White House defends keeping visitor log secret!?

Is the decision to keep the President's visitors secret a good one?

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With the concern about what Trump is hiding on his income tax records, one might assume adding fuel to the fire is not the best decision when an on going investigation as to the Russian influence on Trump and his ;minions is in motion.

What do you think? Should Trump, or should he not provide the names and positions of those who visit him at the White House, the Trump Tower and the Private Club in FL.?
Not much of a bitch from the left when Obama had his visitors logs transparent, except when he didn't. What's worse, making them completely unavailable or redacting them as did Obama trying to have the pretense of being open? When you read about this on liberal media they always say that Trump is reversing Obama's policy of transparency. Then they will slip in that Obama did redact many names. It is all BS.
Every other administration in history kept the visitor log secret even the Clinton's. The Obama administration did release the log but they would just erase the folks they wanted to keep private first. They did it for the cameras and relied on the left wing press to cover for them. As usual, democrat symbolism over substance.

Missing from this illustrious post is ... EVIDENCE.
Obama's 'Transparency' Dodge on the White House Visitors Logs
Frankly given the level of violence that the left has sunk to this year, I think it's a matter of safety to protect the identities of anyone who supports President Trump, much less those who consider him a friend...

Gee just because he can, doesn't mean he should. Only a stupid person would hide what would be exculpatory, and only a mendacious person will hide what which would prove wrongdoing.

A reasoned person will question his actions and will question his culpability, a brainwashed fool would claim secrecy and privacy are his right and it is no one's business but his own
Secret visiting logs are to protect the visitor not the visited but I guess you just can't understand that concept. Plus with the way Obama's deep state and media has been operating it would be stupid to make them public.

If you do not want your name made public then don't go. That is the people's house and they have every right to know who is visiting. Transparency is a notion that you don't understand as long as Trump does it. If this was a Democrat you would be all over them.
Frankly given the level of violence that the left has sunk to this year, I think it's a matter of safety to protect the identities of anyone who supports President Trump, much less those who consider him a friend...

Gee just because he can, doesn't mean he should. Only a stupid person would hide what would be exculpatory, and only a mendacious person will hide what which would prove wrongdoing.

A reasoned person will question his actions and will question his culpability, a brainwashed fool would claim secrecy and privacy are his right and it is no one's business but his own
Secret visiting logs are to protect the visitor not the visited but I guess you just can't understand that concept. Plus with the way Obama's deep state and media has been operating it would be stupid to make them public.

If you do not want your name made public then don't go. That is the people's house and they have every right to know who is visiting. Transparency is a notion that you don't understand as long as Trump does it. If this was a Democrat you would be all over them.

The 'People's House', as you put it, has its own parameters. For example, the homeless cannot layup in the 'People's House', even tho' you might wanna let them.
If you do not want your name made public then don't go. That is the people's house and they have every right to know who is visiting. Transparency is a notion that you don't understand as long as Trump does it. If this was a Democrat you would be all over them.
That's not true, it is the peoples house but private citizens have the right to visit their political representatives without it becoming public knowledge. It's the same as when you seek council from your attorney, it remains private. It is to protect the visitor not the visited. Stop making up rights that do not exist. You do not have the right to know which one of your fellow citizens are seeking council from their representative no right what so ever. Obama was the only president to make his logs public but only after hundreds of names were redacted.
If this latest cry from the uneducated biased media has the libtards pants in a bunch they really are doomed. What a joke! 7 pages to this stupid thread. Just how ignorant are people today?
I guess these libtards think the Russians will be visiting the White House and they want to catch them there...wow they have lost it.
Yea, we used to be civilized enough to handle knowing who was visiting the white house, but the punk asses brought in terrorist groups like ANTIFA and let them lead the sheep around by the nose. It is no longer safe for such information to be disclosed.
I heard Stalin is actually still alive and went to the white house with Putin....but damn it we have no record of it because Trump won't let us peek. :crybaby:
With the concern about what Trump is hiding on his income tax records, one might assume adding fuel to the fire is not the best decision when an on going investigation as to the Russian influence on Trump and his ;minions is in motion.

What do you think? Should Trump, or should he not provide the names and positions of those who visit him at the White House, the Trump Tower and the Private Club in FL.?

The media won't do their job regardless, so why give them shit to lie about?

Fuck them.

LOL, line one is an Idiot-Gram; line two is a childish response to someone playing solitaire with a deck 49 cards.

Your dismissal of my valid point is rejected.

My point stands. The media will do nothing productive with the information, and will instead just use it as fodder for their bullshit lies.

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