White Male James Damore Goes After Google

Dude...I told you I was speaking in generalities.

Generalities not informed by facts, but rather informed by your prejudice and bias, like Damore's were.

Which are observable fact. The fact you want to play semantic games proves you are arguing in bad faith and know you lost the debate from the gate. Stop spazing out, you may actually win a debate some day.

NO! "Observable fact" is called "empirical evidence" and the empirical evidence shows that women make up a little less than half of all Bachelor's and Master's mathematics graduates.

So what happened here is that you said something stupid and uninformed, then tried to walk that back by expanding the parameters of what you meant. Well, why didn't you just say what you meant the first time? Because you did say what you meant, you just didn't know you were wrong about it.
It is an empirical fact that women do not tend to go into STEM fields. Are you retarded? The whole reason why you are up in arms is because what I said is fact. You want more women in STEM....they just aren't interested by and large, idiot. They are more inclined to go into "social sciences" and other soft science fields. This is an observable and documented FACT, regardless of how much you protest.

As a woman I can think of nothing more boring than having a job in mathematics etc, it's NOT sexy enough sorry. Unlike my career which is attending Cocktail parties which IS sexy :smoke:
And I am not saying there are zero women interested in those fields, Im just pointing out that it is rare compared to males.

WHAT YOU SAID WAS: "women don't go into these fields"

That was your statement. You've spent the last dozen or so posts walking that back and adding in qualifier after qualifier.

Why not just admit you spoke from a place of prejudice and bias?

No, you've spent the last dozen posts, holding on to a pretend misunderstanding your part, based on you playing stupid,

as a method of avoiding the point that you cannot refute.

EVERYONE knows that that is the game you are playing, even yourself.

It is too late to salvage anything here. Leave this site, join another forum with a different name and try to be less of an asshole there.

IF the facts are as presented he should win big.

We can see how lefties come to dominate industries. Though massive discrimination and abuse of power.

They are scum.

really? here's how the anti-discrimination laws work...... you can fire someone for any reason or no reason at all as long as it's not an illegal reason.

although it looks like he violated his contract, you have every right not to have your company associated with bigots.

and last I checked whiny angry white supremacists aren't a protected class


THanks for demonstrating both the incredibly closed mind and circular reasoning that is how you lefties rationalize your vile behavior.

why would my mind be "open" about what the law provides and the BS lawsuit that the angry white male supremacist filed. Not only shouldn't he win. He should be hit with sanctions for his frivolous lawsuit.
If somebody has already voiced "opinions" that consist of attacks on the identities of his or her potential team mates, chances are that this person would be viewed as someone who is not ready to be a team player

100% spot-on. Conservatives think they can just say whatever bullshit they want and not face consequences for doing so. That's because Conservatives have an unearned sense of entitlement.
How dare he say men and women are different! What’s next, people can’t change sex on a whim? OH THE HUMANITY!!

He didn't simply say men and women are different, and pretending he did is sophistry.
Make your case. Quote his exact snowflake melting words for us.

Googles Ideological Echo Chamber

"I’m simply stating that the distribution of preferences and abilities of men and women differ in part due to biological causes and that these differences may explain why we don’t see equal representation of women in tech and leadership."

So that right there would be a great example of prejudicial disparagement. There is no credible argument from biologists (and women are the majority of biology majors, BTW) that says women don't go into math fields because of their biological makeup.

It's an opinion that disparaged NO ONE.
IF the facts are as presented he should win big.

We can see how lefties come to dominate industries. Though massive discrimination and abuse of power.

They are scum.

really? here's how the anti-discrimination laws work...... you can fire someone for any reason or no reason at all as long as it's not an illegal reason.

although it looks like he violated his contract, you have every right not to have your company associated with bigots.

and last I checked whiny angry white supremacists aren't a protected class


THanks for demonstrating both the incredibly closed mind and circular reasoning that is how you lefties rationalize your vile behavior.

why would my mind be "open" about what the law provides and the BS lawsuit that the angry white male supremacist filed. Not only shouldn't he win. He should be hit with sanctions for his frivolous lawsuit.

Where is your proof he is a white supremacist?
IF the facts are as presented he should win big.

We can see how lefties come to dominate industries. Though massive discrimination and abuse of power.

They are scum.

really? here's how the anti-discrimination laws work...... you can fire someone for any reason or no reason at all as long as it's not an illegal reason.

although it looks like he violated his contract, you have every right not to have your company associated with bigots.

and last I checkedc whiny angry white supremacists aren't a protected class


THanks for demonstrating both the incredibly closed mind and circular reasoning that is how you lefties rationalize your vile behavior.

why would my mind be "open" about what the law provides and the BS lawsuit that the angry white male supremacist filed. Not only shouldn't he win. He should be hit with sanctions for his frivolous lawsuit.

You characterized a man who's worst offense was sharing his opinion that women may be inherently less gifted at some fields,

as a "whiny angry white supremacists".

That is a very closed mind, and you use that bigoted assumption as "reason" for supporting discrimination against white men.

His lawsuit is not "friviolous" and people like you need to have your asses woken up, hard.
IF the facts are as presented he should win big.

We can see how lefties come to dominate industries. Though massive discrimination and abuse of power.

They are scum.

really? here's how the anti-discrimination laws work...... you can fire someone for any reason or no reason at all as long as it's not an illegal reason.

although it looks like he violated his contract, you have every right not to have your company associated with bigots.

and last I checkedc whiny angry white supremacists aren't a protected class


THanks for demonstrating both the incredibly closed mind and circular reasoning that is how you lefties rationalize your vile behavior.

why would my mind be "open" about what the law provides and the BS lawsuit that the angry white male supremacist filed. Not only shouldn't he win. He should be hit with sanctions for his frivolous lawsuit.

You characterized a man who's worst offense was sharing his opinion that women may be inherently less gifted at some fields,

as a "whiny angry white supremacists".

That is a very closed mind, and you use that bigoted assumption as "reason" for supporting discrimination against white men.

His lawsuit is not "friviolous" and people like you need to have your asses woken up, hard.

his worst employment offense was violating his employment agreement.

his next offense was publicly being a bigot.

his employer had every right not to want to be associated with that.

again, pointing out his bigotry is not bigotry against white men. it is pointing out the bigotry of A white man.

sorry you don't like the law. but I wouldn't let a bigot work for me either.
IF the facts are as presented he should win big.

We can see how lefties come to dominate industries. Though massive discrimination and abuse of power.

They are scum.

really? here's how the anti-discrimination laws work...... you can fire someone for any reason or no reason at all as long as it's not an illegal reason.

although it looks like he violated his contract, you have every right not to have your company associated with bigots.

and last I checkedc whiny angry white supremacists aren't a protected class


THanks for demonstrating both the incredibly closed mind and circular reasoning that is how you lefties rationalize your vile behavior.

why would my mind be "open" about what the law provides and the BS lawsuit that the angry white male supremacist filed. Not only shouldn't he win. He should be hit with sanctions for his frivolous lawsuit.

You characterized a man who's worst offense was sharing his opinion that women may be inherently less gifted at some fields,

as a "whiny angry white supremacists".

That is a very closed mind, and you use that bigoted assumption as "reason" for supporting discrimination against white men.

His lawsuit is not "friviolous" and people like you need to have your asses woken up, hard.

his worst employment offense was violating his employment agreement.

his next offense was publicly being a bigot.

his employer had every right not to want to be associated with that.

again, pointing out his bigotry is not bigotry against white men. it is pointing out the bigotry of A white man.

sorry you don't like the law. but I wouldn't let a bigot work for me either.

Once again defining bigotry as "anything I disagree with"

What an intolerant asshat you are.
You think that Conservatives should be discriminated against because you assume that anyone that disagrees with you is a bad person..

It's go nothing to do with disagreeing with me. I don't mind disagreement at all. You being a garbage person has nothing to do with that.

This is a normal liberal mindset, which I have run into many times.
That is why the accusations are so credible.

No, you're just seeking to be a victim because it's the only way you can justify your own personal hideousness.

No, your words, that you cut, showed that you do as I said, ie you think that Conservatives should be discriminated against because you assume that anyone that disagrees with you is a bad person.

That's why you cut them.

THe allegations are credible, because of the standard lib behavior that you, and jillian have demonstrated in this thread.

YOu know that that is true. SO does Jillian.

You are not fooling anyone, not even yourself.
really? here's how the anti-discrimination laws work...... you can fire someone for any reason or no reason at all as long as it's not an illegal reason.

although it looks like he violated his contract, you have every right not to have your company associated with bigots.

and last I checkedc whiny angry white supremacists aren't a protected class


THanks for demonstrating both the incredibly closed mind and circular reasoning that is how you lefties rationalize your vile behavior.

why would my mind be "open" about what the law provides and the BS lawsuit that the angry white male supremacist filed. Not only shouldn't he win. He should be hit with sanctions for his frivolous lawsuit.

You characterized a man who's worst offense was sharing his opinion that women may be inherently less gifted at some fields,

as a "whiny angry white supremacists".

That is a very closed mind, and you use that bigoted assumption as "reason" for supporting discrimination against white men.

His lawsuit is not "friviolous" and people like you need to have your asses woken up, hard.

his worst employment offense was violating his employment agreement.

his next offense was publicly being a bigot.

his employer had every right not to want to be associated with that.

again, pointing out his bigotry is not bigotry against white men. it is pointing out the bigotry of A white man.

sorry you don't like the law. but I wouldn't let a bigot work for me either.

Once again defining bigotry as "anything I disagree with"

What an intolerant asshat you are.

only to ignorant bigots.

let us know if you ever decide not to defend hate.
THanks for demonstrating both the incredibly closed mind and circular reasoning that is how you lefties rationalize your vile behavior.

why would my mind be "open" about what the law provides and the BS lawsuit that the angry white male supremacist filed. Not only shouldn't he win. He should be hit with sanctions for his frivolous lawsuit.

You characterized a man who's worst offense was sharing his opinion that women may be inherently less gifted at some fields,

as a "whiny angry white supremacists".

That is a very closed mind, and you use that bigoted assumption as "reason" for supporting discrimination against white men.

His lawsuit is not "friviolous" and people like you need to have your asses woken up, hard.

his worst employment offense was violating his employment agreement.

his next offense was publicly being a bigot.

his employer had every right not to want to be associated with that.

again, pointing out his bigotry is not bigotry against white men. it is pointing out the bigotry of A white man.

sorry you don't like the law. but I wouldn't let a bigot work for me either.

Once again defining bigotry as "anything I disagree with"

What an intolerant asshat you are.

only to ignorant bigots.

let us know if you ever decide not to defend hate.

Where is hate anywhere in his memo?

Again you define hate as anything you disagree with.
IF the facts are as presented he should win big.

We can see how lefties come to dominate industries. Though massive discrimination and abuse of power.

They are scum.

really? here's how the anti-discrimination laws work...... you can fire someone for any reason or no reason at all as long as it's not an illegal reason.

although it looks like he violated his contract, you have every right not to have your company associated with bigots.

and last I checkedc whiny angry white supremacists aren't a protected class


THanks for demonstrating both the incredibly closed mind and circular reasoning that is how you lefties rationalize your vile behavior.

why would my mind be "open" about what the law provides and the BS lawsuit that the angry white male supremacist filed. Not only shouldn't he win. He should be hit with sanctions for his frivolous lawsuit.

You characterized a man who's worst offense was sharing his opinion that women may be inherently less gifted at some fields,

as a "whiny angry white supremacists".

That is a very closed mind, and you use that bigoted assumption as "reason" for supporting discrimination against white men.

His lawsuit is not "friviolous" and people like you need to have your asses woken up, hard.

his worst employment offense was violating his employment agreement.

his next offense was publicly being a bigot.

his employer had every right not to want to be associated with that.

again, pointing out his bigotry is not bigotry against white men. it is pointing out the bigotry of A white man.

sorry you don't like the law. but I wouldn't let a bigot work for me either.

NOthing he did can reasonably be called bigotry.

That you mis characterize it as bigotry, is ironically you being a bigot.

That you would use that as a rationalization for you to discriminate in hiring and employment,

is what this is all about.
why would my mind be "open" about what the law provides and the BS lawsuit that the angry white male supremacist filed. Not only shouldn't he win. He should be hit with sanctions for his frivolous lawsuit.

You characterized a man who's worst offense was sharing his opinion that women may be inherently less gifted at some fields,

as a "whiny angry white supremacists".

That is a very closed mind, and you use that bigoted assumption as "reason" for supporting discrimination against white men.

His lawsuit is not "friviolous" and people like you need to have your asses woken up, hard.

his worst employment offense was violating his employment agreement.

his next offense was publicly being a bigot.

his employer had every right not to want to be associated with that.

again, pointing out his bigotry is not bigotry against white men. it is pointing out the bigotry of A white man.

sorry you don't like the law. but I wouldn't let a bigot work for me either.

Once again defining bigotry as "anything I disagree with"

What an intolerant asshat you are.

only to ignorant bigots.

let us know if you ever decide not to defend hate.

Where is hate anywhere in his memo?

Again you define hate as anything you disagree with.

"Again you define hate as anything you disagree with."

No the Leftists define hate as anything that White people do, the exception being self-hating White people who 99.9% of them are SJWs, actually WORLD society would be better if all SJWs just committed suicide they are a menace to ALL normal and sane society.
only to ignorant bigots.

let us know if you ever decide not to defend hate.

Where is hate anywhere in his memo?

Again you define hate as anything you disagree with.

"Again you define hate as anything you disagree with."

No the Leftists define hate as anything that White people do, the exception being self-hating White people who 99.9% of them are SJWs, actually WORLD society would be better if all SJWs just committed suicide they are a menace to ALL normal and sane society.

I'm pretty sure that Nazi sympathizers aren't the proper people to define hate. Decency SHOULD be non-partisan.

marty is not a nazi sympathizer.

Decency should be non-partisan, but daily you lefties show that it is.

No he isn't. My response was to Lucy... who is.

you're funny though.... as you defend white supremacists, and genital grabbing presidents, you think you're decent? :rofl:

1. I don't "defend" white supremacists.

2. Nothing wrong with consensual grabbing of genitals.

3. And, yes, very decent.
I’m very familiar with Calif employment laws. Burden of proof is entirely upon the company to prove its innocence.

I don't believe anything you claim about yourself.

And no, in a class action lawsuit, it's on the plaintiffs to prove harm.
Dude, I have first hand experience. CA is guilty until proven innocent. Unless a company has well documented evidence showing it acted legally, employee wins.

And I always win.

Google will not be able to prove it did not single him out unless they’ve fired a bunch of others.
He signed the contract. He violated those terms.

Under California law, viewpoint discrimination is illegal. Google brazenly broke California's law in firing him. So, fck you. Also, there's no doubt Google discriminates against white males, which is against federal law.

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