White House doctor: President Trump is in 'excellent health'

"WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump's White House physician declared him in "excellent health" after the president received his first medical checkup at Walter Reed military hospital on Friday, undergoing a physical examination amid suggestions in a recent book and by his detractors that he's mentally unfit.

Dr. Ronny Jackson, in a statement released by the White House, said the examination "went exceptionally well. The President is in excellent health and I look forward to briefing some of the details on Tuesday." Trump spent about three hours at the medical facility in Bethesda, Maryland, outside Washington, for the Friday afternoon checkup, his first as president, before departing for Florida for the weekend.

The fairly routine exam for previous presidents has taken on outsized importance in the age of Trump, given the tone of some of his tweets, comments attributed to some of his close advisers and Trump's recent slurring of words on national TV."

White House doctor: President Trump is in 'excellent health'

Dag nab it......the "Left" is foiled again!!!!
Sound like a bunch of bovine excrement to me. How the fuck can someone who lives on a diet of cheese burgers and KFC and gets NO exercise- in fact does not believe in exercise going to be healthy?
Also, he's very active mentally and physically, so he burns a lot of calories.

Let's not forget how he campaigned. The amount of work he put in was inconceivable.

That's very true. He supposedly only sleeps 4-6 hours a night, just like my husband and I which is apparently really common in work-a-holics. I got my husband one of those fitbit watch things two years ago and it spit out that he was burning through 3k calories a day o_O My husband doesn't exercise at all, that's just how much he's running around for work and shit. I imagine he actually burns more than that because he doesn't wear it in bed heh

I personally think genetics plays in it too, Trump's German, like my family and my husband, German men tend to have a gut. I personally find it attractive, as long as it's not so big its in the way of certain activities ~giggles~ Every male in my entire family on my fathers German side has the exact same gut Trump does so I think it's at least partially bloodline. Ironically, my ex husband, father of my two boys, was Lithuanian, so my kids have the same genetic heritage as Trump (with a dash of Norwegian and a pinch of Irish - we'd actually just found out about the Irish part recently with one of those DNA tests - we hunted all over and discovered that my grandmother was adopted. Modern tech is pretty awesome.)
Well, Admiral, that make TWO people who have been blessed by Our Lady of Perpetual Wealth and Privilege!

If you actually knew anything about bone spurs, you would know that they can and do disappear over time, dumb ass!

...and, of course, it could not have been a misdiagnosis by a friendly doc in Trump's case. That NEVER happens! Although I wish it would have happened to me, since I do not enjoy the protection of Our Lady of Perpetual Wealth and Privilege. I had to have mine removed from my shoulder the old fashioned way. With surgery.

But, I am sure that Trump was devastated that he could not serve. The vision of him humping through the Vietnam jungle, hacking at the vines and elephant grass with his golf club, is enough to make anyone want to stand and sing the Star Spangled Banner!

"Oh say can the bee, by the dawn early fight, we so gladly mmmmmm. untill we get to the fight....."

He's healthy lil guy, you'll just have to deal with it.

He exercises so much that he is just plain tuckered out, so he has to take a golf cart for a quarter mile walk, while other world leaders walk...

You do realize your source is a complete fake. The photos have nothing to do with the story.

So, the videos are fake, or the story is fake, or, are you going "Full Trump", and claim that it is all "fake news"? And, as long as we are talking about fake, are we to assume that Trump's doctor has suddenly started misspelling his own name on press releases, or is someone else writing press releases and putting his misspelled name on them?
If you actually knew anything about bone spurs, you would know that they can and do disappear over time, dumb ass!

...and, of course, it could not have been a misdiagnosis by a friendly doc in Trump's case. That NEVER happens! Although I wish it would have happened to me, since I do not enjoy the protection of Our Lady of Perpetual Wealth and Privilege. I had to have mine removed from my shoulder the old fashioned way. With surgery.

But, I am sure that Trump was devastated that he could not serve. The vision of him humping through the Vietnam jungle, hacking at the vines and elephant grass with his golf club, is enough to make anyone want to stand and sing the Star Spangled Banner!

"Oh say can the bee, by the dawn early fight, we so gladly mmmmmm. untill we get to the fight....."

He's healthy lil guy, you'll just have to deal with it.

He exercises so much that he is just plain tuckered out, so he has to take a golf cart for a quarter mile walk, while other world leaders walk...

You do realize your source is a complete fake. The photos have nothing to do with the story.

So, the videos are fake, or the story is fake, or, are you going "Full Trump", and claim that it is all "fake news"? And, as long as we are talking about fake, are we to assume that Trump's doctor has suddenly started misspelling his own name on press releases, or is someone else writing press releases and putting his misspelled name on them?

Are you claiming that the Leftwing media hasn't gone nuts with their overboard 24/7 negative coverage of Trump and fake "breaking news" programs?! Ha ha ha
If you actually knew anything about bone spurs, you would know that they can and do disappear over time, dumb ass!

...and, of course, it could not have been a misdiagnosis by a friendly doc in Trump's case. That NEVER happens! Although I wish it would have happened to me, since I do not enjoy the protection of Our Lady of Perpetual Wealth and Privilege. I had to have mine removed from my shoulder the old fashioned way. With surgery.

But, I am sure that Trump was devastated that he could not serve. The vision of him humping through the Vietnam jungle, hacking at the vines and elephant grass with his golf club, is enough to make anyone want to stand and sing the Star Spangled Banner!

"Oh say can the bee, by the dawn early fight, we so gladly mmmmmm. untill we get to the fight....."

He's healthy lil guy, you'll just have to deal with it.

He exercises so much that he is just plain tuckered out, so he has to take a golf cart for a quarter mile walk, while other world leaders walk...

You do realize your source is a complete fake. The photos have nothing to do with the story.

So, the videos are fake, or the story is fake, or, are you going "Full Trump", and claim that it is all "fake news"? And, as long as we are talking about fake, are we to assume that Trump's doctor has suddenly started misspelling his own name on press releases, or is someone else writing press releases and putting his misspelled name on them?

OK. show me the doctor's note that was supposedly forged? Wait! What? You don't have access to that?

The photos are of Trump riding in a golf cart obviously here in the United States. That is a really good quality source for your information. Youtube, huh?

Look at the background terrain! Look at the people! Do we have American cops in Italy? How many times does he change ties or is not wearing one? Do you think he was driving his own golf cart at a high profile conference where he had never been before? They are obviously at his own golf courses.

Those photographs that show foreign leaders are probably taken at several of these meetings overseas, with only the first few being at the G-7 conference. I recognize some from being at the G-20 conference.

Pathetic! Absolutely pathetic that you are that stupid! You should be ashamed!
It's just more liberal butt hurt that Trump is president. I thought after he got elected it would stop after a month or two. But here we are, a full year in, and the liberal anal cavity is still throbbing.
...and, of course, it could not have been a misdiagnosis by a friendly doc in Trump's case. That NEVER happens! Although I wish it would have happened to me, since I do not enjoy the protection of Our Lady of Perpetual Wealth and Privilege. I had to have mine removed from my shoulder the old fashioned way. With surgery.

But, I am sure that Trump was devastated that he could not serve. The vision of him humping through the Vietnam jungle, hacking at the vines and elephant grass with his golf club, is enough to make anyone want to stand and sing the Star Spangled Banner!

"Oh say can the bee, by the dawn early fight, we so gladly mmmmmm. untill we get to the fight....."

He's healthy lil guy, you'll just have to deal with it.

He exercises so much that he is just plain tuckered out, so he has to take a golf cart for a quarter mile walk, while other world leaders walk...

You do realize your source is a complete fake. The photos have nothing to do with the story.

So, the videos are fake, or the story is fake, or, are you going "Full Trump", and claim that it is all "fake news"? And, as long as we are talking about fake, are we to assume that Trump's doctor has suddenly started misspelling his own name on press releases, or is someone else writing press releases and putting his misspelled name on them?

OK. show me the doctor's note that was supposedly forged? Wait! What? You don't have access to that?

The photos are of Trump riding in a golf cart obviously here in the United States. That is a really good quality source for your information. Youtube, huh?

Look at the background terrain! Look at the people! Do we have American cops in Italy? How many times does he change ties or is not wearing one? Do you think he was driving his own golf cart at a high profile conference where he had never been before? They are obviously at his own golf courses.

Those photographs that show foreign leaders are probably taken at several of these meetings overseas, with only the first few being at the G-7 conference. I recognize some from being at the G-20 conference.

Pathetic! Absolutely pathetic that you are that stupid! You should be ashamed!

Well, if you insist.....

Rachel Maddow Says Trump's Physical Exam Results Statement Could Be a Lie Because of One Small Detail
He's healthy lil guy, you'll just have to deal with it.

He exercises so much that he is just plain tuckered out, so he has to take a golf cart for a quarter mile walk, while other world leaders walk...

You do realize your source is a complete fake. The photos have nothing to do with the story.

So, the videos are fake, or the story is fake, or, are you going "Full Trump", and claim that it is all "fake news"? And, as long as we are talking about fake, are we to assume that Trump's doctor has suddenly started misspelling his own name on press releases, or is someone else writing press releases and putting his misspelled name on them?

OK. show me the doctor's note that was supposedly forged? Wait! What? You don't have access to that?

The photos are of Trump riding in a golf cart obviously here in the United States. That is a really good quality source for your information. Youtube, huh?

Look at the background terrain! Look at the people! Do we have American cops in Italy? How many times does he change ties or is not wearing one? Do you think he was driving his own golf cart at a high profile conference where he had never been before? They are obviously at his own golf courses.

Those photographs that show foreign leaders are probably taken at several of these meetings overseas, with only the first few being at the G-7 conference. I recognize some from being at the G-20 conference.

Pathetic! Absolutely pathetic that you are that stupid! You should be ashamed!

Well, if you insist.....

Rachel Maddow Says Trump's Physical Exam Results Statement Could Be a Lie Because of One Small Detail

I am sorry! I forgot that you are MENTALLY RETARDED!

I read that link the FIRST TIME you idiots posted it!

He exercises so much that he is just plain tuckered out, so he has to take a golf cart for a quarter mile walk, while other world leaders walk...

You do realize your source is a complete fake. The photos have nothing to do with the story.

So, the videos are fake, or the story is fake, or, are you going "Full Trump", and claim that it is all "fake news"? And, as long as we are talking about fake, are we to assume that Trump's doctor has suddenly started misspelling his own name on press releases, or is someone else writing press releases and putting his misspelled name on them?

OK. show me the doctor's note that was supposedly forged? Wait! What? You don't have access to that?

The photos are of Trump riding in a golf cart obviously here in the United States. That is a really good quality source for your information. Youtube, huh?

Look at the background terrain! Look at the people! Do we have American cops in Italy? How many times does he change ties or is not wearing one? Do you think he was driving his own golf cart at a high profile conference where he had never been before? They are obviously at his own golf courses.

Those photographs that show foreign leaders are probably taken at several of these meetings overseas, with only the first few being at the G-7 conference. I recognize some from being at the G-20 conference.

Pathetic! Absolutely pathetic that you are that stupid! You should be ashamed!

Well, if you insist.....

Rachel Maddow Says Trump's Physical Exam Results Statement Could Be a Lie Because of One Small Detail

I am sorry! I forgot that you are MENTALLY RETARDED!

I read that link the FIRST TIME you idiots posted it!


I don't have cable, so I am not up to date on the latest news. has Trump appointed a special prosecutor, yet, to lock Hillary up, like he promised before the election, or was he too busy building the WALL?
You do realize your source is a complete fake. The photos have nothing to do with the story.

So, the videos are fake, or the story is fake, or, are you going "Full Trump", and claim that it is all "fake news"? And, as long as we are talking about fake, are we to assume that Trump's doctor has suddenly started misspelling his own name on press releases, or is someone else writing press releases and putting his misspelled name on them?

OK. show me the doctor's note that was supposedly forged? Wait! What? You don't have access to that?

The photos are of Trump riding in a golf cart obviously here in the United States. That is a really good quality source for your information. Youtube, huh?

Look at the background terrain! Look at the people! Do we have American cops in Italy? How many times does he change ties or is not wearing one? Do you think he was driving his own golf cart at a high profile conference where he had never been before? They are obviously at his own golf courses.

Those photographs that show foreign leaders are probably taken at several of these meetings overseas, with only the first few being at the G-7 conference. I recognize some from being at the G-20 conference.

Pathetic! Absolutely pathetic that you are that stupid! You should be ashamed!

Well, if you insist.....

Rachel Maddow Says Trump's Physical Exam Results Statement Could Be a Lie Because of One Small Detail

I am sorry! I forgot that you are MENTALLY RETARDED!

I read that link the FIRST TIME you idiots posted it!


I don't have cable, so I am not up to date on the latest news. has Trump appointed a special prosecutor, yet, to lock Hillary up, like he promised before the election, or was he too busy building the WALL?

He was too busy getting a fake note from the doctor who did his physical and playing golf. He didn't have time yet, but I think as soon as he can find someone with testicles bigger than Michelle Obama, he'll get right on appointing them!
If he is in good health he won't have trouble walking to the exit door in the White house after they impeach him and kick his sorry ass out.
If this report is a fake, where is the real one?

Democrats are so used to lying they assume every one is lying.
If he is in good health he won't have trouble walking to the exit door in the White house after they impeach him and kick his sorry ass out.
It will not happen.

Never say never... Millions are praying to Jesus and God to deliver us from Trumps evil... God changes things....
Millions of people are praying that God destroys the Godless Satan worshipping democrats too. I prayed that obama would die of a cocaine overdose for 8 years.

You got 7 years to go. That's 7 years of a successful economic powerhouse.
If he is in good health he won't have trouble walking to the exit door in the White house after they impeach him and kick his sorry ass out.
It will not happen.

Never say never... Millions are praying to Jesus and God to deliver us from Trumps evil... God changes things....
Millions of people are praying that God destroys the Godless Satan worshipping democrats too. I prayed that obama would die of a cocaine overdose for 8 years.

You got 7 years to go. That's 7 years of a successful economic powerhouse.

I don't wish death on anyone. Im praying that Trump's demon possessed mind
betrays him in full public view for all to see. That is far more appropriate...
So, the videos are fake, or the story is fake, or, are you going "Full Trump", and claim that it is all "fake news"? And, as long as we are talking about fake, are we to assume that Trump's doctor has suddenly started misspelling his own name on press releases, or is someone else writing press releases and putting his misspelled name on them?

OK. show me the doctor's note that was supposedly forged? Wait! What? You don't have access to that?

The photos are of Trump riding in a golf cart obviously here in the United States. That is a really good quality source for your information. Youtube, huh?

Look at the background terrain! Look at the people! Do we have American cops in Italy? How many times does he change ties or is not wearing one? Do you think he was driving his own golf cart at a high profile conference where he had never been before? They are obviously at his own golf courses.

Those photographs that show foreign leaders are probably taken at several of these meetings overseas, with only the first few being at the G-7 conference. I recognize some from being at the G-20 conference.

Pathetic! Absolutely pathetic that you are that stupid! You should be ashamed!

Well, if you insist.....

Rachel Maddow Says Trump's Physical Exam Results Statement Could Be a Lie Because of One Small Detail

I am sorry! I forgot that you are MENTALLY RETARDED!

I read that link the FIRST TIME you idiots posted it!


I don't have cable, so I am not up to date on the latest news. has Trump appointed a special prosecutor, yet, to lock Hillary up, like he promised before the election, or was he too busy building the WALL?

He was too busy getting a fake note from the doctor who did his physical and playing golf. He didn't have time yet, but I think as soon as he can find someone with testicles bigger than Michelle Obama, he'll get right on appointing them!

I hear ya! Trump had to renege on his golf statements in order to exercise (which he has already stated that he does not believe in), so that when he ate his McDonalds burger (to keep himself from being poisoned), he would keep his athletic and toned body!

My step father had a brother who lived in his own alternative universe. For example, he would walk into the dinning room at Thanksgiving dinner wearing nothing but his underwear. His family, being usd to this, and feeling that there was no harm done, since nobody really noticed after he sat down, pretended that this was normal. I am absolutely POSITIVE that they would have all been Trump supporters!
Last edited:
"WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump's White House physician declared him in "excellent health" after the president received his first medical checkup at Walter Reed military hospital on Friday, undergoing a physical examination amid suggestions in a recent book and by his detractors that he's mentally unfit.

Dr. Ronny Jackson, in a statement released by the White House, said the examination "went exceptionally well. The President is in excellent health and I look forward to briefing some of the details on Tuesday." Trump spent about three hours at the medical facility in Bethesda, Maryland, outside Washington, for the Friday afternoon checkup, his first as president, before departing for Florida for the weekend.

The fairly routine exam for previous presidents has taken on outsized importance in the age of Trump, given the tone of some of his tweets, comments attributed to some of his close advisers and Trump's recent slurring of words on national TV."

White House doctor: President Trump is in 'excellent health'

Dag nab it......the "Left" is foiled again!!!!

You mean Dr. Oz showed up at the White House to give Trump a physical.--:badgrin: Personally I think someone was paid off big time.


He's 40 to 50 lbs. overweight here, which puts him well into the Obese catagory. High blood pressure, sudden heart attack, stroke, type 2 diabetes, etc. etc. etc.
If he is in good health he won't have trouble walking to the exit door in the White house after they impeach him and kick his sorry ass out.
Still waiting for that Russian connection... lol

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