White man shoots innocent black teen....

Ah. Politicians.


Rick Scott has also sent in the state.

And there is nothing wrong with doing either of those things. In fact, the reluctance of the local law enforcement to do anything demands it.

One phone call by the victim, indicates the victim was trying to get away from the killer, who continued to follow, backtracking to hunt done the victim. The victim's attempts at self defense, if any, were useless. Should HE have been armed?
He probably should have been armed, but I don't think 17 year olds are allowed to have guns.
One phone call by the victim, indicates the victim was trying to get away from the killer, who continued to follow, backtracking to hunt done the victim. The victim's attempts at self defense, if any, were useless. Should HE have been armed?

Are you talking about the Trayvon Martin case?

Apparently he had just clobbered Zimmerman from behind, knocking him to the ground.

How does that fit in with what you said?

Uh, Zimmerman was following the VICTIM.
It is not against any law to follow someone (unless there is a court order not to). :cuckoo:

There IS law about clobbering someone over the head because they follow you. You're not allowed to do that, FYI. Assault.

Of course, I don't know, nor do you, if that is or is not the case.
Uh, Zimmerman was following the VICTIM.

Up to the time 911 told him to stop we know he was following Trayvon, but nothing after that.

If Zimmerman was following the victim just prior to the confrontation, the why did the witness see Zimmerman lying on his back? Why did Zimmerman have awound to the back of his head? Why do you presume that Zimmerman is lying?

And I will ask you the same question I aksed earlier; how bad does an unarmed man have to beat you before you are justified to use deadly force in self defense? Knocked to the ground? Bleeding? Unconscious? lol, sounds stupid but libtards cant surprise me anymore in that regard.

How bad does a person have to beat you before you can shoot to defend yourself?

I know you wont answer, but just to be fair....
No, they are refusing to presume racist guilt for a white man who killed a black man.
That seems to be the case - lack of presumption of guilt.

What the holy fuck?

That is the USA we live in today.

And what will follow is equally bizare; libtards will use this as conversation at work, tagging anyone a racist who does not immediately aggree that Zimmerman is a racist and all the ignorant dumbfucks will agree without checking out the facts because they are stupid and lazy and 'why would all the media lie about this?'

Conservatives will knuckle down and remain silent, choosing to not 'fight this particular fight' and then later tell other conservatives who will speak out to 'just shut up your hurting the cause', because that is what conservatives do.

Zimmerman is going to wind up in prison and likely a suicide within a few years because that is how libtards want to treat 'vigilantes', i.e. anyone who would dare defend themselves against criminals.

Bowie, the young guy had no criminal record. Zimmerman was an alleged "neighborhood watch" guy that ignored advice from emergency personnel and killed an unarmed victim after tracking him down. You don't see murder charges in this scenario? I see heavy charges for the kids who threw gas on the other kid & set him on fire, AND possibly bias charges.
Jeezus, are you for real?

Zimmerman was so afraid of the teenager he left his car & followed him; ODD self defense. Why wasn't Zimmerman picked up for questioning?

Ask the professionals that were at the scene.

you know, the cops?

they have training to pick out a liar.
They have seen people after they have gotten beaten up.
and they know how to question people.

seriously stupid shit :lol:
That seems to be the case - lack of presumption of guilt.

What the holy fuck?

That is the USA we live in today.

And what will follow is equally bizare; libtards will use this as conversation at work, tagging anyone a racist who does not immediately aggree that Zimmerman is a racist and all the ignorant dumbfucks will agree without checking out the facts because they are stupid and lazy and 'why would all the media lie about this?'

Conservatives will knuckle down and remain silent, choosing to not 'fight this particular fight' and then later tell other conservatives who will speak out to 'just shut up your hurting the cause', because that is what conservatives do.

Zimmerman is going to wind up in prison and likely a suicide within a few years because that is how libtards want to treat 'vigilantes', i.e. anyone who would dare defend themselves against criminals.

Bowie, the young guy had no criminal record. Zimmerman was an alleged "neighborhood watch" guy that ignored advice from emergency personnel and killed an unarmed victim after tracking him down. You don't see murder charges in this scenario? I see heavy charges for the kids who threw gas on the other kid & set him on fire, AND possibly bias charges.
Under Florida law, no - not with the evidence they already have. I don't agree with Florida law, but I don't live there.

I don't know what country you live in, but in mine, we don't presume guilt. They are investigating, though, as they should.
Are you talking about the Trayvon Martin case?

Apparently he had just clobbered Zimmerman from behind, knocking him to the ground.

How does that fit in with what you said?

Uh, Zimmerman was following the VICTIM.
It is not against any law to follow someone (unless there is a court order not to). :cuckoo:

There IS law about clobbering someone over the head because they follow you. You're not allowed to do that, FYI. Assault.

Of course, I don't know, nor do you, if that is or is not the case.

Witness saw Zimmerman in a struggle and knocked to the ground. We know that Zimmerman suffered a wound to the back of his head and to his face and that he had grass covering his back. Trayvor, for all the talk about him being this wimpy little kid, sure was defending himslef quite well against ahfty 28 year old.

Why do you think the media is using pictures of him much younger in their news stories? The pic on CNN is way out of date and Trayvons nose was a lot wider and thicker in onelater photo I have seen with him wearing a hoodie.

Obviously the media want to lynch Zimmerman for daring to defend himself, and want to use him as the Poster Boy for repeal of stand your ground laws or at least stop the further doption of those laws by other states.

Gun rights people should get off the stick and make the world know what really happened.
yes sweetheart.

I actually read up on the facts, you didn't.

I know what I'm talking about.
You're full of shit.

No you didn't. You are talking out of your ample butt once again.

George Zimmerman's father on Trayvon Martin: My son is not racist, did not confront Trayvon Martin - South Florida Sun-Sentinel.com

George Zimmerman is Hispanic and grew up in a multiracial family, the statement says.

"He would be the last to discriminate for any reason whatsoever ...," the letter says. "The media portrayal of George as a racist could not be further from the truth."

Before an officer arrived, Trayvon and Zimmerman got into a fight, according to police, and witnesses heard one or both calling for help, and Zimmerman shot Trayvon once with a 9 mm handgun.

Zimmerman told police he acted in self-defense. Police found blood on his face and the back of his head as well as grass on the back of his shirt.

That jibes with what Cheryl Brown's teenage son witnessed while walking his dog that night. Thirteen-year-old Austin stepped out his front door and heard people fighting, he told the Orlando Sentinel on Thursday.

"I heard screaming and crying for help," he said. "I heard, 'Help me.' "

It was dark, and the boy did not see how the fight started, in fact, he only saw one person, a man in a red shirt — Zimmerman — who was on the ground.

you stand corrected.

Would you like to learn more?

more seriously stupid shit
Here is what this case is *really* about:
Florida's "Shoot First" Law: How George Zimmerman Claims Self-Defense

Libtards desperately want to protect their criminal constituency from possible violence as they rob/rape/kill people.
There's no evidence that this kid was trying to rob/rape/kill people.


Good God, you are stupid.

The repeal of 'stand your ground' laws are what the Lame Ass Media are really going for, and if that gets repealed, then yes, a lot of rapes, robberies and murders will be committed because people were hesitant to protect themselves or other innocent people.

And as to Trayvors activities, walking around in the rain looking into peoples homes would often be considered a prelude to robbing the home later by another criminal or perhaps himself. So, yes, there is evidence it could have been a robbery being planned. How do you know it was not? Since you are accusing Zimmerman the burden of proof is on you, not on those defending Zimmermans presumption of guilt.

Also it would appear that Zimmerman claims that Trayvor attacked him from behind as he got out to check out the name of the street he was on.

'Zimmerman told police he had stepped out of his truck to check the name of the street he was on when Trayvon attacked him from behind as he walked back to his truck.'

So far the story Zimmerman has told has been verified by other witnesses, and this would explain how someone with Trayvors build could put a big guy like Zimmerman on the ground.

Man, you libtards really truly do have racist prejudice against whites to the point of being completely irrational. Amazing.

It's already legal to kill someone in self-defense.

All this law does is make it easier for the cops to avoid investigating.

Luckily, there is a public outcry over this case and it will be investigated.
Since when is it OK to arrest someone THEN try to figure out if a crime was done?

Since when are the feds brought into a state matter simply because the feds don't like a constitutional law a state has?

Is this the USA any longer?
Since when is it OK to arrest someone THEN try to figure out if a crime was done?

Since when are the feds brought into a state matter simply because the feds don't like a constitutional law a state has?

Is this the USA any longer?

Normally, people get taken into custody, even temporarily, if they kill someone. The cops in this case seemed perfectly willing to NOT investigate the death of a child.

I find that unsettling.
That seems to be the case - lack of presumption of guilt.

What the holy fuck?

That is the USA we live in today.

And what will follow is equally bizare; libtards will use this as conversation at work, tagging anyone a racist who does not immediately aggree that Zimmerman is a racist and all the ignorant dumbfucks will agree without checking out the facts because they are stupid and lazy and 'why would all the media lie about this?'

Conservatives will knuckle down and remain silent, choosing to not 'fight this particular fight' and then later tell other conservatives who will speak out to 'just shut up your hurting the cause', because that is what conservatives do.

Zimmerman is going to wind up in prison and likely a suicide within a few years because that is how libtards want to treat 'vigilantes', i.e. anyone who would dare defend themselves against criminals.

Bowie, the young guy had no criminal record. Zimmerman was an alleged "neighborhood watch" guy that ignored advice from emergency personnel and killed an unarmed victim after tracking him down. You don't see murder charges in this scenario? I see heavy charges for the kids who threw gas on the other kid & set him on fire, AND possibly bias charges.

Dont know why you are saying Zimmerman was an alledged neighborhood watch guy; why else would he be on the phone to 911? He wanted the cops to know he was about to kill the kid?

We do know that Zimmerman was wounded to the back of the head, now how do you think that happened? Could it be he was attacked from behind like he said? And why doesnt CNN and all the other Lame Stream Media give us that little detail? Why do they use old pics of Trayvon when he was a little kid? To make idiots think that is what he looked like when he was killed?

The real target here is to stop the adoption of stand your ground laws, not to get justice for Trayvon, since far more black teens die everyday from gang related shit and the media couldnt care less.
Since when is it OK to arrest someone THEN try to figure out if a crime was done?

Since when are the feds brought into a state matter simply because the feds don't like a constitutional law a state has?

Is this the USA any longer?

Normally, people get taken into custody, even temporarily, if they kill someone. The cops in this case seemed perfectly willing to NOT investigate the death of a child.

I find that unsettling.

You are a stupid fucktard, so why should anyone give a rats ass what you find unsettling?
There's no evidence that this kid was trying to rob/rape/kill people.


Good God, you are stupid.

The repeal of 'stand your ground' laws are what the Lame Ass Media are really going for, and if that gets repealed, then yes, a lot of rapes, robberies and murders will be committed because people were hesitant to protect themselves or other innocent people.

And as to Trayvors activities, walking around in the rain looking into peoples homes would often be considered a prelude to robbing the home later by another criminal or perhaps himself. So, yes, there is evidence it could have been a robbery being planned. How do you know it was not? Since you are accusing Zimmerman the burden of proof is on you, not on those defending Zimmermans presumption of guilt.

Also it would appear that Zimmerman claims that Trayvor attacked him from behind as he got out to check out the name of the street he was on.

'Zimmerman told police he had stepped out of his truck to check the name of the street he was on when Trayvon attacked him from behind as he walked back to his truck.'

So far the story Zimmerman has told has been verified by other witnesses, and this would explain how someone with Trayvors build could put a big guy like Zimmerman on the ground.

Man, you libtards really truly do have racist prejudice against whites to the point of being completely irrational. Amazing.

It's already legal to kill someone in self-defense.

All this law does is make it easier for the cops to avoid investigating.

Luckily, there is a public outcry over this case and it will be investigated.
As I've said before, I think the "stand your ground" laws are retarded.

But, they are constitutional.

And, they are the law in Florida.

This is a state matter. The DOJ is not federal tool to change STATE legislation.
Good God, you are stupid.

The repeal of 'stand your ground' laws are what the Lame Ass Media are really going for, and if that gets repealed, then yes, a lot of rapes, robberies and murders will be committed because people were hesitant to protect themselves or other innocent people.

And as to Trayvors activities, walking around in the rain looking into peoples homes would often be considered a prelude to robbing the home later by another criminal or perhaps himself. So, yes, there is evidence it could have been a robbery being planned. How do you know it was not? Since you are accusing Zimmerman the burden of proof is on you, not on those defending Zimmermans presumption of guilt.

Also it would appear that Zimmerman claims that Trayvor attacked him from behind as he got out to check out the name of the street he was on.

'Zimmerman told police he had stepped out of his truck to check the name of the street he was on when Trayvon attacked him from behind as he walked back to his truck.'

So far the story Zimmerman has told has been verified by other witnesses, and this would explain how someone with Trayvors build could put a big guy like Zimmerman on the ground.

Man, you libtards really truly do have racist prejudice against whites to the point of being completely irrational. Amazing.

It's already legal to kill someone in self-defense.

All this law does is make it easier for the cops to avoid investigating.

Luckily, there is a public outcry over this case and it will be investigated.
As I've said before, I think the "stand your ground" laws are retarded.

But, they are constitutional.

And, they are the law in Florida.

This is a state matter. The DOJ is not federal tool to change STATE legislation.
I don't know if they are constitutional or not.
Since when is it OK to arrest someone THEN try to figure out if a crime was done?

Since when are the feds brought into a state matter simply because the feds don't like a constitutional law a state has?

Is this the USA any longer?

Its not the USA you fondly recall.

We have a duopoly political system that runs this nation for the benfit of Wall Street Banks, and in a year or two, when the banks crash due to the reckless use of Credit Default Swaps and other derivitive contracts to European banks that will be covered by FDIC insurance, they want to make damn sure they have their puppets in charge to make the American tax payer foot the bill like they have done in Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal and tried to do in Iceland.

We live in a kleptocracy run by banks from behind the scenes.
It's already legal to kill someone in self-defense.

All this law does is make it easier for the cops to avoid investigating.

Luckily, there is a public outcry over this case and it will be investigated.
As I've said before, I think the "stand your ground" laws are retarded.

But, they are constitutional.

And, they are the law in Florida.

This is a state matter. The DOJ is not federal tool to change STATE legislation.
I don't know if they are constitutional or not.

Because you are a stupid fucktard.

If you thought they were constitutional I would have to revisit the matter and completley reconsider. Agreement by you is prima facie evidence of being wrong.
So, it was actually the family that asked the FBI to investigate.

The family of Trayvon Martin is asking the FBI to get involved in the investigation of the killing of the unarmed 17-year-old Florida high school student, who was shot last month by a self-appointed neighborhood watchman outside his stepmother's home.

And this is interesting:

But law enforcement expert Rod Wheeler who listened to the tapes tells ABC News that Zimmerman, not Martin, sounded intoxicated in the police recordings of the 911 calls.

"When I listened to the 911 tape the first thing that came to my mind is this guy sounds intoxicated. Notice how he's slurring his words. We as trained law enforcement officers, we know how to listen for that right away and I think that's going to be an important element of this entire investigation," Wheeler said.

But Zimmerman was not tested.

Martin's family is now calling on the FBI to take over what they say is a botched investigation.

Trayvon Martin Family Seeks FBI Investigation of Killing - ABC News
Can any libtards here tell me how bad a person has to beat you before using deadly force is justified?

If the beater draws blood?

Knocks you to the ground?

Knocks you on your back?

Knocks you unconscious?


Really want to hear what the tipping point is in your opinion, except for Ravi who is a stupid fucktard and I could not possibly care less what he/she/it tries to think.
It's already legal to kill someone in self-defense.

All this law does is make it easier for the cops to avoid investigating.

Luckily, there is a public outcry over this case and it will be investigated.
As I've said before, I think the "stand your ground" laws are retarded.

But, they are constitutional.

And, they are the law in Florida.

This is a state matter. The DOJ is not federal tool to change STATE legislation.
I don't know if they are constitutional or not.
That's fine; I don't either. But right now, they are the law.

If there is a constitutional question about the 'stand your ground' laws, then those laws need to be challenged in the SCOTUS. That's not the DOJ's jusridiction nor is it that of the Florida Representative or the Black Caucus - they need to take it to the SCOTUS if they believe the 'stand your ground" laws are unconstitutional.

If the state calls in the feds for assistance, that is fine and it happens quite often. But, they are not a tool to be used for political points.

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