White House: Strong economy best way to combat Climate Change

Sadly, you are correct. The willfully ignorant asses on this board are prime examples of why this will run it's course. Sadly, those most adversely affected will be the people that benefited the least from the use of fossil fuels.

Sadly you don't seem to grasp that the people who are hurt most by green energy and environmental policies are the very ones who can least afford them. An increase in my power bill doesn't hurt me, but there are those who would find a 20% increase in the electric bill becomes a decision of whether to run the heat and air or eat...and in the third world, your policies have resulted in hundreds of millions of deaths...
A real Trumpster. All science is bad, all scientists are money grubbing assholes. Only Trump is pure as the driven snow and never lies or does anything that would damage the people of this nation. LOL

No rocks...bad science is bad...If you want to prove that your side has been doing good science, lets see you provide a single shred of observed, measured, quantified, empirical evidence that supports the AGW hypothesis over natural variability...

Good science should be able to provide volumes of such evidence...that's what makes it good science...not claiming that the science is settled when the actual science has hardly begun..

I predict not one such piece of data will be forthcoming thus proving that your side has been engaging in pseudoscience..
How many times do you have to post that idiocy before you realize that is what it is?

You post up an opinion piece from a political head of an organization and claim that someone else is posting up idiocy?...laughable rocks...laughable.
How many times do we need to tell you to pull your head out of your ass?

In the real world.....

The world can be powered by alternative energy, using today's technology, in 20-40 years, says Stanford researcher Mark Z. Jacobson
A new study – co-authored by Stanford researcher Mark Z. Jacobson and UC-Davis researcher Mark A. Delucchi – analyzing what is needed to convert the world's energy supplies to clean and sustainable sources says that it can be done with today's technology at costs roughly comparable to conventional energy. But converting will be a massive undertaking on the scale of the moon landings. What is needed most is the societal and political will to make it happen.
University of Stanford News Report
January 26, 2011
If someone told you there was a way you could save 2.5 million to 3 million lives a year and simultaneously halt global warming, reduce air and water pollution and develop secure, reliable energy sources – nearly all with existing technology and at costs comparable with what we spend on energy today – why wouldn't you do it?

According to a new study coauthored by Stanford researcher Mark Z. Jacobson, we could accomplish all that by converting the world to clean, renewable energy sources and forgoing fossil fuels.

"Based on our findings, there are no technological or economic barriers to converting the entire world to clean, renewable energy sources," said Jacobson, a professor of civil and environmental engineering. "It is a question of whether we have the societal and political will."



In recent years the costs of wind and solar energy have declined substantially. Today renewable technologies are the most economical solution for new capacity in a growing number of countries and regions, and are typically the most economic solution for new grid-connected capacity where good resources are available.

• Citigroup: The age of renewable energy is beginning. Increasingly cost competitive with coal, gas and nuclear in the US. Source

• HSBC: Wind energy is now cost competitive with new-build coal capacity in India. Solar to reach parity around 2016-18. Source

• Deutsche Bank: solar now competitive without subsidies in at least 19 markets globally. In 2014 prices to decline further. Source

• Unsubsidised renewable energy is now cheaper than electricity from new coal and gas fired power plants in Australia. Source

But it doesn't stop there. There are no input costs for wind and solar energy. So for example, while one needs to buy coal for a coal-fired power plant to generate electricity (and coal mining itself has massive environmental costs), solar and wind energy don’t have input costs like that – sunlight and wind are free. As a result, they replace more expensive production in the electricity market, loweringwholesale electricity prices. This is good for consumers but – unsurprisingly – upsets the producers of dirty energy.

Market price aside, coal and nuclear power have huge hidden costs that aren’t included in the price that you and I pay for electricity.

We’re talking about the costs of water pollution, health impacts, the plant’s huge water footprint, and climate change.

For instance, in the United States, accounting for these hidden costs, conservatively doubles to triplesthe price of electricity from coal per kWh generated. In South Africa, the Energy utility Eskom is currently building a coal-fired power plant, and it’s estimated that the plant will cause damage of up to 5.7 bln US$ for every year it operates.

These massive costs aren't taken into account when the price of coal power is calculated -- but they are still very real!
All that would require cooperation and support of many governments putting aside existing priorities, which is not going to happen. Further it would require active support of businesses around the globe. That of course is not going to happen either. In 20 to 40 years, most of the largest businesses will have different ownership. Their CEO's will have been long gone. Their shareholders will have retired or just made their killing in the market. Most national leaders will be in their grave.

I think the scientist are right. Global climate change is happening and it will accelerate. I do not agree that the nations of this earth will be able make the necessary changes in time to prevent massive loss of life and planet wide devastation. So in effect, I believe we will fiddle as Rome burns. The few descendants that remain in a few hundred years will curse us and wonder how we could have been such fools.
Sadly, you are correct. The willfully ignorant asses on this board are prime examples of why this will run it's course. Sadly, those most adversely affected will be the people that benefited the least from the use of fossil fuels.

No matter how much you kick and scream we are not going back to the 1100s running around half naked hunting buffalo....

BTW don't you have an AGW cult March to go to in Washington in a few weeks to beg for some more grant money?

You are the one trying to preserve old dirty damaging tech. Solar and wind are both less costly now than even dirty coal. And with the grid scale batteries that are being built as we post, they are 24/7. No, we are moving forward, encumbered by kicking, screaming ignoramouses like you.

Take away the damn subsidies and no one could afford it, Jesus who are you trying to fool?

Germany and Australia are finding out just what a scam "green" energy is.. If any energy is available, they are paying through the nose for it.
Uh-huh and where do you figure the necessary resources & technology will come from to "reduce carbon footprints" if not from "the market"?

Government investment in technology. It's how we got to the moon, dipshit. .
LOL, Where do the resources for "government investment in technology" come from? Try not to swallow your tongue while you're thinking about the answer, K?

"It is no crime to be ignorant of economics, which is, after all, a specialized discipline and one that most people consider to be a ‘dismal science.’ But it is totally irresponsible to have a loud and vociferous opinion on economic subjects while remaining in this state of ignorance." --- Murray N. Rothbard

OK I think I see what your dumb ass is saying.
LOL, do you always get this angry when someone points out how flawed your idiotic arguments are? If so, you must spend your days in a constant state of agitation since I have yet to see you make an argument that isn't more full of holes than a ton of swiss cheese.

You agree that green technology is necessary to save the environment. In order to fund investment in green technologies, we need tax revenue.
Only government worshiping central planners think that "tax revenue" is a necessity for technology to advance, here's a hint : no amount of government "investment" will make any difference if the market isn't interested in consuming the fruits of said "investment", if consumers want "cleaner" technology private enterprise will provide it at a price consumers are willing to pay for it, if the market doesn't want it no amount of government "investment" and authoritarian posturing will make them want it.

On the bright side your childish tail wagging the dog arguments are amusing....

Goddamn, another totally dumb fuck with the meme that the government can do nothing right. What stupid asses you people are. I suppose that you think that the Corp of Discovery was a total waste of money as it came in ten times over budget, and way late.
LOL! yet another foaming at the mouth gub'mint worshiper chimes in .......

I know, I know, you can't breathe, take a leak or imagine existence without some higher authority telling how, when and where to do it so you cannot help but get all bent out of shape when anybody questions the competence of your object of worship. It's because of mindless lemmings like yourself that our government and the politics surrounding it are so corrupt, incompetent and dishonest.

"If you love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen." -- Samuel Adams
All that would require cooperation and support of many governments putting aside existing priorities, which is not going to happen. Further it would require active support of businesses around the globe. That of course is not going to happen either. In 20 to 40 years, most of the largest businesses will have different ownership. Their CEO's will have been long gone. Their shareholders will have retired or just made their killing in the market. Most national leaders will be in their grave.

I think the scientist are right. Global climate change is happening and it will accelerate. I do not agree that the nations of this earth will be able make the necessary changes in time to prevent massive loss of life and planet wide devastation. So in effect, I believe we will fiddle as Rome burns. The few descendants that remain in a few hundred years will curse us and wonder how we could have been such fools.
Sadly, you are correct. The willfully ignorant asses on this board are prime examples of why this will run it's course. Sadly, those most adversely affected will be the people that benefited the least from the use of fossil fuels.

No matter how much you kick and scream we are not going back to the 1100s running around half naked hunting buffalo....

BTW don't you have an AGW cult March to go to in Washington in a few weeks to beg for some more grant money?

You are the one trying to preserve old dirty damaging tech. Solar and wind are both less costly now than even dirty coal. And with the grid scale batteries that are being built as we post, they are 24/7. No, we are moving forward, encumbered by kicking, screaming ignoramouses like you.

Take away the damn subsidies and no one could afford it, Jesus who are you trying to fool?

Germany and Australia are finding out just what a scam "green" energy is.. If any energy is available, they are paying through the nose for it.

I guess someone should inform them of this "scam", because there doesn't appear to be one:

Germany Has Some Revolutionary Ideas, and They're Working
I guess someone should inform them of this "scam", because there doesn't appear to be one:

Germany Has Some Revolutionary Ideas, and They're Working

When you compare the cost they pay vs what we pay, the claim that there is no scam simply falls on its face. It is called green energy because of all the green it costs...people coping with green energy are having to decide whether to run the heat and air or eat as evidenced by the very low usage numbers....

There is literally nothing dumber than that statement.

I agree. You can't combat climate change, as it is a natural cycle of the planet.
You could not be more wrong. We should be, by the natural cycles, the Milankovic Cycles, slowly cooling, not in a very rapid warming. So, you claim that this is part of a natural cycle? How about pointing out what that cycle is? And what is driving it?

So now you believe we know all of the long term natural cycles, and know the precise timetable upon which they operate...and in addition, we know all of the shorter term cycles and how they effect the longer term cycles?...in short, you believe that we know exactly how energy moves through the system and how each various sub system effects the larger system?

You sound like a cultist who professes to know the unknowable...

And the only place the temperature is rapidly warming is in computer models and tortured data sets...
Although there is plenty of evidence of global warming, little is going to be done to avert disaster util it actually occurs.

Before nations and major corporations back a plan that will cost many trillions of dollars, there has to be assurance that such a plan will avert the disaster scientists foresee. That means there has to be widespread agreement among scientists as to what is going to occur and when it will occur.
It appears that Trump has decided not to be a Christian now that he has been elected. He will again become a Christian during the 2020 election cycle, count on it.
Why do I say is he has decided not to be a Christian? Well, any true Christian understands that they are tenants of God's earth, all the way through the Bible it tells his followers take care of the environment. And the most profound warning in the Bible is God will destroy those who destroy God's earth. (Revelations 11:18).
Also, Christian are not to put money ahead of God's wishes.
Now look at Trump's and the GOP's actions and goals regarding the environment. What would Jesus do?

/---- Take your bible thumping to another thread Libtard.
It appears that Trump has decided not to be a Christian now that he has been elected. He will again become a Christian during the 2020 election cycle, count on it.
Why do I say is he has decided not to be a Christian? Well, any true Christian understands that they are tenants of God's earth, all the way through the Bible it tells his followers take care of the environment. And the most profound warning in the Bible is God will destroy those who destroy God's earth. (Revelations 11:18).
Also, Christian are not to put money ahead of God's wishes.
Now look at Trump's and the GOP's actions and goals regarding the environment. What would Jesus do?

Take your bible thumping to another thread Libtard.

Take your braindead rightwingnut denial of reality and shove it up your ass, you Cblockhead flaming retard.
Fascinating.......alarmists always change the subject back to a discussion about science.:2up: Its the whole OCD thing....

But as Ive astutely pointed out in these pages.........the science is not mattering outside the realm of the science club. In the real world, its fallen flat on its face. Now...........with a pro-growth economy, the science could be mattering..........huge.........but these bozo's are not interested. Their solution is to tax the fuck out of people to promote their agenda which is making the science matter in the real world ( an advancement of renewable energy away from fossil fuels ). Well how is that working out?:boobies::boobies:

Anybody with half a brain knows that when you support economic policies that promote growth rates of 1%, the science will have no impact in the real world because it cant. It remains nothing more than a hobby. Wake the fuck up.........solar energy has grown in 8 years from 0.5% to just 1% of supplying America their electricity. duh.......look at the growth rates for America for the last 8 years.:coffee: Resoundingly laughable........and every bozo progressive in here ( the alarmists ) will be screaming bloody blue murder this summer about tax reform. These people are mental cases.:deal:

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Yeah but only if you believe that a weak economy generates the innovation and market incentives that lead to lower pollution production and goods & services.:rolleyes:

If he had equivocated with that point, the remark MIGHT have been 3% less stupid. He did not. Fact is, the market is not designed to reduce carbon footprints, and reduce the size of the plastic island in the pacific.

Uh-huh and where do you figure the necessary resources & technology will come from to "reduce carbon footprints" if not from "the market"?

Government investment in technology. It's how we got to the moon, dipshit. .
LOL, Where do the resources for "government investment in technology" come from? Try not to swallow your tongue while you're thinking about the answer, K?

"It is no crime to be ignorant of economics, which is, after all, a specialized discipline and one that most people consider to be a ‘dismal science.’ But it is totally irresponsible to have a loud and vociferous opinion on economic subjects while remaining in this state of ignorance." --- Murray N. Rothbard

OK I think I see what your dumb ass is saying. You agree that green technology is necessary to save the environment. In order to fund investment in green technologies, we need tax revenue. And the best way to get tax revenue is to pollute the environment further.

Your a fucking genius.
You got it backwards. It takes a punitive tax to force people into what the government wants to sell, be that "green energy", Obama care or whatever. And it was not the government (as in Kennedy) that produced the hardware & technology to get man to the moon. That was not even the objective. The objective was to show our cold war rivals that nothing is out of rocket range. The man on the moon was for public consumption because the public at that time had no stomach for strategic dominance and the expensive sabres that had to be rattled to get there without actually fighting a real war....which happened later anyways in the many proxy wars that still go on.
Where theF do you think we would be now if Kennedy had built wind mills and solar farms instead of building up the military while the Soviets installed missile launchers in Cuba?
We would have to address each other today with "Comrade" instead of Mr.
Where theF do you think we would be now if Kennedy had built wind mills and solar farms instead of building up the military while the Soviets installed missile launchers in Cuba?
We would have to address each other today with "Comrade" instead of Mr.
The Soviet Union collapsed because their economic model was unsustainable and because the Afghan War bankrupted them. They beat themselves. And solar farms and windmills would've kept us out of the middle east, and would've likely alleviated a great many of the weather consequences, flooding, pestilence and other side-effects of manmade global warming over the past 50 years. There's a huge opportunity there that was missed. We can still recoup some of the benefits now if we subsidize a jettison from the stone age.

Instead, we continue to subsidize dirty fuels, while you pretend like the free market handed the oil industry a victory. That's a laugh.
Where theF do you think we would be now if Kennedy had built wind mills and solar farms instead of building up the military while the Soviets installed missile launchers in Cuba?
We would have to address each other today with "Comrade" instead of Mr.
The Soviet Union collapsed because their economic model was unsustainable and because the Afghan War bankrupted them. They beat themselves. And solar farms and windmills would've kept us out of the middle east, and would've likely alleviated a great many of the weather consequences, flooding, pestilence and other side-effects of manmade global warming over the past 50 years. There's a huge opportunity there that was missed. We can still recoup some of the benefits now if we subsidize a jettison from the stone age.

Instead, we continue to subsidize dirty fuels, while you pretend like the free market handed the oil industry a victory. That's a laugh.

The Soviet Union collapsed because their economic model was unsustainable and because the Afghan War bankrupted them. They beat themselves.

You can't beat the laws of economics.

And solar farms and windmills would've kept us out of the middle east, and would've likely alleviated a great many of the weather consequences, flooding, pestilence and other side-effects of manmade global warming over the past 50 years.


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