White Male James Damore Goes After Google

Yes, they certainly can enforce their employment contracts however they want. You agree to that when you sign on the line.

So if they have a policy saying "no sex at work" and when they catch heterosexual sex acts they ignore it, but fire people caught doing homosexual sex acts, that would be OK?

But they don't. So instead of dreaming up hypotheticals, how about you deal with reality.

it's the same concept we have been trying to explain to you.

Would they be able to do the above or not?

No, it's just you redefining parameters a priori so you don't have to admit that the position you have is bullshit.

It's a similar issue with just different parameters. You don't want to answer because any way you answer will either make you look bad or force you to admit your position is wrong.
Gimp is a bigot driven by hatred. The same thing he claims we are. He's an assclown.
he was asked to provide feedback, and he did. he was fired for the content of it, due to his politics.

No, he was fired because his manifesto violated Google's stated Code of Conduct. The Code of Conduct Damore agreed to abide by when he accepted employment at Google.

More goalpost shifting......


You're the ones who posted the quote from one of Google's chief executives explicitly stating that was the reason for Damore's termination.

It had nothing to do with the policy of "any" politics, it was specific to HIS politics, which is illegal in California.

Right, it has to do with Damore violating the strict Code of Conduct he agreed to abide by when he accepted employment at Google.

Did he not read the Code of Conduct? Did he not read his Employee Handbook?

These are questions the judge will ask him.

Then his attorneys will ask google to disclose any other firings for violating said policy, and will provide internal emails showing political views being espoused during working hours by other employees.

Dig dig dig deeper deeper deeper you dumbass dumbass dumbass.
Correct. I was discussing the alleged "black list" discrimination in the company.

Alleged by whom? By the person who was fired for violating the terms of the Code of Conduct he previously agreed to abide by.

Unless...you're saying he never bothered to read that Code of Conduct. Which doesn't insulate him from being terminated. Laziness is not an excuse.

You lied and then dodged twice and then changed the subject twice.

I lied about nothing. This guy broke his contract, and now expects to not face consequences for doing so. Talk about entitled.

Your initial post, where you openly supported this discrimination because it was "legal" is being validated with every post you make at this point.Despite your cowardly and dishonest walking it back, in your second and third posts.

Not what my initial post said. I've been saying the same thing this whole time; Damore violated the terms of his employment contract. Apparently, he doesn't think doing so should result in any consequences because he mistakenly thinks he's entitled to say whatever the fuck he wants on internal company communications. Guess what? He isn't.

The accusations are credible. You are not.

YOu are a hater. You have supported the use of political violence against your enemies,

your current refusal to admit that you support discrimination against them is laughable.
So if they have a policy saying "no sex at work" and when they catch heterosexual sex acts they ignore it, but fire people caught doing homosexual sex acts, that would be OK?

But they don't. So instead of dreaming up hypotheticals, how about you deal with reality.

it's the same concept we have been trying to explain to you.

Would they be able to do the above or not?

No, it's just you redefining parameters a priori so you don't have to admit that the position you have is bullshit.

It's a similar issue with just different parameters. You don't want to answer because any way you answer will either make you look bad or force you to admit your position is wrong.
Gimp is a bigot driven by hatred. The same thing he claims we are. He's an assclown.

I know, it's just fun watching him spin in dullard-infused circles of his own insipid making.
Another cheerleader for mega corporations.

It has nothing to do with corporations. It is basic work ethic. You can't bad mouth your employer in an email and then send it to everyone at work. You also can't spread your social and political ideologies. It's unprofessional.

Yes, and is in clear violation of the Google Employee Handbook and the Code of Conduct.
Google has long promoted a culture of openness, with employees allowed to question senior executives and even mock its strategy in internal forums. ”

Keep showing us how you always lie.

Which isn't the same thing as disparagement.
Hilarious the stupid lies you make up to support mega corporations.

LOL! So you think you can try triangulating me here because your position is bullshit and you don't want to admit it?

How about this; GO FUCK YOURSELF
Lol...how petty. I was speaking in general


Your exact words were "women don't go into these fields". Not women don't "largely" go into these fields. Not women don't "usually" go into these fields. Just your absolutist position of "women don't go into these fields". They obviously do, and you were just expressing that exact absolutist sexism and bigotry that got Demore canned.

I think you clearly thought that no women were into coding and that you think as Demore does, that women aren't genetically predisposed to doing it. But that's bullshit, of course
Women do not tend to go into mathematical fields. It's a fact.

Lol...now this faggot thinks gifs will make him look smart. Look, Gimpy....youre a dumb fuck. Nothing you say or do will change that until you stop being a dumbfuck.

And since you are a dumbfuck, maybe that is impossible for you to do. But I hope the best for you.

The more you screech, the less convinced I am you know what you're talking about.
Is it illegal to fire people over their political beliefs in CA or not, fucktard? Yes or No?

He wasn't fired for his beliefs, he was fired for violating the Code of Conduct he agreed to abide by when he accepted employment.

That's what Google's own chief executive said. You guys quoted it in this thread.
But they don't. So instead of dreaming up hypotheticals, how about you deal with reality.

it's the same concept we have been trying to explain to you.

Would they be able to do the above or not?

No, it's just you redefining parameters a priori so you don't have to admit that the position you have is bullshit.

It's a similar issue with just different parameters. You don't want to answer because any way you answer will either make you look bad or force you to admit your position is wrong.
Gimp is a bigot driven by hatred. The same thing he claims we are. He's an assclown.

I know, it's just fun watching him spin in dullard-infused circles of his own insipid making.
It is fun to watch and interact with him. He is totally unaware of how stupid he makes himself look. Lol
Lol...now this faggot thinks gifs will make him look smart. Look, Gimpy....youre a dumb fuck. Nothing you say or do will change that until you stop being a dumbfuck.

And since you are a dumbfuck, maybe that is impossible for you to do. But I hope the best for you.

The more you screech, the less convinced I am you know what you're talking about.
Is it illegal to fire people over their political beliefs in CA or not, fucktard? Yes or No?

He wasn't fired for his beliefs, he was fired for violating the Code of Conduct he agreed to abide by when he accepted employment.
Why are you so stupid? No he was fired for giving his opinion, one the company asked for. It didn't please them so they fired him. Anyone with a functional brain knows this.

I would back you up if you were fired for giving your bosses what they asked for...and then you were fired for doing just that.

You are stupid and a political hack...

You are the shitheels who posted the direct quote from Google's own executive explicitly stating he was fired for breaking the company's Code of Conduct.

That was a quote you guys put forth on this thread.

Now you can't handle it? Fuck off, then.
Yes, they certainly can enforce their employment contracts however they want. You agree to that when you sign on the line.

So if they have a policy saying "no sex at work" and when they catch heterosexual sex acts they ignore it, but fire people caught doing homosexual sex acts, that would be OK?

But they don't. So instead of dreaming up hypotheticals, how about you deal with reality.

it's the same concept we have been trying to explain to you.

Would they be able to do the above or not?

No, it's just you redefining parameters a priori so you don't have to admit that the position you have is bullshit.

It's a similar issue with just different parameters. You don't want to answer because any way you answer will either make you look bad or force you to admit your position is wrong.

So you did arbitrarily and a priori change the parameters in an effort to what? Make your position more credible because it lacks credibility on the facts alone.

'Nuff said.
Lol...now this faggot thinks gifs will make him look smart. Look, Gimpy....youre a dumb fuck. Nothing you say or do will change that until you stop being a dumbfuck.

And since you are a dumbfuck, maybe that is impossible for you to do. But I hope the best for you.

The more you screech, the less convinced I am you know what you're talking about.
Is it illegal to fire people over their political beliefs in CA or not, fucktard? Yes or No?

He wasn't fired for his beliefs, he was fired for violating the Code of Conduct he agreed to abide by when he accepted employment.
Why are you so stupid? No he was fired for giving his opinion, one the company asked for. It didn't please them so they fired him. Anyone with a functional brain knows this.

I would back you up if you were fired for giving your bosses what they asked for...and then you were fired for doing just that.

You are stupid and a political hack...

You are the shitheels who posted the direct quote from Google's own executive explicitly stating he was fired for breaking the company's Code of Conduct.

That was a quote you guys put forth on this thread.

Now you can't handle it? Fuck off, then.
Keep Spazzing out, you little autistic son of a bitch. Lmao
Then his attorneys will ask google to disclose any other firings for violating said policy, and will provide internal emails showing political views being espoused during working hours by other employees.

They can ask that, but only a judge can order them to do it. And a company as large as Google, you can bet there have been plenty of instances of employees being terminated for violating the Code of Conduct.

Dig dig dig deeper deeper deeper you dumbass dumbass dumbass.

Sounds like you're the ones who have to do the digging here, if you're going to prove that this guy's firing was purely motivated by politics and nothing more. That's going to be difficult to prove in court, and why this lawsuit will never make it to trial.
The accusations are credible. You are not.

How are the accusations credible if you have Google's own executive saying this guy was terminated because he violated the Code of Conduct he agreed to abide by when he accepted employment? I don't think you know what words actually mean. Which would explain why you keep redefining the parameters, a priori.

YOu are a hater. You have supported the use of political violence against your enemies,

Now you're just flaming out, trying to get a reaction out of me because you're so emotionally unhinged. You can take your unearned sense of bullshit entitlement, and shove it up your fat ass.

your current refusal to admit that you support discrimination against them is laughable.

I do think Conservatives should be discriminated against because they're shitty, garbage people who have a bullshit unearned sense of entitlement.
Lol...now this faggot thinks gifs will make him look smart. Look, Gimpy....youre a dumb fuck. Nothing you say or do will change that until you stop being a dumbfuck.

And since you are a dumbfuck, maybe that is impossible for you to do. But I hope the best for you.

The more you screech, the less convinced I am you know what you're talking about.
Is it illegal to fire people over their political beliefs in CA or not, fucktard? Yes or No?

He wasn't fired for his beliefs, he was fired for violating the Code of Conduct he agreed to abide by when he accepted employment.

That's what Google's own chief executive said. You guys quoted it in this thread.
Nope. Keep spinning, mega corporation stooge.
The accusations are credible. You are not.

How are the accusations credible if you have Google's own executive saying this guy was terminated because he violated the Code of Conduct he agreed to abide by when he accepted employment? I don't think you know what words actually mean. Which would explain why you keep redefining the parameters, a priori.

YOu are a hater. You have supported the use of political violence against your enemies,

Now you're just flaming out, trying to get a reaction out of me because you're so emotionally unhinged. You can take your unearned sense of bullshit entitlement, and shove it up your fat ass.

your current refusal to admit that you support discrimination against them is laughable.

I do think Conservatives should be discriminated against because they're shitty, garbage people who have a bullshit unearned sense of entitlement.
VS childish liars who hate and have no tolerance
he was asked to provide feedback, and he did. he was fired for the content of it, due to his politics.

No, he was fired because his manifesto violated Google's stated Code of Conduct. The Code of Conduct Damore agreed to abide by when he accepted employment at Google.

More goalpost shifting......


You're the ones who posted the quote from one of Google's chief executives explicitly stating that was the reason for Damore's termination.

It had nothing to do with the policy of "any" politics, it was specific to HIS politics, which is illegal in California.

Right, it has to do with Damore violating the strict Code of Conduct he agreed to abide by when he accepted employment at Google.

Did he not read the Code of Conduct? Did he not read his Employee Handbook?

These are questions the judge will ask him.

^^^^ This:

White Male James Damore Goes After Google

^^^^ Just reading the words WHITE MALE has obviously triggered The Derp into his mega meltdown. Keep going Derp it's very very entertaining :lol:
Women do not tend to go into mathematical fields. It's a fact.

See how the parameters of what you said changed? So now you've gone from "women don't go into these fields" to "women do not tend to go into mathematics fields". Of course, that's bullshit too...as there are just about as many female mathematics majors than males in this country.

From the National Science Foundation, 2014:
"In 2014, women's representation in mathematics and statistics reached more than 40% at the bachelor's and master's levels..."

So your insistence is, of course, bullshit. Nearly half of all math majors at the Bachelor's and Master's levels, are women. So from where did you get this idea that women do not tend to go into mathematical fields? Because the facts tell a different story.
I listened to Damore shortly after he was fired. Typical soft spoken introvert software geek who just had an opinion. Google will try to settle out of court by giving him big bucks, but my impression was he will make demands of google to end their discrimination.
No, he was fired because his manifesto violated Google's stated Code of Conduct. The Code of Conduct Damore agreed to abide by when he accepted employment at Google.

More goalpost shifting......


You're the ones who posted the quote from one of Google's chief executives explicitly stating that was the reason for Damore's termination.

It had nothing to do with the policy of "any" politics, it was specific to HIS politics, which is illegal in California.

Right, it has to do with Damore violating the strict Code of Conduct he agreed to abide by when he accepted employment at Google.

Did he not read the Code of Conduct? Did he not read his Employee Handbook?

These are questions the judge will ask him.

^^^^ This:

White Male James Damore Goes After Google

^^^^ Just reading the words WHITE MALE has obviously triggered The Derp into his mega meltdown. Keep going Derp it's very very entertaining :lol:
Hey Lucy! How are ya?
Women do not tend to go into mathematical fields. It's a fact.

See how the parameters of what you said changed? So now you've gone from "women don't go into these fields" to "women do not tend to go into mathematics fields". Of course, that's bullshit too...as there are just about as many female mathematics majors than males in this country.

From the National Science Foundation, 2014:
"In 2014, women's representation in mathematics and statistics reached more than 40% at the bachelor's and master's levels..."

So your insistence is, of course, bullshit. Nearly half of all math majors at the Bachelor's and Master's levels, are women. So from where did you get this idea that women do not tend to go into mathematical fields? Because the facts tell a different story.
The concept of generalizations is beyond the ability of room temperature IQ derp.

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