White Male James Damore Goes After Google

If somebody has already voiced "opinions" that consist of attacks on the identities of his or her potential team mates, chances are that this person would be viewed as someone who is not ready to be a team player

100% spot-on. Conservatives think they can just say whatever bullshit they want and not face consequences for doing so. That's because Conservatives have an unearned sense of entitlement.
How dare he say men and women are different! What’s next, people can’t change sex on a whim? OH THE HUMANITY!!

He didn't simply say men and women are different, and pretending he did is sophistry.
Make your case. Quote his exact snowflake melting words for us.

Googles Ideological Echo Chamber

"I’m simply stating that the distribution of preferences and abilities of men and women differ in part due to biological causes and that these differences may explain why we don’t see equal representation of women in tech and leadership."

So that right there would be a great example of prejudicial disparagement. There is no credible argument from biologists (and women are the majority of biology majors, BTW) that says women don't go into math fields because of their biological makeup.
I’m very familiar with Calif employment laws. Burden of proof is entirely upon the company to prove its innocence.

I don't believe anything you claim about yourself.

And no, in a class action lawsuit, it's on the plaintiffs to prove harm.
I’m very familiar with Calif employment laws. Burden of proof is entirely upon the company to prove its innocence.

I don't believe anything you claim about yourself.

And no, in a class action lawsuit, it's on the plaintiffs to prove harm.
Nobody cares what you believe, sperg. You are incapable of understanding plain english and how it used commonly...and are autistic in the way you respond to others
The accusations are credible. You are not.

How are the accusations credible if you have Google's own executive saying this guy was terminated because he violated the Code of Conduct he agreed to abide by when he accepted employment? I don't think you know what words actually mean. Which would explain why you keep redefining the parameters, a priori.

YOu are a hater. You have supported the use of political violence against your enemies,

Now you're just flaming out, trying to get a reaction out of me because you're so emotionally unhinged. You can take your unearned sense of bullshit entitlement, and shove it up your fat ass.

your current refusal to admit that you support discrimination against them is laughable.

I do think Conservatives should be discriminated against because they're shitty, garbage people who have a bullshit unearned sense of entitlement.

You think that Conservatives should be discriminated against because you assume that anyone that disagrees with you is a bad person.

This is a normal liberal mindset, which I have run into many times.

That is why the accusations are so credible.
The accusations are credible. You are not.

How are the accusations credible if you have Google's own executive saying this guy was terminated because he violated the Code of Conduct he agreed to abide by when he accepted employment? I don't think you know what words actually mean. Which would explain why you keep redefining the parameters, a priori.

YOu are a hater. You have supported the use of political violence against your enemies,

Now you're just flaming out, trying to get a reaction out of me because you're so emotionally unhinged. You can take your unearned sense of bullshit entitlement, and shove it up your fat ass.

your current refusal to admit that you support discrimination against them is laughable.

I do think Conservatives should be discriminated against because they're shitty, garbage people who have a bullshit unearned sense of entitlement.

You think that Conservatives should be discriminated against because you assume that anyone that disagrees with you is a bad person.

This is a normal liberal mindset, which I have run into many times.

That is why the accusations are so credible.
He usually doesn't deny he wants christians treated as shit by the gubmint.
We all (normal people I mean) know that Google is run by liberal nutjobs. And we all know men and women are different. But reality is something to be bent, not accepted. There is a certain party line you must follow and if you dont you will be accused of thoughtcrime.
Here's wishing luck to the guy. I've read his memo and it seems pretty on the money to me.

When you gain notoriety by writing a screed denigrating your fellow employees, guaranteed to disrupt the workplace, it makes it so much more difficult to prove discrimination.

The most jaw-dropping allegation is that "Google publicly endorsed blacklists" of conservatives. The lawsuit claims that several hiring managers publicly vowed not to hire people categorized as "hostile voices" aka conservatives.

Interesting that his attorney equates "hostile voices" with "conservatives."

If somebody has already voiced "opinions" that consist of attacks on the identities of his or her potential team mates, chances are that this person would be viewed as someone who is not ready to be a team player.

I find the following article interesting:
Google is still mostly white and male
The headline on this article reads: "Google is still mostly white and male"

Your mis characterization of those opinions, as "attacks" shows that you are a standard closed minded lib.
The accusations are credible. You are not.

How are the accusations credible if you have Google's own executive saying this guy was terminated because he violated the Code of Conduct he agreed to abide by when he accepted employment? I don't think you know what words actually mean. Which would explain why you keep redefining the parameters, a priori.

YOu are a hater. You have supported the use of political violence against your enemies,

Now you're just flaming out, trying to get a reaction out of me because you're so emotionally unhinged. You can take your unearned sense of bullshit entitlement, and shove it up your fat ass.

your current refusal to admit that you support discrimination against them is laughable.

I do think Conservatives should be discriminated against because they're shitty, garbage people who have a bullshit unearned sense of entitlement.
VS childish liars who hate and have no tolerance

Your shit views and ideas do not deserve tolerance. You haven't earned that entitlement.

^^^^ This is the Far Left, preaching tolerance but they are the most intolerant of the intolerant, the Far Left are fuelled by the most sordid type of hatred for ANYONE who dares to have a DIFFERENT opinion than they have.

Your Russia is showing.

Standard lefty response when they realize that they have been utterly crushed.

Try to make the conservative the topic, spend rest of thread smearing and vilifying conservative.

Works great. YOu just have to be a soulless piece of shit.

Fuck you derp.
If somebody has already voiced "opinions" that consist of attacks on the identities of his or her potential team mates, chances are that this person would be viewed as someone who is not ready to be a team player

100% spot-on. Conservatives think they can just say whatever bullshit they want and not face consequences for doing so. That's because Conservatives have an unearned sense of entitlement.

He said nothing on the sort. YOu and your lib buddies are MOSTLY, vile lying pieces of shit.
You think that Conservatives should be discriminated against because you assume that anyone that disagrees with you is a bad person..

It's go nothing to do with disagreeing with me. I don't mind disagreement at all. You being a garbage person has nothing to do with that.

This is a normal liberal mindset, which I have run into many times.
That is why the accusations are so credible.

No, you're just seeking to be a victim because it's the only way you can justify your own personal hideousness.
Try to make the conservative the topic, spend rest of thread smearing and vilifying conservative.

You're mistaken...it's not us who are trying to make this about you, it's you who does that through your bullshit unearned entitlement.
If somebody has already voiced "opinions" that consist of attacks on the identities of his or her potential team mates, chances are that this person would be viewed as someone who is not ready to be a team player

100% spot-on. Conservatives think they can just say whatever bullshit they want and not face consequences for doing so. That's because Conservatives have an unearned sense of entitlement.

"That's because Conservatives have an unearned sense of entitlement."

Blacks have an unearned sense of entitlement, eg. Gibs Me Dat. You have no problem with that though do you you brain fried Meth Head, although we are all enjoying your MEGA chimpout in this thread.

After suffering 350 years of slavery, 100 years of Jim Crow, and 50 years of Rockefeller Drug Laws, black people have most definitely earned their entitlement.

Fuck that shit, and fuck anyone that thinks I own anyone shit for shit I didn't do.

But thanks, for being honest about hit, lefttard.
All he has to show is some people didn't get fired for political talk and show it is due to the content and he wins.

A tall task. One he won't be able to prove.
I’m very familiar with Calif employment laws. Burden of proof is entirely upon the company to prove its innocence.

Nope. He first has to survive summary judgment by stating a prima facie case of discrimination.Then the employer must proffer, but is not required to prove, a legitimate, nondiscriminatory reason for its treatment of the plaintiff. Then the plaintiff must present evidence that this explanation is pretextual, and that discrimination was the real reason. I don't think that California courts have strayed too far from the McDonald Douglas burden-shifting framework.

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