White House doctor: President Trump is in 'excellent health'

"WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump's White House physician declared him in "excellent health" after the president received his first medical checkup at Walter Reed military hospital on Friday, undergoing a physical examination amid suggestions in a recent book and by his detractors that he's mentally unfit.

Dr. Ronny Jackson, in a statement released by the White House, said the examination "went exceptionally well. The President is in excellent health and I look forward to briefing some of the details on Tuesday." Trump spent about three hours at the medical facility in Bethesda, Maryland, outside Washington, for the Friday afternoon checkup, his first as president, before departing for Florida for the weekend.

The fairly routine exam for previous presidents has taken on outsized importance in the age of Trump, given the tone of some of his tweets, comments attributed to some of his close advisers and Trump's recent slurring of words on national TV."

White House doctor: President Trump is in 'excellent health'

Dag nab it......the "Left" is foiled again!!!!
Sound like a bunch of bovine excrement to me. How the fuck can someone who lives on a diet of cheese burgers and KFC and gets NO exercise- in fact does not believe in exercise going to be healthy?
Simple. You are WRONG and relying on democrat propaganda.
I think he’s relying on his eyes and common sense.

No fucking way is Trump in excellent physical health.
There is no way this guy could possibly remain in office another 7 years. The only question is whether or not the GOP will find anyone even worse. I thought that they had hit the bottom with Palin, but, I guess I was naive.
"WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump's White House physician declared him in "excellent health" after the president received his first medical checkup at Walter Reed military hospital on Friday, undergoing a physical examination amid suggestions in a recent book and by his detractors that he's mentally unfit.

Dr. Ronny Jackson, in a statement released by the White House, said the examination "went exceptionally well. The President is in excellent health and I look forward to briefing some of the details on Tuesday." Trump spent about three hours at the medical facility in Bethesda, Maryland, outside Washington, for the Friday afternoon checkup, his first as president, before departing for Florida for the weekend.

The fairly routine exam for previous presidents has taken on outsized importance in the age of Trump, given the tone of some of his tweets, comments attributed to some of his close advisers and Trump's recent slurring of words on national TV."

White House doctor: President Trump is in 'excellent health'

Dag nab it......the "Left" is foiled again!!!!
Sound like a bunch of bovine excrement to me. How the fuck can someone who lives on a diet of cheese burgers and KFC and gets NO exercise- in fact does not believe in exercise going to be healthy?
Simple. You are WRONG and relying on democrat propaganda.
I think he’s relying on his eyes and common sense.

No fucking way is Trump in excellent physical health.

Well that tears it. The internet keyboard jockeys have spoken. The doctor HAS to be wrong.
"WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump's White House physician declared him in "excellent health" after the president received his first medical checkup at Walter Reed military hospital on Friday, undergoing a physical examination amid suggestions in a recent book and by his detractors that he's mentally unfit.

Dr. Ronny Jackson, in a statement released by the White House, said the examination "went exceptionally well. The President is in excellent health and I look forward to briefing some of the details on Tuesday." Trump spent about three hours at the medical facility in Bethesda, Maryland, outside Washington, for the Friday afternoon checkup, his first as president, before departing for Florida for the weekend.

The fairly routine exam for previous presidents has taken on outsized importance in the age of Trump, given the tone of some of his tweets, comments attributed to some of his close advisers and Trump's recent slurring of words on national TV."

White House doctor: President Trump is in 'excellent health'

Dag nab it......the "Left" is foiled again!!!!
Sound like a bunch of bovine excrement to me. How the fuck can someone who lives on a diet of cheese burgers and KFC and gets NO exercise- in fact does not believe in exercise going to be healthy?
Simple. You are WRONG and relying on democrat propaganda.
I think he’s relying on his eyes and common sense.

No fucking way is Trump in excellent physical health.

Well that tears it. The internet keyboard jockeys have spoken. The doctor HAS to be wrong.
Yep. Well what do you think — the whitehouse doctor is going to come out and tell the world that the president is obese nd in poor health? Of course not. There’s no fucking way Trump is in top Health. He’s an obese, self-admitted fast food junkie.
"WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump's White House physician declared him in "excellent health" after the president received his first medical checkup at Walter Reed military hospital on Friday, undergoing a physical examination amid suggestions in a recent book and by his detractors that he's mentally unfit.

Dr. Ronny Jackson, in a statement released by the White House, said the examination "went exceptionally well. The President is in excellent health and I look forward to briefing some of the details on Tuesday." Trump spent about three hours at the medical facility in Bethesda, Maryland, outside Washington, for the Friday afternoon checkup, his first as president, before departing for Florida for the weekend.

The fairly routine exam for previous presidents has taken on outsized importance in the age of Trump, given the tone of some of his tweets, comments attributed to some of his close advisers and Trump's recent slurring of words on national TV."

White House doctor: President Trump is in 'excellent health'

Dag nab it......the "Left" is foiled again!!!!
Somebody will claim the doctor is colluding with Russia to keep Trumps true health a secret.
The Doctor did not send the tweet out or message out, the Trump team did, and signed the Doc's name to it....

How do we know that?

Because they spelled the Doctor's name wrong...

They spelled Ronny as Ronnie....


What idiots....and God works in mysterious ways, like stupefying the liars...and making them spell the Doc's name wrong in the message claiming to be his....
Took less time than I thought I would like to believe your response was an attempt at humor but given where the mind of a lot of the left is today that's pretty hard.
Are you denying that the message was signed Dr. Ronnie Jackson instead of Dr. Ronny Jackson? I saw it on the news tonight...

What is the report signed? Tweets aren't medical reports. The doctor, Ronny Jackson, M.D. signed the actual report and that is all that counts.
He needs to continue eating those Big Macs and KFC since he's in "excellent health".. - Dr. Ronnie.
One of the things that probably keeps him in good health is that he doesn't eat any bread. And, the eye witness reports of him taking bags of McDonald's to be are probably not true.
Hell, it too almost 50 years to find out that JFK had been in danger of serving his second term in a wheelchair, and that he was being propped up daily with speed. Woodrow Wilson served about a year incapacitated by a stroke that even Congress could not verify, because Wilson's wife was running the government. Cleveland had a cancerous tumor removed from his jaw while in office, which wasn't revealed to the public until he was dead. Pierce was an alcoholic. FDR was suffering from congestive heart failure his entire 4th term. The whole concept of paying any attention to a statement to the press by a White House physician is downright laughable.
"WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump's White House physician declared him in "excellent health" after the president received his first medical checkup at Walter Reed military hospital on Friday, undergoing a physical examination amid suggestions in a recent book and by his detractors that he's mentally unfit.

Dr. Ronny Jackson, in a statement released by the White House, said the examination "went exceptionally well. The President is in excellent health and I look forward to briefing some of the details on Tuesday." Trump spent about three hours at the medical facility in Bethesda, Maryland, outside Washington, for the Friday afternoon checkup, his first as president, before departing for Florida for the weekend.

The fairly routine exam for previous presidents has taken on outsized importance in the age of Trump, given the tone of some of his tweets, comments attributed to some of his close advisers and Trump's recent slurring of words on national TV."

White House doctor: President Trump is in 'excellent health'

Dag nab it......the "Left" is foiled again!!!!
Sound like a bunch of bovine excrement to me. How the fuck can someone who lives on a diet of cheese burgers and KFC and gets NO exercise- in fact does not believe in exercise going to be healthy?
Simple. You are WRONG and relying on democrat propaganda.
I think he’s relying on his eyes and common sense.

No fucking way is Trump in excellent physical health.

Well that tears it. The internet keyboard jockeys have spoken. The doctor HAS to be wrong.
Yep. Well what do you think — the whitehouse doctor is going to come out and tell the world that the president is obese nd in poor health? Of course not. There’s no fucking way Trump is in top Health. He’s an obese, self-admitted fast food junkie.

Naturally, the internet keyboard jockeys have knowledge superior to that of the doctor. No, as we saw with FDR and JFK, the White House doctor doesn't always disclose everything to the public, but I would expect the doctor to take all the steps possible to ensure the president's health. And if he says the president is in excellent or top health, you don't have to believe it, but he's in the position to know.
Sound like a bunch of bovine excrement to me. How the fuck can someone who lives on a diet of cheese burgers and KFC and gets NO exercise- in fact does not believe in exercise going to be healthy?
Simple. You are WRONG and relying on democrat propaganda.
I think he’s relying on his eyes and common sense.

No fucking way is Trump in excellent physical health.

Well that tears it. The internet keyboard jockeys have spoken. The doctor HAS to be wrong.
Yep. Well what do you think — the whitehouse doctor is going to come out and tell the world that the president is obese nd in poor health? Of course not. There’s no fucking way Trump is in top Health. He’s an obese, self-admitted fast food junkie.

Naturally, the internet keyboard jockeys have knowledge superior to that of the doctor. No, as we saw with FDR and JFK, the White House doctor doesn't always disclose everything to the public, but I would expect the doctor to take all the steps possible to ensure the president's health. And if he says the president is in excellent or top health, you don't have to believe it, but he's in the position to know.
Dr. Ronnie? :lol:
The internet medical examiners are relying on photoshopped pictures. They have never seen Trump in person, ever. All they have to go on is what they feed one another. It's the liberal echo chamber.
Simple. You are WRONG and relying on democrat propaganda.
I think he’s relying on his eyes and common sense.

No fucking way is Trump in excellent physical health.

Well that tears it. The internet keyboard jockeys have spoken. The doctor HAS to be wrong.
Yep. Well what do you think — the whitehouse doctor is going to come out and tell the world that the president is obese nd in poor health? Of course not. There’s no fucking way Trump is in top Health. He’s an obese, self-admitted fast food junkie.

Naturally, the internet keyboard jockeys have knowledge superior to that of the doctor. No, as we saw with FDR and JFK, the White House doctor doesn't always disclose everything to the public, but I would expect the doctor to take all the steps possible to ensure the president's health. And if he says the president is in excellent or top health, you don't have to believe it, but he's in the position to know.
Dr. Ronnie? :lol:

Who would not have confidence in a doc who looks like this?


I think that they originally met through "Hair Club for Men".
I think he’s relying on his eyes and common sense.

No fucking way is Trump in excellent physical health.

Well that tears it. The internet keyboard jockeys have spoken. The doctor HAS to be wrong.
Yep. Well what do you think — the whitehouse doctor is going to come out and tell the world that the president is obese nd in poor health? Of course not. There’s no fucking way Trump is in top Health. He’s an obese, self-admitted fast food junkie.

Naturally, the internet keyboard jockeys have knowledge superior to that of the doctor. No, as we saw with FDR and JFK, the White House doctor doesn't always disclose everything to the public, but I would expect the doctor to take all the steps possible to ensure the president's health. And if he says the president is in excellent or top health, you don't have to believe it, but he's in the position to know.
Dr. Ronnie? :lol:

Who would not have confidence in a doc who looks like this?


I think that they originally met through "Hair Club for Men".

What do you call the doofiest looking graduate from med school?

Answer: You call him "Doctor". Did he also treat Obama?

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