White House to unveil new obamacare repeal deal Tuesday

The compromise would allow states to opt out of forcing insurers to cover 10 essential health benefits in plans, including maternity care and hospitalization. The states could also opt out of forcing insurers to comply with a community rating mandate, which today requires them to offer the same rate to an entire geographic area, and bars them from charging sicker people much more.

I hope it fails. That piece of shit Meadows is my congressman...he better believe he will lose the primary here if he takes away people's medicaid etc. We are a poor area of NC and I bet a majority of his citizens are on medicaid.
White House to unveil new Obamacare repeal deal Tuesday

oh god....PLEASE this time help ALL Americans and make sure you have the damn votes to pass it! Imagine how much we can start a great ball rolling here? Repeal obamacare AND confirm new SC justice in 1 week!

Wait, this is a new deal after Trump said that either they pass the last one, or they don't get anything? Seriously?

Yeah, we want a new deal that makes the rich richer and the poor deader.
I don't give a damn if it is Obama, Trump, CrusaderFrank, or the Man in the Moon.

Get this bill right, cover all Americans, and make it accessible and affordable.

Companies have no ethical or moral right to get rich denying insurance to sick people.
Do what the hell you were sent there to do. Repeal obiecare and put in free market options. It better not be some obiecare light bullshit.
Why cant they repeal it and for those on Medicaid make them pay a small monthly premium and raise the co-pays a bit. I don't see why it has to be so hard.
OK, the bill fails to protect the elderly and the poor.

Pass it, and the GOP will lose the House.
Why not simply repeal the mandate in Obamacare, but leave the rest in place? The features, the costs, the deductibles, the premiums, even the wealth transfer - for everyone who wants to keep their Obamacare policies. People who don't want to keep it, are free to select some other policy from whatever company they like.

Then the liberals hysterics who keep screaming, "Republicans are trying to kick people off their health insurance!!!" will have no leg to stand on. Not that they ever did. The only people to leave Obamacare, are the ones who want to, and who deliberately drop it themselves.

This will satisfy the most people possible. Freedom of choice.
No, it won't. Next.

Addendum: you think the poor won't vote if they lose their health care?
Obama took over a year to refine Obamacare
Trump has zero understanding of our nations healthcare system and has surrounded himself with people who are only interested in destroying the Obama legacy
The compromise would allow states to opt out of forcing insurers to cover 10 essential health benefits in plans, including maternity care and hospitalization. The states could also opt out of forcing insurers to comply with a community rating mandate, which today requires them to offer the same rate to an entire geographic area, and bars them from charging sicker people much more.

I hope it fails. That piece of shit Meadows is my congressman...he better believe he will lose the primary here if he takes away people's medicaid etc. We are a poor area of NC and I bet a majority of his citizens are on medicaid.
So they don't have to cover Maternity , and hospitalization..The 2 things mostly needed..

They don't cover..

1.Having a healthy baby

2. Go to the hospital when you are sick of cancer or heart attack..

Let me just ask what do they cover as far as health care...lol..
Why not simply repeal the mandate in Obamacare, but leave the rest in place? The features, the costs, the deductibles, the premiums, even the wealth transfer - for everyone who wants to keep their Obamacare policies. People who don't want to keep it, are free to select some other policy from whatever company they like.

Then the liberals hysterics who keep screaming, "Republicans are trying to kick people off their health insurance!!!" will have no leg to stand on. Not that they ever did. The only people to leave Obamacare, are the ones who want to, and who deliberately drop it themselves.

This will satisfy the most people possible. Freedom of choice.
Without a mandate

How do you get insurance companies to cover pre existing conditions?
Why cant they repeal it and for those on Medicaid make them pay a small monthly premium and raise the co-pays a bit. I don't see why it has to be so hard.
Pft. Fuck that. If I am on medicaid its because their rich pals ain't paying me enough wages. I will just fucking run up medical bills and fuck paying them. My credit already sucks.
Why not simply repeal the mandate in Obamacare, but leave the rest in place? The features, the costs, the deductibles, the premiums, even the wealth transfer - for everyone who wants to keep their Obamacare policies. People who don't want to keep it, are free to select some other policy from whatever company they like.

Then the liberals hysterics who keep screaming, "Republicans are trying to kick people off their health insurance!!!" will have no leg to stand on. Not that they ever did. The only people to leave Obamacare, are the ones who want to, and who deliberately drop it themselves.

This will satisfy the most people possible. Freedom of choice.
Without a mandate

How do you get insurance companies to cover pre existing conditions?
You don't. That's the price you pay for not having some kind of crazy high deductible tragic covering healthcare plan. But that's the perfection of it as well. You weren't forced to buy anything you don't want. You are forced to deal with the consequences.
Why not simply repeal the mandate in Obamacare, but leave the rest in place? The features, the costs, the deductibles, the premiums, even the wealth transfer - for everyone who wants to keep their Obamacare policies. People who don't want to keep it, are free to select some other policy from whatever company they like.

Then the liberals hysterics who keep screaming, "Republicans are trying to kick people off their health insurance!!!" will have no leg to stand on. Not that they ever did. The only people to leave Obamacare, are the ones who want to, and who deliberately drop it themselves.

This will satisfy the most people possible. Freedom of choice.
Without a mandate

How do you get insurance companies to cover pre existing conditions?
You don't. That's the price you pay for not having some kind of crazy high deductible tragic covering healthcare plan. But that's the perfection of it as well. You weren't forced to buy anything you don't want. You are forced to deal with the consequences.
So sending people to the ER for primary health care is forcing America to deal with the highest possible costs.

You are a moron.

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