White House claims ObamaCare fine a 'penalty,' despite court calling it a 'tax'

McConnell: SCOTUS Clears The Way To Repeal Obamacare With 51 Votes

7/1/12 by Sahil Kapur

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) argued Fox News Sunday that the Supreme Court opinion on the health care law opens the door for the Senate to repeal the individual mandate with 51 votes, as opposed to 60.

“Look, reconciliation is available because the Supreme Court has now declared it a tax,” he said. “They have unearthed the massive deception that was practiced by the president and the Democrats, constantly denying that it was a tax. … The chief justice has made it clear – it’s a tax. And as a tax it is eligible for reconciliation.”


McConnell: SCOTUS Clears The Way To Repeal Obamacare With 51 Votes | TPM Livewire
McConnell: SCOTUS Clears The Way To Repeal Obamacare With 51 Votes

7/1/12 by Sahil Kapur

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) argued Fox News Sunday that the Supreme Court opinion on the health care law opens the door for the Senate to repeal the individual mandate with 51 votes, as opposed to 60.

“Look, reconciliation is available because the Supreme Court has now declared it a tax,” he said. “They have unearthed the massive deception that was practiced by the president and the Democrats, constantly denying that it was a tax. … The chief justice has made it clear – it’s a tax. And as a tax it is eligible for reconciliation.”


McConnell: SCOTUS Clears The Way To Repeal Obamacare With 51 Votes | TPM Livewire

Your boy Mittens is going to LOSE the election You'll need 67 votes in the Senate and 290 in the House to repeal it against Obama's veto.

Good luck with that!
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I think a more important question would be whether or not Roberts was directly paid by lobbyists to change his stance.

You're a fucking moron.
By the very definition of the word tax, the penalties for failure to comply with the “individual mandate” are not a tax; they are in fact a fine by the definition of the word fine.
Shut the fuck up you ignorant twat, you didn't even read the Roberts opinion. All you're doing now is spewing pure off the cuff bullshit out the putrid asshole that you call a mouth.
Vote Obama out folks, he has raised taxes on you in this Economy and with 8.2% unemployment..

We can't AFFORD him office another four years
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it was good enough logic for yer boy Mitt!!


Wait..don't believe the quote?? Hoooooolllllddd on. We need context, right??

Romney: "It's not a tax hike. It is a fee, an assessment." - YouTube

It's like shooting fish in a barrel.

And, I'll bet that not one rw has read the scotus decision to learn why they chose to call it a tax.

Even so, its such a small amount, the tax breaks Obama has given the working class more than makes up for it.

OTOH, I have to say, the tax increases that Mittens/Ryan have planned for us will change all that.
Vote Obama out folks, he has raised taxes on you in this Economy and with 8.2% unemployment..

We can't AFFORD him office another four years

Good gawd - here's another ignorant rw who does not seem to know that President Obama LOWERED her taxes.

Where do these fools get their incorrect information?

Stephanie - would you mind posting a link to PROOF that your taxes were raised by President Obama?

Thanks ever so much.
I think a more important question would be whether or not Roberts was directly paid by lobbyists to change his stance.

And, what lobbyists would those be?

Anyone who thinks that justices of SCOTUS could get paid off and keep it successfully hidden are just wackjobs.
McConnell: SCOTUS Clears The Way To Repeal Obamacare With 51 Votes

7/1/12 by Sahil Kapur

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) argued Fox News Sunday that the Supreme Court opinion on the health care law opens the door for the Senate to repeal the individual mandate with 51 votes, as opposed to 60.

“Look, reconciliation is available because the Supreme Court has now declared it a tax,” he said. “They have unearthed the massive deception that was practiced by the president and the Democrats, constantly denying that it was a tax. … The chief justice has made it clear – it’s a tax. And as a tax it is eligible for reconciliation.”


McConnell: SCOTUS Clears The Way To Repeal Obamacare With 51 Votes | TPM Livewire

Your boy Mittens is going to LOSE the election You'll need 67 votes in the Senate and 290 in the House to repeal it against Obama's veto.

Good luck with that!

The only reason he got voted in last time is a lot of white people felt sorry for the boy and didn't know anything about him. Now that were past our first black president and he managed to fuck everything up around the planet were done with him. The only thing he's done right is kill the islamic beasts, I'll give him that...:D

Every time I see yo name it reminds me of that video from yo homeland, google "don't eat the poo poo"...lol
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McConnell: SCOTUS Clears The Way To Repeal Obamacare With 51 Votes

7/1/12 by Sahil Kapur

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) argued Fox News Sunday that the Supreme Court opinion on the health care law opens the door for the Senate to repeal the individual mandate with 51 votes, as opposed to 60.

“Look, reconciliation is available because the Supreme Court has now declared it a tax,” he said. “They have unearthed the massive deception that was practiced by the president and the Democrats, constantly denying that it was a tax. … The chief justice has made it clear – it’s a tax. And as a tax it is eligible for reconciliation.”


McConnell: SCOTUS Clears The Way To Repeal Obamacare With 51 Votes | TPM Livewire

Your boy Mittens is going to LOSE the election You'll need 67 votes in the Senate and 290 in the House to repeal it against Obama's veto.

Good luck with that!

The only reason he got voted in last time is a lot of white people felt sorry for the boy and didn't know anything about him. Now that were past our first black president and he managed to fuck everything up around the planet were done with him. The only thing he's done right is kill the islamic beasts, I'll give him that...:D

Why would Romney want to repeal the individual mandate? He supports it.
Your boy Mittens is going to LOSE the election You'll need 67 votes in the Senate and 290 in the House to repeal it against Obama's veto.

Good luck with that!

The only reason he got voted in last time is a lot of white people felt sorry for the boy and didn't know anything about him. Now that were past our first black president and he managed to fuck everything up around the planet were done with him. The only thing he's done right is kill the islamic beasts, I'll give him that...:D

Why would Romney want to repeal the individual mandate? He supports it.

Poo Poo, Did you google "don't eat the poo poo" they are talking about you...:D
The only reason he got voted in last time is a lot of white people felt sorry for the boy and didn't know anything about him. Now that were past our first black president and he managed to fuck everything up around the planet were done with him. The only thing he's done right is kill the islamic beasts, I'll give him that...:D

Why would Romney want to repeal the individual mandate? He supports it.

Poo Poo, Did you google "don't eat the poo poo" they are talking about you...:D

Let me google that for you
Why would Romney want to repeal the individual mandate? He supports it.

Poo Poo, Did you google "don't eat the poo poo" they are talking about you...:D

Let me google that for you

How about the black hole from da left coast, let the cat out da bag...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o3I-PVVowFY]Maxine Waters (D) Slip of the Tongue Reveals True Intentions (Socialism for America) - YouTube[/ame]
White House continues to argue the Affordable Care Act is not a tax

7/5/12 By Mike Delrio

The Medical Itemized Deduction threshold is the next of the new taxes that will hit the middle class. Currently, if medical spending is greater than 7.5% of adjusted gross income, spending over that amount can be taken as a deduction on federal income taxes but Obamacare will increase this to 10% of adjusted gross income beginning in 2013. That means families will have to spend 30 percent more on medical expenses before being allowed to claim the deduction on their federal taxes.

White House continues to argue the Affordable Care Act is not a tax - Atlanta Political Buzz | Examiner.com
White House continues to argue the Affordable Care Act is not a tax

7/5/12 By Mike Delrio

The Medical Itemized Deduction threshold is the next of the new taxes that will hit the middle class. Currently, if medical spending is greater than 7.5% of adjusted gross income, spending over that amount can be taken as a deduction on federal income taxes but Obamacare will increase this to 10% of adjusted gross income beginning in 2013. That means families will have to spend 30 percent more on medical expenses before being allowed to claim the deduction on their federal taxes.

White House continues to argue the Affordable Care Act is not a tax - Atlanta Political Buzz | Examiner.com

Then candidate Obama promised that those earning $250,000 or less a year would not face tax hikes of any kind while he was president

I less than 250k. I'm not facing a tax hike of any kind.
White House continues to argue the Affordable Care Act is not a tax

7/5/12 By Mike Delrio

The Medical Itemized Deduction threshold is the next of the new taxes that will hit the middle class. Currently, if medical spending is greater than 7.5% of adjusted gross income, spending over that amount can be taken as a deduction on federal income taxes but Obamacare will increase this to 10% of adjusted gross income beginning in 2013. That means families will have to spend 30 percent more on medical expenses before being allowed to claim the deduction on their federal taxes.

White House continues to argue the Affordable Care Act is not a tax - Atlanta Political Buzz | Examiner.com

Then candidate Obama promised that those earning $250,000 or less a year would not face tax hikes of any kind while he was president

I less than 250k. I'm not facing a tax hike of any kind.

You poor SSOB...:(
White House continues to argue the Affordable Care Act is not a tax

7/5/12 By Mike Delrio

The Medical Itemized Deduction threshold is the next of the new taxes that will hit the middle class. Currently, if medical spending is greater than 7.5% of adjusted gross income, spending over that amount can be taken as a deduction on federal income taxes but Obamacare will increase this to 10% of adjusted gross income beginning in 2013. That means families will have to spend 30 percent more on medical expenses before being allowed to claim the deduction on their federal taxes.

White House continues to argue the Affordable Care Act is not a tax - Atlanta Political Buzz | Examiner.com

Then candidate Obama promised that those earning $250,000 or less a year would not face tax hikes of any kind while he was president

I less than 250k. I'm not facing a tax hike of any kind.

You poor SSOB...:(

I'm good, thanks.
Federal judge strikes down Obamacare payments
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Richard Wolf, Gregory Korte and Jayne O'Donnell
3 hrs ago

Republicans won the first round Thursday in a separation of powers battle against President Obama that once again focuses on his most prized achievement: Obamacare.

Federal district Judge Rosemary Collyer, a Republican appointee, ruled that the law does not provide for the funds insurers need to make health insurance policies under the program affordable.

While the law provides for tax credits, she said, it does not authorize an appropriation for slashing deductibles and copayments. Without those reductions from insurers, many consumers could not afford to buy insurance.

"Congress authorized reduced cost-sharing but did not appropriate monies for it," Collyer said in her 38-page ruling. "Congress is the only source for such an appropriation, and no public money can be spent without one."


Federal judge strikes down Obamacare payments

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