White House to House Dems: Biden’s plan to lower the cost of prescription drug prices is a winning issue


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
good luck with that

"Recent polling shows strong support among voting blocs that Democrats need to win to have any hope of surviving the 2022 midterm elections with their majorities intact."
Want to lower prices? Allow the legal importation of drugs from Canada and elsewhere. Too many Democrats have already shown they will not support that as the pharmaceutical money is more important.
......jesus christ--we are in huge debt/high crime/etc-- and that's what he's thinking about?????!!!!! = IDIOTS
pknopp obviously NO!!!---they have proven that ----they [ ALL of them ] never concentrate on the debt
doesn't matter what the price of drugs will be if we are destroyed by debt
...and now they are trying to regulate the free market?????!!!!!!
We can't do more than one thing at a time?
When the Congress passes legislation, we seem to have to have hundreds of items on what is passed. Perhaps a several hundred billion dollar Infrastructure Bill could have been passed wit just that. So the difference between Republic and Democracy becomes apparent.
pknopp obviously NO!!!---they have proven that ----they [ ALL of them ] never concentrate on the debt
doesn't matter what the price of drugs will be if we are destroyed by debt
...and now they are trying to regulate the free market?????!!!!!!

None of them concentrate on the debt. None of them.
pknopp obviously NO!!!---they have proven that ----they [ ALL of them ] never concentrate on the debt
doesn't matter what the price of drugs will be if we are destroyed by debt
...and now they are trying to regulate the free market?????!!!!!!
Really, "free market"? How is banning Medicare from negotiating lower drug prices "free market"? Seems having that ability is the definition of a free market. Biden's proposal makes the market more free, not less.
Really, "free market"? How is banning Medicare from negotiating lower drug prices "free market"? Seems having that ability is the definition of a free market. Biden's proposal makes the market more free, not less.
no it's not
Want to lower prices? Allow the legal importation of drugs from Canada and elsewhere. Too many Democrats have already shown they will not support that as the pharmaceutical money is more important.
That's part of the proposal, along with giving medicare the power to negotiate directly.
Sorry, but I am going to need more than a "no". For instance, when the government buys, say fighter jets, they can negotiate for the best price. Why are prescription drugs, paid for by Medicare, different?
you haven't proved a problem exists!!!!!!!

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