White House defends keeping visitor log secret!?

Is the decision to keep the President's visitors secret a good one?

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Every other administration in history kept the visitor log secret even the Clinton's. The Obama administration did release the log but they would just erase the folks they wanted to keep private first. They did it for the cameras and relied on the left wing press to cover for them. As usual, democrat symbolism over substance.

Missing from this illustrious post is ... EVIDENCE.
When have you ever worried about evidence? you just flap your gums and play make believe.

Besides, no one is concerned about his taxes except regressive gas bags who drone on and on and on and on and on and on about it like it's the Rosetta stone.
Obama just lied about shit.

What a douchebag. I wish he would die of a painful embolism.


You're just about as dumb as cardboard. There is never a day go by that you don't benefit from the Obama presidency.

And now, there will never be a day go by that you will not pay for drumpf being in office.

stoopid stoopid stoopid
I've been on a fixed income for 15 years and while that bastard Kenyan was POTUS my taxes increased every year. The only people who prospered was the Free Shit Society.
Missing from this illustrious post is ... EVIDENCE.
Sorry I'm tired of looking up proof for you guys. It's a fact look it up. There is a very good reason for keeping the log secret. It's the same reason for when small potatoes like you and me go to visit our congress person or senator it keeps that vist from being a public event. It's actually a very liberal idea.
Every other administration in history kept the visitor log secret even the Clinton's. The Obama administration did release the log but they would just erase the folks they wanted to keep private first. They did it for the cameras and relied on the left wing press to cover for them. As usual, democrat symbolism over substance.
If no president has ever wanted them open, I don't see why to force the issue now. I can't see how it's a security issue, since the information isn't released until months after the visitor has come and gone, but let them have their privacy with their sneaky little dealings if it makes them feel better. It is his office and his home and it's not our beeswax who entered the doors. Leave it alone, Dems.
You are a reasonable liberal on this issue.
I've been on a fixed income for 15 years and while that bastard Kenyan was POTUS my taxes increased every year. The only people who prospered was the Free Shit Society.
Post of the day^^^^^^^^^ Three thumbs up!!!!! All Obama cared about was the lazy and the greedy. He stuck it big time to the hard working and the retired.
With the concern about what Trump is hiding on his income tax records, one might assume adding fuel to the fire is not the best decision when an on going investigation as to the Russian influence on Trump and his ;minions is in motion.

What do you think? Should Trump, or should he not provide the names and positions of those who visit him at the White House, the Trump Tower and the Private Club in FL.?
Missing from this illustrious post is ... EVIDENCE.
Sorry I'm tired of looking up proof for you guys. It's a fact look it up. There is a very good reason for keeping the log secret. It's the same reason for when small potatoes like you and me go to visit our congress person or senator it keeps that vist from being a public event. It's actually a very liberal idea.
Why do you believe everything you "look up" on the Internet?
Why do you believe everything you "look up" on the Internet?
What makes you think I had to look that up? it's a well known fact. I said I was tired of looking up proof for the less than informed on this board. Read it again slowly this time.
So Drumpf thanks the leader of Russia and begs him to hack US government employees for information, but he thinks the White House guest book should be secret.

This is like the batshit craziest story plot for the 1960s Batman TV series. Cons have wholesale embraced debauchery.

I don't think you know what "debauchery" means.

Just sayin.

Anyone who has gone to the White House is at risk for attack. Democrats have legions of paid activists that they can send to someone's home, some child's school, a workplace, the democrat army is ready to move as soon as they get the target.
First let's see the video tape of the comings and goings at the WH the day Vince Foster ended up dead. They mysteriously disappeared the same evening the Clinturds were concocting his "suicide" note.
??? How can withholding the visitor list be "good for transparency?
It's always been done to keep your meeting with your representative from becoming an event. Private citizens deserve the right to visit their representative in secret. The only administration that didn't keep it's logs secret was the Obama administration but they still erased many names before releasing the logs so whats the difference?
By the way snowflakes...every congressman or woman and every senator keeps their visiting logs secret as well, so does state representatives and Governors. It's to protect the visitor not the visited dummy's. Why o why won't libs do their homework. This is getting too easy.
With the concern about what Trump is hiding on his income tax records, one might assume adding fuel to the fire is not the best decision when an on going investigation as to the Russian influence on Trump and his ;minions is in motion.

What do you think? Should Trump, or should he not provide the names and positions of those who visit him at the White House, the Trump Tower and the Private Club in FL.?

You left off a possibility in the poll, as in, WHO GIVES A SHIT.

With the concern about what Trump is hiding on his income tax records, one might assume adding fuel to the fire is not the best decision when an on going investigation as to the Russian influence on Trump and his ;minions is in motion.

What do you think? Should Trump, or should he not provide the names and positions of those who visit him at the White House, the Trump Tower and the Private Club in FL.?

The media won't do their job regardless, so why give them shit to lie about?

Fuck them.
Frankly given the level of violence that the left has sunk to this year, I think it's a matter of safety to protect the identities of anyone who supports President Trump, much less those who consider him a friend...
Federal Court ruled in 2011 that the WH log can be kept private.

Idjits can't see his taxes, either..........:lmao:..........

Gee just because he can, doesn't mean he should. Only a stupid person would hide what would be exculpatory, and only a mendacious person will hide what which would prove wrongdoing.

A reasoned person will question his actions and will question his culpability, a brainwashed fool would claim secrecy and privacy are his right and it is no one's business but his own.

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