the application level while enabling network applications to find and communicate with each other using the Internet protocol no matter how the underlying physical network changes."

^^ And it is that last bit right there that you get fucked up on. The physical network has no impact on the routing to websites - that is the realm of DNS. It is also why Stormfront users can still access their server, despite their domain name being jacked - because the site /still/ exits on the physical web and still has an IP address that ANYONE can access simply by changing their hosts file to resolve "stormfront.com" to the relevant IP address of the site; DNS registrar Network Solutions is completely /unneeded/ in the process - they can be bypassed simply and easily. Which is exactly how one would start an internet 2.0, create new DNS registrar - just as one would do with HOSTS file and boom! new IP address to domain name resolution.

See also how this would be implemented on the "client" side - How to Bypass OpenDNS Internet Security
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Really? Where does the constitution say that.? It appears to everyone else that the constitution explicitly says judges CANNOT repeal laws.!!

Really you ignorant monkey. Go read Article 3 section 2 of the constitution. Basically Congress gets to make laws but the Judicial branch decides if they are legal.

"The judicial Power shall extend to all Cases, in Law and Equity, arising under this Constitution, the Laws of the United States, and Treaties made, or which shall be made, under their Authority.........."

HAHAHA. As the board has explained to you in the past, repealing laws is NOT a judicial power. It's a legislative power. THINK, white-hater.
Really? Where does the constitution say that.? It appears to everyone else that the constitution explicitly says judges CANNOT repeal laws.!!

Really you ignorant monkey. Go read Article 3 section 2 of the constitution. Basically Congress gets to make laws but the Judicial branch decides if they are legal.

"The judicial Power shall extend to all Cases, in Law and Equity, arising under this Constitution, the Laws of the United States, and Treaties made, or which shall be made, under their Authority.........."

HAHAHA. As the board has explained to you in the past, repealing laws is NOT a judicial power. It's a legislative power. THINK, white-hater.
And has been explained to you 100 times ... courts don't repeal laws -- they nullify them.

I understand you're too ignorant to grasp the distinction, so have a black person explain it to ya.
All laws are constitutional unless deemed unconstitutional by our judicial branch.

Really? Where does the constitution give judges the power to repeal laws/?. Everyone but you knows the constitution says "all legislative powers shall be vested in a congress of the united states".

If you want to repeal a law, go to congress.
Why are white racists usually represented by low intellect individuals like shooterspeeds?

HAHAHA. More namecalling.

BTW, you are the racist since you support affirmative action. YOU are the one who wants jobs handed out based on color.
HAHAHA. As the board has explained to you in the past, repealing laws is NOT a judicial power. It's a legislative power. THINK, white-hater.
And has been explained to you 100 times ... courts don't repeal laws -- they nullify them.
I understand you're too ignorant to grasp the distinction, so have a black person explain it to ya.

There is no distinction, you fool. Nullifying and repealing a a law are the same. You silly libs think giving something a different name changes it!!
All laws are constitutional unless deemed unconstitutional by our judicial branch.

Really? Where does the constitution give judges the power to repeal laws/?. Everyone but you knows the constitution says "all legislative powers shall be vested in a congress of the united states".

If you want to repeal a law, go to congress.
As has been pointed out to you repeatedly, the Judicial branch doesn't repeal laws.

When are you going to learn?
HAHAHA. As the board has explained to you in the past, repealing laws is NOT a judicial power. It's a legislative power. THINK, white-hater.
And has been explained to you 100 times ... courts don't repeal laws -- they nullify them.
I understand you're too ignorant to grasp the distinction, so have a black person explain it to ya.

There is no distinction, you fool. Nullifying and repealing a a law are the same. You silly libs think giving something a different name changes it!!
Of course there's a distinction. It exists even though you lack the ability to comprehend it.
Absolute bullshit! Anyone who claims all homosexuals are child molesters is either a liar or an idiot. I'll let you choose which fits you best. I'd lean towards you being a liar.

Are you autistic? Don't you understand figures of speech?. When i said "all" i meant like 95% and that is true. The priest scandal proved that. In fact that is why the press won't talk about the priest scandal anymore. THINK, you miserable hater.
Absolute bullshit! Anyone who claims all homosexuals are child molesters is either a liar or an idiot. I'll let you choose which fits you best. I'd lean towards you being a liar.

Are you autistic? Don't you understand figures of speech?. When i said "all" i meant like 95% and that is true. The priest scandal proved that. In fact that is why the press won't talk about the priest scandal anymore. THINK, you miserable hater.
So "all" now equals "95%?" In what backwards universe?

And which gays who post here are child molesters?

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