White House Pays For 1st-class Ticket For Known Terrorist


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Michelle Bachmann stated this morning on Glenn Beck's radio show that the Obama White House used taxpayer money to pay for a 1st-class ticket to bring a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, a known terrorist, to meet with the White House National Security Team to negotiate for the release of the Blind Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman.

The White House said they know nothing about it.

If this is true this is a breech of national security, is an illegal act, and grounds for impeachment.

Blog: Egypt's new president vows to work for the release of 'The Blind Sheik'
Are they really going to let this blind Sheikh go? the new Egyptian President is really lobbying for it.

Hey, if there's no stipulation that he must be ALIVE, I'm OK with that. :badgrin:

What Bachmann said was the greatest concern was a request from the Muslim Brotherhood resulted in the firing of FBI anti-terrorist instructors, and a massive purge of all files on terrorism in the FBI library.

The Muslim Brotherhood has incredible influence over the White House.
Are they really going to let this blind Sheikh go? the new Egyptian President is really lobbying for it.

Hey, if there's no stipulation that he must be ALIVE, I'm OK with that. :badgrin:

What Bachmann said was the greatest concern was a request from the Muslim Brotherhood resulted in the firing of FBI anti-terrorist instructors, and a massive purge of all files on terrorism in the FBI library.

The Muslim Brotherhood has incredible influence over the White House.

Well we are fucked, might as well starting growing our beards out, toss out our booze and start learning to cook kababs.
Michelle Bachmann stated this morning on Glenn Beck's radio show that the Obama White House used taxpayer money to pay for a 1st-class ticket to bring a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, a known terrorist, to meet with the White House National Security Team to negotiate for the release of the Blind Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman.

The White House said they know nothing about it.

If this is true this is a breech of national security, is an illegal act, and grounds for impeachment.

Blog: Egypt's new president vows to work for the release of 'The Blind Sheik'

Who is the known terrorist that was allegedly bought a ticket?
Michelle Bachmann stated this morning on Glenn Beck's radio show that the Obama White House used taxpayer money to pay for a 1st-class ticket to bring a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, a known terrorist, to meet with the White House National Security Team to negotiate for the release of the Blind Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman.

The White House said they know nothing about it.

If this is true this is a breech of national security, is an illegal act, and grounds for impeachment.

Blog: Egypt's new president vows to work for the release of 'The Blind Sheik'


good one
Who is the known terrorist? Or are you just parroting only what your half-a-brain can barely remember? You had to rush here and post before it all slipped away like a dream...
"Known terrorist".

Uh huh.

GLENN: Okay. So when you wrote this letter, then Keith Ellison comes out. And Keith Ellison is ‑‑ he has a record of being the Mafia hitman.

CONGRESSWOMAN BACHMANN: Well, he has a long record of being associated with CAIR and with the Muslim Brotherhood. CAIR is an unindicted co‑conspirator, as stated in the large terrorist financing case that we’ve had in the United States of America and so he came out and essentially wanted to shut down the inspectors general from even looking into any of the questions that we were asking. So he wanted to shut it down. In response I wrote another letter back to Keith Ellison, a 16‑page letter which I would encourage all of your listeners to go and read this letter. It’s what I call a bulletproof letter. I have 59 footnotes with one example after another of the penetration of the Muslim Brotherhood into the federal government. One of the most recent is so outrageous, it’s hard to believe. Two weeks ago the State Department broke its own law, like I said, and let a foreign terrorist come into the United States, into the White House, meet with the National Security Council ‑‑

GLENN: Listen to this.

PRESIDENT OBAMA: ‑‑ and demand the release of the blind Sheik. This is absolutely outrageous.

GLENN: There’s more to this story that I think is even more outrageous. Not only did they break their own laws, give this guy a special waiver, bring him into the White House. This is a guy who is a known ‑‑ part of a known terrorist organization. He then campaigns to have the blind sheikh released, but who pays for his airline ticket?

CONGRESSWOMAN BACHMANN: We do. The taxpayers. What I want to know is did we upgrade him to first class. I mean, this is ‑‑ this is outrageous what has happened. And so then now what’s happened is the attack machine has been turned on myself and the other members of congress who have been asking the questions, that somehow we’re the Muslim haters, we’re the witch‑hunters, we’re the new Joe McCarthyites because we’re asking these questions. All the while two weeks ago the Obama administration breaks federal law to bring someone that we list on the State Department as a terrorist organization, a member of that terrorist organization, we bring him into the White House? You don’t get any higher when it comes to intelligence secrets, you don’t get any higher than the National Security Council. He sits down with the National Security Council in our White House and has the guts to demand that we release one of the worst, most violent terrorists that we have behind bars. He wants us to let him out of prison, to let him go free, the guy who was the mastermind of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, the blind sheikh.

Michele Bachmann responds to attacks after she calls for investigation into Muslim Brotherhood – Glenn Beck

So let's dissect the opening post, shall we?

No one said he was given a first class ticket. But you see how Bachmann says she wants to know if he was UPGRADED to a first class ticket? Manipulators like her ask these completely off the wall questions, because the weakminded instantly turn that into a FACT that he was given a first class ticket. See the OP?

Yeah. The rubes chug this bongwater so fast and then rush to the internet to regurgitate it exactly the way they want the rubes to regurgitate while at the same time preserving deniability. "I never said he was given a first class ticket."

So the guy is NOT a known terrorist. He is allegedly a member of the Muslim Brotherhood which Beck CLAIMS is a "known terrorist organization".

Beck is full of shit. The Muslim Brotherhood is NOT, repeat NOT, on the State Department's list of terrorist organizations.

It is on BECK's list of terrorist organizations.

So all this bullshit about "known terrorist" and "illegal" is just that, bullshit.
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Glen & Batshit Crazy Michelle deserve eachother and, moreover, their audience of mudwhistles
Are they really going to let this blind Sheikh go? the new Egyptian President is really lobbying for it.

Hey, if there's no stipulation that he must be ALIVE, I'm OK with that. :badgrin:

What Bachmann said was the greatest concern was a request from the Muslim Brotherhood resulted in the firing of FBI anti-terrorist instructors, and a massive purge of all files on terrorism in the FBI library.

The Muslim Brotherhood has incredible influence over the White House.

Ah, well that clears it up. More raving lunacies from idiots. Carry on folks, nothing to see here.
"Known terrorist".

Uh huh.

GLENN: Okay. So when you wrote this letter, then Keith Ellison comes out. And Keith Ellison is ‑‑ he has a record of being the Mafia hitman.

CONGRESSWOMAN BACHMANN: Well, he has a long record of being associated with CAIR and with the Muslim Brotherhood. CAIR is an unindicted co‑conspirator, as stated in the large terrorist financing case that we’ve had in the United States of America and so he came out and essentially wanted to shut down the inspectors general from even looking into any of the questions that we were asking. So he wanted to shut it down. In response I wrote another letter back to Keith Ellison, a 16‑page letter which I would encourage all of your listeners to go and read this letter. It’s what I call a bulletproof letter. I have 59 footnotes with one example after another of the penetration of the Muslim Brotherhood into the federal government. One of the most recent is so outrageous, it’s hard to believe. Two weeks ago the State Department broke its own law, like I said, and let a foreign terrorist come into the United States, into the White House, meet with the National Security Council ‑‑

GLENN: Listen to this.

PRESIDENT OBAMA: ‑‑ and demand the release of the blind Sheik. This is absolutely outrageous.

GLENN: There’s more to this story that I think is even more outrageous. Not only did they break their own laws, give this guy a special waiver, bring him into the White House. This is a guy who is a known ‑‑ part of a known terrorist organization. He then campaigns to have the blind sheikh released, but who pays for his airline ticket?

CONGRESSWOMAN BACHMANN: We do. The taxpayers. What I want to know is did we upgrade him to first class. I mean, this is ‑‑ this is outrageous what has happened. And so then now what’s happened is the attack machine has been turned on myself and the other members of congress who have been asking the questions, that somehow we’re the Muslim haters, we’re the witch‑hunters, we’re the new Joe McCarthyites because we’re asking these questions. All the while two weeks ago the Obama administration breaks federal law to bring someone that we list on the State Department as a terrorist organization, a member of that terrorist organization, we bring him into the White House? You don’t get any higher when it comes to intelligence secrets, you don’t get any higher than the National Security Council. He sits down with the National Security Council in our White House and has the guts to demand that we release one of the worst, most violent terrorists that we have behind bars. He wants us to let him out of prison, to let him go free, the guy who was the mastermind of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, the blind sheikh.

Michele Bachmann responds to attacks after she calls for investigation into Muslim Brotherhood – Glenn Beck

So let's dissect the opening post, shall we?

No one said he was given a first class ticket. But you see how Bachmann says she wants to know if he was UPGRADED to a first class ticket? Manipulators like her ask these completely off the wall questions, because the weakminded instantly turn that into a FACT that he was given a first class ticket. See the OP?

Yeah. The rubes chug this bongwater so fast and then rush to the internet to regurgitate it exactly the way they want the rubes to regurgitate while at the same time preserving deniability. "I never said he was given a first class ticket."

So the guy is NOT a known terrorist. He is allegedly a member of the Muslim Brotherhood which Beck CLAIMS is a "known terrorist organization".

Beck is full of shit. The Muslim Brotherhood is NOT, repeat NOT, on the State Department's list of terrorist organizations.

It is on BECK's list of terrorist organizations.

So all this bullshit about "known terrorist" and "illegal" is just that, bullshit.

A known Muslim Brotherhood (terrorist) member walks into the White House to negotiate the Blind Sheik's (a convicted terrorist) release.

Whether or not the ticket was first-class is the only issue that is in question. The Obama Administration is dumping our anti-terrorist training in the FBI. I provided a link to the story. Hillary's constant companion, Anthony Wiener's wife, is the daughter of a member of the Muslim Brotherhood and her mother is alleged to be a Muslim Sisterhood member.

So basically you're full of bull shit and weakminded to boot.


Because you can't comprehend that a boy who grew up learning to hate America would ever in a million years sell his country down the tubes.
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Bet you're one of those pea-brain ignoramuses that said the Muslim Brotherhood was a secular group that had zero chance of taking over Egypt.

Well now they're in control.

Go back to drinking your Kool-aid.
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