White House Watch: Trump 42%, Clinton 40% (Rasmussen)

That poll actually shows that Clinton cut Trump's lead in half since the last Rasmussen poll.
A 4% lead is not necesarily cut when it goes to 2% as both are very much within the range of error.

The most accurate summary would be, methinks, that Trump has a very slim lead that is almost statistically meaningless at this point as it relates to the general election in five months.
Again, you're gloating about Hillary winning. It's obvious you want her to win.

Not at all. I'm making fun of you Trump tards who nominated the worst candidate you could possibly choose to run against her and continue to be in denial despite all the evidence that he is the worst candidate you could possibly choose to run against her.

I don't think Clinton will be any worse than Trump. I think we're just going to see four more years of the status quo. Nothing great, but certainly not the Dooms Day scenario you idiots are predicting.

Republicans will never win an election again if Hillary wins. You do understand that, don't you?

You can kiss the 2nd Amendment good bye as well as most of your property rights.
Republicans will never win an election again if Hillary wins. You do understand that, don't you?

I'm not a Republican so what the fuck do I care? That's your issue to deal with. Maybe if you'd stick to the economy and jobs and stop trying to control what everyone does in their bedroom and who they marry and insist people be groped in order to board an airplane you wouldn't be having so many problems getting people to vote for you.

You can kiss the 2nd Amendment good bye as well as most of your property rights.

I agree the gun rights are a concern. Regarding property rights, the GOP are the ones who fucked us on that one. They gave us Kelo v New London. The argument that we need to elect Trump to preserve a Republican majority on the SCOTUS is a bullshit argument because some of the worst decisions ever handed down from the court has been by Republicans. Plus, you have no idea what kind of judge Trump would nominate anyway. They could be another John Paul Stevens.
i think that when polls are taken, they are not polling angry middle class americans, if they did, it would be 55 Trump and 38 Hillary

No, the polls are fine. You're just in denial because you are losing and have no clue what is mainstream in this country anymore.
i think that when polls are taken, they are not polling angry middle class americans, if they did, it would be 55 Trump and 38 Hillary
Seriously, the polls are of registered voters LIKELY to vote and that usually means they ask the people if they voted int he previous Presidential election, if that is what the poll is for.

I think a good 30% of Trumps support is coming from people who have NEVER voted before and another 30% are people who have voted before but it has been a while and BOTH still need to register.

So these polls are not getting all of Trumps support.

Plus there is the shame factor. Many people are not willing to openly admit to supporting Trump or planning to vote for him because he is so vilified among their friends. Who knows how many people that is, but in some elections in the past where this was a strong phenomenon it made about a 5 to 10% swing in the turn out.
Look at the retweets on this contrast between a Hillary tweet and a Trump tweet to get aclue on comparable grass roots support.

So much for Hillary's lead in the polls. It's all down hill from here for her.

White House Watch - Rasmussen Reports™

The presidential race has grown a bit tighter in this week’s White House Watch survey.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey of Likely U.S. Voters finds Donald Trump with 42% of the vote, while Hillary Clinton earns 40%. Thirteen percent (13%) still like another candidate, and five percent (5%) are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

This survey was taken Tuesday evening following FBI Director James Comey's announcement that his agency would not seek any indictments of Clinton despite her "extremely careless" handling of classified information while serving as secretary of State. Most voters disagree with Comey’s decision.

it is about to climb again for Trump

after hillarys pandering on CNN

a few minutes ago
i think that when polls are taken, they are not polling angry middle class americans, if they did, it would be 55 Trump and 38 Hillary
Seriously, the polls are of registered voters LIKELY to vote and that usually means they ask the people if they voted int he previous Presidential election, if that is what the poll is for.

I think a good 30% of Trumps support is coming from people who have NEVER voted before and another 30% are people who have voted before but it has been a while and BOTH still need to register.

So these polls are not getting all of Trumps support.

Plus there is the shame factor. Many people are not willing to openly admit to supporting Trump or planning to vote for him because he is so vilified among their friends. Who knows how many people that is, but in some elections in the past where this was a strong phenomenon it made about a 5 to 10% swing in the turn out.
Look at the retweets on this contrast between a Hillary tweet and a Trump tweet to get aclue on comparable grass roots support.


hillary is really a puke
if they deduct all of the dead people who polled for Hillary, Hillary would be at 29%
Get rid of the illegal aliens and she would poll at 5%. Who could possibly vote for a douche bag like Hillary unless they cared absolutely nothing about this country and their children?
if they deduct all of the dead people who polled for Hillary, Hillary would be at 29%
Get rid of the illegal aliens and she would poll at 5%. Who could possibly vote for a douche bag like Hillary unless they cared absolutely nothing about this country and their children?
the only poll that has Hillary ahead was the poll amongst the 459,120,376,689 cockroaches that live in New York State. it was 95% Hillary,,,,5% Trump
if they deduct all of the dead people who polled for Hillary, Hillary would be at 29%
Get rid of the illegal aliens and she would poll at 5%. Who could possibly vote for a douche bag like Hillary unless they cared absolutely nothing about this country and their children?

Idiot illegals don't vote and they poll either likely voters or registered voters depending on the structure of the poll.

i think that when polls are taken, they are not polling angry middle class americans, if they did, it would be 55 Trump and 38 Hillary
Seriously, the polls are of registered voters LIKELY to vote and that usually means they ask the people if they voted int he previous Presidential election, if that is what the poll is for.

I think a good 30% of Trumps support is coming from people who have NEVER voted before and another 30% are people who have voted before but it has been a while and BOTH still need to register.

So these polls are not getting all of Trumps support.

Plus there is the shame factor. Many people are not willing to openly admit to supporting Trump or planning to vote for him because he is so vilified among their friends. Who knows how many people that is, but in some elections in the past where this was a strong phenomenon it made about a 5 to 10% swing in the turn out.
Look at the retweets on this contrast between a Hillary tweet and a Trump tweet to get aclue on comparable grass roots support.

Trump is going to win in an epic landslide....
Rassmussen reports the Republucan candidate is leading?

President Romney would support that conclusion
if they deduct all of the dead people who polled for Hillary, Hillary would be at 29%
Get rid of the illegal aliens and she would poll at 5%. Who could possibly vote for a douche bag like Hillary unless they cared absolutely nothing about this country and their children?

Idiot illegals don't vote and they poll either likely voters or registered voters depending on the structure of the poll.

Illegals do vote for Democrats.
if they deduct all of the dead people who polled for Hillary, Hillary would be at 29%
Get rid of the illegal aliens and she would poll at 5%. Who could possibly vote for a douche bag like Hillary unless they cared absolutely nothing about this country and their children?

Idiot illegals don't vote and they poll either likely voters or registered voters depending on the structure of the poll.

Illegals do vote for Democrats.
i think they need to put guards in every cemetery near a blue district on election night to make sure they cant leave !!!!
So we got Rassmussen on board for Trump

All we need now is for Dick Morris to guarantee a Trump Landslide

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