White House Fires Back at 'Overbroad' Subpoena on Solyndra Documents

The White House on Friday all but refused to turn over the documents House Republicans have subpoenaed on bankrupt solar firm Solyndra, firing off a letter saying the request would put an "unreasonable burden on the president's ability to meet his constitutional duties."
The feisty response appears to set up a clash between congressional investigators and the White House over the sprawling probe into Solyndra's finances and the administration's involvement in the decision to provide the struggling company a $528 million loan with taxpayer money.

Read more: White House Fires Back At 'Overbroad' Subpoena On Solyndra Documents | Fox News

We're on the road to impeachment. IMHO that izzzz.
Really? Isn't answering such things valid under LAW, and isn't upholding the LAW part of his 'Constitutional duties'?:eusa_whistle:

I see a stonewall.

answering legitimate subpoenas is required. one can always move to quash a subpoena that overreaches or is illegal or improper.

you see nothing different than EVERY president does. you would have defended the last one to the nth degree for the same thing. how 'bout you wait for the court to act before you all shrieking meemies lose your minds, mmmmkay?

What, pray tell, is overreaching, illegal or improper about Congress' subpoena for documents relating to Solyndra? What is your rationale for this Administration to not release documents that show how that "deal" took place? Barack Obama made transparency a major campaign plank of his when he ran for office...so where is that transparency now? With all due respect, Jillian...this is pretty indefensible.
Exclusive Timeline: Bush Administration Advanced Solyndra Loan Guarantee for Two Years, Media Blow the Story | ThinkProgress

It’s often claimed that the Solyndra loan guarantee was “rushed through” by the Obama Administration for political reasons. In fact, the Solyndra loan guarantee was a multi-year process that the Bush Administration launched in 2007.
You’d never know from the media coverage that:
The Bush team tried to conditionally approve the Solyndra loan just before President Obama took office.
The company’s backers included private investors who had diverse political interests.
The loan comprises just 1.3% of DOE’s overall loan portfolio. To date, Solyndra is the only loan that’s known to be troubled.

You've just shown yourself to incredibly ill informed, Junky. The Bush Administration shelved the Solyndra loan guarantee. The Obama Administration DID rush it through. They also subordinated the taxpayers to private Solyndra investors who just happened to be prominent Obama "bundlers" something that to my knowledge had never been done before. As for "troubled" loans? Solyndra was the first green energy loan approved by this Administration...the second loan they approved was to a company called Beacon Power. They just filed for bankruptcy.

Try getting your information from somewhere OTHER than "ThinkProgress"...it will save you from making a fool of yourself with posts like this.
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The White House on Friday all but refused to turn over the documents House Republicans have subpoenaed on bankrupt solar firm Solyndra, firing off a letter saying the request would put an "unreasonable burden on the president's ability to meet his constitutional duties."
The feisty response appears to set up a clash between congressional investigators and the White House over the sprawling probe into Solyndra's finances and the administration's involvement in the decision to provide the struggling company a $528 million loan with taxpayer money.

Read more: White House Fires Back At 'Overbroad' Subpoena On Solyndra Documents | Fox News

We're on the road to impeachment. IMHO that izzzz.
Really? Isn't answering such things valid under LAW, and isn't upholding the LAW part of his 'Constitutional duties'?:eusa_whistle:

I see a stonewall.

answering legitimate subpoenas is required. one can always move to quash a subpoena that overreaches or is illegal or improper.

you see nothing different than EVERY president does. you would have defended the last one to the nth degree for the same thing. how 'bout you wait for the court to act before you all shrieking meemies lose your minds, mmmmkay?

Good. I AGREE with you jillian. The WH does have the legitimate right to move to quash the subpoena(s) to the extent that the WH determines that the subpoena is (or that subpoenas are) overly broad.

And if the Congress then says, "no" to the WH effort to quash, maybe it will take a Court determination?

How do you imagine the Court might rule?
Ironical president is ironic.

Dopey President is now technically impeachable.

nope. not hardly.

as for subpoenas, certainly you believe this white house should be able to avail itself of the same protections as the last administration's, no?

it's not like they outed a CIA agent, after all. now THAT is an impeachable offense.

:eusa_eh:Congress has oversight responsibilities over spending. As far as I know the president cannot claim executive privilege on such matters. National security issues yes, spending no. To keep bringing up that stupid Valerie Plame crap just shows that you're not thinking and just spewing out partisan talking points
Nice lie, liar.

The Bush Admin took their time looking at the loan, while the Obama crowd pushed it through in a hurry while they were robbing taxpayers during their green spending spree.

You idiots are trying to blame Bush for everything you idiots are fucking up.

Exclusive Timeline: Bush Administration Advanced Solyndra Loan Guarantee for Two Years, Media Blow the Story | ThinkProgress

It’s often claimed that the Solyndra loan guarantee was “rushed through” by the Obama Administration for political reasons. In fact, the Solyndra loan guarantee was a multi-year process that the Bush Administration launched in 2007.
You’d never know from the media coverage that:
The Bush team tried to conditionally approve the Solyndra loan just before President Obama took office.
The company’s backers included private investors who had diverse political interests.
The loan comprises just 1.3% of DOE’s overall loan portfolio. To date, Solyndra is the only loan that’s known to be troubled.
Out of curiosity. The WH claim that the tawdry and time consuming business of answering the Congressional Subpoena would take time away from the Obama Administration's duties is facially silly.

Yes yes. Answering subpoenas can take some time. And? So what?

That's never been considered a valid objection to any subpoena.

So what actual, legal and valid basis can the WH use as a pretext to avoid complying with the House Subpoena? We realize it would embarrass the shit out of them and that it might lead to the prospect of criminal investigations .... But again, that's not a valid objection nor is it a valid basis to seek to quash a subpoena.

So, what is their next ploy?
Out of curiosity. The WH claim that the tawdry and time consuming business of answering the Congressional Subpoena would take time away from the Obama Administration's duties is facially silly.

Yes yes. Answering subpoenas can take some time. And? So what?

That's never been considered a valid objection to any subpoena.

So what actual, legal and valid basis can the WH use as a pretext to avoid complying with the House Subpoena? We realize it would embarrass the shit out of them and that it might lead to the prospect of criminal investigations .... But again, that's not a valid objection nor is it a valid basis to seek to quash a subpoena.

So, what is their next ploy?
A Nixon WH Tapes redux?:eusa_whistle:
Obama continues to believe that He is above the Law. He has gotten very used to acting without consent. That is not about to change. He grows more Arrogant, not less, nor does he learn from mistakes.
The White House letter which, essentially, rejected the Congressional subpoena is not a valid Executive Privilege claim. Letter: White House Rejects Subpeona of Solyndra Docs

It invokes no recognized ground upon which a subpoena may properly be sought to be quashed.

It is a load of shit.

Was the subpoena issued along the lines of a Party line vote?

Yep. None of the Democratics on the Committee had the integrity to join in. So what? That they chose to try to make it look political has no bearing on the legitimacy of the Congressional Subpoena.

A contempt citation should now issue. Let the President's legal beagles then seek recourse (if they can obtain it) through the judicial branch. Good luck.

A stone wall is no less a stone wall just because the President thinks he can claim partisan politics as an excuse for putting up that wall.

Clearly, this President is engaging in politics himself. Delay is the name of his game. But it will not work.

Sooner or later the answers have to come out. And when the answers come out, his effort to delay and obfuscate and stone wall the inevitable will only make him look even worse.
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The White House on Friday all but refused to turn over the documents House Republicans have subpoenaed on bankrupt solar firm Solyndra, firing off a letter saying the request would put an "unreasonable burden on the president's ability to meet his constitutional duties."
The feisty response appears to set up a clash between congressional investigators and the White House over the sprawling probe into Solyndra's finances and the administration's involvement in the decision to provide the struggling company a $528 million loan with taxpayer money.

Read more: White House Fires Back At 'Overbroad' Subpoena On Solyndra Documents | Fox News

We're on the road to impeachment. IMHO that izzzz.
Really? Isn't answering such things valid under LAW, and isn't upholding the LAW part of his 'Constitutional duties'?:eusa_whistle:

I see a stonewall.

answering legitimate subpoenas is required. one can always move to quash a subpoena that overreaches or is illegal or improper.

you see nothing different than EVERY president does. you would have defended the last one to the nth degree for the same thing. how 'bout you wait for the court to act before you all shrieking meemies lose your minds, mmmmkay?

nnnnnnnnn did you defend him? K then....
Imagine Nixon trying to use the same tactic.

It is highly offensive to compare THE ONE to Nixon.

For, after all, when President Nixon tried to engage in a little Executive Branch Stonewalling, that was





It just was.
Ironical president is ironic.

Dopey President is now technically impeachable.

nope. not hardly.

as for subpoenas, certainly you believe this white house should be able to avail itself of the same protections as the last administration's, no?

it's not like they outed a CIA agent, after all. now THAT is an impeachable offense.

Actually the press outed her.

They just listened to some jackass talking about her and then reported on it.

Problem is nobody ever went after the guilty party. (Richard Armitage)

Since they never went after Dick there was no crime. It was purely a witch hunt.

They tried to get Dick Cheney but they went after the wrong Dick. :eusa_angel:

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