White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre doesn’t know how to pronounce the following words...

Drop Dead Fred

Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2020

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre doesn’t know how to pronounce the following words: “Em-er-eye-tis” – “Bicarmel” – “Noble” Prize – “Armtice” – “Nordstrom” pipeline.​

I wonder why they hired someone for this particular job who doesn't know how to pronounce so many different words such as these.

This link is to a Twitter thread, so scroll down at the link to see each one on a separate video.


White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre doesn’t know how to pronounce the following words: “Em-er-eye-tis” – “Bicarmel” – “Noble” Prize – “Armtice” – “Nordstrom” pipeline.​

I wonder why they hired someone for this particular job who doesn't know how to pronounce so many different words such as these.

This link is to a Twitter thread, so scroll down at the link to see each one on a separate video.



A press secretary who doesn't care about communicating effectively.

What a fucking clown.

Leftism is clown world.

Leftists vermin: literacy is only important until we say it's not.

I haven't come across many blacks that can pronouce simple words, much less know what they mean.

The few blacks in my life that can actually SPEAK properly and pronouce words correctly are highly educated and intelligent.
Not that educated and intelligent has anything to do with it, but apparently, in this case, it does.

Learning to speak correctly and using the correct words should be something they learn growing up at home.
But it doesn't seem thats the case here.

For many blacks, how they speak is how you know the measure of their intelligence and education.
And thats just sad. But it also goes for many other races as well, blacks are just worse case scenario.


A press secretary who doesn't care about communicating effectively.

What a fucking clown.

Leftism is clown world.

Leftists vermin: literacy is only important until we say it's not.

What did you expect from someone that was hired ONLY because she's a black rug muncher?
I haven't come across many blacks that can pronouce simple words, much less know what they mean.

The few blacks in my life that can actually SPEAK properly and pronouce words correctly are highly educated and intelligent.
Not that educated and intelligent has anything to do with it, but apparently, in this case, it does.

Learning to speak correctly and using the correct words should be something they learn growing up at home.
But it doesn't seem thats the case here.

For many blacks, how they speak is how you know the measure of their intelligence and education.
And thats just sad. But it also goes for many other races as well, blacks are just worse case scenario.

I had a brief relationship with a black man who either could not or would not bother to pronounce my last name correctly. Didn't seem to even want to learn it. Not that difficult a name either. Not European in origin. About half of the people I ever met pronounced it correctly and most people at least asked me how to pronounce it.

I had to deduce that either my name just wasn't important to the man or he was too stupid to get it.

It was a brief relationship.


I had a brief relationship with a black man who either could not or would not bother to pronounce my last name correctly. Didn't seem to even want to learn it. Not that difficult a name either. Not European in origin. About half of the people I ever met pronounced it correctly and most people at least asked me how to pronounce it.

I had to deduce that either my name just wasn't important to the man or he was too stupid to get it.

It was a brief relationship.


Not knowing HOW to pronounce a word is completely different from being a lazy ass and not bothering to pronounce it correctly.

We all have dialects and slurs in our personal language, but most of us take the few SECONDS it takes to learn how to properly pronounce the word and know what it means.

I'm writing a book about work habits and manners and such.......one of the major points is a persons name, and you don't fuck with it without their permission.

I take a few seconds to sound out someones name before I open my mouth and say it wrong.
If I am completely unsure of how to pronounce their name, I will just ask them. Simple as that.

I'm constantly insulted and slandered, because a lot of people refuse to call me by MY name, which they are told in no uncertain terms what it is.
It's a simple name and easy to pronounce, but these fuktards refuse. They call me anybody elses name except MINE! And then they have the nerve to get mad at ME because I'm not answering them when they call me. Well, that isn't MY name. I don't answer to other peoples names, only mine.

One bitch started a fight with me, because she said it WAS my name, and I told her it wasn't, and she could call my momma, and my momma would tell her the same!

I really despise these POS who think it's THEIR right and responsibility to be changing other peoples names!!
Not knowing HOW to pronounce a word is completely different from being a lazy ass and not bothering to pronounce it correctly.

We all have dialects and slurs in our personal language, but most of us take the few SECONDS it takes to learn how to properly pronounce the word and know what it means.

I'm writing a book about work habits and manners and such.......one of the major points is a persons name, and you don't fuck with it without their permission.

I take a few seconds to sound out someones name before I open my mouth and say it wrong.
If I am completely unsure of how to pronounce their name, I will just ask them. Simple as that.

I'm constantly insulted and slandered, because a lot of people refuse to call me by MY name, which they are told in no uncertain terms what it is.
It's a simple name and easy to pronounce, but these fuktards refuse. They call me anybody elses name except MINE! And then they have the nerve to get mad at ME because I'm not answering them when they call me. Well, that isn't MY name. I don't answer to other peoples names, only mine.

One bitch started a fight with me, because she said it WAS my name, and I told her it wasn't, and she could call my momma, and my momma would tell her the same!

I really despise these POS who think it's THEIR right and responsibility to be changing other peoples names!!

If someone can't take a few seconds and the effort it takes to hammer a couple of brain cells together to get someone's name right, fuck'em.

Fuck 'em hard.

Bitch could have asked someone smarter how to pronounce "emeritus". The fact that she can't even pronounce it means she doesn't know what it means. Some "communication". She obviously has never read much beyond Dr. Seuss. Anyone who thinks that trailer trash should be in a position running this country is useless.

We are not children.

We all know why the lady was chosen to be the Press Secretary.

If you criticize her, her supporters will immediately remind you that she has a bachelor's degree and a master's degree, and will then finish with "How many degrees do you have, you racist!!!"

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre doesn’t know how to pronounce the following words: “Em-er-eye-tis” – “Bicarmel” – “Noble” Prize – “Armtice” – “Nordstrom” pipeline.​

I wonder why they hired someone for this particular job who doesn't know how to pronounce so many different words such as these.

This link is to a Twitter thread, so scroll down at the link to see each one on a separate video.

Simple reason. She speaks like Biden:

We are not children.

We all know why the lady was chosen to be the Press Secretary.

If you criticize her, her supporters will immediately remind you that she has a bachelor's degree and a master's degree, and will then finish with "How many degrees do you have, you racist!!!"

Then I'd ask them to SPELL bachelors degree.

And then I'd hear this.................

Then I'd call them fuktards and walk away laughing.
Blacks aren't homo sapiens. They're another type animal.
Let's be fair.

African Americans are as much homo sapiens as any other group of human beings.

In short, all human beings are, well, awful.

I will never, ever forget what someone said about African Americans (who cannot be compared to people from Africa. Or even black people in Latin America).

He said something to the effect of:

Because of their unique history (brought over here on dreadful slave ships, forced to be slaves for hundreds of years, emancipated but subjected to de jure or de facto segregation until the 1960s, ridiculed in motion pictures until after World War II, etc.), African Americans are the most maladjusted group of human beings in the history of the world.

In the idealized 1960s, everyone thought that each succeeding generation of African Americans would be happier and therefore nicer than ever.

Sadly, it has not turned out that way.
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White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre doesn’t know how to pronounce the following words: “Em-er-eye-tis” – “Bicarmel” – “Noble” Prize – “Armtice” – “Nordstrom” pipeline.​

I wonder why they hired someone for this particular job who doesn't know how to pronounce so many different words such as these.

This link is to a Twitter thread, so scroll down at the link to see each one on a separate video.


No. It is YO SO MITE....3 syllables
Isn’t it RACIST to speak on ebonics?

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