White House Watch: Trump 42%, Clinton 40% (Rasmussen)

i think that when polls are taken, they are not polling angry middle class americans, if they did, it would be 55 Trump and 38 Hillary
Seriously, the polls are of registered voters LIKELY to vote and that usually means they ask the people if they voted int he previous Presidential election, if that is what the poll is for.

I think a good 30% of Trumps support is coming from people who have NEVER voted before and another 30% are people who have voted before but it has been a while and BOTH still need to register.

So these polls are not getting all of Trumps support.

Plus there is the shame factor. Many people are not willing to openly admit to supporting Trump or planning to vote for him because he is so vilified among their friends. Who knows how many people that is, but in some elections in the past where this was a strong phenomenon it made about a 5 to 10% swing in the turn out.
Look at the retweets on this contrast between a Hillary tweet and a Trump tweet to get aclue on comparable grass roots support.

Trump is going to win in an epic landslide....

I agree with you.

However, I hope Obama is not going to take advantage of all these shootings, divide the country even further, start a civil war and declare Martial Law.

Things are looking bad.
i think that when polls are taken, they are not polling angry middle class americans, if they did, it would be 55 Trump and 38 Hillary
Seriously, the polls are of registered voters LIKELY to vote and that usually means they ask the people if they voted int he previous Presidential election, if that is what the poll is for.

I think a good 30% of Trumps support is coming from people who have NEVER voted before and another 30% are people who have voted before but it has been a while and BOTH still need to register.

So these polls are not getting all of Trumps support.

Plus there is the shame factor. Many people are not willing to openly admit to supporting Trump or planning to vote for him because he is so vilified among their friends. Who knows how many people that is, but in some elections in the past where this was a strong phenomenon it made about a 5 to 10% swing in the turn out.
Look at the retweets on this contrast between a Hillary tweet and a Trump tweet to get aclue on comparable grass roots support.

Trump is going to win in an epic landslide....

I agree with you.

However, I hope Obama is not going to take advantage of all these shootings, divide the country even further, start a civil war and declare Martial Law.

Things are looking bad.

MA! Where's my tinfoil hat?

Skye is talking Civil War and Martial Law
i think that when polls are taken, they are not polling angry middle class americans, if they did, it would be 55 Trump and 38 Hillary
Seriously, the polls are of registered voters LIKELY to vote and that usually means they ask the people if they voted int he previous Presidential election, if that is what the poll is for.

I think a good 30% of Trumps support is coming from people who have NEVER voted before and another 30% are people who have voted before but it has been a while and BOTH still need to register.

So these polls are not getting all of Trumps support.

Plus there is the shame factor. Many people are not willing to openly admit to supporting Trump or planning to vote for him because he is so vilified among their friends. Who knows how many people that is, but in some elections in the past where this was a strong phenomenon it made about a 5 to 10% swing in the turn out.
Look at the retweets on this contrast between a Hillary tweet and a Trump tweet to get aclue on comparable grass roots support.

Trump is going to win in an epic landslide....

I agree with you.

However, I hope Obama is not going to take advantage of all these shootings, divide the country even further, start a civil war and declare Martial Law.

Things are looking bad.

MA! Where's my tinfoil hat?

Skye is talking Civil War and Martial Law

And you are talking shit!

What's new.
i think that when polls are taken, they are not polling angry middle class americans, if they did, it would be 55 Trump and 38 Hillary
Seriously, the polls are of registered voters LIKELY to vote and that usually means they ask the people if they voted int he previous Presidential election, if that is what the poll is for.

I think a good 30% of Trumps support is coming from people who have NEVER voted before and another 30% are people who have voted before but it has been a while and BOTH still need to register.

So these polls are not getting all of Trumps support.

Plus there is the shame factor. Many people are not willing to openly admit to supporting Trump or planning to vote for him because he is so vilified among their friends. Who knows how many people that is, but in some elections in the past where this was a strong phenomenon it made about a 5 to 10% swing in the turn out.
Look at the retweets on this contrast between a Hillary tweet and a Trump tweet to get aclue on comparable grass roots support.

Trump is going to win in an epic landslide....

I agree with you.

However, I hope Obama is not going to take advantage of all these shootings, divide the country even further, start a civil war and declare Martial Law.

Things are looking bad.
why do dems want to take away our guns, but dont see a problem with allowing guns to cross the borders for anyone to purchase, no questions asked.
Republicans will never win an election again if Hillary wins. You do understand that, don't you?

I'm not a Republican so what the fuck do I care? That's your issue to deal with. Maybe if you'd stick to the economy and jobs and stop trying to control what everyone does in their bedroom and who they marry and insist people be groped in order to board an airplane you wouldn't be having so many problems getting people to vote for you.

I'm a libertarian, not one of those social conservatives who supports the drug war. As for controlling who people marry, we have always done that and we still do it. It just a matter of where you draw the line. And I don't know any politicians who are proposing on doing away with security at the airport.

You can kiss the 2nd Amendment good bye as well as most of your property rights.

I agree the gun rights are a concern. Regarding property rights, the GOP are the ones who fucked us on that one. They gave us Kelo v New London. The argument that we need to elect Trump to preserve a Republican majority on the SCOTUS is a bullshit argument because some of the worst decisions ever handed down from the court has been by Republicans. Plus, you have no idea what kind of judge Trump would nominate anyway. They could be another John Paul Stevens.

All the left-wingers on the court voted for Kelo. Presidents can't control what justices do once the are on the court. Leftwingers tend to remain leftwingers, but right-wingers seem to "grow" in office, meaning they backslide into voting for the left.

And, no, justices appointed by Republicans are not in any way responsible for the worst decisions ever handed down from the court. I can give you a long list of utterly appalling decisions that were all approved by the leftwing justices. You have to be insane that Hillary's appointees wouldn't be any worse than Trump. Obama could be one of her appointees. So could Lynch or Eric Holder. They would all be catastrophe's. Just look at Kagan and Sotomayor. They are without a doubt the worst justices on the court. They vote consistently to toss the Constitution into the waste bin.

That's what you are helping to put in office.
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I bet they are getting crushed in current polls thus the "we must come together....and all lives matter" somber pronouncements all of a sudden from libs...with 4 BLM attacks in less than 24 hrs......unfortunately for them ramping up violence is a process as is the ramp down meaning there will be more attacks and Trump will be President
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i think that when polls are taken, they are not polling angry middle class americans, if they did, it would be 55 Trump and 38 Hillary
Seriously, the polls are of registered voters LIKELY to vote and that usually means they ask the people if they voted int he previous Presidential election, if that is what the poll is for.

I think a good 30% of Trumps support is coming from people who have NEVER voted before and another 30% are people who have voted before but it has been a while and BOTH still need to register.

So these polls are not getting all of Trumps support.

Plus there is the shame factor. Many people are not willing to openly admit to supporting Trump or planning to vote for him because he is so vilified among their friends. Who knows how many people that is, but in some elections in the past where this was a strong phenomenon it made about a 5 to 10% swing in the turn out.
Look at the retweets on this contrast between a Hillary tweet and a Trump tweet to get aclue on comparable grass roots support.

Trump is going to win in an epic landslide....

I agree with you.

However, I hope Obama is not going to take advantage of all these shootings, divide the country even further, start a civil war and declare Martial Law.

Things are looking bad.

MA! Where's my tinfoil hat?

Skye is talking Civil War and Martial Law

And you are talking shit!

What's new.
Tell us about that Civil War again Princess Hyperbole
Temporary fallout from her criminality. The bottom line is the more Trump opens his mouth the more people he pisses off so this is just a temporary setback for the Clinton campaign

"Criminality" is only a "temporary setback" in the minds of the left:uhoh3:

Unfortunately that's true. The bottom line is Republicans only have themselves to blame for Hillary becoming president. You made that decision when you chose to anoint the worst possible candidate you could to run against her

She can easily be beat with focus on her "Criminality"
Not in this environment Jroc
Where the media is being abused to
paint bad as good, wrong as right,
and "criminal behavior" as
"oppressed victims of rightwing politics" to invoke public sympathy
Trump in the White House would be a reality check for him. He'll tow the line.

Hillary in the White House would be a checkered reality. Just like the last eight mother fucking years of moroseful misery.

The Donald has shown zero indication of having any self control or the temperament to be president.

The only thing miserable about the last 8 years is the incessant whining by the radical right
Trump in the White House would be a reality check for him. He'll tow the line.

Hillary in the White House would be a checkered reality. Just like the last eight mother fucking years of moroseful misery.

The Donald has shown zero indication of having any self control or the temperament to be president.

The only thing miserable about the last 8 years is the incessant whining by the radical right
Come here, you... :slap:
Trump in the White House would be a reality check for him. He'll tow the line.

Hillary in the White House would be a checkered reality. Just like the last eight mother fucking years of moroseful misery.

The Donald has shown zero indication of having any self control or the temperament to be president.

The only thing miserable about the last 8 years is the incessant whining by the radical right

yeah, right because crooked liar Hillary has "self control." Being a pathological liar and a crook is the necessary temperament to be President?
i think that when polls are taken, they are not polling angry middle class americans, if they did, it would be 55 Trump and 38 Hillary
Seriously, the polls are of registered voters LIKELY to vote and that usually means they ask the people if they voted int he previous Presidential election, if that is what the poll is for.

I think a good 30% of Trumps support is coming from people who have NEVER voted before and another 30% are people who have voted before but it has been a while and BOTH still need to register.

So these polls are not getting all of Trumps support.

Plus there is the shame factor. Many people are not willing to openly admit to supporting Trump or planning to vote for him because he is so vilified among their friends. Who knows how many people that is, but in some elections in the past where this was a strong phenomenon it made about a 5 to 10% swing in the turn out.
Look at the retweets on this contrast between a Hillary tweet and a Trump tweet to get aclue on comparable grass roots support.

Trump is going to win in an epic landslide....

I agree with you.

However, I hope Obama is not going to take advantage of all these shootings, divide the country even further, start a civil war and declare Martial Law.

Things are looking bad.

MA! Where's my tinfoil hat?

Skye is talking Civil War and Martial Law
You will be near the bottom of the stack....:lol:
So much for Hillary's lead in the polls. It's all down hill from here for her.

White House Watch - Rasmussen Reports™

The presidential race has grown a bit tighter in this week’s White House Watch survey.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey of Likely U.S. Voters finds Donald Trump with 42% of the vote, while Hillary Clinton earns 40%. Thirteen percent (13%) still like another candidate, and five percent (5%) are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

This survey was taken Tuesday evening following FBI Director James Comey's announcement that his agency would not seek any indictments of Clinton despite her "extremely careless" handling of classified information while serving as secretary of State. Most voters disagree with Comey’s decision.

I assume you read this part of your poll--LOL

online survey of Likely U.S. Voters finds Donald Trump with 42% of the vote, while Hillary Clinton earns 40%.
The survey of 1,000 Likely Voters

So basically 1,000 people out of 240 million voters in this country decided to go online and participate in a poll, possibly vote more than once, and this is supposed to reflect the sentiment of 240 million voters in this country.

You Trump supporters are very gullible.

Have you looked at Real Clear politics lately? You're going to see a lot of blue.
RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

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