White Male James Damore Goes After Google

The accusations are credible. You are not.

How are the accusations credible if you have Google's own executive saying this guy was terminated because he violated the Code of Conduct he agreed to abide by when he accepted employment? I don't think you know what words actually mean. Which would explain why you keep redefining the parameters, a priori.

YOu are a hater. You have supported the use of political violence against your enemies,

Now you're just flaming out, trying to get a reaction out of me because you're so emotionally unhinged. You can take your unearned sense of bullshit entitlement, and shove it up your fat ass.

your current refusal to admit that you support discrimination against them is laughable.

I do think Conservatives should be discriminated against because they're shitty, garbage people who have a bullshit unearned sense of entitlement.
VS childish liars who hate and have no tolerance

Your shit views and ideas do not deserve tolerance. You haven't earned that entitlement.
Women do not tend to go into mathematical fields. It's a fact.

See how the parameters of what you said changed? So now you've gone from "women don't go into these fields" to "women do not tend to go into mathematics fields". Of course, that's bullshit too...as there are just about as many female mathematics majors than males in this country.

From the National Science Foundation, 2014:
"In 2014, women's representation in mathematics and statistics reached more than 40% at the bachelor's and master's levels..."

So your insistence is, of course, bullshit. Nearly half of all math majors at the Bachelor's and Master's levels, are women. So from where did you get this idea that women do not tend to go into mathematical fields? Because the facts tell a different story.
Dude...I told you I was speaking in generalities. Which are observable fact. The fact you want to play semantic games proves you are arguing in bad faith and know you lost the debate from the gate. Stop spazing out, you may actually win a debate some day.
Women do not tend to go into mathematical fields. It's a fact.

See how the parameters of what you said changed? So now you've gone from "women don't go into these fields" to "women do not tend to go into mathematics fields". Of course, that's bullshit too...as there are just about as many female mathematics majors than males in this country.

From the National Science Foundation, 2014:
"In 2014, women's representation in mathematics and statistics reached more than 40% at the bachelor's and master's levels..."

So your insistence is, of course, bullshit. Nearly half of all math majors at the Bachelor's and Master's levels, are women. So from where did you get this idea that women do not tend to go into mathematical fields? Because the facts tell a different story.
The concept of generalizations is beyond the ability of room temperature IQ derp.

You're the ones who made generalizations not informed by facts.

When that happens, it's not a generalization...it's prejudice.
The accusations are credible. You are not.

How are the accusations credible if you have Google's own executive saying this guy was terminated because he violated the Code of Conduct he agreed to abide by when he accepted employment? I don't think you know what words actually mean. Which would explain why you keep redefining the parameters, a priori.

YOu are a hater. You have supported the use of political violence against your enemies,

Now you're just flaming out, trying to get a reaction out of me because you're so emotionally unhinged. You can take your unearned sense of bullshit entitlement, and shove it up your fat ass.

your current refusal to admit that you support discrimination against them is laughable.

I do think Conservatives should be discriminated against because they're shitty, garbage people who have a bullshit unearned sense of entitlement.
VS childish liars who hate and have no tolerance

Your shit views and ideas do not deserve tolerance. You haven't earned that entitlement.
Poor snowflake. The left only offer hate and intolerance.
More goalpost shifting......


You're the ones who posted the quote from one of Google's chief executives explicitly stating that was the reason for Damore's termination.

It had nothing to do with the policy of "any" politics, it was specific to HIS politics, which is illegal in California.

Right, it has to do with Damore violating the strict Code of Conduct he agreed to abide by when he accepted employment at Google.

Did he not read the Code of Conduct? Did he not read his Employee Handbook?

These are questions the judge will ask him.

^^^^ This:

White Male James Damore Goes After Google

^^^^ Just reading the words WHITE MALE has obviously triggered The Derp into his mega meltdown. Keep going Derp it's very very entertaining :lol:
Hey Lucy! How are ya?

I'm okay I hope you are also?

I have read this thread from the beginning and I'm confused as to what The Derp is even ranting about. Google being in the stranglehold of SJWs including their CEO is a SJW have obviously violated James Damore's right to have his own political opinion, the Far Left are Totalitarian Fascist bitches where only the most crazed Leftism is tolerated, even Centrists and Libertarians have no place in the Far Left Bubble.
Women do not tend to go into mathematical fields. It's a fact.

See how the parameters of what you said changed? So now you've gone from "women don't go into these fields" to "women do not tend to go into mathematics fields". Of course, that's bullshit too...as there are just about as many female mathematics majors than males in this country.

From the National Science Foundation, 2014:
"In 2014, women's representation in mathematics and statistics reached more than 40% at the bachelor's and master's levels..."

So your insistence is, of course, bullshit. Nearly half of all math majors at the Bachelor's and Master's levels, are women. So from where did you get this idea that women do not tend to go into mathematical fields? Because the facts tell a different story.
The concept of generalizations is beyond the ability of room temperature IQ derp.

You're the ones who made generalizations not informed by facts.

When that happens, it's not a generalization...it's prejudice.
I have a longtime good friend who is a female with a PhD in Mathematics. She is a minority in her field still today, Dufus.
Women do not tend to go into mathematical fields. It's a fact.

See how the parameters of what you said changed? So now you've gone from "women don't go into these fields" to "women do not tend to go into mathematics fields". Of course, that's bullshit too...as there are just about as many female mathematics majors than males in this country.

From the National Science Foundation, 2014:
"In 2014, women's representation in mathematics and statistics reached more than 40% at the bachelor's and master's levels..."

So your insistence is, of course, bullshit. Nearly half of all math majors at the Bachelor's and Master's levels, are women. So from where did you get this idea that women do not tend to go into mathematical fields? Because the facts tell a different story.
The concept of generalizations is beyond the ability of room temperature IQ derp.

You're the ones who made generalizations not informed by facts.

When that happens, it's not a generalization...it's prejudice.
No...we made generalizations based on observable reality...observable reality is fact. Your emotionally driven egalitarianism is not observable fact. It's wishful thinking when taking observable fact into account.
Dude...I told you I was speaking in generalities.

Generalities not informed by facts, but rather informed by your prejudice and bias, like Damore's were.

Which are observable fact. The fact you want to play semantic games proves you are arguing in bad faith and know you lost the debate from the gate. Stop spazing out, you may actually win a debate some day.

NO! "Observable fact" is called "empirical evidence" and the empirical evidence shows that women make up a little less than half of all Bachelor's and Master's mathematics graduates.

So what happened here is that you said something stupid and uninformed, then tried to walk that back by expanding the parameters of what you meant. Well, why didn't you just say what you meant the first time? Because you did say what you meant, you just didn't know you were wrong about it.
I have a longtime good friend who is a female with a PhD in Mathematics. She is a minority in her field still today, Dufus.

Yeah, no one's denying that. But you all said "women don't go into the mathematical fields". That absolutism, informed by prejudice and bias, is exactly why Demore was shit-canned from Google. That behavior clearly violates Google's Code of Conduct.
Dude...I told you I was speaking in generalities.

Generalities not informed by facts, but rather informed by your prejudice and bias, like Damore's were.

Which are observable fact. The fact you want to play semantic games proves you are arguing in bad faith and know you lost the debate from the gate. Stop spazing out, you may actually win a debate some day.

NO! "Observable fact" is called "empirical evidence" and the empirical evidence shows that women make up a little less than half of all Bachelor's and Master's mathematics graduates.

So what happened here is that you said something stupid and uninformed, then tried to walk that back by expanding the parameters of what you meant. Well, why didn't you just say what you meant the first time? Because you did say what you meant, you just didn't know you were wrong about it.
I look forward to the majority shareholder of Google being a conservative.
You're the ones who posted the quote from one of Google's chief executives explicitly stating that was the reason for Damore's termination.

It had nothing to do with the policy of "any" politics, it was specific to HIS politics, which is illegal in California.

Right, it has to do with Damore violating the strict Code of Conduct he agreed to abide by when he accepted employment at Google.

Did he not read the Code of Conduct? Did he not read his Employee Handbook?

These are questions the judge will ask him.

^^^^ This:

White Male James Damore Goes After Google

^^^^ Just reading the words WHITE MALE has obviously triggered The Derp into his mega meltdown. Keep going Derp it's very very entertaining :lol:
Hey Lucy! How are ya?

I'm okay I hope you are also?

I have read this thread from the beginning and I'm confused as to what The Derp is even ranting about. Google being in the stranglehold of SJWs including their CEO is a SJW have obviously violated James Damore's right to have his own political opinion, the Far Left are Totalitarian Fascist bitches where only the most crazed Leftism is tolerated, even Centrists and Libertarians have no place in the Far Left Bubble.
Gimpy likes that people can be fired illegally and makes excuses for corporations for doing so.

He's dumb.
The accusations are credible. You are not.

How are the accusations credible if you have Google's own executive saying this guy was terminated because he violated the Code of Conduct he agreed to abide by when he accepted employment? I don't think you know what words actually mean. Which would explain why you keep redefining the parameters, a priori.

YOu are a hater. You have supported the use of political violence against your enemies,

Now you're just flaming out, trying to get a reaction out of me because you're so emotionally unhinged. You can take your unearned sense of bullshit entitlement, and shove it up your fat ass.

your current refusal to admit that you support discrimination against them is laughable.

I do think Conservatives should be discriminated against because they're shitty, garbage people who have a bullshit unearned sense of entitlement.
VS childish liars who hate and have no tolerance

Your shit views and ideas do not deserve tolerance. You haven't earned that entitlement.

^^^^ This is the Far Left, preaching tolerance but they are the most intolerant of the intolerant, the Far Left are fuelled by the most sordid type of hatred for ANYONE who dares to have a DIFFERENT opinion than they have.
No...we made generalizations based on observable reality...observable reality is fact.

Observable reality: women make up a little less than half of all bachelor's and master's mathematics degrees.

You obviously didn't know about that, which means you aren't observing anything. You're just running your fat, stupid mouth without knowing the facts...which is a habit most right-wingers have. So it's not just you, it's pathological on the right.

Your emotionally driven egalitarianism is not observable fact. It's wishful thinking when taking observable fact into account.

Everything you are saying with respect to this thread has been emotionally-driven. Not only that, the things you say -about how you use observable reality aka empirical evidence- are demonstrably false.
I have a longtime good friend who is a female with a PhD in Mathematics. She is a minority in her field still today, Dufus.

Yeah, no one's denying that. But you all said "women don't go into the mathematical fields". That absolutism, informed by prejudice and bias, is exactly why Demore was shit-canned from Google. That behavior clearly violates Google's Code of Conduct.
We know you can’t grasp the concept of generalizations. You don’t need to drive the point further.
When you gain notoriety by writing a screed denigrating your fellow employees, guaranteed to disrupt the workplace, it makes it so much more difficult to prove discrimination.

The most jaw-dropping allegation is that "Google publicly endorsed blacklists" of conservatives. The lawsuit claims that several hiring managers publicly vowed not to hire people categorized as "hostile voices" aka conservatives.

Interesting that his attorney equates "hostile voices" with "conservatives."

If somebody has already voiced "opinions" that consist of attacks on the identities of his or her potential team mates, chances are that this person would be viewed as someone who is not ready to be a team player.

I find the following article interesting:
Google is still mostly white and male
The headline on this article reads: "Google is still mostly white and male"
The accusations are credible. You are not.

How are the accusations credible if you have Google's own executive saying this guy was terminated because he violated the Code of Conduct he agreed to abide by when he accepted employment? I don't think you know what words actually mean. Which would explain why you keep redefining the parameters, a priori.

YOu are a hater. You have supported the use of political violence against your enemies,

Now you're just flaming out, trying to get a reaction out of me because you're so emotionally unhinged. You can take your unearned sense of bullshit entitlement, and shove it up your fat ass.

your current refusal to admit that you support discrimination against them is laughable.

I do think Conservatives should be discriminated against because they're shitty, garbage people who have a bullshit unearned sense of entitlement.
VS childish liars who hate and have no tolerance

Your shit views and ideas do not deserve tolerance. You haven't earned that entitlement.

^^^^ This is the Far Left, preaching tolerance but they are the most intolerant of the intolerant, the Far Left are fuelled by the most sordid type of hatred for ANYONE who dares to have a DIFFERENT opinion than they have.

Your Russia is showing.
It had nothing to do with the policy of "any" politics, it was specific to HIS politics, which is illegal in California.

Right, it has to do with Damore violating the strict Code of Conduct he agreed to abide by when he accepted employment at Google.

Did he not read the Code of Conduct? Did he not read his Employee Handbook?

These are questions the judge will ask him.

^^^^ This:

White Male James Damore Goes After Google

^^^^ Just reading the words WHITE MALE has obviously triggered The Derp into his mega meltdown. Keep going Derp it's very very entertaining :lol:
Hey Lucy! How are ya?

I'm okay I hope you are also?

I have read this thread from the beginning and I'm confused as to what The Derp is even ranting about. Google being in the stranglehold of SJWs including their CEO is a SJW have obviously violated James Damore's right to have his own political opinion, the Far Left are Totalitarian Fascist bitches where only the most crazed Leftism is tolerated, even Centrists and Libertarians have no place in the Far Left Bubble.
Gimpy likes that people can be fired illegally and makes excuses for corporations for doing so.

He's dumb.

From reading the ranting he's probably a Meth Head or at the very least he's been smoking Crack.
Dude...I told you I was speaking in generalities.

Generalities not informed by facts, but rather informed by your prejudice and bias, like Damore's were.

Which are observable fact. The fact you want to play semantic games proves you are arguing in bad faith and know you lost the debate from the gate. Stop spazing out, you may actually win a debate some day.

NO! "Observable fact" is called "empirical evidence" and the empirical evidence shows that women make up a little less than half of all Bachelor's and Master's mathematics graduates.

So what happened here is that you said something stupid and uninformed, then tried to walk that back by expanding the parameters of what you meant. Well, why didn't you just say what you meant the first time? Because you did say what you meant, you just didn't know you were wrong about it.
It is an empirical fact that women do not tend to go into STEM fields. Are you retarded? The whole reason why you are up in arms is because what I said is fact. You want more women in STEM....they just aren't interested by and large, idiot. They are more inclined to go into "social sciences" and other soft science fields. This is an observable and documented FACT, regardless of how much you protest.
The accusations are credible. You are not.

How are the accusations credible if you have Google's own executive saying this guy was terminated because he violated the Code of Conduct he agreed to abide by when he accepted employment? I don't think you know what words actually mean. Which would explain why you keep redefining the parameters, a priori.

YOu are a hater. You have supported the use of political violence against your enemies,

Now you're just flaming out, trying to get a reaction out of me because you're so emotionally unhinged. You can take your unearned sense of bullshit entitlement, and shove it up your fat ass.

your current refusal to admit that you support discrimination against them is laughable.

I do think Conservatives should be discriminated against because they're shitty, garbage people who have a bullshit unearned sense of entitlement.
VS childish liars who hate and have no tolerance

Your shit views and ideas do not deserve tolerance. You haven't earned that entitlement.

^^^^ This is the Far Left, preaching tolerance but they are the most intolerant of the intolerant, the Far Left are fuelled by the most sordid type of hatred for ANYONE who dares to have a DIFFERENT opinion than they have.

Your Russia is showing.

^^^^ Pathetic, typical low IQ response from a low IQ chimp of your ilk.
When you gain notoriety by writing a screed denigrating your fellow employees, guaranteed to disrupt the workplace, it makes it so much more difficult to prove discrimination.

The most jaw-dropping allegation is that "Google publicly endorsed blacklists" of conservatives. The lawsuit claims that several hiring managers publicly vowed not to hire people categorized as "hostile voices" aka conservatives.

Interesting that his attorney equates "hostile voices" with "conservatives."

If somebody has already voiced "opinions" that consist of attacks on the identities of his or her potential team mates, chances are that this person would be viewed as someone who is not ready to be a team player.

I find the following article interesting:
Google is still mostly white and male
The headline on this article reads: "Google is still mostly white and male"
Snowflakes do find that a claim men and women are different to be an attack upon them.

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