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“White House knew about the Tucker ‘confrontation’…”entire set-up was planned out in advance, per WH official”

The fascists are the ones attacking Bailey for exercising freedom.

Tucker’s feelings were hurt, so it’s time to attack.
Sorry, you and your ilk are The Fascists, and your friends The Chinese and Russians run this country now that Faux Xiden The Bought and Paid for Moron Fraudulently barged his way in to The White House forever defiling that Sanctuary of Democracy.
Sorry, you and your ilk are The Fascists, and your friends The Chinese and Russians run this country now that Faux Xiden The Bought and Paid for Moron Fraudulently barged his way in to The White House forever defiling that Sanctuary of Democracy.
We aren’t fascists. Tucker is still on the air spreading his American hating propaganda and ruining the country one febrile mind at a time.

If we were fascists, Tucker would be in the gulag by now.
If someone like Tucker or Dinesh D'Souza were killed by a nut job would it even surprise anyone these days? I'm more baffled that some mentally ill person hasn't already been triggered by the DC cabal and its media whores to strike against some public personality. Seems to me that someone in power is pushing extremely hard to trigger violence that can be used as justification for martial law.

This guy who went after Tucker is a CIA asset. It gives A LOT of credence to Tucker's assertion that the Biden regime is monitoring him.
That's funny. Who gives a fuck about that weenie anyway? The NSA is spying on us all.
The left has ABC, NBC, CNN, MSNBC CBS NYT, WAPO, Hollywood not to mention control over most of the social media. So you gotta ask yourself how in the world could the hatred be so pervasive on the left that they would ambush a single Fox reporter. Dan Rather still makes a good living on the lecture tour even though he was fired for deliberately using fake documents to try to influence an election. Nobody ambushes Rather. According to David Horowitz, every single high profile conservative speaker has been ambushed sometime or several times on a college campus in their career. Zero liberal speakers. Maybe there should be cost free counseling sessions for lefties that can't let go of their hatred.

“White House knew about the Tucker ‘confrontation’​


”Entire set-up was planned out in advance, per WH official”​

Last week, while shopping in a Montana bait shop, top-rated Fox News host Tucker Carlson, who recently revealed that the NSA was spying upon him, was confronted by a man named Dan Bailey.

The left was absolutely giddy over the confrontation.
The far-left Slate was so excited, they named Dan Bailey, a “local fly fishing guide,” as the person who confronted Tucker.
Dan Bailey posted a video of himself confronting Carlson on his Instagram account where he wrote: t’s not everyday you get to tell someone they are the worst person in the world and really mean it! What an asshole! This man has killed more people with vaccine misinformation; he has supported extreme racism, he is a fascist and does more to rip this country apart than anyone that calls themselves an American. #fucktuckercarlson#stayoutofmontana#democracywillprevail #trumplost@podsaveamerica In his post, he tagged several far-left activists/news personalities: @[email protected] @mollyjongfast @lpontheleft @kascellen

So, who is Dan Bailey, and was it an accident that he just happened to run into Tucker Carlson at the bait shop?​

According to citizen journalist “X-MANFREN,” Mr. Bailey is a “river ecologist working on the Asia Foundations “Securing our Future” project, where he worked in Mongolia with Mongolian and American scientists as part of his master’s degree from the University of Montana.
X-MANFREN shared a screenshot of a memo from the CIA that reveals the Asia Foundation is part of the CIA.

X-MANFREN asks a great question:
It’s already clear that the NSA has been spying on Tucker but is the CIA doing the same thing?
Here’s what Wikipedia has to say about the Asia Foundation: In 1966, it was revealed that the CIA was covertly funding a number of organizations, including the Asia Foundation.

It certainly looks like Tucker has hit some home runs on the Left and ruffled some "Deep State" feathers with his reporting.
This is an apparent warning to him. He could have instead been found lying face down in the Yellowstone river he was fishing.
The documents show Mr. Baileys attachment to the CIA.
This behavior is totally acceptable to Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats and other anti-American folks who think that morals and laws only pertain to conservative thinkers.
The administration’s involvement in the stalking and aggressive confrontation of an American Citizen, ANY American Citizen, is outrageous and should not be tolerated.. The outdoor shop in question is called, “Dan Baileys Outdoor Company”.. “Coincidentally”, the aggressor’s name is, Dan Bailey, according to the shop’s own website.. That website also states in its disclaimer that its late owner, Dan Bailey, passed away in 1982 and that this Dan Bailey has no affiliation with the shop whatsoever.. If this is true, then this shop has intentionally been put in a terrible position by a politically retributive administration in order to make it appear that the late Dan Bailey, NOT this psycho, confronted and told Tucker Carlson just how awful he is in Dan Bailey’s Outdoor Company; an apparently staged confrontation that was almost immediately posted online….. If what this shop states on its website is factual, then this shop’s owners need to start screaming bloody murder about this as well as lawyering up ASAP!.. I mean we already know we live in a banana republic, but this kind of sick deviousness directed at political pundits and privately held businesses is beyond the pail…

Sure, hun......:heehee:
That's funny. Who gives a fuck about that weenie anyway? The NSA is spying on us all.
I disagree. The NSA is and has been vacuuming up everything all of us do to communicate for years BUT, now they've begun using some of that intel "product" to target voices that are effective in causing the growth of dissenting opinion.
THAT is worth taking note of. We've seen that the DC insiders, including the alphabet agencies, can actually commit crimes, have evidence publicly produced to prove those crimes and they still walk away without any consequences. NOW they've begun taking even more steps in the direction of tyranny.

One day you may wake up and see they've become openly hostile to things you DO care about and it will be far too late to challenge them.
Sure, hun......:heehee:
You're a funny little git, huh? You should stretch your perspective a bit and think out of your safe and smug box. Do you really believe you'll always be immune to them doing something similar or worse to you? Really? When that day arrives, I doubt that blaming others will be of much comfort to you. Revolutions and dictatorships ALWAYS have to have internal enemies to fight. Everyone's time comes around eventually.
BUT, now they've begun using some of that intel "product" to target voices that are effective in causing the growth of dissenting opinion.

It's not something that is new. They illegally targeted the radicals who opposed sending draftees to fight kill and die in Vietnam in the 60's and 70's.

The MAGAMOB movement is not just dissenting opinion. Trumpybears false narrative is a direct challenge and threat to the Constitution as well as to the established law and order norms of every state in the Union.
I applaud Dan Bailey and Damn straight - Tucker Carlson is absolutely THE most deplorable human being on the planet!

Tuck the Fuck - Not even welcome in fucking Montana! :lol:

“White House knew about the Tucker ‘confrontation’​


”Entire set-up was planned out in advance, per WH official”​

Last week, while shopping in a Montana bait shop, top-rated Fox News host Tucker Carlson, who recently revealed that the NSA was spying upon him, was confronted by a man named Dan Bailey.

The left was absolutely giddy over the confrontation.
The far-left Slate was so excited, they named Dan Bailey, a “local fly fishing guide,” as the person who confronted Tucker.
Dan Bailey posted a video of himself confronting Carlson on his Instagram account where he wrote: t’s not everyday you get to tell someone they are the worst person in the world and really mean it! What an asshole! This man has killed more people with vaccine misinformation; he has supported extreme racism, he is a fascist and does more to rip this country apart than anyone that calls themselves an American. #fucktuckercarlson#stayoutofmontana#democracywillprevail #trumplost@podsaveamerica In his post, he tagged several far-left activists/news personalities: @[email protected] @mollyjongfast @lpontheleft @kascellen

So, who is Dan Bailey, and was it an accident that he just happened to run into Tucker Carlson at the bait shop?​

According to citizen journalist “X-MANFREN,” Mr. Bailey is a “river ecologist working on the Asia Foundations “Securing our Future” project, where he worked in Mongolia with Mongolian and American scientists as part of his master’s degree from the University of Montana.
X-MANFREN shared a screenshot of a memo from the CIA that reveals the Asia Foundation is part of the CIA.

X-MANFREN asks a great question:
It’s already clear that the NSA has been spying on Tucker but is the CIA doing the same thing?
Here’s what Wikipedia has to say about the Asia Foundation: In 1966, it was revealed that the CIA was covertly funding a number of organizations, including the Asia Foundation.

It certainly looks like Tucker has hit some home runs on the Left and ruffled some "Deep State" feathers with his reporting.
This is an apparent warning to him. He could have instead been found lying face down in the Yellowstone river he was fishing.
The documents show Mr. Baileys attachment to the CIA.
This behavior is totally acceptable to Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats and other anti-American folks who think that morals and laws only pertain to conservative thinkers.
The administration’s involvement in the stalking and aggressive confrontation of an American Citizen, ANY American Citizen, is outrageous and should not be tolerated.. The outdoor shop in question is called, “Dan Baileys Outdoor Company”.. “Coincidentally”, the aggressor’s name is, Dan Bailey, according to the shop’s own website.. That website also states in its disclaimer that its late owner, Dan Bailey, passed away in 1982 and that this Dan Bailey has no affiliation with the shop whatsoever.. If this is true, then this shop has intentionally been put in a terrible position by a politically retributive administration in order to make it appear that the late Dan Bailey, NOT this psycho, confronted and told Tucker Carlson just how awful he is in Dan Bailey’s Outdoor Company; an apparently staged confrontation that was almost immediately posted online….. If what this shop states on its website is factual, then this shop’s owners need to start screaming bloody murder about this as well as lawyering up ASAP!.. I mean we already know we live in a banana republic, but this kind of sick deviousness directed at political pundits and privately held businesses is beyond the pail…

Oh yeah. The Yellowstone river where Canadian pipeline had a massive oil spill that they can't clean up.
Tucker has had to deal with Europhobic terrorists before at his home in the DC area. If this was a setup, it is indeed pathetic that the US "intelligence" agencies are so butthurt that Tucker exposed them they track him to a store and hire a douchebag and a retard to video tape the encounter. Most of us know Tucker has a second home in Maine, not Montana. Did the douchebag confirm it was Tucker before suggesting he was as dangerous as Stalin?
The Yellowstone river isn't in Maine.

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