White House: Don’t Worry, You Won’t Have to Replace All of Your Appliances Until 2029

Let’s see.
2029 - 2023 carry the one…….
Six and half years Joe will screw every American royally.
You’ll live in a pod, eat bugs, own nothing and be happy.

Let me get this straight. I have to spend thousands to buy and install appliances that are operating perfectly well and that is going to save me $11B? What planet is this vegetable living on.
So all those on this site that continued to say he wasn't going after gas stoves, and it was a right-wing conspiracy .. were wrong .. just like COVID when it was a right-wing conspiracy then with masks, lockdowns and vaccinations.

Everything to "save the climate .." except banning politicians from owning and using private jets
"These wonderful new mandates will take effect after my second term," LOL.
Exactly .. they don't care, and I'll be curious to see the mitigation plan and duration (assuming it will move forward) as well as how it will be funded. If it moves forward, my guess is new sales of these items will be phased out .. and current items will continue to be in service.

Who will wash the dishes without a dishwasher?
Next they'll be coming for your outdoor BBQ grill. If they haven't already that is. BBQ contributes to global warming you should know.

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