White House defends keeping visitor log secret!?

Is the decision to keep the President's visitors secret a good one?

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Wry Catcher

Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2009
San Francisco Bay Area
With the concern about what Trump is hiding on his income tax records, one might assume adding fuel to the fire is not the best decision when an on going investigation as to the Russian influence on Trump and his ;minions is in motion.

What do you think? Should Trump, or should he not provide the names and positions of those who visit him at the White House, the Trump Tower and the Private Club in FL.?
With the concern about what Trump is hiding on his income tax records, one might assume adding fuel to the fire is not the best decision when an on going investigation as to the Russian influence on Trump and his ;minions is in motion.

What do you think? Should Trump, or should he not provide the names and positions of those who visit him at the White House, the Trump Tower and the Private Club in FL.?
What do you think?

I think Trump's refusal to release his tax returns and the WH's decision not to make readily available its visitor list are illustrations of the same thing: Trump's general disdain for transparency.

Trump came from a "world" wherein he could make whatever claims he wanted and few, if any, people would check the veracity of his claims. Even if some folks did check, their access to the details that validated or refuted the claim was very limited, if not nonexistent. Even when folks published the findings of their "fact check," prior to Trump's candidacy, I doubt many people cared whether his claims were accurate. The same "playing field" does not exist now that Trump is a governmentally public figure,.and I'm sure he doesn't at all like that aspect of his new job; he takes every opportunity to limit the availability of information about him and what he does and with whom he does it.

Should Trump, or should he not provide the names and positions of those who visit him at the White House, the Trump Tower and the Private Club in FL.?

Yes, he should.

FWIW, the information is available, just not handily so. Now, one can obtain it only by filing a FOIA request for it. You know what one gets in return from a FOIA request? Only what one specifically requested and that one provided a basis for needing and that the Administration hasn't elected to declare classified. As we've already seen, Trump thinks the mere fact that two people had a conversation is classified so long as the parties worked for the government. Private sector conversations often are privileged in that regard; government ones, not nearly so much.
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Its a new thing, as far as I know. Its good for transparency, but I can also see the reasons for keeping it secret.
Every other administration in history kept the visitor log secret even the Clinton's. The Obama administration did release the log but they would just erase the folks they wanted to keep private first. They did it for the cameras and relied on the left wing press to cover for them. As usual, democrat symbolism over substance.
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Every other administration in history kept the visitor log secret even the Clinton's. The Obama administration did release the log but they would just erase the folks they wanted to keep private first. They did it for the cameras and relied on the left wing press to cover for them. As usual, democrat symbolism over substance.

Missing from this illustrious post is ... EVIDENCE.
Every other administration in history kept the visitor log secret even the Clinton's. The Obama administration did release the log but they would just erase the folks they wanted to keep private first. They did it for the cameras and relied on the left wing press to cover for them. As usual, democrat symbolism over substance.
If no president has ever wanted them open, I don't see why to force the issue now. I can't see how it's a security issue, since the information isn't released until months after the visitor has come and gone, but let them have their privacy with their sneaky little dealings if it makes them feel better. It is his office and his home and it's not our beeswax who entered the doors. Leave it alone, Dems.
With the concern about what Trump is hiding on his income tax records, one might assume adding fuel to the fire is not the best decision when an on going investigation as to the Russian influence on Trump and his ;minions is in motion.

What do you think? Should Trump, or should he not provide the names and positions of those who visit him at the White House, the Trump Tower and the Private Club in FL.?

Oh STFU, Obama kept them "selectively secret"

Mainly in order to hide the way he had so many Muslim Brotherhood in and out of there.

I'm sure he gave them an in-depth tour so they know every little nook and cranny.

Probably should have his neck stretched for that.

Yes, Obama is/was a traitor. Was not even eligible for president.

Everybody got duped.

I voted for him the 1st time.
RWNJs always lied about Obama on this but his log was always published on line.

But of course, this is professional grifter, drumpf so its okay.
White House defends keeping visitor logs secret

What do you know, Mary has decided former President Obama has committed Treason, and deserves to be hung, sans evidence. Of course like all cowards and fascists, he has no evidence to support his efforts to assassinate the character of the former POTUS, and like all fascists he believes in guilty until proved innocent.

Once again, a member of the lunatic fringe responds with hate, and total disregard for our nation's Bill of Rights.
Obama just lied about shit.

What a douchebag. I wish he would die of a painful embolism.


You're just about as dumb as cardboard. There is never a day go by that you don't benefit from the Obama presidency.

And now, there will never be a day go by that you will not pay for drumpf being in office.

stoopid stoopid stoopid
So Drumpf thanks the leader of Russia and begs him to hack US government employees for information, but he thinks the White House guest book should be secret.

This is like the batshit craziest story plot for the 1960s Batman TV series. Cons have wholesale embraced debauchery.
Every other administration in history kept the visitor log secret even the Clinton's. The Obama administration did release the log but they would just erase the folks they wanted to keep private first. They did it for the cameras and relied on the left wing press to cover for them. As usual, democrat symbolism over substance.

If no president has ever wanted them open, I don't see why to force the issue now. I can't see how it's a security issue, since the information isn't released until months after the visitor has come and gone, but let them have their privacy with their sneaky little dealings if it makes them feel better. It is his office and his home and it's not our beeswax who entered the doors. Leave it alone, Dems.

It seems the controversy over the influence of Russians on our election, and the interaction between Trump's Cabinet Appointees, Inner circle and family members with Russian Officials demands due diligence, by our intelligent sources and journalists; We the People ought to be at least curious.

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