White House defends keeping visitor log secret!?

Is the decision to keep the President's visitors secret a good one?

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With the concern about what Trump is hiding on his income tax records, one might assume adding fuel to the fire is not the best decision when an on going investigation as to the Russian influence on Trump and his ;minions is in motion.

What do you think? Should Trump, or should he not provide the names and positions of those who visit him at the White House, the Trump Tower and the Private Club in FL.?

The media won't do their job regardless, so why give them shit to lie about?

Fuck them.

LOL, line one is an Idiot-Gram; line two is a childish response to someone playing solitaire with a deck 49 cards.
Federal Court ruled in 2011 that the WH log can be kept private.

Idjits can't see his taxes, either..........:lmao:..........

Gee just because he can, doesn't mean he should. Only a stupid person would hide what would be exculpatory, and only a mendacious person will hide what which would prove wrongdoing.

A reasoned person will question his actions and will question his culpability, a brainwashed fool would claim secrecy and privacy are his right and it is no one's business but his own.

5th Amendment
Every other administration in history kept the visitor log secret even the Clinton's. The Obama administration did release the log but they would just erase the folks they wanted to keep private first. They did it for the cameras and relied on the left wing press to cover for them. As usual, democrat symbolism over substance.

Missing from this illustrious post is ... EVIDENCE.

When have you ever worried about evidence? you just flap your gums and play make believe.

Besides, no one is concerned about his taxes except regressive gas bags who drone on and on and on and on and on and on about it like it's the Rosetta stone.

And yet without evidence one must continue to seek something other than the opinion of a fool. Thus, your lack of substance on this issue, partisanship and general ignorance of all things is the antithesis of the Rosetta Stone; you are blank slate.

BTW, your first sentence is both a lie and an ad hominem.
With the concern about what Trump is hiding on his income tax records, one might assume adding fuel to the fire is not the best decision when an on going investigation as to the Russian influence on Trump and his ;minions is in motion.

What do you think? Should Trump, or should he not provide the names and positions of those who visit him at the White House, the Trump Tower and the Private Club in FL.?
FOA won in court and he has to release some information, but it is kept by the Secret Service and they can omit whatever due to "national security," so what's the sense? NO President has wanted them open and Obama was the only forced to. I say don't make them.
Gee just because he can, doesn't mean he should. Only a stupid person would hide what would be exculpatory, and only a mendacious person will hide what which would prove wrongdoing.

A reasoned person will question his actions and will question his culpability, a brainwashed fool would claim secrecy and privacy are his right and it is no one's business but his own
Secret visiting logs are to protect the visitor not the visited but I guess you just can't understand that concept. Plus with the way Obama's deep state and media has been operating it would be stupid to make them public.
Federal Court ruled in 2011 that the WH log can be kept private.

Idjits can't see his taxes, either..........:lmao:..........

Gee just because he can, doesn't mean he should. Only a stupid person would hide what would be exculpatory, and only a mendacious person will hide what which would prove wrongdoing.

A reasoned person will question his actions and will question his culpability, a brainwashed fool would claim secrecy and privacy are his right and it is no one's business but his own.

5th Amendment

Of course. But no one has seized his tax records, so your comment is absurd. However, a subpoena, if the current investigation provides probable cause, can be sought and if signed obviate a 5th Amendment defense of Trump.

Obama posted his birth certificate when the assholes continued to beat the drum. Why deny the curious who wonder if Trump has fiduciary interests in foreign nations which might influence his governance?

Which would you find most compelling, a foreign born POTUS who was raised by an American mother, a grandfather who served our nation in the military service and his wife, both native born; or, someone who has business interests which conflict with his duty to defend our nation?

BTW, did anyone see how much Trump's daughter earned from the sale her clothing line in China, shortly after meeting with the Chinese Leader?
Federal Court ruled in 2011 that the WH log can be kept private.

Idjits can't see his taxes, either..........:lmao:..........

Gee just because he can, doesn't mean he should. Only a stupid person would hide what would be exculpatory, and only a mendacious person will hide what which would prove wrongdoing.

A reasoned person will question his actions and will question his culpability, a brainwashed fool would claim secrecy and privacy are his right and it is no one's business but his own.

5th Amendment

Of course. But no one has seized his tax records, so your comment is absurd. However, a subpoena, if the current investigation provides probable cause, can be sought and if signed obviate a 5th Amendment defense of Trump.

Obama posted his birth certificate when the assholes continued to beat the drum. Why deny the curious who wonder if Trump has fiduciary interests in foreign nations which might influence his governance?

Which would you find most compelling, a foreign born POTUS who was raised by an American mother, a grandfather who served our nation in the military service and his wife, both native born; or, someone who has business interests which conflict with his duty to defend our nation?

BTW, did anyone see how much Trump's daughter earned from the sale her clothing line in China, shortly after meeting with the Chinese Leader?
5th Amendment is absurd? Trump's actions are covered by it, sez Lois Lerner.
Gee just because he can, doesn't mean he should. Only a stupid person would hide what would be exculpatory, and only a mendacious person will hide what which would prove wrongdoing.

A reasoned person will question his actions and will question his culpability, a brainwashed fool would claim secrecy and privacy are his right and it is no one's business but his own
Secret visiting logs are to protect the visitor not the visited but I guess you just can't understand that concept. Plus with the way Obama's deep state and media has been operating it would be stupid to make them public.
I'm not arguing: Do you know WHY visitors need protection after visiting the White House? I'm not very good at imagining what bad guys get up to, so I've been scratching my head about why the logs are a security concern at all.
Federal Court ruled in 2011 that the WH log can be kept private.

Idjits can't see his taxes, either..........:lmao:..........

Gee just because he can, doesn't mean he should. Only a stupid person would hide what would be exculpatory, and only a mendacious person will hide what which would prove wrongdoing.

A reasoned person will question his actions and will question his culpability, a brainwashed fool would claim secrecy and privacy are his right and it is no one's business but his own.

5th Amendment

Of course. But no one has seized his tax records, so your comment is absurd. However, a subpoena, if the current investigation provides probable cause, can be sought and if signed obviate a 5th Amendment defense of Trump.

Obama posted his birth certificate when the assholes continued to beat the drum. Why deny the curious who wonder if Trump has fiduciary interests in foreign nations which might influence his governance?

Which would you find most compelling, a foreign born POTUS who was raised by an American mother, a grandfather who served our nation in the military service and his wife, both native born; or, someone who has business interests which conflict with his duty to defend our nation?

BTW, did anyone see how much Trump's daughter earned from the sale her clothing line in China, shortly after meeting with the Chinese Leader?
5th Amendment is absurd? Trump's actions are covered by it, sez Lois Lerner.

No, you are absurd, and mendacious all at once. Trump's actions are covered, so were Al Capone's.
Gee just because he can, doesn't mean he should. Only a stupid person would hide what would be exculpatory, and only a mendacious person will hide what which would prove wrongdoing.

A reasoned person will question his actions and will question his culpability, a brainwashed fool would claim secrecy and privacy are his right and it is no one's business but his own
Secret visiting logs are to protect the visitor not the visited but I guess you just can't understand that concept. Plus with the way Obama's deep state and media has been operating it would be stupid to make them public.
I'm not arguing: Do you know WHY visitors need protection after visiting the White House? I'm not very good at imagining what bad guys get up to, so I've been scratching my head about why the logs are a security concern at all.

Don't simply consider the singular, consider the aggregate. That may explain why such information is necessary to keep the POTUS in check. Published, journalists can follow the money, i.e. who sees the President and what influence they may seek to benefit them or their family, personally. Keep in mind, organized crime*** considers their set a family.
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I'm not arguing: Do you know WHY visitors need protection after visiting the White House? I'm not very good at imagining what bad guys get up to, so I've been scratching my head about why the logs are a security concern at all
Well it's not just a practice held by the president. Congressmen and women and senators keep their logs secret or when they do release them they redact certain names. It's to protect the visitor. Look at it this way, say you are having trouble with a neighbor or local business. After you reach a stalemate you decide to go see your representative for help in the matter. That may not be something you want the whole town to know. This is why the visitor logs have always been private. Even if the office in which you visited makes their logs public they must get your permission to include your name on the log. Think of it as if you were visiting your attorney. There is little difference. Hows that?
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Every other administration in history kept the visitor log secret even the Clinton's. The Obama administration did release the log but they would just erase the folks they wanted to keep private first. They did it for the cameras and relied on the left wing press to cover for them. As usual, democrat symbolism over substance.

Missing from this illustrious post is ... EVIDENCE.

It's laying over in the corner beside the Russian collusion evidence.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I'm not arguing: Do you know WHY visitors need protection after visiting the White House? I'm not very good at imagining what bad guys get up to, so I've been scratching my head about why the logs are a security concern at all
Well it's not just a practice held by the president. Congressmen and women and senators keep their logs secret or when they do release them they redact certain names. It's to protect the visitor. Look at it this way, say you are having trouble with a neighbor or local business. After you reach a stalemate you decide to go see you representative for help in the matter. That may not be something you want the whole town to know. This is why the visitor logs have always been private. Even if the office in which you visited makes their logs public they must get your permission to include your name on the log. Think of it as if you were visiting your attorney. There is little difference. Hows that?
I have a feeling at the POTUS level, it's about more than a feud with a neighbor, but I can understand why the privacy of the visitor would be taken into consideration.
I have a feeling at the POTUS level, it's about more than a feud with a neighbor, but I can understand why the privacy of the visitor would be taken into consideration
For sure OL, but that would beg for even more privacy not less. Remember Obama released his logs but only after redacting hundreds of names first. It was his privilege to do so. This is a non story, your instincts were correct.
Federal Court ruled in 2011 that the WH log can be kept private.

Idjits can't see his taxes, either..........:lmao:..........

Gee just because he can, doesn't mean he should. Only a stupid person would hide what would be exculpatory, and only a mendacious person will hide what which would prove wrongdoing.

A reasoned person will question his actions and will question his culpability, a brainwashed fool would claim secrecy and privacy are his right and it is no one's business but his own.

5th Amendment

Of course. But no one has seized his tax records, so your comment is absurd. However, a subpoena, if the current investigation provides probable cause, can be sought and if signed obviate a 5th Amendment defense of Trump.

Obama posted his birth certificate when the assholes continued to beat the drum. Why deny the curious who wonder if Trump has fiduciary interests in foreign nations which might influence his governance?

Which would you find most compelling, a foreign born POTUS who was raised by an American mother, a grandfather who served our nation in the military service and his wife, both native born; or, someone who has business interests which conflict with his duty to defend our nation?

BTW, did anyone see how much Trump's daughter earned from the sale her clothing line in China, shortly after meeting with the Chinese Leader?
5th Amendment is absurd? Trump's actions are covered by it, sez Lois Lerner.

No, you are absurd, and mendacious all at once. Trump's actions are covered, so were Al Capone's.
A U.S. President is automatically audited by the IRS every year. Any derogatory information is given to the Congress.
Gee just because he can, doesn't mean he should. Only a stupid person would hide what would be exculpatory, and only a mendacious person will hide what which would prove wrongdoing.

A reasoned person will question his actions and will question his culpability, a brainwashed fool would claim secrecy and privacy are his right and it is no one's business but his own.

5th Amendment

Of course. But no one has seized his tax records, so your comment is absurd. However, a subpoena, if the current investigation provides probable cause, can be sought and if signed obviate a 5th Amendment defense of Trump.

Obama posted his birth certificate when the assholes continued to beat the drum. Why deny the curious who wonder if Trump has fiduciary interests in foreign nations which might influence his governance?

Which would you find most compelling, a foreign born POTUS who was raised by an American mother, a grandfather who served our nation in the military service and his wife, both native born; or, someone who has business interests which conflict with his duty to defend our nation?

BTW, did anyone see how much Trump's daughter earned from the sale her clothing line in China, shortly after meeting with the Chinese Leader?
5th Amendment is absurd? Trump's actions are covered by it, sez Lois Lerner.

No, you are absurd, and mendacious all at once. Trump's actions are covered, so were Al Capone's.
A U.S. President is automatically audited by the IRS every year. Any derogatory information is given to the Congress.

As president, Trump's tax returns will be audited every year - Apr. 17, 2017
I really believe the white house is having fun with this. The crazier the left gets about this tax thing the more the white house likes it.
Trump openly lobbying non-American interests and wants wars for non-American interests. Sure he has a lot to hide especially when his chefs themselves prefer to be closet.
Is it any surprise that the party of hypocrites who pretended to care about transparency when Obama was president aren't upset about Trump's lack of transparency.

Of course not.
Is it any surprise that the party of hypocrites who pretended to care about transparency when Obama was president aren't upset about Trump's lack of transparency.

Of course not.

Privacy and Freedom trump transparency. I guess the media has to do their job for a change and go fish!

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