Tucker Carlson interviews Ice Cube discussing ice cubes refusal to get the vaccine and more.. What do all of the BLM supporters here think about that?


Hey brother, you asked about what ice cube and Donald Trump have done together. You were shown a proper response. Ice cube meant with Donald Trump and they worked out various plans to get $500 million to beleaguered communities.

Biden won’t even meet with ice cube. Hey man, did you even watch the video we’re Tucker Carlson interviewed ice cube. Please don’t be like the ignorant Democrats in this thread.

I’ll watch a video of Joe Biden speaking even if I don’t agree with Joe Biden ….so I know what’s going on.

The greatest challenge in this country right now it’s the destruction of the middle class. And those racists in this country most of them BLM supporters are monsters. They are the agents of the devil. you know race division is a horrible thing and it’s very hard to come back from.

Do you wanna see real oppression? Try living in a wheelchair. Imagine what it’s like to go to a restaurant and there’s no handicap door. You can’t even get in the restaurant. To hell with the white and black BLM supporters in this country. The fake news media try to claim that BLM have support. They certainly don’t. Otherwise there will be millions of people protesting in the streets in favor of BLM never happened.

It’s an outrage that they’re talking about “racism” in American in 2023 when the greatest challenge this country faces is that we have millions of Black people and white people living in filth living in poverty our fellow brothers struggling. And I’m so positive that Americans all over the country are waking up and seeing BLM for the con artist that they are the neoconservatives and the Democrats giving away hundreds of billions of dollars to foreign countries.

Military age men in America will never allow the radical BLM agenda or radical LGBT agenda to take course it just doesn’t work like that
The Tucker Carlson interview with ice cube has been watched by millions of Americans. And they talk about poverty and inner city communities and what can be done to help it and what hasn’t been done by politicians in the last few decades to do anything about it.

What an informative video and how uninformed some Democrats are who literally in this thread say they won’t watch the video. No wonder they arrive to conclusions they arrive to you. They have no idea what their talking about.
The Tucker Carlson interview with ice cube has been washed by millions of Americans. And they talk about poverty and inner city communities and what can be done to help it and what hasn’t been done by politicians in the last few decades to do anything about it. What an informative video and how uninformed some Democrats are you literally in this thread say they won’t watch the video. No wonder they arrive to conclusions they arrive to you. They have no idea what their talking about.

There is nothing Tucker can tell me that I don't already know. He has been known to lie also.

We’re equal in this country. Equal under the eyes of our Lord.

So let’s have a conversation brother. Put aside the past because it’s in the past that’s why they call the past.
Maybe you should follow your own advice?

You have been trained to believe if you believe A then you must believe B and C also. Throw off your brainwashing and think for yourself.

I'm missing your point. People's rights were not violated by the thousands there?

I then asked a question. I did not make an accusation. A question that was not answered unlike what I directly did.
I'm missing your point. People's rights were not violated by the thousands there?

I then asked a question. I did not make an accusation. A question that was not answered unlike what I directly did.

Your question implied that you thought the person you quoted wouldn't give a damn about other rights being violated because the victims were black. :dunno:
Your question implied that you thought the person you quoted wouldn't give a damn about other rights being violated because the victims were black. :dunno:

I was curious. Noted again, I did not get an answer.
I was curious. Noted again, I did not get an answer.

Why were you curious?

Perhaps that person hasn't had a chance to get back to reply yet? You convict rather quickly don't you? Like I said, you should heed your own advice.
Why were you curious?

Perhaps that person hasn't had a chance to get back to reply yet? You convict rather quickly don't you? Like I said, you should heed your own advice.

A question. I simply wanted to know if they support everyone's rights.
Why would you assume they do not?

I don't assume anything. Not a good place to put yourself. It's a discussion board so in the interest of discussion I was curious about how far they would go in supporting rights.

That's what one does on a discussion board.
I don't assume anything. Not a good place to put yourself. It's a discussion board so in the interest of discussion I was curious about how far they would go in supporting rights.

That's what one does on a discussion board.

There was a reason you were 'curious' and asked, don't pretend like there wasn't. :cool:
In the interview with Tucker, which admittedly, some Democrats refuse to watch, which makes them completely uninformed about this topic…,

Cube said some of his friends have had terrible complications due to taking the vaccine.

To the other point Tucker Carlson is the most popular and respectable journalist in this country by far and wide reporting on stories, that matter to Americans of all backgrounds.

Many Republicans will listen to what Joe Biden have to say, even though they don’t like them because otherwise, they have no idea what’s going on with this country. It’s an unfortunate thing that some people ie pknopp to watch an interview in participate in a thread about that same interview.

IM2 Superbadbrutha

Have either of you watchd the interview of ice cube?
Yes, there certainly is. It would be nice to see 1 or 2 more actually concerned over the rights of all.
Hey brother, you have to watch the interview otherwise you’re uninformed about the topic. It’s not about whether you like Tucker or not. Like if there’s an interview involving Anderson Cooper interviewing a politician, I have to watch the interview to see what’s going on. Regardless of what I think about the politician or Cooper

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