White Lives Matter To Be Listed As Hate Group

Saying "All lives matter" isn't inherently racist. It is just pointless. Here's what I mean:

You, me, and...asy...30 other prople go to a restaurant for dinner. Everyone gets there food, except Mike.
So, Mike says, "Mike deserves food,"
You respond with ,"All 20 of us deserve food,"
While your statement is factually accurate, it does nothing to alter the fact that Mike still doesn't have his fucking food!!!

While saying "All live matter" is factually accurate, it does nothing to alter the fact that African Americans are being treated unfairly by our justice system. Black Lives Matter isn't about black people hate white people; it is about black people are pissed off at police, and the justice system.

BLM is predicated on a lie.
So, it is your contention that African Americans are not disproportionately incarcerated, or targeted by the police?

While people of color make up about 30 percent of the United States’ population, they account for 60 percent of those imprisoned. The prison population grew by 700 percent from 1970 to 2005, a rate that is outpacing crime and population rates. The incarceration rates disproportionately impact men of color: 1 in every 15 African American men and 1 in every 36 Hispanic men are incarcerated in comparison to 1 in every 106 white men.

According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, one in three black men can expect to go to prison in their lifetime. Individuals of color have a disproportionate number of encounters with law enforcement, indicating that racial profiling continues to be a problem. A report by the Department of Justice found that blacks and Hispanics were approximately three times more likely to be searched during a traffic stop than white motorists. African Americans were twice as likely to be arrested and almost four times as likely to experience the use of force during encounters with the police.

Students of color face harsher punishments in school than their white peers, leading to a higher number of youth of color incarcerated. Black and Hispanic students represent more than 70 percent of those involved in school-related arrests or referrals to law enforcement. Currently, African Americans make up two-fifths and Hispanics one-fifth of confined youth today.

And those are just a few indisputable facts, along with links to support the facts. But, BLM is predicated on a lie...

I disagree with the notion these statistics exist because of the color of their skin. That is a cop out, no pun intended. I can tell you that here where I live, the police presence is targeted primarily at the black areas of town.... because that is where the predominance of the crime exists. Is that because of skin color? Nope. It is due to socio-economic factors for sure, and we can discuss that ad nausium. But, to simply dismiss it as racism is ridiculous.

But, you know...blacks are not treated by a different standards than whites...

1 case does not a trend make. There may be other factors at play her like, hey, maybe he had a better lawyer. Show me wide spread instances of where blacks and whites, given the same crime, are being convicted and sentenced differently.
Here's an entire study on just that subject. However, since I rather don't exect you to actually read it, as it may force you to re-examine your pre-conceived notions, allow me to give you the highlights:

  • Young, black and Latino males (especially if unemployed) are subject to particularly harsh sentencing compared to other offender populations;
  • Black and Latino defendants are disadvantaged compared to whites with regard to legal-process related factors such as the “trial penalty,” sentence reductions for substantial assistance, criminal history, pretrial detention, and type of attorney;
  • Black defendants convicted of harming white victims suffer harsher penalties than blacks who commit crimes against other blacks or white defendants who harm whites;
  • Black and Latino defendants tend to be sentenced more severely than comparably situated white defendants for less serious crimes, especially drug and property crimes.
  • In the vast majority of cases, if the murder victim is white, the defendant is more likely to receive a death sentence;
  • In a few jurisdictions, notably the federal system, minority defendants (especially blacks) are more likely to receive a death sentence.
What kind of psychopath thinks it is wrong for white people secure the future for their children and preserve the beauty of white women?

What kind of psychopath looks at a person and sees nothing but race? I'm biracial. My father is Irish and my mother is Chinese. Is there something wrong with that? This country was intended to be the one place where people from all over the world could flourish as one people. While it hasn't always worked that way the only thing stopping it is unfounded bigotry and xenophobia.
Why can't you just answer my question without the strawman? Why are you so afraid to admit that there is nothing wrong with the "14 words" as they are written? Why can't you listen to the pro-white argument from the global context that white nationalists are presenting it to you in?

Even though I personally have problems with the idea of race mixing and consequently flushing genes and cultures down the toilet, I am still perfectly capable of being friendly to biracial people and their parents. Nobody goes through life only seeing race.

Why don't you go off and start your own country of pure white people? But first give Texas back to Mexico and the other half of the country on the west side to the French. Make reparations to the blacks and then get the #uck out of here.

“We are listing them because they are clearly white supremacists.”

White Lives Matter will soon be listed as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).

SPLC said the status will be reflected in the next update of its “Hate Map,” which tracks the activities of hate groups around the country.

“I can’t speak to how many chapters will be listed, but it’s clear that the leadership of the group, the ends of the group ― it’s just a flat-out white supremacist group,” Heidi Beirich, director of the center’s Intelligence Report, told the Houston Chronicle. “The ideology behind it, the racist leaders, everything about it is racist.”

White Lives Matter made headlines earlier this month when the group sent armed protesters to an NAACP office in Houston, where they waved Confederate flags.

“We are listing them because they are clearly white supremacists,” Beirich told VICE News. “Their motto should be ‘only white lives matter.’”

Although some called for Black Lives Matter to be listed as a hate group after the shooting deaths of police officers in Dallas and Baton Rouge, that organization doesn’t hold supremacist or separatist views and its leaders have condemned violence.

More: White Lives Matter To Be Listed As Hate Group

I agree with SPLC that White Lives Matter should be listed as a hate group based on their racist actions and rhetoric.

The SPLC is in our wills and has been for over 20 years. Morris Dees is a mighty force to be reckoned with. Great organization.

White lives have always mattered, ever since they landed on Plymouth Rock. And it was the red lives who kept them alive, which was before they started killing red lives and moved on to killing more red lives as they made their way west and south, and shipping in black lives on boats to work their plantations. Enough is enough.
Did every Democrat fail every year of history when they were in school?

Too bad you didn't have history classes before you quit in the 9th grade.
I knew more than you do about the Pilgrims when I was in preschool.

I bet you can't even name the original 13 colonies either....
While I think the White Lives Matter "movement" is ridiculous, the SPLC doesn't exactly have much credibility themselves. They label anyone who doesn't agree with their Marxist social justice agenda a hate group.

I think WLM is just illustrating absurdity by being absurd.

For some people maybe, but for the people in the sign, the fact one of them has a "14 words" sign means these are more than likely actual racists.

Fourteen Words is a reference to a well-known white supremacist and white nationalist slogan: "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children." It can be used to refer to a different 14-word slogan: "Because the beauty of the White Aryan woman must not perish from the earth."

Fourteen Words - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Are you really that stupid?

Did you ever think that maybe they use the "14 words" because they perfectly illustrate what it means to be pro-white(i.e white lives matter)?

What kind of psychopath thinks it is wrong for white people secure the future for their children and preserve the beauty of white women?
"Pro-White" ?!?! Really??? So, rather than Pro-Equality, they are Pro- One Race over another. And you can't comprehend how that might be considered just a little racist? Really??????
What kind of psychopath thinks it is wrong for white people secure the future for their children and preserve the beauty of white women?

What kind of psychopath looks at a person and sees nothing but race? I'm biracial. My father is Irish and my mother is Chinese. Is there something wrong with that? This country was intended to be the one place where people from all over the world could flourish as one people. While it hasn't always worked that way the only thing stopping it is unfounded bigotry and xenophobia.
Why can't you just answer my question without the strawman? Why are you so afraid to admit that there is nothing wrong with the "14 words" as they are written? Why can't you listen to the pro-white argument from the global context that white nationalists are presenting it to you in?

Even though I personally have problems with the idea of race mixing and consequently flushing genes and cultures down the toilet, I am still perfectly capable of being friendly to biracial people and their parents. Nobody goes through life only seeing race.

Why don't you go off and start your own country of pure white people? But first give Texas back to Mexico and the other half of the country on the west side to the French. Make reparations to the blacks and then get the #uck out of here.
Just as soon as the Moors give reparations to Spain and Southern France, and the Turks give back Constantinople to the Greeks.
Yep... fer sher. They should be put on a terrorist watch list.

Aren't you two glad that Stupid Lives Matter?

I dunno, do you derive benefits from your membership?

Ah, do I have to have personal gain in order to do the right thing? Thanks for outing yourself. Truly a Republican: "I got mine, now pull up the ladder" is your motto.

Oh, and it's "too", not "two". Man, the injun reservation edumacation isn't serving you well.

No, I meant two: You and Sunni Man. Try reading before reacting.

How was I supposed on infer that? You were responding to me... nowhere in your rants to me did you ever mention him. What am I, a mind reader?
While I think the White Lives Matter "movement" is ridiculous, the SPLC doesn't exactly have much credibility themselves. They label anyone who doesn't agree with their Marxist social justice agenda a hate group.

I think WLM is just illustrating absurdity by being absurd.

For some people maybe, but for the people in the sign, the fact one of them has a "14 words" sign means these are more than likely actual racists.

Fourteen Words is a reference to a well-known white supremacist and white nationalist slogan: "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children." It can be used to refer to a different 14-word slogan: "Because the beauty of the White Aryan woman must not perish from the earth."

Fourteen Words - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Are you really that stupid?

Did you ever think that maybe they use the "14 words" because they perfectly illustrate what it means to be pro-white(i.e white lives matter)?

What kind of psychopath thinks it is wrong for white people secure the future for their children and preserve the beauty of white women?
"Pro-White" ?!?! Really??? So, rather than Pro-Equality, they are Pro- One Race over another. And you can't comprehend how that might be considered just a little racist? Really??????
What do you think BLACK Lives Matter is, dumbfuck?

Why do you guys always always turn retarded when confronted with the term "pro-white"?
BLM is predicated on a lie.
So, it is your contention that African Americans are not disproportionately incarcerated, or targeted by the police?

While people of color make up about 30 percent of the United States’ population, they account for 60 percent of those imprisoned. The prison population grew by 700 percent from 1970 to 2005, a rate that is outpacing crime and population rates. The incarceration rates disproportionately impact men of color: 1 in every 15 African American men and 1 in every 36 Hispanic men are incarcerated in comparison to 1 in every 106 white men.

According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, one in three black men can expect to go to prison in their lifetime. Individuals of color have a disproportionate number of encounters with law enforcement, indicating that racial profiling continues to be a problem. A report by the Department of Justice found that blacks and Hispanics were approximately three times more likely to be searched during a traffic stop than white motorists. African Americans were twice as likely to be arrested and almost four times as likely to experience the use of force during encounters with the police.

Students of color face harsher punishments in school than their white peers, leading to a higher number of youth of color incarcerated. Black and Hispanic students represent more than 70 percent of those involved in school-related arrests or referrals to law enforcement. Currently, African Americans make up two-fifths and Hispanics one-fifth of confined youth today.

And those are just a few indisputable facts, along with links to support the facts. But, BLM is predicated on a lie...

I disagree with the notion these statistics exist because of the color of their skin. That is a cop out, no pun intended. I can tell you that here where I live, the police presence is targeted primarily at the black areas of town.... because that is where the predominance of the crime exists. Is that because of skin color? Nope. It is due to socio-economic factors for sure, and we can discuss that ad nausium. But, to simply dismiss it as racism is ridiculous.

But, you know...blacks are not treated by a different standards than whites...

1 case does not a trend make. There may be other factors at play her like, hey, maybe he had a better lawyer. Show me wide spread instances of where blacks and whites, given the same crime, are being convicted and sentenced differently.
Here's an entire study on just that subject. However, since I rather don't exect you to actually read it, as it may force you to re-examine your pre-conceived notions, allow me to give you the highlights:

  • Young, black and Latino males (especially if unemployed) are subject to particularly harsh sentencing compared to other offender populations;
  • Black and Latino defendants are disadvantaged compared to whites with regard to legal-process related factors such as the “trial penalty,” sentence reductions for substantial assistance, criminal history, pretrial detention, and type of attorney;
  • Black defendants convicted of harming white victims suffer harsher penalties than blacks who commit crimes against other blacks or white defendants who harm whites;
  • Black and Latino defendants tend to be sentenced more severely than comparably situated white defendants for less serious crimes, especially drug and property crimes.
  • In the vast majority of cases, if the murder victim is white, the defendant is more likely to receive a death sentence;
  • In a few jurisdictions, notably the federal system, minority defendants (especially blacks) are more likely to receive a death sentence.

Did, in their study, address the disparity among whites themselves? I have know whits that committed the same crimes, but received different punishments. I.e., I know a girl who has 3 DUI's and is walking the streets. That carries a mandatory prison sentence here.

I think we all too often jump to the race card.
While I think the White Lives Matter "movement" is ridiculous, the SPLC doesn't exactly have much credibility themselves. They label anyone who doesn't agree with their Marxist social justice agenda a hate group.

I think WLM is just illustrating absurdity by being absurd.

For some people maybe, but for the people in the sign, the fact one of them has a "14 words" sign means these are more than likely actual racists.

Fourteen Words is a reference to a well-known white supremacist and white nationalist slogan: "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children." It can be used to refer to a different 14-word slogan: "Because the beauty of the White Aryan woman must not perish from the earth."

Fourteen Words - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Are you really that stupid?

Did you ever think that maybe they use the "14 words" because they perfectly illustrate what it means to be pro-white(i.e white lives matter)?

What kind of psychopath thinks it is wrong for white people secure the future for their children and preserve the beauty of white women?
"Pro-White" ?!?! Really??? So, rather than Pro-Equality, they are Pro- One Race over another. And you can't comprehend how that might be considered just a little racist? Really??????
What do you think BLACK Lives Matter is, dumbfuck?

Why do you guys always always turn retarded when confronted with the term "pro-white"?
How about you tell me what "Black Lives Matter" is dumbass. How about you actually read what they themselves say, fucknut, and you will see that it is about equality. The point is that "Black Lives Matter, TOO. They just expect people to be smart enough to understand the "too" is understood. I guess they never met a pinhead, like you.
I think WLM is just illustrating absurdity by being absurd.

For some people maybe, but for the people in the sign, the fact one of them has a "14 words" sign means these are more than likely actual racists.

Fourteen Words is a reference to a well-known white supremacist and white nationalist slogan: "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children." It can be used to refer to a different 14-word slogan: "Because the beauty of the White Aryan woman must not perish from the earth."

Fourteen Words - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Are you really that stupid?

Did you ever think that maybe they use the "14 words" because they perfectly illustrate what it means to be pro-white(i.e white lives matter)?

What kind of psychopath thinks it is wrong for white people secure the future for their children and preserve the beauty of white women?
"Pro-White" ?!?! Really??? So, rather than Pro-Equality, they are Pro- One Race over another. And you can't comprehend how that might be considered just a little racist? Really??????
What do you think BLACK Lives Matter is, dumbfuck?

Why do you guys always always turn retarded when confronted with the term "pro-white"?
How about you tell me what "Black Lives Matter" is dumbass. How about you actually read what they themselves say, fucknut, and you will see that it is about equality. The point is that "Black Lives Matter, TOO. They just expect people to be smart enough to understand the "too" is understood. I guess they never met a pinhead, like you.
No dumbfuck, they are pro-black. To not be pro-black is to be anti-black.

There is no in-between; you are either pro-black/pro-white, or you are anti-black/anti-white.

The 14 words can just interpreted as "too" the exact same way, but you have been trained to see everything pro-white as hostile to someone else.
For some people maybe, but for the people in the sign, the fact one of them has a "14 words" sign means these are more than likely actual racists.

Fourteen Words - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Are you really that stupid?

Did you ever think that maybe they use the "14 words" because they perfectly illustrate what it means to be pro-white(i.e white lives matter)?

What kind of psychopath thinks it is wrong for white people secure the future for their children and preserve the beauty of white women?
"Pro-White" ?!?! Really??? So, rather than Pro-Equality, they are Pro- One Race over another. And you can't comprehend how that might be considered just a little racist? Really??????
What do you think BLACK Lives Matter is, dumbfuck?

Why do you guys always always turn retarded when confronted with the term "pro-white"?
How about you tell me what "Black Lives Matter" is dumbass. How about you actually read what they themselves say, fucknut, and you will see that it is about equality. The point is that "Black Lives Matter, TOO. They just expect people to be smart enough to understand the "too" is understood. I guess they never met a pinhead, like you.
No dumbfuck, they are pro-black. To not be pro-black is to be anti-black.
You're a fucking idiot. To be Pro-Equality is being pro-black. AND Pro-White. AND Pro-Gay. AND Pro-Latino. It is to be Pro-Everyone. To be, specifically, Pro-White, is to say, "Fuck you" to everyone but whites. It. Is. Racist.
Are you really that stupid?

Did you ever think that maybe they use the "14 words" because they perfectly illustrate what it means to be pro-white(i.e white lives matter)?

What kind of psychopath thinks it is wrong for white people secure the future for their children and preserve the beauty of white women?
"Pro-White" ?!?! Really??? So, rather than Pro-Equality, they are Pro- One Race over another. And you can't comprehend how that might be considered just a little racist? Really??????
What do you think BLACK Lives Matter is, dumbfuck?

Why do you guys always always turn retarded when confronted with the term "pro-white"?
How about you tell me what "Black Lives Matter" is dumbass. How about you actually read what they themselves say, fucknut, and you will see that it is about equality. The point is that "Black Lives Matter, TOO. They just expect people to be smart enough to understand the "too" is understood. I guess they never met a pinhead, like you.
No dumbfuck, they are pro-black. To not be pro-black is to be anti-black.
You're a fucking idiot. To be Pro-Equality is being pro-black. AND Pro-White. AND Pro-Gay. AND Pro-Latino. It is to be Pro-Everyone. To be, specifically, Pro-White, is to say, "Fuck you" to everyone but whites. It. Is. Racist.
And why does it not surprise me that a racist fucknut would find that funny. You are not even capable of understanding what it means to fight for equality. Because to you, equality means "Whites Lose". You're pathetic.
Are you really that stupid?

Did you ever think that maybe they use the "14 words" because they perfectly illustrate what it means to be pro-white(i.e white lives matter)?

What kind of psychopath thinks it is wrong for white people secure the future for their children and preserve the beauty of white women?
"Pro-White" ?!?! Really??? So, rather than Pro-Equality, they are Pro- One Race over another. And you can't comprehend how that might be considered just a little racist? Really??????
What do you think BLACK Lives Matter is, dumbfuck?

Why do you guys always always turn retarded when confronted with the term "pro-white"?
How about you tell me what "Black Lives Matter" is dumbass. How about you actually read what they themselves say, fucknut, and you will see that it is about equality. The point is that "Black Lives Matter, TOO. They just expect people to be smart enough to understand the "too" is understood. I guess they never met a pinhead, like you.
No dumbfuck, they are pro-black. To not be pro-black is to be anti-black.
You're a fucking idiot. To be Pro-Equality is being pro-black. AND Pro-White. AND Pro-Gay. AND Pro-Latino. To be, specifically, Pro-White, is to say, "Fuck you" to everyone but whites. It. Is. Racist.
You are the one assigning this "pro-equality" trait to a group that says nothing about helping non-blacks.

David Duke says the exact same things BLM says, so why don't you think David Duke is "pro-equality"?

Why don't "pro-equality" groups ever actually do anything to help white victims of racism?
"Pro-White" ?!?! Really??? So, rather than Pro-Equality, they are Pro- One Race over another. And you can't comprehend how that might be considered just a little racist? Really??????
What do you think BLACK Lives Matter is, dumbfuck?

Why do you guys always always turn retarded when confronted with the term "pro-white"?
How about you tell me what "Black Lives Matter" is dumbass. How about you actually read what they themselves say, fucknut, and you will see that it is about equality. The point is that "Black Lives Matter, TOO. They just expect people to be smart enough to understand the "too" is understood. I guess they never met a pinhead, like you.
No dumbfuck, they are pro-black. To not be pro-black is to be anti-black.
You're a fucking idiot. To be Pro-Equality is being pro-black. AND Pro-White. AND Pro-Gay. AND Pro-Latino. It is to be Pro-Everyone. To be, specifically, Pro-White, is to say, "Fuck you" to everyone but whites. It. Is. Racist.
And why does it not surprise me that a racist fucknut would find that funny. You are not even capable of understanding what it means to fight for equality. Because to you, equality means "Whites Lose". You're pathetic.
Equality is a pipe-dream and you idiots aren't even willing to try to enact it because you are so afraid of treating white people as something other than monsters.
While I think the White Lives Matter "movement" is ridiculous, the SPLC doesn't exactly have much credibility themselves. They label anyone who doesn't agree with their Marxist social justice agenda a hate group.

And yet you give no examples. Can you link to a group listed at SPLC that you don't think should be and why?

Fearmongering at the SPLC

You gave a someone else's opinion? I asked you to cite a group you believe has been listed and should not be. The author of your opinion piece didn't name any specific groups. Can you?
"Pro-White" ?!?! Really??? So, rather than Pro-Equality, they are Pro- One Race over another. And you can't comprehend how that might be considered just a little racist? Really??????
What do you think BLACK Lives Matter is, dumbfuck?

Why do you guys always always turn retarded when confronted with the term "pro-white"?
How about you tell me what "Black Lives Matter" is dumbass. How about you actually read what they themselves say, fucknut, and you will see that it is about equality. The point is that "Black Lives Matter, TOO. They just expect people to be smart enough to understand the "too" is understood. I guess they never met a pinhead, like you.
No dumbfuck, they are pro-black. To not be pro-black is to be anti-black.
You're a fucking idiot. To be Pro-Equality is being pro-black. AND Pro-White. AND Pro-Gay. AND Pro-Latino. To be, specifically, Pro-White, is to say, "Fuck you" to everyone but whites. It. Is. Racist.
You are the one assigning this "pro-equality" trait to a group that says nothing about helping non-blacks.
That's a lie. In their own words:

We are committed to collectively, lovingly and courageously working for vigorously for freedom and justice for Black people and, by extension, all people. As we forger our path, we intentionally build, and nurture a beloved community that is bonded together through a beautiful struggle that is restorative, not depleting.
The emphasis is mine to demonstrate your lie, which you would know is a lie, if you bothered to read what Black Lives Matter has to say about themselves, rather than relying on what the racist propaganda has to say about them.
What do you think BLACK Lives Matter is, dumbfuck?

Why do you guys always always turn retarded when confronted with the term "pro-white"?
How about you tell me what "Black Lives Matter" is dumbass. How about you actually read what they themselves say, fucknut, and you will see that it is about equality. The point is that "Black Lives Matter, TOO. They just expect people to be smart enough to understand the "too" is understood. I guess they never met a pinhead, like you.
No dumbfuck, they are pro-black. To not be pro-black is to be anti-black.
You're a fucking idiot. To be Pro-Equality is being pro-black. AND Pro-White. AND Pro-Gay. AND Pro-Latino. It is to be Pro-Everyone. To be, specifically, Pro-White, is to say, "Fuck you" to everyone but whites. It. Is. Racist.
And why does it not surprise me that a racist fucknut would find that funny. You are not even capable of understanding what it means to fight for equality. Because to you, equality means "Whites Lose". You're pathetic.
Equality is a pipe-dream and you idiots aren't even willing to try to enact it because you are so afraid of treating white people as something other than monsters.
Says the guy who thinks "Pro-White" isn't racist. You don't even know what equality means.
How about you tell me what "Black Lives Matter" is dumbass. How about you actually read what they themselves say, fucknut, and you will see that it is about equality. The point is that "Black Lives Matter, TOO. They just expect people to be smart enough to understand the "too" is understood. I guess they never met a pinhead, like you.
No dumbfuck, they are pro-black. To not be pro-black is to be anti-black.
You're a fucking idiot. To be Pro-Equality is being pro-black. AND Pro-White. AND Pro-Gay. AND Pro-Latino. It is to be Pro-Everyone. To be, specifically, Pro-White, is to say, "Fuck you" to everyone but whites. It. Is. Racist.
And why does it not surprise me that a racist fucknut would find that funny. You are not even capable of understanding what it means to fight for equality. Because to you, equality means "Whites Lose". You're pathetic.
Equality is a pipe-dream and you idiots aren't even willing to try to enact it because you are so afraid of treating white people as something other than monsters.
Says the guy who thinks "Pro-White" isn't racist. You don't even know what equality means.
Killing cops?
What do you think BLACK Lives Matter is, dumbfuck?

Why do you guys always always turn retarded when confronted with the term "pro-white"?
How about you tell me what "Black Lives Matter" is dumbass. How about you actually read what they themselves say, fucknut, and you will see that it is about equality. The point is that "Black Lives Matter, TOO. They just expect people to be smart enough to understand the "too" is understood. I guess they never met a pinhead, like you.
No dumbfuck, they are pro-black. To not be pro-black is to be anti-black.
You're a fucking idiot. To be Pro-Equality is being pro-black. AND Pro-White. AND Pro-Gay. AND Pro-Latino. To be, specifically, Pro-White, is to say, "Fuck you" to everyone but whites. It. Is. Racist.
You are the one assigning this "pro-equality" trait to a group that says nothing about helping non-blacks.
That's a lie. In their own words:

We are committed to collectively, lovingly and courageously working for vigorously for freedom and justice for Black people and, by extension, all people. As we forger our path, we intentionally build, and nurture a beloved community that is bonded together through a beautiful struggle that is restorative, not depleting.
The emphasis is mine to demonstrate your lie, which you would know is a lie, if you bothered to read what Black Lives Matter has to say about themselves, rather than relying on what the racist propaganda has to say about them.

You mean like pigs in a blanket, fryem like bacon??

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