White Male Murders Two Whites; Kidnaps Thier Daughter = Where is the Mollie Tibbetts Crowd?

Jake Patterson, 21-year-old accused of kidnapping Jayme Closs, and murdering her parents nearly three months ago is a WHITE male, US citizen.

Where is the Mollie Tibbetts crowd that was bitching about illegals murdering white female citizens?

Why don't you folks bitch about WHITE male citizens just as much when they murder your fellow citizens?

Live updates: Missing teen Jayme Closs found alive - CNN

Why don't you folks wanna build a wall around Wisconsin?

That was stupid.

No; not stupid but it is a very sad social commentary that whites don't give a shit when another white citizen murders & kidnaps other white citizens but I don't expect you to be honest about it.
Yes very stupid.

And yes they do give a damn.

Research a little bit more and tell me where this white guy is currently being held.

This is ALL IN the national news; If you're too stupid to know the guy is in Wisconsin (which I have already stated) then you're too stupid.
The real story of a heroic teen that escaped her captor and helped lead to his arrest.
Breaking News - Jayme Closs found alive!
The OP and thread derailing trolls need not appear.
No wall discussion there.
Just a good news story which apparently doesn't matter based on how few hits it received.

OP is a moron.

Jake Patterson, 21-year-old accused of kidnapping Jayme Closs, and murdering her parents nearly three months ago is a WHITE male, US citizen.

Where is the Mollie Tibbetts crowd that was bitching about illegals murdering white female citizens?

Why don't you folks bitch about WHITE male citizens just as much when they murder your fellow citizens?

Live updates: Missing teen Jayme Closs found alive - CNN

Why don't you folks wanna build a wall around Wisconsin?

This argument from the left that illegal immigration is justified because Americans murder each other is making you people look pretty ridiculous in the public eye

Where did I state, or imply, "illegal immigration is justified because Americans murder each other?"

You really need to check the thread & dig your head outta your ass.

My argument is that whites NEVER bitch about whites murdering whites; they only bitch about the brown folks murdering whites.

Why are you lying & why are you too stupid to get what I have actually stated in the thread?
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Jake Patterson, 21-year-old accused of kidnapping Jayme Closs, and murdering her parents nearly three months ago is a WHITE male, US citizen.

Where is the Mollie Tibbetts crowd that was bitching about illegals murdering white female citizens?

Why don't you folks bitch about WHITE male citizens just as much when they murder your fellow citizens?

Live updates: Missing teen Jayme Closs found alive - CNN

Why don't you folks wanna build a wall around Wisconsin?

Right we have our own criminals don't need to import those from outside on top of that.
That was stupid.

No; not stupid but it is a very sad social commentary that whites don't give a shit when another white citizen murders & kidnaps other white citizens but I don't expect you to be honest about it.
Yes very stupid.

And yes they do give a damn.

Research a little bit more and tell me where this white guy is currently being held.

This is ALL IN the national news; If you're too stupid to know the guy is in Wisconsin (which I have already stated) then you're too stupid.
The real story of a heroic teen that escaped her captor and helped lead to his arrest.
Breaking News - Jayme Closs found alive!
The OP and thread derailing trolls need not appear.
No wall discussion there.
Just a good news story which apparently doesn't matter based on how few hits it received.

OP is a moron.

It's sad when the whitye community
Jake Patterson, 21-year-old accused of kidnapping Jayme Closs, and murdering her parents nearly three months ago is a WHITE male, US citizen.

Where is the Mollie Tibbetts crowd that was bitching about illegals murdering white female citizens?

Why don't you folks bitch about WHITE male citizens just as much when they murder your fellow citizens?

Live updates: Missing teen Jayme Closs found alive - CNN

Why don't you folks wanna build a wall around Wisconsin?

This argument from the left that illegal immigration is justified because Americans murder each other is making you people look pretty ridiculous in the public eye

Where did I state, or imply, "illegal immigration is justified because Americans murder each other?"

You really need to check the thread & dig your head outta your ass.

My argument is that whites NEVER bitch about whites murdering whites; they only bitch about the brown folks murdering whites.

Why are you lying & why are you too stupid to get what I have actually stated in the thread?
Anyone who commits murder is deserving of a swift death after a swift trial regardless of race, affiliation, gender identification, etc.
Take your race baiting and shove it.
Who ever said that illegals were the only ones committing heinous crimes, hackasaurus rex?

Then when I assert these pieces of shit should have dissolved in the end of a condom, I'm the asshole.

Not the piece of shit who started the troll thread.
We only talk about it when it is a "Brown person" doing it, because that is the only time that murderer has a defense team of liberals.

When it is a white murderer, he is arrested and sentenced and everyone is fine with it.

like I stated; whitey gives whitey a pass.
Being arrested and sentenced is exactly the opposite of being given a pass you Moron

Whites bitching about the Mexican committing a murder & whites NOT bitching when a white person does the same thing is giving the white murderer a pass. I know that's above your level so, I had to explain.

No, it is not.

We don't talk about the white murderers because they do not have defenders.

Thus there is nothing to talk about.

Every now and again, some lefty posts some OP about a white murderer, and tries to gin up some debate about it, expecting the white cons to jump forth to defend the white murderer as you libs do with brown murderers.

But we white cons don't identify with white murderers. And we don't defend them. We join in denouncing them and supporting their long imprisonment, or death.

SO, the thread dies. Because there is nothing to discuss. We all agree that white murderers should be imprison for long periods of time or executed.

That is not giving them a pass.

That is wanting Justice. We are consist in that.

The above bolded is complete bovine feces.

Let me explain something to you.

When someone makes a point you disagree with, it is one thing to simply post a disagreement.

When some one makes a point you disagree with and then goes on to explain the point, AND, goes further to give an example to demonstrate his supporting argument,

and all you do is simply post your disagreement without addressing either his supporting argument, OR his example,

the obvious conclusion is that you did not challenge his argument or his example, because you CAN'T.

You lose.
That was stupid.

No; not stupid but it is a very sad social commentary that whites don't give a shit when another white citizen murders & kidnaps other white citizens but I don't expect you to be honest about it.
Yes very stupid.

And yes they do give a damn.

Research a little bit more and tell me where this white guy is currently being held.

This is ALL IN the national news; If you're too stupid to know the guy is in Wisconsin (which I have already stated) then you're too stupid.

Not what he meant, D'uh.

He meant the man is being held in a JAIL.

Because we do care.

And that was moronic of you, to misunderstand that.

You asked where; Wisconsin.

And sure; the guy is in jail.

The question is pretty stupid just as most of the membership here.

HIs being in jail, proves your claim of whites giving white murderers a pass, to be false.
No; not stupid but it is a very sad social commentary that whites don't give a shit when another white citizen murders & kidnaps other white citizens but I don't expect you to be honest about it.
Yes very stupid.

And yes they do give a damn.

Research a little bit more and tell me where this white guy is currently being held.

This is ALL IN the national news; If you're too stupid to know the guy is in Wisconsin (which I have already stated) then you're too stupid.

Not what he meant, D'uh.

He meant the man is being held in a JAIL.

Because we do care.

And that was moronic of you, to misunderstand that.

You asked where; Wisconsin.

And sure; the guy is in jail.

The question is pretty stupid just as most of the membership here.

HIs being in jail, proves your claim of whites giving white murderers a pass, to be false.

Fine; you missed the whole point of the thread.
Yes very stupid.

And yes they do give a damn.

Research a little bit more and tell me where this white guy is currently being held.

This is ALL IN the national news; If you're too stupid to know the guy is in Wisconsin (which I have already stated) then you're too stupid.

Not what he meant, D'uh.

He meant the man is being held in a JAIL.

Because we do care.

And that was moronic of you, to misunderstand that.

You asked where; Wisconsin.

And sure; the guy is in jail.

The question is pretty stupid just as most of the membership here.

HIs being in jail, proves your claim of whites giving white murderers a pass, to be false.

Fine; you missed the whole point of the thread.

No, I got it.

You think that the fact that we bitch about one, but not the other means, that we don't care about the other.

But it has been repeatedly explained to you, that that is not the case.
Jake Patterson, 21-year-old accused of kidnapping Jayme Closs, and murdering her parents nearly three months ago is a WHITE male, US citizen.

Where is the Mollie Tibbetts crowd that was bitching about illegals murdering white female citizens?

Why don't you folks bitch about WHITE male citizens just as much when they murder your fellow citizens?

Live updates: Missing teen Jayme Closs found alive - CNN

Why don't you folks wanna build a wall around Wisconsin?

Hey Stupid…

You say you are White, but I think you are

a lying POS Racist, if I am wrong you are at

the least one sick fluck….

And as far as that White POS male US citizen

that you speak of goes, I could go for gutting him alive.

The color of his flucking skin has nothing to do with it.
We only talk about it when it is a "Brown person" doing it, because that is the only time that murderer has a defense team of liberals.

When it is a white murderer, he is arrested and sentenced and everyone is fine with it.

like I stated; whitey gives whitey a pass.
Being arrested and sentenced is exactly the opposite of being given a pass you Moron

Whites bitching about the Mexican committing a murder & whites NOT bitching when a white person does the same thing is giving the white murderer a pass. I know that's above your level so, I had to explain.

No, it is not.

We don't talk about the white murderers because they do not have defenders.

Thus there is nothing to talk about.

Every now and again, some lefty posts some OP about a white murderer, and tries to gin up some debate about it, expecting the white cons to jump forth to defend the white murderer as you libs do with brown murderers.

But we white cons don't identify with white murderers. And we don't defend them. We join in denouncing them and supporting their long imprisonment, or death.

SO, the thread dies. Because there is nothing to discuss. We all agree that white murderers should be imprison for long periods of time or executed.

That is not giving them a pass.

That is wanting Justice. We are consist in that.

The above bolded is complete bovine feces.
It is correct and accurate cite one place or person with a link who drfenes such criminals otherwise you are wrong and liar.
That was stupid.

No; not stupid but it is a very sad social commentary that whites don't give a shit when another white citizen murders & kidnaps other white citizens but I don't expect you to be honest about it.
Yes very stupid.

And yes they do give a damn.

Research a little bit more and tell me where this white guy is currently being held.

This is ALL IN the national news; If you're too stupid to know the guy is in Wisconsin (which I have already stated) then you're too stupid.

Not what he meant, D'uh.

He meant the man is being held in a JAIL.

Because we do care.

And that was moronic of you, to misunderstand that.

You asked where; Wisconsin.

And sure; the guy is in jail.

The question is pretty stupid just as most of the membership here.
No it is not.

Your answer is stupid

He is in jail

No one defends him and wants him released based on his race this making your entire argument an epic failure from a drooling fool.
Yes very stupid.

And yes they do give a damn.

Research a little bit more and tell me where this white guy is currently being held.

This is ALL IN the national news; If you're too stupid to know the guy is in Wisconsin (which I have already stated) then you're too stupid.

Not what he meant, D'uh.

He meant the man is being held in a JAIL.

Because we do care.

And that was moronic of you, to misunderstand that.

You asked where; Wisconsin.

And sure; the guy is in jail.

The question is pretty stupid just as most of the membership here.

HIs being in jail, proves your claim of whites giving white murderers a pass, to be false.

Fine; you missed the whole point of the thread.
No one missed it

It has just been debunked and shredded much like your pretension at being intelligent.
Jake Patterson, 21-year-old accused of kidnapping Jayme Closs, and murdering her parents nearly three months ago is a WHITE male, US citizen.

Where is the Mollie Tibbetts crowd that was bitching about illegals murdering white female citizens?

Why don't you folks bitch about WHITE male citizens just as much when they murder your fellow citizens?

Live updates: Missing teen Jayme Closs found alive - CNN

Why don't you folks wanna build a wall around Wisconsin?
^ Dumb
Jake Patterson, 21-year-old accused of kidnapping Jayme Closs, and murdering her parents nearly three months ago is a WHITE male, US citizen.

Where is the Mollie Tibbetts crowd that was bitching about illegals murdering white female citizens?

Why don't you folks bitch about WHITE male citizens just as much when they murder your fellow citizens?

Live updates: Missing teen Jayme Closs found alive - CNN

Why don't you folks wanna build a wall around Wisconsin?
^ Dumb

NO; not 'dumb' ............. ALL true ........
like I stated; whitey gives whitey a pass
You are why Africans can't rule. Nobody is giving anyone a pass except people like you who always seem to blame white culture for your own failings.

I am white, male, 58 years of age so, I am blaming myself?

That is a fvcking hoot.

So, you are a traitor to your race?

No; I am honest about social issues, unlike 99% of the ass holes that fill this nation with bovine feces
That was stupid.

No; not stupid but it is a very sad social commentary that whites don't give a shit when another white citizen murders & kidnaps other white citizens but I don't expect you to be honest about it.
Yes very stupid.

And yes they do give a damn.

Research a little bit more and tell me where this white guy is currently being held.

This is ALL IN the national news; If you're too stupid to know the guy is in Wisconsin (which I have already stated) then you're too stupid.

Not what he meant, D'uh.

He meant the man is being held in a JAIL.

Because we do care.

And that was moronic of you, to misunderstand that.

You asked where; Wisconsin.

And sure; the guy is in jail.

The question is pretty stupid just as most of the membership here.

With this post you just admitted that you have nothing left to defend your idiotic OP.
No; not stupid but it is a very sad social commentary that whites don't give a shit when another white citizen murders & kidnaps other white citizens but I don't expect you to be honest about it.
Yes very stupid.

And yes they do give a damn.

Research a little bit more and tell me where this white guy is currently being held.

This is ALL IN the national news; If you're too stupid to know the guy is in Wisconsin (which I have already stated) then you're too stupid.

Not what he meant, D'uh.

He meant the man is being held in a JAIL.

Because we do care.

And that was moronic of you, to misunderstand that.

You asked where; Wisconsin.

And sure; the guy is in jail.

The question is pretty stupid just as most of the membership here.

With this post you just admitted that you have nothing left to defend your idiotic OP.

The idiot that asked the questions stated: tell me where this white guy is currently being held

the member obviously knows the person is "being held" aka jailed

the membership here really is NOT too bright

maybe they should vet the asshole brain dead here?

you, included?
Jake Patterson, 21-year-old accused of kidnapping Jayme Closs, and murdering her parents nearly three months ago is a WHITE male, US citizen.

Where is the Mollie Tibbetts crowd that was bitching about illegals murdering white female citizens?

Why don't you folks bitch about WHITE male citizens just as much when they murder your fellow citizens?

Live updates: Missing teen Jayme Closs found alive - CNN

Why don't you folks wanna build a wall around Wisconsin?

Some asshole committed a horrible crime, and you draw a parallel to politics? Someone should build a fucking wall around your mouth, you race-baiting douche bag.

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