White House To Tackle Farting

April Truth: Obama Regulating Cow Farts. Let?s Chase the Global Warming Alarmists Out of Power! | The Sunbeam Times

In a stroke of brilliant governance, the Obama administration has decided that cow farts are endangering the planet and must be cut (pun intended). That’s right, the collectivists, environmental extremists and corrupt crony corporatists in charge of our government have completely lost their minds. Sadly, the American people appear willing to just shrug their shoulders as the “global warming” alarmists push the false narrative of dying polar bears to control every aspect of the American economy and to turn control of our lives over to globalists. Other casualites in the battle: incandescent light bulbs, the right to build a fish pond on your property, the ability of rain to fall on your property, the ability to buy a safe car with fuel efficiency standards everyone can afford and common sense. It is time for the American people to drive the extremists in control of our government from power. These people are foreign to the American system: collectivists, extreme environmentalists and large corporations using the govenrment to serve them.

The White House proudly proclaimed this important mission to cut cow farts on it’s website on 3/28/14 offering the following:

“Agriculture: In June, in partnership with the dairy industry, the USDA, EPA and DOE will jointly release a “Biogas Roadmap” outlining voluntary strategies to accelerate adoption of methane digesters and other cost-effective technologies to reduce U.S. dairy sector greenhouse gas emissions by 25 percent by 2020.

I feel sorry for the person who's job it is to stick the cork in the cows ass.

Illegals will do anything.
The White House is really desperate for ANY distractions away from Obama's dismal record on anything that's important.

So you notice "distractions" but don't notice the difference between Coal output of Co2 and Farts.

I'm absolutely intrigued.

Is there a Congressional movement against farting. Can you name the bill. Can you post a link. Or are you just a sucker for Koch Brothers media? You are a tool if you can't provide the link
Was this recent confiscation of cattle on public lands out in Nevada just the start of the fart checks?

It's profits for "Big Cattle".

Nothing more.

We are designed to profit the big and piss on the little. Excuse me, not the Constitution, the idiotic propaganda that represent the Constitution. The Constitution was Christian based. Everyone is equal in the Bible and anyone that tries to be above equal is judged.
If he was really serious he wouldn't allow Moochelle to eat so much. That bitch eats more than a grown man.

^Look at how smart these posters are. How can I pretend to keep up with this...*slaps forehead in disgust for America*
Are you sure this an assault by the enviro-whackos or a deep dark plan created by the veggie-terrorist?

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